Member Reviews

I’m still processing...

2/15 I still don't know if I liked this book. I read the whole thing. I was hooked. I couldn't stand both characters and yet sympathized with both. I saw the ending coming and was hoping for a little bit more of a mind f*ck, but it is what it is. I'm still wrapping my head around the story.

Can we stay friends with those we grew up with? They were around for the trauma that shaped us, and yet are they the continued support we need? Or a constant link to the past? Never letting us move on. Bye, Baby is a domestic thriller with two unlikeable, unreliable characters. I suggest you read it. I feel like people will love it or hate it and I have a feeling that is exactly what the author intended.

I received an advanced copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I was intrigued by the description of this book. I was excited for a new hriller!
Unfortunately, this one fell flat for and missed the "thriller" mark.
I didn't care for the insane amount of needless detail throughout the story. It was unnecessary.
This book revolved around a very toxic friendship. There is jealousy, deception, and narcissism. It also definitely shows us how social media can overtake some people's lives.
Overall, unfortunately, I had a hard time getting through this one.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press, Carola Lovering, and NetGallery for this digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book sucked me in immediately! You start off right into the kidnapping of Cassie’s baby. I enjoyed switching between different timelines and point of views. I will say there were a few points in the story when it felt like it was dragging on. It does go into details about toxic female friendships. I would check trigger warnings before jumping into this book. Overall I enjoyed it.

Thanks to NetGalley and St Martins Press for the ARC.

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I loved this book! Bye, Baby is one of my favourite reads so far this year. The story is based around the childhood friends of Billie and Cassie, who are thicker than thieves when they are younger but grow to live very different lives as adults. Cassie is married with a child of her own, becomes an influencer glued to her phone. Billie prefers a simpler life and doesn’t want to have children of her own. As time goes on the friendship fades, Billie might as well just be a “ follower “ on Instagram watching Cassie’s life play out without being apart of it anymore. Is that enough for Billie? After everything they have been through together?

Told from both points of views, starting in present day, going back to the often traumatic childhood of Billie, I found this story very engrossing. I had to know what was going to happen next.
Topics include Alzheimer’s, sexual abuse, downside of social media, toxic friendships and the pressure often put on women to become mothers. This is my second Carola Lovering read, and I look forward to reading anything she writes.
I don’t want to say too much more about this one, just read it!
Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to read an advanced copy.

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Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Genre: Mystery Thriller

"Bye, Baby" by Carola Lovering is a gripping tale that delves into complex friendships and the secrets that bind them. Billie and Cassie, at some points, are the best of friends. Things change when ambitious Cassie decides to enter a different world of fame and success and has a different circle of friends. Billie refuses to move on, and things will get really intense.

The narrative is told from the points of view of the two main characters, and there are also multiple time frames that alternate between the past and the present. The present days are all counted towards the day that Cassie’s baby is kidnapped. There is no need to worry because this is not a spoiler, as you will be aware from the very beginning of the prologue.

There is a saying that says, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”. Somehow, this saying might be relevant to this story as we see how two close best friends fall apart and how things deteriorate between them. Overall, I found the book to be entertaining; however, there were times when I felt that the characters just had one dimension. Despite the fact that the author's writing style was excellent and made the book simple to read, the plot left me wanting much more, which is especially surprising given that it is a thriller.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book.

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Wow! This book was a ride and I could not look away.

The story has all the elements that I love in a psychological thriller…multiple timelines, multiple narrators, fragile friendships, and past lives coming to light.

The two main characters, Cassie and Billie, have been friends since they were pre-teens and grew up together but after Cassie got engaged and became an influencer/boutique owner, their friendship drifted.

The book opens with a kidnapping - Cassie’s baby Ella has been taken by Billie…but why? The next several chapters unravel the history and complexity of the toxic friendship between these two women and the details do not disappoint.

I enjoyed this book and found the emotions palpable, especially Billie’s. There were a lot of details and some were a lot to handle. Trigger warning for SA.

Definitely recommend this book!

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⭐️: 4/5

Childhood best friends Cassie and Billie have stayed closed and united by their secrets, but as they approach 35, they’ve begun to drift apart. Cassie is now a new mother to her daughter Ella with her husband Grant, and Billie is single, childless, and no longer fits into Cassie’s world. As tensions grow between the two, Billie will go to extreme lengths to restore their friendship.

This is the third book by Carola Lovering that I’ve read, and also my favorite. All three books have dealt in a way with the complexities of growing up and connecting with people while trying to find your place in the world, but this one focused on the toxicities that can arise within female friendships resulting from secrets, power imbalances, and differing views of what the future holds. Catty and toxic female friendships can feel a little overdone, especially because it can get tiring reading about women fighting amongst themselves, but I feel like this book goes a little deeper into the reasons why we get competitive and catty with people who are supposed to be our closest friends in the world. Both main characters were so unlikable and made such stupid decisions, but the feeling of the other shoe about to drop was done so well. I will admit, this book seemed to go on about 25% too long, and would have been a better read for me if it was just a little more condensed and fast paced. I also found myself wanting more closure for one of the storylines in particular. I did love the structure of the flashbacks and POV switches though, and I will definitely be looking forward to future books by Lovering.

