Member Reviews

“And isn’t that a requisite of loving someone—to grow complacent to their most fatal flaw? To suppress the urge to change them until it all but disappears? The practice resembles acceptance, but the process is more painful. It’s more like sacrifice.”

On a brisk night in a New York apartment, Billie West hears terrified screams. It's her lifelong best friend Cassie Barnwell, one floor above, and she's just realized her infant daughter has gone missing. Billie looks down into her own arms to see the baby, remembering—with a jolt of fear—that she is responsible for the kidnapping that has instantly shattered Cassie’s world.

This is a pulse pounding, stay up past your bedtime, skip life’s responsibilities to figure out what is going to happen type of thriller!
The type of book that you want to fly through but that you don’t want to end. A book hangover book. The best type of book. 👏🏻👏🏻

This story is told from dual pov, Billie and Cassie, and with dual narrators for the audiobook (one of which is Karissa Vacker so you already know, the other is Helen Laser who was also great). It’s written as a countdown with each chapter noting the amount of days before the “incident”. And during flashback chapters it’s written in a different font. Loved that touch!

Bye, Baby was just fabulous! Every time I start a book I hope that it will take me on a ride like this one did. Wow. Thank you thank you to Netgalley, Macmillan Audio, @carolatlovering, and St Martin’s Press for the ARC and ALC in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the Kindle ARC. Bye, Baby is a suspense novel about two long-time friends who have drifted apart. They carry a secret between them about an incident when they were teens. Cassie has moved on to a more upscale life with a husband, penthouse apartment, a baby and her own brand name store. Billie has achieved success but is unmarried and doesn't want children. As the friends grow further apart, Billie can't let go and it culminates in an act that she will regret. Carola Lovering's story is faced paced and tense. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys the suspense/drama genre.

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As the book begins Cassie discovers that her baby Ella is missing. We know that narrator Billie has taken Ella, but we don’t know why. We weave through the friendship between the two women to see what brings them to this crisis point.

A just OK novel. I really couldn’t relate to Billie at all. In fact, everyone in this novel seemed pretty terrible. I thought I would like this more.

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I previously read this author’s book Tell Me Lies and thoroughly enjoyed it. There seems to be a theme of feminism or female power in that book and this which I love. The choice to whether or not have children is a hotly debated topic not just in this country but across the globe. While it was a topic throughout the book, I felt like the true overarching subject was friendships and what happens when they run their course or we outgrow friends. This topic hit home for me as it’s something I personally have gone through with friends and I think the author did a good job of exploring that. The added suspense with the baby made it a page-turner that I couldn’t put down!

Trigger warning: Topics of abuse and sexual assault.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Thanks to #netgalley for approving my request for Bye,Baby!

I just discovered Carola Lovering’s work via audible over this past summer and needless to say she has yet to disappoint! This latest novel is an excellent and captivating tale! As a woman who hasn’t had a “BFF” in quite sometime post motherhood and relationships/marriages. This book truly resonated with me.

There’s so many takeaways from this book. From Billie’s social media stalking to Cassie’s over sharing on the platform, to the nuances of outgrowing or running from your past life. I think Cassie was very obsessed and obnoxious during those college years and trying to fit in with McCay. I was totally not surprised to see her scale back her friendship with Billie as she no longer fit the “aesthetics” of what Cassie’s new reality had become.
Additionally, I thought it was very in form with Cassie’s character to not accept Billie’s “news” about Grant & his inappropriate behavior towards Jane. Naturally, Cassie was not about to miss out on her “meal ticket” to escape middle class mediocrity (an identity she’s been running from since we were introduced to her in the story). I also think Billie should’ve been smart enough to know that there was no way in hell that Cassie was going to be receptive to the idea of Grant being a JERK whether it was true or not and especially coming from Billie. Truly a sad situation that hinders so many friendships/relationships in fiction and in reality!
However, as a reader it was very difficult to understand Billie’s obsession with Cassie upon reaching adulthood. The stalker vibes were out of this world and so extremely creepy on Billie’s behalf. And to climb up that fire escape like a raging lunatic was so despicable and thrilling at the same time! I mean I couldn’t believe what I was reading!
Wade absolutely got what he deserved!
Lastly, I’d totally recommend this book especially if you’re a fan of the author.

