Member Reviews

Bye, Baby by Carola Lovering is a fascinating mystery that starts with an interesting twist. From there, a psychological mystery develops that quickly unravels an obsession. Readers of psychological mysteries should enjoy this book. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

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This mystery was so intriguing and entertaining and I loved it. I can’t wait to read what the author comes up with next.

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Hmmm...well that was disappointing. I was expecting a lot more since this is marketed as a thriller, but that was....not.

For me, this was like binge eating Taco Bell at 4am because you've been out all night and are starving...only to regret it hours later. Bye, Baby starts off well but then it just dragged on and on and finished with a lackluster and unsatisfying ending.

There wasn't a character, outside of Alex and Jane, that I liked. Even Billie had me cringing. This was definitely not the book for me.

I do appreciate St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the review copy. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This was a wild ride with an ending that fell slightly flatter than I would have liked. The beginning, middle, and up through 90% were gripping and explosive. BUT...I would have loved to see justice done in some way for what happened in the "before" timeline. I think the resolution with the present-day timeline was done well. Or maybe I just wish there was a final twist.

Overall, the characters weren't very likeable. McKay was the most annoying, tone-deaf character I've ever read in a book. She was perfect for her role. Billie came across as a pushover with no strength. Cassie was a wanna-be, who chameleoned herself into the life she decided she wanted...without any thought as to whether she actually *did* want it. But just like any novel about the super rich NYC set, the dislikeable characters made this book a great read.

Would I recommend this? Yes. I'd rate it in the top 15% of books I've read this year (315 and counting).

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Went into this thinking it was a thriller and in my opinion it was not. The storyline and writing was done well it just wasn’t my cup of tea.

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Cassie is in the middle of enjoying her birthday party when she finds her daughter is missing. As she dials her best friend Billie (her best friend she conveniently didn’t invite to her party) frantically, Billie realizes that she has taken Cassie’s baby. As the story goes on, we jump between the past and present and how Billie and Cassie’s friendship has developed over the years. With all the toxicity of Tell Me Lies, but with friendship, this book will leave you unable to stop turning pages.

If Carola Lovering had an anthem it would be toxic by Britney, because damn can she write a toxic relationship. Seriously, this is a friendship that you just wanted to end. I found myself hating both of them at times, for different reasons, but the main theme overall, was that this friendship did neither of them any favors. If you enjoyed Tell Me Lies, don’t hesitate to grab this one, you will enjoy every second!

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There is a lot to unpack/discuss with this book. This book has a lot of focus on toxic relationships. It is contains many heavy themes. Not a quick read but was well written.

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Bye Baby is the story of Cassie and Billie, two lifelong friends.I won't go too much into the story because the synopsis is sufficient. I liked the book but, at times, felt that there were dull moments. The writing was good, but the plotline and editing needed some work.

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This is a very topical book, which isn't a bad thing, encompassing cultural trends, Social Media, and female friendships. I thought the author handled it well. I'm not a member of the intended audience, but I enjoyed the book. It is set up in past versus present timelines which adds to the mystery. The ending was satisfying and realistic. I really enjoyed the book.

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A wickedly addictive and compelling read!

I’ve read and enjoyed Carola Lovering’s previous novels. I was excited when her novel “Tell Me Lies” was adapted into a TV series. I loved season one and I am anxiously awaiting season two. In the meantime, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to read and review “Bye, Baby”.

Billie West and Cassie Barnwell have been friends for over twenty-three years. Lately though Billie feels like Cassie has been avoiding her. She feels like she’s been left behind. Especially since Cassie met and married her husband, Grant.

We learn how Billie and Cassie first met and became friends. An incident in high school traumatized both of them, but it also brought them even closer together. Even all these years later that incident is never far from their minds. But they never speak of it.

Billie has met someone that she feels she can actually see a future with. But she still misses Cassie. The fact that they are growing farther apart as the years go by seems to bother Billie more than it bothers, Cassie.

Cassie is now a very popular influencer. She post about almost every aspect of her life. From the clothing she wears to the foods she eats and the places she goes. She also posts about her family life.

All in all, Cassie seems to have gotten everything she ever wanted. She’s left her past behind. She married a very wealthy man and now has a beautiful new baby daughter, Ella. Life is good.

Until the night, Ella disappears.

It’s every parents worst nightmare. Now the race is on to find Ella and the person responsible for her disappearance.

A thrilling domestic suspense novel!

“Bye, Baby” was a gritty and exciting ride. Carola Lovering skillfully weaves together a twisty story filled with intriguing and complicated characters. A story about friendship and how relationships change over time. I was riveted as dark secrets were revealed. Gripped right up until the last page

I can’t wait for more from Carola Lovering!

I'd like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this novel. All opinions are my own.

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While marketed as a thriller, 'Bye, Baby' is more focused on exploring the complexities of female friendship and motherhood. Billie's character initially annoyed me, but the book soon eventually explained the trauma behind her bond with Cassie.

If you're looking for a fast-paced thriller, this might disappoint. The mystery of the missing baby is solved quickly, and the rest of the book is about the emotional journey of the characters, and their relationships. This shift in focus might not be for everyone.

It starts with a captivating hook and gradually reveals secrets, keeping you hooked. I personally hated both main characters, but Lovering done a wonderful job portraying a toxic friendship. Overall, this an enjoyable read, even if it's not what I expected, I'll definitely be reading some of Lovering's other novels.

