Member Reviews

This book is perfect for anyone who had a best friend that they drifted apart from because their lives took different paths.

I thought the dual timelines were written well and really felt for Billie with all she went through in the past. I don't think that gave her an excuse for what she did even with how awful Cassie was. Neither of these characters were particularly likeable and I struggled to really care about either of them. I liked Billie a bit more, but that's just because Cassie was such a horrible person and friend.

One thing I enjoyed was the dual perspectives. I liked how the chapters alternated with Billie in the present, Billie in the past, and Cassie in the present. It was a unique way to write this story and really worked for me. I listened to the audiobook and thought that Helen Laser and Karissa Vacker were perfect voices for Billie and Cassie respectively. I haven't listened to many books narrated by Laser, and I really enjoyed her take on Billie's character in this story. Vacker was the right choice for Cassie as she was able to show her emotions throughout. I highly recommend the audiobook if you plan on reading this one.

I really wish someone would create a domestic drama genre because this book shouldn't have been classified as a thriller. There was some suspense, but nothing thrilling happened at all. I thought that it dragged on for a while and really wanted something exciting to go down. The ending was completely lackluster, and that was the perfect place for the author to write a major twist.

I'd recommend this if you enjoy:
-New York City settings
-Toxic friendships
-Domestic drama
-Dual timelines/POVs

Thank you Macmillan Audio and St. Martin's Press for advanced copies in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Billie and Cassie are estranged best friends. Cassie has distanced herself for good and bad reasons while Billie is still clinging to the friendship. That is what I never quite understood. There was no reason Billie needed to hold out for Cassie, but that is the basis of the story and the drama that unfolds. I overall enjoyed the book but really couldn't connect or feel any compassion for either main character. That missing piece kept this from being a more engaging read for me. Others may not feel the same way.

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Cassie and Billie have been friends since high school. Best friends, if you ask Billie. But it seems their lives have diverged since Cassie married and quickly had a baby…and we have: women in their 30’s behaving badly!
The story goes back and forth from their childhood to their present day and with Cassie and Billie alternating as narrators. There are several mildly suspenseful storylines, but for me, it was more of a story about women’s friendships (with some great commentary about social media, influencers, and the life of the wealthy).
There are a lot of themes thrown into the book and some weren’t as well developed as they might have been (for instance, the story about Billie’s mother). Overall, an interesting and quick moving novel! Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to read Bye, Baby in exchange for an honest review.

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I received a complimentary electronic Advanced Readers Copy of this novel from Netgalley, the author Carola Lovering, and publisher St. Martin's Press. Thank you all for sharing your hard work with me. I have read Bye, Baby of my own volition, and this review reflects my honest opinion of this work. I am pleased to recommend Carola Loverling to friends and family. She writes an entertaining tale that will take you away. This one involves a lot of social media and influencer mess that I found less than compelling or I would have rated it a *****.

Bye, Baby is the tale of the relationship between Billie and Cassie, two mid-thirties career women in NYC, living the dream, so to speak. Cassie is a clothing store owner, a relative newlywed, a first-time mother, and addicted to Instagram. Billie is a rich person's Travel Consultant, herself traveling the world's hot spots to vet them and discover hidden gems for her customers to explore, a woman without any maternal yearnings or a significant other. For most of their early adulthood, Billie and Cassie were best friends and kindred spirits. They attended the same high school, went to colleges within visiting distance, spent most weekends together, and saw each other through Billie's abusive home life and Cassie's love affair with expensive trivia and bad boys. Marriage and motherhood have interfered with that, much to both of their chagrin. Cassie is completely involved with her 48,000 Instagram followers, her husband, and her 4-month-old baby. Even her business is taking a back seat to her newfound family life. Billie is feeling discarded, unappreciated, and extremely jealous. Nothing good can come of this, but it makes for a fine tale! I think you too will thoroughly enjoy this work.

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I really enjoy stories involving friendships and secrets and the circumstances that create them. This story is not so much a thriller as a examination of the psychology of the relationship between Cassie and Billie in the past and present. There is also the social media aspect and how that can play a part in our own brain chemistry and the way we interact with the world. The whole book is fascinating and the audiobook is expertly narrated by Helen Laser and Karissa Vacker.

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🏙Had bite (maybe too much?🤔)

Though Bye, Baby was well-written, I just had a hard time identifying with or liking most of the characters, apart from sweet baby Ella and Alex, Billie's cop love interest. Cassie and her whole frantic social media-frenzied world and obsession with inherited wealth was just too rarefied, narcissistic and way too often downright insensitive, even cruel.

The plot moves back and forth between Billie and Cassie's BFF years, the first stirrings of their estrangement, and the present. And, in the present, the timeline is split before and after Cassie's big 35th birthday bash, when baby Ella goes missing. I didn't find it at all difficult to follow. I liked the suspense of waiting to learn whether Billie's spur of the moment actions and subsequent coverup would have consequences.

