Member Reviews

I got 14% into this story and unfortunately hated every character. Cassidy was obnoxious and Billie was whiny. I didn't care what happened between them nor what led to the kidnapping.

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Thank you, Netgalley, the author, and MacMillan audio for the gifted audiobook! ❤️ #gifted. My review is comprised of my honest thoughts.

Read this book if you like: Multiple POV, past and present timelines, missing child, rough pasts

I liked it but I wish it was darker. I expected more thrills. It reads as if it will be an intense thriller but ends up being a light read. It kept my attention, and I wanted to know what happened next. The story is good but not what I expected.

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Two friends, Cassie and Billie, grew up together. Cassie had dreams of capture the wealthy lifestyle denied her after her father spent their family money. Billie was merely trying to get out of her house where her stepfather was unkind and abused her. Years later, they are in NYC and have drifted apart - Cassie has married an incredibly rich man and Billie is still struggling. Cassie has outgrown Billie and Billie continues to long for Cassie's presence in her life. They come back together after Cassie's baby is kidnapped.

Interesting and complex relationships.

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This book!! Aaahhh!! So good! It’s about 2 female “best friends” who live completely separate lives but have a sort of tortured past that keeps them connected. Billie and Cassie have known each other since middle school and were extremely close until Cassie began dating a very wealthy man. I loved both women, in their own ways! This had so many twists and it had my mind spiraling! Absolutely loved it! It comes out in March so be on the lookout! #CarolaLovering #NetGalley #ByeBaby #GreatRead #fivestars #booknerd #bestfriends #HighlyRecommend

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, St. Martin's Press for granting access to this book in exchange for my honest review.

I decided to request Bye, Baby because it was on Goodread's list of most anticipated books for this year (2024). The plot also sounded interesting to me.

I found myself having very conflicting thoughts about this book. I loved it (it was unputdownable), but I also hated it somehow!? I am going to attempt to review this book without giving away too many spoilers.

I am not going to lie. I hated all the characters in this book. I am not sure why but I felt more connected to Billie than Cassie (maybe because I am not wealthy), however even if did sympathize with her, I still believe that she had no right to take the baby. And as much as I thought the women were annoying and self-centered, I thought some of the male characters in this book were a**holes. The interesting thing is that usually when I don't like any characters in a book, I don't finish that book. However, this book was very addicting and I just *had to* find out how the book ended. It is my opinion that this book is basically the equivalent of trashy reality TV but in written form. It is purely a guilty pleasure. I was thinking when I read the plot of this book, it would be a five-star read for me. However, because I didn't like the characters, and I also was put off by some of the plot (check your trigger warnings!), this brought down my star rating. However, because I found this book addicting enough to finish in one day, I am not rating it one star.

In my opinion, this book gets 5 stars for the addicting plot, but the characters only get like two stars. I also don't think the reason for the kidnapping was very well executed. That part didn't make sense to me. As stated, I was not comfortable with certain subplots, so that also brought this book rating down for me. I think if I had known about the subplots I may not have requested this book. However, I just skipped through these parts. The ending was also depressing to me (but that might be because I love to read happy-go-lucky romance novels).

Somehow, even if I didn't like the characters or parts of the plot, I still did not hate this book. And I believe that shows what a good writer Carola Lovering is. I would definitely read another book by her in the future, because of how addicting this book was, however, I would like to know more about the plotlines before doing so. The fact that I couldn't put this down and finished it one day still says something.

All and all I would probably rate this book somewhere between 3-4 stars.

I am curious...does anyone have similar opinions about this book?

This book will be released on March 5th, 2024.

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Thanks so much to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

For starters I never considered not finishing this book. I was interested in the characters (even if a lot of them weren’t likeable) and the overall story. BUT I wouldn’t really consider this a mystery or thriller. There is a little bit of mystery, but it’s resolved to the reader very quickly and I kept waiting for another twist. This to me was a story of dealing with trauma and the complex relationships between childhood friends as their lives change. I think going into it expecting mystery/thriller threw me off as I kept trying to figure out how the obvious outcome was going to get twisted, and then the obvious outcome is the outcome. I enjoyed the writing style and would definitely pick up another book by Carola Lovering.

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Carola Lovering hit this book out of the ballpark! I loved the writing and the characters, it really was interesting to read this storyline. I thought the drama and suspense made up a great part of it and it really made the book interesting.

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This is my first book by Carola Lovering and it was an enjoyable read. The book is about two lifelong friends Billie and Cassie and the secrets friends keep that can drive them apart. Billie is a single woman with no children trying to make the best of her life. Cassie is a young wealthy mother gaining strength as an influencer. Billie is obsessed with Cassie. She can't go a few hours without checking into Cassie's Instagram feed to see her lovely life. The story is told from their two perspectives. It is a character based story that centers around an event in their lives they are trying to overcome. Billie does something shocking but will their friendship survive?
Thank you to NetGalley and St Martins Press for the advance readers copy.