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This is a hard-to-define novel. Billie and Cassie are our main characters. These two women have been best friends since they were girls, but have had a major falling out. Cassie is a mommy influencer and Billie has a successful career in travel, all the while pining after her old friend who has cut her out of her life. While navigating their glamorous lives in New York City, they are both haunted by a secret from their past. One impulsive act will be the catalyst to changing Billie’s life.

Right after my recent pronouncement that I was burnt out on books written in this style (first person present tense, alternating POV chapters) I will have to eat my words and say that this one worked much better for me. It might be that I listened to it for the most part (using the Read Aloud function…not the best way to listen due to the robotic voice, but when it’s first-person narration, perhaps listening is the key to my enjoyment of this style?).

This is sort of a domestic mystery without much suspense, but the story did keep me interested, although the pacing was too slow. It’s more about female friendship and living with the choices we make. It feels a bit like what used to be called chick lit (lots of references about social media, brands, etc) but the characters have more emotional depth than your run-of-the-mill genre fiction and this one gets dark and quite disturbing at times. New York City is definitely a character in this novel, and the many references to brands, etc could equally be seen as world-building and essential to the story, so this is why I have trouble really defining what kind of book this is. Superficial on one level, but emotionally deep on another.

I really appreciated the theme of motherhood since it is still strangely and sadly taboo to declare that you don’t want to have children. Many of the emotional elements resonated with me on many levels. I think it’s important to know that this is not a thriller, but more of a psychological study of friendship, with some mysterious elements.

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Wow! This thriller blew me away! It was honestly everything I look for in a thriller and kept me hooked throughout the entire story. I genuinely was not bored for one moment. I loved the two different POVs, the dual timelines, the rich people drama, and the complex characters. The characters aren’t always likeable, but I still found myself deeply invested in their lives and their stories. I also felt that the pacing was very well done. We were given little nuggets of information from the timeline in the past at perfect moments throughout the story so that the plot was moving quickly along and I never felt like reveals were being dragged out. I’m very thankful to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this fabulous book early and I can’t wait to talk about it with friends once it comes out! I will definitely be reading more from this author!!

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This book had me hooked from the start.
The author did a great job of alluding to something that bonded Cassie and Billie in the past. As you read, you get a feeling of what it is but the leas up is good. The present story of Cassie and Billie is so good. You feel for Billie who misses her friend and root for her when she meets Alex. However, what she does is so crazy. You start not feeling bad and rooting more for Cassie. Still undecided on how I feel about Cassie.

Overall, a great read. Definitely recommend!

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Tell Me Lies is probably one of my favorite books written (by this same author). I love how she tries to get inside the minds of very relatable characters. That said, this one was on point for character development, but it just wasn't riveting enough for me. Carola Lovering's third book is a social commentary on women's friendship and motherhood, focusing on the toxic friendship between two different women. The story explores issues such as sexual abuse, classism, Alzheimer's disease, and the downsides of being an influencer. The author skillfully weaves a one-sided story, but the social media aspect can be a bit watered down. Despite the plot, the character-driven nature of the story is enjoyable. I'm giving it 3 stars with NetGalley and the publisher providing the Advance Readers Copy.

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This was my first book by Lovering, and it was quite a satisfying domestic drama. With duel points of view and a past and present timeline, we explore the relationship of two childhood friends who grow up and grow apart over time and what tore them apart.

There is definitely a lot to unpack in this story as it touches on first-time motherhood, losing yourself and friendships as life's circumstances change. It also deals with trauma and sexual abuse, classism, and a few other themes. But the plot is very character driven, and there are layers and depth that had me feeling empathy for both of them.
I just wish the author had given us more on Billie's behaviors, but i really enjoyed the incident that brought everything to a head, and we get more back story.

I also loved how she started the story with a big shocker. It's so unique and keeps you wanting to read more.

I think most women will relate to this story on some level as it's very engaging with secrets, lies, jealousy,influencer vibes, and the complexity of female friendships.
I highly suggest you add it to your reading list.

Bye, Baby, will be available March 5th, 2024
Special thanks to Netgally and Saint Martin's Press for the advanced copy. My opinion is my own

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I really enjoyed this book! It was one that I thought about even when not reading it and every day I looked forward to getting my next chance to pick it up. I wouldn’t consider it a particularly twisty domestic thriller but that didn’t make it any less exciting or entertaining. Both MC’s were a bit irritating but I really liked the direction the author took this story. It explores various relationships, specifically, the friendship of Cassie and Billie and what happens when they grow apart. With a dual POV, chapters jump back and forth between the current dramatic event of Cassie’s baby being kidnapped and prior years of her friendship with Billie.

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This one just didn't work for me, I couldn't get into it or relate to the characters. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to read it early.

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Oooh okay this was a multilayered examination of a friendship with a toxic dynamic and a dramatic history. It was not thrilling, but it was compelling. Neither Billie nor Cassie is the perfect person, but I found redeeming characteristics in both of them despite their mistakes.

I found I had to suspend my disbelief for certain parts, but overall this held my interest and I was very empathetic towards Billie. Haven’t we all been there at some point? Feeling on the outs, especially with someone we once felt close to? Just wanting that closeness back? I was confused about Grant - he seems like a total dick at times, but then is very thoughtful and understanding at the end. I was also confused by Cassie’s response to her daughter going missing - her moratorium on social media/her phone seems like a weird swerve. Alex’s choice at the end also feels unbelievable to me. But besides some of these little moments, I thought this was a strong read with some really compelling elements, especially as relates to female friendships. Would be a great choice for a book club because there’s a LOT to unpack here!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

4/5 stars

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3.5 rounded down. Quick read and held my interest, but overall thought it fell flat at the end. Was expecting it to be more of a thriller. May have rated higher if had different expectations.

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