~~A few things that will stick with me after reading this book:
~Be mindful of how much we share personal information on the internet.
~Reminder of how meaningless material things are, when faced with “real” life situations
~Also how so many things are facades, especially the social media realm
~Trauma Bonds are Real and can be very Unhealthy

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This was my first Carola Lovering read and it did not disappoint ! I live for complicated and toxic girl friend dynamics and I was constantly torn between yelling at Cassie and Billie to finally figure it out or just stay far far away from each other. While some of the twists weren’t entirely unpredictable, I was still fascinated by how they handled the things that came their way and the fallout from certain incidents. I requested and read this without having any idea what it was about and I strongly encourage everyone to do the same !

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Thank you to Netgalley for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I'm a Carola Lovering fan so I was pumped to see this in my inbox! I was a little worried about the concept as a mom of two little kids.

The story surrounds two childhood friends, Cassie and Billie. They grew up on Long Island with troubled childhoods and grow apart in adulthood.

Cassie has a four month old daughter named Ella who she is obsessed with. Billie is childless by choice and ends up taking Cassie's baby almost without realizing it.

Carola is the queen of toxic relationships, romantic and platonic, and I enjoyed this one. It delves into Cassie being an influencer and Billie stalking her on Instagram. I thought the ending wrapped up a little too cleanly which is why I only rated it four stars, felt a little anticlimactic and I saw a couple of the plot points coming.

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Fabulous book. Not really a thriller and not really a domestic drama but overall just good. I enjoyed the characters and the story surrounding the plot.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an eARC in exchange of an honest review.

3.5 stars rounded down to 3

Bye, Baby is categorized as a Mystery/Thriller but I didn't find that to be the case (hence rounding down to 3 stars).

The book follows Cassie and Billie who have outgrown their childhood/teen/college years friendship and have become extremely toxic to each other. Both characters are unlikeable but I had sympathy for both at different times during the book.

It took me less than a day to read because I wanted to know what would happen next and how everything would be resolved. Would a childhood secret be exposed? Would Billie's act of insanity be uncovered and end the friendship for good?

The ending fell flat for me. Without giving too much away, I hard disagree with how things all came together and the lack of consequences in the end.

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Carola Lovering's "Bye, Baby" takes readers on a compelling exploration of complex relationships, seamlessly weaving together various themes such as friendship, motherhood, careers in the age of social media, dementia, and the delicate issue of sexual abuse. The novel showcases Lovering's distinctive writing style, characterized by its accessibility and a captivating narrative that effortlessly guides readers through the intricacies of the storyline.

One of the standout aspects of the book is the skillful development of characters. Lovering introduces a diverse cast, each intricately crafted with depth and nuance. The characters come to life on the pages, allowing readers to form genuine connections with their stories. The author's ability to navigate through the intricacies of friendship, motherhood, and the evolving dynamics of relationships adds a layer of authenticity to the narrative.

The exploration of themes such as friendship is particularly noteworthy. The evolving relationship between Billie and Cassie reflects the inevitable changes that occur as people grow and mature. The novel beautifully captures the essence of how friendships can transform over time, a poignant reminder that personal growth can reshape the connections we hold dear.

Lovering also delves into the impact of social media on individuals' lives, shedding light on the facade of perfection often presented online. The book serves as a compelling commentary on the curated nature of social media, emphasizing that what is showcased is often a mere highlight reel, masking the complexities and struggles that individuals may be facing behind the screen.

Moreover, "Bye, Baby" addresses sensitive topics such as dementia and sexual abuse with a nuanced approach. The inclusion of these themes adds depth to the narrative, showcasing Lovering's ability to tackle complex subjects with empathy and thoughtfulness.

