Member Reviews

Felt like the book could have been shorter, a bit drawn out at times. Liked it but didn’t love it. Audio book was well narrated.

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Bye, Baby is a dark exploration of childhood friendships, obsession, and the aftermath of lost connections.

Billie and Cassie were thick as thieves growing up, but after they graduated college, their lives headed in separate directions, and even though Billie still wanted to maintain their relationship, Cassie started pulling away. But after what they went through together as teens, Billie can't understand how Cassie could cut herself away from Billie so easily. The more Billie tries to keep their relationship alive, the farther Cassie pulls away, until one night, circumstances converge and Billie ends up holding Cassie's baby in her arms while Cassie's screams fill the air when she finds her baby missing.

Told in alternating perspectives, Bye, Baby is a slow burn look at the way toxic friendships can slowly tear us apart. I feel like this shouldn't have been billed as a thriller or mystery, so make sure you go into it with the mindset of reading a friendship drama, and you won't be disappointed.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Publishing for the free book in exchange for my honest review.

I was very surprised by how much I loved this story! This is my first novel by this author and it will not be my last. I absolutely devoured this and highly recommend it!!!

Billy and Cassie are best friends since the summer before 7th grade. They have grown up together in dysfunctional homes and ventured out into the world post college as roommates in NYC. Billy finds a passion for travel and has issues in relationships. Cassie is a gold digger looking for a man that can support her in the style she wants to be accustomed to. Despite each woman desiring different paths, they maintain their friendship, that is until Cassie marries her super wealthy catch and starts becoming one of the 'family'. Feeling discarded, Billy makes an irrational decision one night that ends up terminating their relationship for good.

Told in alternating perspectives and also alternating timelines, this is a fantastic, suspenseful story that delves into women's choices, their relationships, and how childhood trauma is not easily shaken.

Highly recommend!!

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Warning this is a hard book to put down, you need to know how each of the events are going to turn out, and yes there there are answers forthcoming, and maybe not how you want or expected.
This page turner starts out with two junior high girls, Billie and Cassie, and the soon become fast friends, until!
This is a fast pace read, told from both girls/women's point of view, and you will soon be pulled into their lives.
Highly recommend this, if you like thrillers, this is the one! We are there for the outcome and consequences!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher St. Martin's Press, and was not required to give a positive review.

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(Thanks be to Netgalley for the advanced copy).

Two childhood friends revisit their tumultuous and life-altering relationship and how the decisions they've made have irrevocably shaped one another's lives.

Lovering seems to have this writing format: lure people in, slow down pace, create an implausible conflict, switch her novel on its head for part two, slow down pace, wrap everything up in a nice little bow.

I don't hate this style of writing, but I don't love it either. For my domestic thrillers I prefer some more intrigue and sleuthing and really I've found that Lovering's novels don't seem to provide much of a twist.

With that all being said, she knows how to tell a story and create multi-faceted characters that you end up growing attached to. At the end of the day, this was a perfectly fine domestic thriller (though maybe lacking on the thrills) with an extra message that I definitely enjoyed (eg child-free life is a perfectly acceptable choice).

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🌟🌟🌟🌟✨ (4.5/5)

Ww“You can’t f@&k up what’s meant for you.”

This is my first book by this author, I really enjoyed it and look forward to reading more of her work. The audio narration was excellent.

The whole premise is actually pretty silly. A baby is stolen and returned pretty quickly. One stupid decision spirals into way more than it ever needed to be.

Billie & Cassie were besties growing up. They have a secret that binds them together, which you find out around the midway point of the book. Billie is a bit obsessed with Cassie and longs for the friendship they used to have. Cassie is a social media influencer who is rolling in the cash thanks to her wealthy husband bankrolling her every whim.

Billie is a bit “off” but Cassie is so annoyingly pretentious and self-serving. She doesn’t seem to live in the real world. Their relationship is toxic, so unhealthy.

As much as the characters were unlikable at times, they are people I could totally hang out with. It’s a bit complex. So you’ll have to read it for yourself.

This is a story about the love between 2 best friends, a love that dies, but doesn’t disappear.