Thank you to @netgalley and @stmartinspress for this free eARC!!

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Thanks for the ARC netgalley! I loved Lovering’s thriller “Too Good to Be True” and I was so excited for this one. It did not disappoint! This deep look at lifelong female friends bonded by childhood, trauma and secrets was fascinating. It examines how a friendship can change when one friend becomes a mother and the complexities of female friendship.

Billie and Cassie have been best friends since they were teens, getting each other through the rough years and attached because of their shared secret. Now 35, Cassie is a new mom and influencer, fixated on the wealthy lifestyle she loves and her daughter. She’s pushed Billie aside, as she doesn’t fit into her orbit any longer. Billie doesn’t understand why they can’t be friends and comes to holding Cassie’s baby that she kidnapped. Told in alternating perspectives and dual timelines, we see their friendship over decades from each POV.

This is marketed as a thriller but isn’t standard, as we know from the prologue that Billie has kidnapped Cassie’s baby. The structure though works and kept me on my toes. Both women are flawed, but what’s so interesting is how much I sided with Billie throughout-despite her horrific choices. I’m not sure if that’s because I’m childless by choice and have been treated by some friends as less than for not wanting children, or if that’s the angle of the book for all readers. It left me thinking about female friendships and where our limits are, how far our bonds go, and when it’s time to say goodbye to certain friendships. I highly recommend this one, just don’t go into it expecting a fast paced thriller plot. Available everywhere March 5th!

✨Trigger Warnings: Sexual Assault, Kidnapping, Toxic Friendship, Death of a Parent, Dementia

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Let me start by saying that I loved Tell Me Lies (both the book and the show). I think I had big expectations because of that. I just felt like this story didn't really go anywhere. The kidnapping was only a small part of the story and it wasn't really a mystery like I thought it would be. It was more about the dynamic relationship between the two main characters, which I actually liked but there wasn't a lot of character development like I would have liked. And I would have liked a little deeper dive into Billie's step-dad and the issues going on with that relationship and with the accidental murder. I also think there were some plot holes and some unrealistic moments. I wanted a happier ending but I understand that was probably also unrealistic. I will still read more from this author, but this one was a miss.

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This book takes a deep dive into a toxic friendship, some messed up childhoods, the need for approval, and the unfortunate pull of social media…and for some reason, I couldn’t stop reading to find out where it was all headed! Now I just want to put these characters in therapy and give them a hug. 😆

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A decent read that took me a while to get into. The characters were not very likable to me, yet I could relate to Cassie after the birth of my first child. The toxicity of Cassie and Billie's friendship kept me wanting to read more.
Definitely a good buddy read.

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4 out of 5 stars!

When Cassie Barnwell can’t find her infant baby, Ella, her world is turned upside down. Who would take her? It couldn’t possibly be her childhood best friend, Billie West, could it? But after hearing Cassie scream when not being able to find her baby, Billie looks down and realizes she is responsible. Cassie and Billie have been friends for almost two decades and share a secret. But after Cassie gets married to a wealthy man, has a baby, and becomes an influencer, their relationship becomes strained. Billie wants things to get back to normal, but can they after Billie takes Ella?

After reading the first chapter, I was hooked in a way I haven’t been recently! I read this book in under a day because I just couldn’t put it down. “Bye, Baby” has everything from suspense, to thrillers, and romance. I will admit, this probably isn’t the biggest thriller I have ever read, but this book kept me at the edge of my seat. I was so invested in what happened and how it would play out. There were no jaw-dropping twists, but I really enjoyed the ending and how everything played out.

I thought everything in this book was very intentional and planned out thoroughly. I loved the flashbacks and thought they really helped follow the story and helped it make sense. Also, it really made me understand the characters and understand the decisions they made throughout the story. Overall, I really enjoyed the characters and thought they all brought something to the story.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press, Carola Lovering, and NetGallery for a digital ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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This book was such a dark, sexy, suspenseful read and I loved it! SO MUCH DRAMA and I’m here for it! I absolutely love @carolatlovering books, this is my 3rd one from her and it did not disappoint. I loved the different POVs and the flashbacks getting to learn about Cassie and Billie’s complicated friendship, I know “Tell Me Lies” has been made into a series, but I wouldn’t be opposed to have this one made into one too! 🤌🏻

Thank you @stmartinspress for the arc in exchange for my honest review. Pub date: March

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I thought this story started out interesting, but the main event happened just after the halfway point and it lost steam from there.

I wasn't a fan of the characters in this book, but I was okay with that because I was curious to find out how these people got to the point they were at. Unfortunately, you return to the prologue just after the halfway point and the remainder of the book is just the fallout from the event. You would expect the fallout might be thrilling based on the blurb, but it is sad in a pathetic sort of way. There are also a lot of dumb decisions, which I found frustrating.