While the wish for Billie and Cassie's friendship to endure may linger in readers' minds, the novel's portrayal of changing friendships serves as a powerful reflection of the realities of life. Lovering skillfully navigates the complexities of human connections, making the reader ponder the inevitability of change and growth.
In conclusion, "Bye, Baby" is a captivating read that combines a compelling storyline with well-developed characters and a keen exploration of multifaceted themes. Carola Lovering's writing style proves to be both engaging and accessible, making this novel a must-read for those who appreciate thought-provoking contemporary fiction.

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Billie was abused by her stepfather until Cassie stepped in. They've kept the secret ever since. Cassie has become an Instagram influencer who seemingly has it all while Billie works for a successful luxury travel company. Unfortunately, Cassie has cut Billie out of her life and in one crazy moment, Billie does something shocking. This was a great read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The ending felt true to form and the characters were enjoyable. Definitely a cautionary tale about social media and toxic friendships.

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I really enjoyed this book and how it wove some suspense into what I'd otherwise consider "women's fiction". I think anyone in their 20s-30s will relate to this book and its social commentary about changes in friendships, particularly friendships from childhood, college, etc that evolve as we mature. We've all been a Billie and we've all been a Cassie (maybe minus the career as an influencer). There's been many books over the last decade or so that feature a narrator who's an influencer or has a sizable social media following and I've found that sometimes that POV can get repetitive, which was the case here towards the end. The characters were intentionally unlikeable at points, but I mostly found myself seething at Cassie's behavior and feeling bad for Billie, even when her behavior was questionable. Overall, this was a definite page turner with plenty of the author's savvy commentary and wit throughout.

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This is by far my favorite Carola Lovering book! I loved the social media angle; I think this does a great job shining a light on the superficial/fake nature of influencers. The toxic friendship was also very well written.

I received an advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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Billie and Cassie are my age. 35. Like me, they grew up in a small town in New York. Like me, Cassie has a baby girl who she just obsesses over. I mean the descriptions of the feelings of maternal, primal bonding with your baby during breastfeeding alone brought me straight back to those early days with my own daughter. Billie’s dating a cop (hello, my wonderful husband is the police). Her last name is West (my maiden name). They attend college in the northeast(same). The story references the same city I am sitting in as we speak to write this review. Ok, I think I belabored my point enough. It was RELATABLE to me. If you want target audience for this book, it is me.

The book description frames this book as a thriller. I love thrillers. This book has beautiful character development and substance, but is not a thriller. I expected more thrill.

This story spans decades as Billie and Cassie meet while they are still kids, grow up together, go through heavy family issues, college, first relationships, and navigate new friendships and relationships. Marriage, careers, motherhood.

They live through and share a terrible secret together from their past that could cost them everything.

It is a story of sisterhood, growth, friendship and loyalty. It is toxic. I think I would have enjoyed this book more if I wasn’t always waiting for the horrible thing to happen. Don’t get me wrong - some horrible things did happen.

If it had been presented to me as only a tumultuous relationship between two best friends navigating childhood friendship into adulthood, that still would have hooked me. As it is, I expected something different and more. The description and the book title to me, depict something different than what this story was. My recommendation for this book is to read the reviews and not go in blind. That being said, this author’s writing style is lovely, it was easily digestible as a I read it in one day and as I said, the character development drew me in. I cared about what was going to happen to Billie and Cassie. They are still swimming around in my head.


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Carola Lovering does messy stories and messy characters so well. Yet, there is always some relatability woven through. This is definitely another one very well done.

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I am a big fan of Carola Lovering's work, and I really enjoyed her latest, Bye, Baby. I listened to the audiobook which really enhanced the story. All of the characters were unlikeable/frustrating, but that made the story even more unputdownable! Cassie was insufferable, yet she was my favorite POV. The only problem I had with this book was the ending. It was a bit of a letdown. Nothing really happened, and I kept expecting it to. Maybe not a twist, but something. It just sort of ended. It was a very straightforward story which made me think something was going to go down at the end and when nothing did, I was a little disappointed. I still really enjoyed this one though! I would recommend!