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Picked this book up and hated to put it down.Carola Lovering never fails to write stories that are so involving with female characters that draw you into their lives their friendships.A true page turner with so many twists and turns you will race through the pages.#netgalley #st.martins

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Cassie and Billie are childhood friends but have drifted apart. Billie sits in the apartment below Cassie's, listening to the sounds of Cassie's extravagant birthday party she was excluded from. Suddenly, Cassie screams as she realizes that her baby has been abducted. Billie has the baby one floor below.
The story of how things got to this point is told through alternating viewpoints (Cassie and Billie) and time points. Bye, Baby accurately captures the complex and sometimes toxic nature of female friendships. The story moves quickly and is engaging despite not having a lot of surprises or twists. My only complaints are that Cassie was a truly vile person and Billie seemed to constantly get the short end of the stick. The ending was realistic but made me really sad. Overall I enjoyed this one and would recommend.
Many thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

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There is something about Carola Lovering’s (Too Good to Be True, Can’t Look Away, Tell Me Lies) stories and writing that draws me in, but then I’m there, it never hits quite the way I want it. With that being said, I don’t not enjoy reading the stories, I think sometimes they feel too convoluted for me.

The publisher blurb for Bye, Baby reads:

On a brisk fall night in a New York apartment, 35-year-old Billie West hears terrified screams. It's her lifelong best friend Cassie Barnwell, one floor above, and she's just realized her infant daughter has gone missing. Billie is shaken as she looks down into her own arms to see the baby, remembering—with a jolt of fear—that she is responsible for the kidnapping that has instantly shattered Cassie’s world.

With this blurb in mind, I thought there would be more mystery involved, but what it ended up being was a deep reflection on friendships - how they change, drift apart, and sometimes are forced back together. Billie and Cassie’s friendship made me uneasy, which led to tension throughout the entire novel.

Unfortunately, in the end, the tension was never fully released. It was like being an awkward third party to a bad relationship and wishing you would’ve excluded yourself a lot sooner.

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I loved Lovering’s last novel, Can’t Look Away, so I was super interested in giving this one a shot.

The book opens with Billie listening to a commotion upstairs, where her friend Cassie has discovered her child is missing. During the chaos, she eventually says that Billie is the person she needs to see. It is then when Billie realizes that she is holding Cassie’s missing baby.

From there, the story goes backwards, giving the reader some background into Cassie and Billie’s relationship over the last few months, with bits of their shared history from school interspersed as well. At about halfway through the book comes the night of the kidnapping and the aftermath to both Billie and Cassie.

This book is marketed as a thriller, but to me, it’s more of a character study. Sure, there is the suspense of wondering if Cassie will find out what has happened, and their shared past has little plot reveals that take the reader by surprise, but it’s the development of the friendship and the disintegration of it that is impactful. Interestingly, I didn’t care for either of the two main characters. Billie is needy and obsessive and kind of annoying, and Cassie is a shallow gold digger who cares more about appearances than anything else. But still, the story hooked me and kept me reading to a satisfying end.

I really like Lovering’s ability to create a dramatic story and to devote time to her characters and have them move the plot along. This was a really good read!

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I feel like I've read this storyline over and over again. It was good and fast passed, but kind of a mish-mosh of plots from other books

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I really enjoyed this book. It kept me on my toes the whole time. I’ve already recommended it to my fellow book-loving coworkers!

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Cassie & Billie were inseparable as kids- the best of friends through good times and trauma. Then, as they navigate their twenties, Cassie finds a new group of high society friends through her old money rich fiancée and leaves Billie in the dust. Growing simultaneously frustrated with and jealous of her old friend, Billie follows Cassie's new life on Instagram until a frightening incident forces Cassie to call Billie for help. Beginning with a missing infant and told through the girl's alternating perspectives, this one was a pretty quick read for fans of friend drama, growing pains and dark secrets.

I love this author but truly struggled with this one. For a story that starts with a missing infant, it drags so much after that. Neither of these main characters are even vaguely likable or sympathetic, which I guess is intentional to a certain extent, but Cassie is such a phony gold digger it's irritating to be inside her head and Billie is creepy in her obsession with Cassie. They're both downright cringey. You can't help but be embarrassed for both of them constantly. I wanted to shake them both and tell them to get a grip. Truly the only characters I liked in this book were Alex and Jane.

As I said, I love this author. 'Can't Look Away' is one of my go-to recommendations. This particular one didn't do it for me, but I'll still be super excited to see more from this author.

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This story is centered around two friends, Cassie Barnwell and Billie West. Although they have been best friends since childhood, they continue to grow more distant as the years pass. Cassie married into a wealthy family, recently gave birth to a baby girl, and is a social media influencer on the rise. Billie, on the other hand, is focused on her career, is playing the dating field and is determined to salvage her friendship with Cassie.

