Member Reviews

This is a complex deep book, about the evolution of a friendship over time. One character was likeable, the other grew on me over time. I think my older students will like this and hopefully be moved by the personal growth of the women as the navigate their friendship for the good and bad of it

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I loved this book!!!!! well written story of a deep, complicated, twisted long friendship between two women,. Loyalty, co dependence, betrayal, differing values challenge the relationship, in this slow burn suspenseful story that doesn't go for gimmicks but the heart of relationships is what drives the story. Did i say i loved it.... well let me say it again

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Carola Lovering's upcoming novel "Bye, Baby" starts off a bit slow in the first 25 percent of the story, but it's crucial for setting up the background and exploring the friendship between Cassie and Billie. The author takes her time to establish the characters and their dynamics, which ultimately pays off in the later parts of the book. While it may require some patience from the reader, this initial section provides important context that enhances the overall reading experience. From the very beginning, the reader is aware of what happened, but the real intrigue lies in uncovering the how and why behind the events.
The dynamic between Cassie and Billie is explored in a complex and nuanced way. Cassie's apparent outgrowing of Billie and her self-centered nature are contrasted with Billie's devotion and obsession with their friendship. It's a poignant portrayal of the complexities and sometimes toxicity that can exist within friendships. Additionally, the novel delves into Cassie's preoccupation with her wealthy friends and social media status, adding another layer of depth to the story.
To me this book was more of a drama than what I consider a thriller. It was very well written and this actually makes the 4th book I have read and enjoyed by this author! Thank you so much for my advanced copy of this book! I hope everyone will love it as much as I did. 4 1/2 stars rounded up!

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I thought this was kind of odd. I don’t know if it’s considered a domestic thriller but it felt more to me like just the story of a toxic friendship. I don’t like the dynamics between most of the characters. I had a hard time believing that women in their mid-thirties would act like they did and flip flop so much but maybe that’s because I’ve hit the “I have no energy for friend drama” stage in my forties and so their relationship doesn’t feel worth the angst despite the trauma they experienced together. It kept my attention but I didn’t particularly enjoy the characters.

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Must, must, must read! Carola Lovering is a master at domestic thrillers and her latest novel Bye, Baby could quite possibly be my favorite from her to date! This epic read centers around childhood best friends, Billie and Cassie, who become estranged as their adult lives take them in different directions. But no matter what their future holds their past forever links them, and that connection could be the key to rekindling their friendship…or not.

This book is absolutely unputdownable! I mean, I literally finished this novel in record time, because I HAD to see who everything played out! In true Carola Lovering fashion, the unexpected twists and turns did not disappoint. I am completely blown away how Carola Lovering takes these crazy circumstances/situations and makes them somehow relatable! Bye, Baby is a solid and complete 5 star novel that would make an awesome book club selection—-sooooo much to discuss! I absolutely recommend this novel to EVERYONE!

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Writing this review proved challenging, as it struck a unique chord with me. I was genuinely captivated by Carola Lovering's writing, especially since she is a new author to me. The narrative was profoundly relatable, particularly in the realm of friendship. However, I'm hesitant to delve too deeply into the plot, as it's a tale best experienced firsthand.

"In 'Bye, Baby,' we are introduced to the central figures, Cassie and Billie. From their shared childhood, it's evident that Cassie and Billie were inseparable, always supporting one another through thick and thin. Yet, through well-crafted flashbacks and alternating perspectives, we witness a stark contrast. Billie emerges as the embodiment of loyalty and love, while Cassie reveals herself as the self-absorbed friend, always putting her own needs first. To say that I found Cassie unlikable would be an understatement. My sympathies lay entirely with Billie, whose heartache throughout the narrative left me profoundly moved.

Billie's upbringing was far from ideal. With her only family being her mother, who was afflicted with early-onset dementia and wed to the neighborhood drunk, Billie yearned for unwavering support and believed she had found it in Cassie. Regrettably, Cassie moved on to what she deemed to be greener pastures, leaving Billie behind.