I liked the tragic subplot about Billie's mother and her battle with early onset dementia. Billie's longing to remain close with Cassie also made me sad for her, but then, before too many pages had turned, I thought her lucky if she could leave Cassie and her society friends in the dust!

The story seemed too long; I could have done with less blow by blow details of Cassie's day. The ending was a bit disappointing, though I did like the romance story arc between Billie and Alex.

Thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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"Bye Baby" by Carola Lovering is a captivating exploration of the complex dynamics between lifelong friends Billie and Cassie. The narrative weaves between their high school camaraderie, tackling the challenges of adolescence and tumultuous home lives, and the present day, where they navigate their mid-thirties with starkly different lifestyles. Billie, employed by a luxury travel company, observes Cassie's seemingly perfect life through social media, only to find herself entangled in an unexpected turn of events on Cassie's 35th birthday. The gripping moment when Billie takes Cassie's baby, later returning her anonymously, serves as a poignant catalyst that reshapes their estranged relationship.

The novel delves into the profound theme of outgrowing relationships, despite shared history and enduring connections. It expertly captures the complexities of friendships evolving over time. While I was glad Billie got the ending she did, I would have enjoyed an additional layers or a darker twist to enhance the narrative complexity.

I really enjoyed this book!

Thank you Netgalley and St Martin’s Press for a copy of this ARC in exchange for a honest review!

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This book takes you on a gripping journey through the intertwined lives of Billie & Cassie, exploring themes of love, loss, and the complexities of friendship. I was initially drawn in by the strong start of the book, and enjoyed the alternating perspectives of both Billie and Cassie. The use of flashback chapters added depth to the narrative, providing insight into their pasts and motivations.

One of the strengths of the book lies in the ability to tackle heavy topics with sensitivity, although I would suggest checking trigger warnings due to the nature of some themes.

However, as the story progressed towards the end, I felt it began to lose momentum. Some characters’ choices felt unrealistic, which distracted me from my overall enjoyment. The resolution left me somewhat unsatisfied.

Despite my reservations, I appreciate this author's skillful storytelling and would be willing to explore her work in the future.

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I decided to do the audio for this one since I love Karissa Vacker! The narration was great but there were some TW that I am sick of in thrillers - Pedophile troupe is not my jam.

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Cassie and Billie have been best friends since high school. They’ve been through a lot together and only share some of their darkest secrets with each other.
After a falling out in college, they go their separate ways. Cassie becomes a popular social media influencer with the perfect life, perfect husband and perfect baby girl.
Billie becomes obsessed with Cassie and resents her for continuing to shut her out. On Cassie’s 35th birthday, she throws a huge party at her house.
When the sitter falls through, they have no choice but to keep her at the party with them. The last thing they expect is for someone to take her.

The story is told in dual POVs and takes place in both the past and present. The past helps build the once relationship between Cassie and Billie, and some of the tragedies they’ve gone through together.
I actually really enjoyed this book despite the 3.5 stars. I think that’s just because there wasn’t as much thrill or suspense as I would’ve liked! But I found myself intrigued enough to keep reading and would still recommend it!

TW: sexual assault, rape, kidnapping

Pub date is March 5th!
Thank you @netgalley and @stmartinspress for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Long-term friendships can be so complicated. Throw in some childhood trauma and mismatched aspirations and the ride will be bumpy. Grownups Billie and Cassie have been friends since childhood, but as one marries into money, has a child and a thriving business, she seems to leave the other behind as she forms new friendships. Getting left out or behind never feels good and Billie does all she can to make herself feel better about the situation. Even if that means figuratively going over the edge. I loved the way these characters were portrayed in the book. The story telling was first rate. Great utilization of the glimpses into the past friendship and lives of Cassie and Billie and how that lead them to where they are today. Thank you NetGalley for providing the ARC.

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This was a great book. I loved every paragraph, every sentence and every word of this masterpiece! I read it in 12 hours, which is a lot for me to do! It had everything and more laid out in the novel! I sure hope There is more to come from this author! I am totally hooked!

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Carola Lovering does toxic so well. It’s unnerving. Everyone in this book was so completely insufferable and it’s a little hard to disentangle that from the plot and the writing.

Growing up, Billie and Cassie are inseparable. Bound together by a secret that they must never spill, the girls go through everything together throughout their post-college days in New York

Billie is in her 30’s and remains unmarried and childless. Cassie, constantly seeking a better life, has married up and has become a popular influencer on Instagram, showcasing her picture perfect life. Billie doesn’t fit into Cassie’s new shiny life and is cast aside, which obviously hurts. Billie goes to truly astounding lengths to keep up the one-sided toxic friendship with Cassie who she has on the world’s highest pedestal. Everything comes to a head one October night as Billie does the unthinkable. Her hopes for this friendship being brought back to it’s prior glory all but detonate as she looks down in to the face of Cassie’s beautiful baby, Ella.