This book is not so much about the abduction of a child, as it is about the years-long rather toxic relationship between two women. And it's not quite the thriller I was expecting, but rather a slow-burn domestic drama. The dual POVs and the shifting timelines really helped to build the story and offer clarity. And the audiobook narration was excellent. Thank you to NetGalley, the author and St. Martin's Press for the gifted ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was really good. The first chapter sucked me right in. I would definitely recommend this to my friends and my book club!

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Billie and Cassie have been friends since childhood. However when high school ends they move in different directions. Billie’s mother was divorced and remarried to a man who spent much of his time grooming Billie. She also has early onset dementia. Her stepfather has threatened to send her mother to a lock down unless Billie cooperated with him. Cassie, who was the daughter of social parents who lost their money after her paternal grandmother refused to back up his failed schemes. She is also planning to attend Harvard so she could meet and ultimately marry a man from wealth. Their final year of high school, Billie’s stepfather dies in a fall. The authorities determine it was an accident. The girls continue their relationship until it is no longer convenient for Cassie. This is the early part of the novel and the plot, told by each woman from her viewpoint, is complex. It is filled with truths, half truths and outright lies and will entice readers who like psychological thrillers. Thanks to Net Galley and St. Martin’s Press for an ARC for an honest review.

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Bye Baby by Carola Lovering is a wild ride! Through multiple timelines and view points Bye Baby is unputdownable! Part thriller, part toxic friendship story, I loved Bye Baby and will be thinking about it for a long time.

Billie and Cassie have been best friends since they were kids. As they have become adults, they have grown apart, but secrets from their past keep them bound to each other. Now as adults, living in New York on different life paths tragedy strikes and draws Billie and Cassie back together.

Bye Baby is written in Carola’s iconic style filled with toxic friendships and family situations that at some points are hard to read.

I’m a big fan of Carola’s writing style and think Bye Baby is her best yet!

Everyone is going to be talking about Bye Baby when it releases in March 2024!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The story navigates a labyrinth tale of friendship, employing an unexpected narrative approach that juxtaposes a gripping opening with a slow unraveling of interconnected lives. Initially one anticipates a gripping narrative centered on a kidnapping, only to find it serving as a precursor to a retrospective exploration of the intricate bond between childhood friends, Kassie and Billie. The narrative peels back layers, revealing the dynamic yet convoluted relationship between Kassie and Billie. Despite a shared history, the story showcases their diverging paths, leading to a lack of communication and a seemingly estranged bond. The exploration of their friendship, or lack thereof, takes a methodical and leisurely pace, which might challenge some readers' engagement. What stands out prominently is the palpable disconnection between the characters and their inability to resonate with each other's current lives. Despite the deep-rooted connection from their past, it appears that the only remaining tether between them is their shared history, leaving a void in understanding their present-day dynamics. A notable point of intrigue lies in the social dynamics surrounding Kassie and Billie. The lack of acceptance from Kassie's circles contrasts sharply with Billie's unwavering fixation on Kassie's life, particularly through the lens of social media. This dichotomy adds layers to their relationship, hinting at unspoken tensions and unexplored depths/
While the narrative's deliberate pace allows for introspection, it might deter some readers seeking a more immediate connection or resolution regarding the characters' intricate bond. The complexity of their friendship, compounded by diverging life trajectories, might leave readers questioning the essence of their connection and the motivations underlying their actions.
Overall, Bye Baby, offers a thought-provoking exploration of evolving friendships, the impact of shared history on present relationships, and the enigmatic nature of social ties. However, the narrative's pacing and the nebulous nature of the characters' connection might challenge readers' expectations and understanding of the depth of their bond.

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Great Book! I was hooked from the first page. I enjoyed how both of the stories unfolded, the past back story of former BBF's Billie and Cassie and the present day story of Cassie's missing baby. The details, the characters, I loved it all!

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Ahhh I really enjoyed this book! I couldn't put it down. I wouldn't classify this as a thriller or even suspense in the typical sense. But this was definitely suspenseful in the "shit is going to hit the fan" kind of way. Overall I think I would classify this as more of a contemporary friendship drama with notes trauma bonding and toxicity (that's totally a genre, right?). This was a bit wild, a bit unhinged, a bit relatable, and bunch of fun. You know, as much fun as all that drama can be. This was my first Lovering read, but I will definitely be checking out some of her others in 2024.

Thank you St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for my ARC!

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