Admittedly, Billie makes a grievous decision within the book. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but empathize with her, given the depth of her emotional turmoil. As for Cassie, one might ponder whether she deserved the consequences that befell her. Perhaps.

Ultimately, 'Bye, Baby' provides a thought-provoking exploration of friendship, exclusion, loneliness, and the grief that accompanies being shunned by those we hold dear.

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4.25 Stars: This was such a good book. I loved the story line and even the sometimes unlikeable characters. The beginning hooked me in and I'm so glad it did. I don't want to give any spoilers but I will say It is a story of friendship that outgrows each other.

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Pub date: 3/5/24
Genre: suspense/thriller
Quick summary: Billie is frustrated that her best friend Cassie, now an influencer, pulling away. When she sees Cassie's baby left unattended at a party, her choice to take the baby will upend both their lives.

I don't really know what to think of this book - the premise is SO dramatic. But I also read it super quickly, and it was full of surprises. I liked how Lovering used the past timeline to show Billie and Cassie's friendship, eventually showing their communication breakdown as Cassie tried to escape her past. If you enjoy books about complex friendships and don't mind suspending your disbelief, I bet you'll enjoy this one! 3.5 stars rounded to 4.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for providing an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book caught my attention from the very beginning. This is the first book I’ve read by this author and I love her writing style making the characters come to life. Her descriptions of the many facets of friendships and motherhood were very thought provoking.The who done it aspect was revealed early on in the story but how the characters were interwoven and the consequences of the actions made it a real page turner. Secrets, love, forgiveness, self evaluation were all so important to the story. Highly recommend!

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This book did not disappoint. It kept me wanting more right up to the end.

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I am having a hard time to review this book. I really enjoyed the writing, I kept coming back to it. I had to adjust my expectations as I thought I was diving into a thriller but I really see it more as a story about a toxic friendship and it's expectations.

What I loved : the dual point of view, the different timelines, the backstory.
What I struggled with: The characters infuriated me. At times I just wanted to shake them and yell ''what are you doing!''.

3.5 stars - would recommend.

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This was definitely not the book I was expecting to read in anyway by the premise. In my opinion I wouldn’t classify this book as a thriller. It is more of an exploration of the friendship of two women who were/are best friends and how a tragic event can push them back together and apart in so many different ways and how they will each handle that journey.
You have alternative POVs between the the two women . Cassie, I did NOT like at all. I found her to be snobby and self-absorbed. Billie, had her own issues that didn’t make her the most likable character related to obsessive tendencies. These women seem to be connected through trauma and that can be a slippery slope.
This book has characters I couldn’t stand , villains really, secrets will/wont they come out, and tragedy… what could go wrong?!

Honestly, I wish this book would have redirected its focus because a little over halfway through I was ready for it to end . When it did end … it wasn’t the ending I expected. This author is talented so definitely form your own opinions!

Thank you to the Author, Netgalley, and St.Martins Press for the ARC of this book!

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I was given the opportunity to read the ARC Bye, Baby by @carolatlovering. I was just coming out of a reading slump and I received this email from @stmartinspress & I was like “it’s a sign!” And so, I started. So extra special thanks to St. Marins Press & Carola Lovering.

Have you ever kidnapped your estranged best friend’s baby? No? YEAH ME NEITHER. First of all, how in the world does someone find themselves in this position? And even if in the position to steal your estranged best friend’s baby, WHY WOULD YOU? Billie made some questionable decisions, and this by far might be the most outlandish. Toggling between the past and present, Bye, Baby showcases the past and current relationship amongst Cassie Barnwell & Billie West and what lead Billie to this exact moment. Both Cassie & Billie lead very different lives. Cassie is a social media influencer who shares every. single. detail. of her life online. Billie is very private and quiet and can’t fathom how Cassie could be so open online. Cassie wants to forget the past, including Billie and never look back. Billie is desperate to repair their friendship and would do anything to do so. However, stealing your best friend’s baby probably isn’t high on the “Tips on How To Get Your Best friend Back” list.