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Friends forever and then no more.

What happened?

We follow Billie and Cassie from their teenage years to adulthood.

Cassie is an Instagram star married to a wealthy man, and Billie flies around the world planning vacations for clients.

They haven't spoken for a while, but Billie misses her childhood friend.

The opening chapter has Billie with Cassie's baby - she had kidnapped the baby. Why? That definitely kept me reading.

I wanted to find out the reason why and what the kidnapping was for and what the non-revealed secret was that popped up from Cassie’s past.

But, BYE, BABY was not the thriller I was expecting but got good around 50% as things are revealed.

It was more about the lives of the characters and petty disagreements.

I enjoyed Ms. Lovering's other books and was disappointed in this book until half way, but it was worth the wait.

My original rating was a 3/5, but have raised it to 4/5 after all the revelations and the great ending.

Thank you to the publisher for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Obsession and wanting to be someone you aren't are the main focal points of this book. This is not quite a thriller but it still has great merit. I recommend this for people who want a creepy friend vibe story.

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The bonds of friendship bind Billie and Cassie together, and have since high school. Over the years they've shared everything, even childhood trauma and a potentially life altering split second decision. This has only drawn them closer and increased their loyalty to one another... or has it?

Cassie, always reaching to achieve the old money and status it brings, drifts away from her lifelong friend Billie. Marrying into money (lots of it!) and becoming an influencer, entrepreneur, and mom has changed her and allowed her to bury her past.

Billie, with a history of toxic relationships and emotional trauma, is so incredibly hurt by Cassie's retreat. One split second decision changes everything. And things become worse when it's covered up like secrets of the past. Will the love and loyalty of their past save their relationship or tear them apart for good?

ARC copy provided courtesy of NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. Thank you!

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This book contains violence and sexual abuse/harassment. The sexual abuse is between a guardian (non-blood related) and a teenager (18). The abuse depicted is fairly graphic. There are also scenes that describe emotional abuse, loss of a parent, blood, some sex, and kidnapping of a baby.

I'm beginning to think thrillers maybe just aren't for me. Or maybe I'm just really not vibing with these authors. This is another book where I just really don't like most of the characters.

The book starts with Billie having just "kidnapped" Cassie's baby. The book then moves on to tell the tale from the beginning with Billie and Cassie both narrating. There are also passages from the past that are interspersed throughout that inform Cassie's and Billie's friendship from the past.

Y'all, this book is so messy to me. Let's start by saying this: Cassie is almost never a good friend to Billie. She consistently alienates her from other people much like an abusive partner. Cassie is always vapid, and every action she takes is in her own self-interest. She takes no time to understand Billie's emotions or desires. When Billie is honest about not wanting to have kids, Cassie is not only not supportive but essentially cuts Billie out of her life because she has a baby and rich friends. Billie experiences real trauma in her life, and while Cassie does step up, she never seems to actually help Billie process.

As adults, Cassie is happy to just push Billie out of the picture. Billie isn't rich, doesn't come from old money, and isn't a mom. I get that part of the book is to show that friendships run courses and what toxic friendships look like, but I just didn't find that Cassie had a single redeeming quality. Not that Billie was a saint, but I just hated the dichotomy. It reminds me of 90s movies where the hot jock (Cassie) elevates the nerd girl (Billie) by taking her ponytail down and removing her glasses. I just didn't like it.

This book was an easy, quick read, but the characters weren't great, and I just didn't love the main plot.

Visit my blog for a full review with spoilers.

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Warning this book may cause some serious second hand embarrassment! I cringed so hard so many times! If this had been a movie, I would have watched parts of it from between my fingers!
Best friends Billie and Cassie used to be inseparable, but now in their thirties, their friendship has changed. But when Cassie’s infant daughter goes missing, she turns to the one person who really knows her, Billie.
Be aware these characters are not particularly lovable. Especially Cassie. This book flips between past and present as well and chapters are told either from Billie’s or Cassie’s viewpoint.
I think this a reach as a thriller. I’m not entirely sure how I would categorize it! Either way it was a good read and I will definitely read more by this author!
TW: child abuse (sexual multiple encounters)

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This didn't really read as a thriller to me, more of a literary fiction with some dark elements to it. It was more about the friendship than anything really mysterious or "thrillerish". I found it hard to get through. I just kept hoping a twist would come along to make it more like a thriller book, but it didn't happen.