This was a fun read. It wasn’t earth shattering or deeply eloquent, but it kept my hooked. If you’re looking for a real mystery or thriller…this just isn’t it. However, I really enjoyed the multiple POV’s and past and present timelines. Sometimes the book felt a little disjointed, like it could have been multiple distinct books. There was a LOT going on in the plot and I would’ve liked to see some aspects more deeply explored including the relationship between Billie and her mom and her mom’s illness. Some parts felt rushed and a bit glossed over where they probably didn’t need to be included. Overall, I enjoyed this book. One of my first comments early on in the book was “wow this is the insufferable people olympics”…and it only got worse. But man, Lovering really delivers on creating ICKY characters.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC! All opinions are my own.

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Billie West is in a NYC apartment when she hears the terrified screams. Her lifelong best friend Cassie is one floor above and has just realized her daughter is missing. Billie is shaken to look down into her arms and see the missing baby that has shattered Cassie's world. BYE, BABY is the story of Billie and Cassie's friendship, filled with secrets and shared trauma, from the time they met in seventh grade up to now at 35 years old. Cassie is a fashion and lifestyle influencer and married to a wealthy man with an infant. Billie is single, childless, and is hurt that she no longer fits in Cassie's world with her new priorities; Billie is ready to do anything to restore their friendship.

BYE, BABY is labeled by some as a thriller but I think that we should be careful with this labeling as it may lead to some false expectations as to what this story entails. I'd be more inclined to state that it is a women's fiction novel with a mix of suspense and psychological drama.

That aside, this novel is a fantastic read and is incredibly bingeworthy. I was quickly hooked into the story by the clever prologue that tells us what happens but not the how or why. BYE, BABY is told in alternating dual POV (Cassie's and Billie's) in the days leading up to the event described in the prologue and the days following. There are some chapters interspersed from the past that highlights how close of a bond Cassie and Billie shared from a young age up to the present.

Lovering does an excellent job at depicting a friendship that has lasted for 20+ years but now is showing the stress of time as the two slowly drift apart as their priorities and interests change. The exploration of the many facets of a friendship, the influence and impact of social media, and overall narration of the plot is highly compelling. Each character is well developed and dynamic if not always likeable. I really enjoyed the side characters: Jane, Alex, Grant, McKay, etc as they each provided a solid support system for both of the main characters. The ending is truly well done and ties up everything neatly.

<i>I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher, St. Martin's Press, of this advanced digital copy for the opportunity to read this novel in exchange for an honest review! All opinions shared are my own.</i>

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Well this novel did a number on my anxiety! Be mindful that this is billed as a thriller but it was more of an interesting character study about two best friends and how their relationship has changed over many years peppered with some drama and mystery. Both Billie and Cassidy made some extremely questionable choices and were highly flawed. I jumped between listening and reading this one and would recommend either format - the dual narrators (Helen Laser and Karissa Vacker) were great and played both MCs so well.

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A baby is missing.
Billie’s best friend, Cassie, is in the apartment above her screaming for her child.
Billie looks down at the infant in her arms.
What has she done?

Billie and Cassie were best friends in high school, but now that they’ve grown up, they’ve grown estranged from one another because Cassie married a man with money and quickly started a family. Cassie has become a social media influencer by promoting her clothing store & giving advice to her online followers.

Billie has become alienated from her once best friend, and the only glimpse she has into Cassie’s life is through her social media stories. Billie knows that Cassie can’t cut her out of her life for good, there’s a secret they’ve kept for years that’ll crush one of them if it’s ever exposed.

I dove into this head first thinking it was a thriller that would knock my socks off, but it’s more of a mystery with a bit of drama, and a dash of romance. The beginning piqued my curiosity with the stolen baby, and it felt like the story was building, but the middle fell flat and Billie’s constant need for attention from her stuck up ex best friend was boring me. The characters were unlikable, and I had a hard time engaging with the story.

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Bye, Baby by Carola Lovering is completely anxiety inducing. Knowing from the first chapter what is going to happen doesn’t lessen the tension, in fact, it dramatically increases it. The toxicity in Billie and Cassie’s relationship creates such a dynamic. At first, you’re like, oh this is so relatable. Then, as you continue to read, you’re like, oh wait, never mind. I loved the end and wish I could see where these characters were going to go next.

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I appreciate the opportunity to read this one, unfortunately it didn't work for me. It felt scattered and a little much for all that was already going on in this story. It may be the fact that the missing baby plot was too much for me right now. I will eventually try again on audio once it's published. These type thrillers usually work better for on audio.

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This isn’t a mystery or a thriller. It’s not a whodunnit - you know who from the blurb. It felt more like general fiction and focused on the two main characters, Cassie and Billie, and their changing friendship throughout their lives and as the result of what Billie does. Felt like it dragged on at times. Overall, if you’re looking for a thriller then keep on looking. But if you’re looking for more contemporary fiction then come on up!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is one of the better character-driven books I've read recently. Told mostly from the perspectives of Billie and Cassie in dual timelines, you get swept into the suspense of wondering what led these two lifelong best friends to drift apart in their present lives after their shared past cemented them together.

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