Bye, Baby truly captivated me. I think more so because of the personal issues going on in my life at the time of reading, so I really related a lot to Billie, save the baby stealing. Losing a friend is hard and even harder when your friend is half there like Cassie was, it feels like they’re within reach but still so far away. I understood Billie’s point of view, but I also understood Cassie’s. Sometimes it’s time to let go of your past and your old friends, and accepting the fact that you’ve outgrown someone is apart of life.

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Women's friendships are so complicated. Why is it this way? What happens in our formative years that set us on these paths, and how do we grow from toxic relationships? Growth, angry, resentment, jealously, and do or die for are all shown in the characters of Cassie and Billie. As well as the supporting women.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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This grabbed my attention from the beginning, with an exciting-sounding plot line. I was hooked in reading the narrative of early motherhood and how it strains and affects the relationships between friends. I really enjoyed the multi-POV and timeline, which kept things interesting.

However, I didn't find it particularly "thrilling", to me it read more as a drama. If categorized that way, it may have helped my desire to finish the book toward the end.

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Bye, Baby tells the story of Bille and Cassie, best friends from childhood bonded by a shared trauma. Now in their 30s, Bille and Cassie lead separate lives and have grown apart significantly. However, Billie isn't okay with how Cassie has shoved her aside for her rich new husband, her baby, and the wealthy new moms she's befriended.

I was hooked at the beginning of this story and intrigued by the frequent flashbacks from both Billie and Cassie's perspectives. At some point, I realized that neither character was very likable - Billie was desperate and lonely, while Cassie was superficial and vain.

The book examines female friendship, motherhood, jealousy, class, and more. It's thoughtfully written, and the plot is fast and intriguing, but I wanted more nuance from the characters. Readers should also be warned of sexual abuse.

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A twisted tale of friendship that kept me engaged. I was definitely waiting for something big to happen or a plot twist that never came but nevertheless it was a well fleshed out tale of two former besties that both came with a lot of baggage. I would have loved a stronger ending but this one satisfied any lingering questions.

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My introduction to Carola Lovering's work was nothing short of fantastic, and I owe it to NetGalley for granting me an early copy of this gripping book. From the very beginning, I was completely engrossed in the story.

At its core, this book revolves around the tumultuous friendship of Billie and Cassie, who have weathered the storms of life together. Their journey is unveiled through multiple points of view and timelines, a narrative style I found immensely rewarding. It allowed us to delve deep into both characters' lives, uncovering the intricacies of their shared history.

While it may not fit the classic thriller mold, this story is far from lacking in suspense. Its fast-paced nature keeps you on the edge of your seat, and a shroud of mystery envelops the plot.

One of the aspects I particularly enjoyed was the influencer angle woven into the story. It injected moments of humor and levity throughout the narrative. The book's conclusion is a satisfying one, neatly tying up the story's loose ends. It's worth mentioning that Billie's character growth shines as a beacon of resilience, considering the tumultuous journey she undertakes.

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***** I have received and read an advanced reader copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for giving my honest feedback. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.*****

The book description sounded interesting, so I was really looking forward to this one.

Unfortunately, it fell flat for me.

I had expected a thriller, but the book spent so much time on building the history and friendship that I just felt underwhelmed and wanted to quit.

The characters are unlikeable and I couldn't connect with them, and the plot is fairly straightforward without any real twists or turns to keep me hanging on.

I did finish, but if I hadn't agreed to review this book, I would have put it down within the first half of the book.

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Are the friends and bonds we make when we are younger supposed to stand the test of time? Do you have a bond with someone that is a secret and while you both continue to grow that secret stays between you like an unspoken bond of horror?
While reading this book you go back and forth between perspectives trying to decide who the real villain of the book is…. The friend who took the baby or the friend who neglected her?
There are always three sides to the story…. Will you take Billie’s, Cassie’s or what lies unsaid between them?

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