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I’ve been a fan of Carola Lovering’s writing for a while now, and have read all of her books. The first word that comes to mind when I think of her novels is JUICY! They are always full of drama, shocking moments, fun twists, and 100% addictive. I always prepare myself for a wild and crazy ride when I pick up one of her books. Her forthcoming novel, Bye, Baby is focused on two old friends, Billie and Cassie. Their friendship seems to have shifted recently after Cassie became a mother and lifestyle influencer. Billie is feeling left out, pushed away, and forgotten. And oh boy, the drama just escalates from there! I’d call Bye, Baby a domestic drama that studies and really dives deep into the complexities of female friendship. Along with friendship, it also includes a few more of my very favorite themes: motherhood and marriage. Lovering’s crafty writing style really made this one a winner in my eyes. She incorporates quick flashbacks from the past that effortlessly weave into the present storyline, and make things really click for the reader. You really get a better understanding of each woman’s character and behavior. I thought that the execution of it all was flawless. I wouldn’t necessarily call either woman particularly likable, as I went through periods of distaste and irritation for both of them, but also felt small pangs of sympathy and understanding as well. That’s some brilliant character development right there! Overall, this was a fun one to listen to. If you’ve enjoyed Lovering’s novels in the past, I’m very confident that you’ll enjoy one too. Bye, Baby releases on March 5th, and it gets 5/5 stars from me!

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Bye, Baby has a lovely title, a great premise, but it isn't the greatest thriller.
It's more a novel with a lot of drama and little suspense, but for some reason it remains interesting to read further and watch the story unravel.

A story about two best friends grown apart with a secret that binds them and keeps them connected.
A story that misleads a little just going with the title and the synopsis. This story isn't about a baby kidnapped. This is a drama about two friends with different lives and an understanding and obsession that drives them to great lengths.

It is figuring out what happened between these women that drove them apart.
Mostly it is following their daily lives and reading about their differences.
It was compelling enough to keep on reading but that is about it.

ARC received from Netgalley

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Thank you to @stmartinspress and @netgalley for this advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review.

Billie and Cassie have been the best of friends since childhood and up until they go off to college. They are bound together by a secret, but is that enough to keep the friendship alive? Cassie started life in a very well to do family, but through circumstances, her family loses it all and she has to live a much different life. She is now on a mission to find and marry a rich man. She becomes very obsessed with this plan and starts to pull away from Cassie as she meets new and richer friends at College. Cassie is just too many reminders of a past she wants to forget. Cassie, on the other hand, is obsessed with getting her best friend back. She makes some really, really bad decisions along the way. I just wanted to shake her and tell her to just stop. She really was infuriating at at times. This was a real look at love and toxic relationships and just how far you'll go for that love. Overall, it was a very addictive story and I flew through the pages.

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Bye, Baby was my third novel from Carola Lovering and my least favorite. I had a hard time connecting to either Billie or Cassie; neither were people I aspire to be, or would want to call a best friend. The things Billie went through with Cassie at her side, created an unbalanced friendship that was unhealthy and should have ended long before it did. Towards the last quarter of the book I did skim some of the flashbacks and when things started to get tight for Billie, I got second hand "oh shit" feelings for her. Even though it's not my favorite book of hers, t's a book I would recommend to fans of Carola Lovering, and I will keep my eyes out for future releases.
Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins Press for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Billie and Cassie grew up together and despite being very different people, they have been best friends since they were 12. Cassie has been pulling away from Billie in recent years and Billie can't understand why as nothing has happened to cause the wedge. Cassie is so engrossed in her upscale life that she feels Billie is pulling her down, but all of that changes when her baby daughter goes missing - from then on Billie is the only person she needs.

I have loved Lovering's prior books and I think having read them my expectations were properly set going into this one. I knew not to expect a thriller that would keep me on the edge of my seat but to instead expect a mystery that would keep me engaged and wanting to know more, and that is exactly what I got. This was definitely a character driven story and I thought Billie and Cassie were very well developed. I felt for Billie a lot and Cassie was just awful, but despite not liking her I still was engrossed in her chapters. While it was character driven, the plot continued to move and it never felt slow or boring. I loved that their backstories were sprinkled throughout the book and it really just built everything up and kept me interested. My only somewhat of a criticism was that it didn't feel like Cassie's story was wrapped up enough at the end, Billie's definitely was but I wanted more on the Cassie front. Overall the book was very well executed.

*I do think some trigger warnings should be included in the final copy because there was a lot to unpack here.

I'm around 4.5 stars on this one but rounding up!

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Synopsis: Best friends Billie and Cassie used to be inseparable, but now in their thirties, their friendship has become strained. But when Cassie’s infant daughter goes missing, she turns to Billie, her oldest friend, for help.

Thoughts: I really think you should go into this one blind - don’t even read the full blurb. I had no idea where this story was going, but it had so much depth and so many layers to uncover that I was riveted. I wouldn’t call it a thriller or mystery as much as a domestic drama, but it was very captivating and well-written. If you’re like me, you may be extremely frustrated with the main character in the beginning, but as the story unfolds through dual timelines, her motivations become more understandable. Overall, this was a well-crafted exploration of trauma and female friendship that is worth a read! Definitely check out the trigger warnings for this one as the author explores some pretty dark themes.

Read this if you like:
🍼 female friendships
🍼 dual timelines
🍼 dual pov
🍼 domestic drama

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