Eventually, the book comes back around and the ending was good, but it was too late to completely save the story for me. I thought the overarching story was good, but that section of the book just wasn't executed very well.

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Thank you #netgalley for this ARC. I raced through it in a little over 24 hours. I found it to be enjoyably fast paced and filled with complex, flawed characters. I loved the back and forth between Billie and Cassie, and the jumping between decades. I thought the entire storyline was well-written and well-executed. Bravo!

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I was intrigued with the synopsis of this book. Billie hears her best friend Cassie screaming when she realizes her baby is missing but looks down to said baby in her own arms. Neither of the two main characters were likeable. Cassie is a pretentious influencer, which I really dislike in books. Social media is everywhere in real life so I don’t need it in my books. Billie is a bit of a spineless 2-D character that obsessed over the friendship. I kept hoping for a plot twist or some big reveal but what was likely meant to be that, just wasn’t. The link connecting these women wasn’t as crazy as I think it was supposed to be. There were also coincidences that were way too convenient and unrealistic. We know from the synopsis (and the beginning of the book) who took the baby so it didn’t leave much mystery or thrill to be had.

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Title: Bye, Baby
Author: Carola Lovering
Pub Date: March 5, 2024

Cassie and Billie have been friends since childhood. Now at 35 years old, they lead very different lives. Cassie married into wealth and just had a baby, while Billie is single, lives alone, and does not want children. Cassie has moved on from her friendship with Billie and prefers to surround herself with people more like herself, but Billie can’t seem to let her friendship with Cassie go. All she can think about is the history they have together, which includes a secret that they have sworn to never tell. Jeoulousy and anger finally get the best of Billie, and one night she makes a spur of the moment decision to take Cassie’s baby for a few hours and this event changes everything.

This story is told from a dual point of view and alternates between past and present. It is categorized as being a thriller but I think it fits more into the genre of psychological fiction/drama. It deals with some pretty heavy issues such as sexual abuse, Alzheimer’s, secrets and lies, and molestation to name a few.

I really enjoyed this book and I think that many people will be able to relate to it. I found myself thinking about my own friendships that I thought would last a lifetime but have somehow faded with time. It made me also think about the times I have spent with some of those friends and how it once seemed impossible that we would no longer be such a huge part of each other’s lives. Many times, it seemed like Billie was obsessed with Cassie, but I just think she was desperate to hold on to the friendship that she used to have. She definitely made bad decisions but I can empathize with her feelings and found myself wanting her to find happiness.

Thank you to Net Galley and St. Martin’s Press for this advanced reader copy!

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The description of this novel hit me like a gut punch. Billie hears the terrified screams of her best friend on the floor above, only to realize she is the source of that terror. Billie has kidnapped her best friend’s daughter… WOW! I’m totally hooked from the first three pages!

The novel is told in two parts. Part one traces Billie and Cassie’s friendship from the beginning as well as the daily leadup to the kidnapping. Part two focuses on how their friendship slowly unraveled overtime and post-kidnapping.

As the novel progresses, it is very apparent that Cassie and Billie have an incredibly toxic friendship based on past trauma. Billie has become codependent upon Cassie to the point that she quite unhealthily stalks her Instagram and obsesses over every detail. Cassie has her own self-esteem issues and the need to “fit in” with her new wealthy friend group, leading her to further cut ties with Billie. Neither woman is willing to completely give up the other and this becomes more apparent after the kidnapping.

Part two was intense. As the reader, I was totally immersed in the story and almost literally biting my nails while waiting for the inevitable. This is a fast-paced read, worthy of a beach or rainy day.

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Billie and Cassie were best friends as kids. Now they’re adults and live very different lives but Billie has never really gotten past the fact that they’ve drifted apart. Cassie is now an Instagram influencer and has a husband and baby and Billie has none of these things. Their friendship was toxic as children and as adults, jealousy has lead Billie to make a spur of the moment decision that changes everything in the course of her life. The story begins the day the event takes place and then goes back 50 days beforehand and then to the days after. You spend a chunk of the story just waiting for Billie to get caught, which amps up the stress factor. Then slowly bits and pieces of their relationship as kids are revealed and you see why their friendship was toxic and the secret that they share that drove them apart, and while that aspect was predictable, I still enjoyed the suspense leading up to the revelation. It’s a slow burn that’s worth the wait.
I was lucky enough to have been given both an eArc and an audiobook version and the audiobook was fab! The narrators are quickly becoming 2 of my favs as they do a great job of bringing the stories to life.
Overall this was a great popcorn thriller that I would recommend with trigger warnings of sexual abuse.
Thanks to St. Martins Press, Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for this eArc and the audiobook in exchange for my review.

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Thanks to Netgalley for allowing me to read this.

I have to say, this book did hold my interest. It was a book though that I really didn't like the main characters but yet I wanted to keep reading to see what happened. The ending was a bit of a let down but not unexpected. I will look into reading more if this author's books.

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