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Really enjoyed this one, especially as an audiobook. It’s not exactly a thriller, more just a suspenseful drama about friendship. I didn’t get really into it until the second half but once that hit, I was in.

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This is my first read by this author and I was very surprised by it. Billie and Cassie have been friends since they were little girls. They were the closest of friends and promised that they would always be best friends. When they go to college and make other friends, that promise gets broken by one of them.

Billie works for her friend Jane in the travel agency that she has started. Cassie is married with her first child and works as a social media influencer. Cassie also has her store, Cassie Adler, that she runs and is determined to make a profitable business. Cassie uses her husbands money to buy stuff for the store and he is always curious as to if the store is making a profit or not. When Cassie got married, she did not ask Cassie to be her maid of honor. She asked McKay, her husband's cousin, that has wormed her way into being Cassie's best friend now. Billie is not happy about this at all and feels that Cassie is trying to push her out of her life now. Cassie is always posting to her Instagram account and sharing her life with her followers. It pretty much consumes her life and she is always sharing too much information about her life and what she is doing. There is one thing that no one knows about Cassie and Billie's relationship except the two of them. Will they be able to keep the secret amongst themselves or will one of them spill the beans?

When Cassie is about to have another birthday, Billie knows that she always makes a big deal about it so she calls Cassie and asks her what she has planned for the day. Cassie tells Billie that she just wants to have a quiet day at home with Grant and the baby. Billie has a hard time believing that is all Cassie wants to do. Cassie's best friend McKay and her husband get together and throw Cassie a big party, but don't invite Billie.

Will Bille retaliate when she finds out that Cassie is having a party without her? You will have to read this one and find out what happens between Billie and Cassie and where the phrase they use to each other "Bye, Baby" comes from. This story is told in the alternating present and past form. The past is important because it lets you see lots of what happened and where things come from.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book and all opinions are my own. Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for an advanced copy of this book.

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In solidarity with the boycott in response to blatant racism and Islamophobia by St Martin’s Press’s employees, I cannot in good conscience provide a review for this book. Readers are demanding that St Martin’s Press reverse their current stance on dismissing racist rhetoric and support of the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people.

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ARC Review - Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

OH MY GOD - can I first start this review by saying the author must have an obsession with nursing, nipples, and milk. I thought this was supposed to be a thriller but apparently, I'm a new mom reading up on feeding schedules in ridiculous detail. Quotes for reference:

"Ella begins to fuss in her stroller... I feel a wave of love for her as my nipples tingle on instinct - my milk coming down."

"Instantly calming as she suckles by breast. It's a relief for both of us..."

"Ella is on my nipple like a magnet... my breasts engorged and tingling from the let-down."

Any who, to the real plot review. Cassie, one of the FMC has to be the most insufferable character I've ever read about and heard internal monologue from. She is an influencer in her mid 30's who has a habit of being a narcissist and cutting off her only real friend who cares about her at all and gossping about her like it's her day job yet is up her ass when she's in a crisis. She is very obviously only married to her husband Grant for money, was a stay-at-home mom but now also runs an extremely expensive boutique along with raising a 4-month-old. I'll wrap this up by saying, if Cassie were real, I would have her blocked on all platforms, 20 stories a day with the cringiest captions about motherhood and her husband? I'll pass.

Billie and her new boyfriend Alex were the only characters in this story whose parts I didn't want to skim read. Her past is traumatizing, trigger warnings for sexual assault, disabilities (her mom), money problems, and a pedophile stepdad. Without getting too much into spoilers Billie seems like the kind of girl I would kill to be friends with. She cares so deeply as an empath, a ride or die, travels to exotic places for work, and her personality is amazing. I could talk to her for hours.

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