Member Reviews

I find it hard to review a book like this. Was it entertaining? Yes, up until the end (which fell flat for me). Is it a mystery? Ehhhhh. Honestly, I think I would have given this a higher rating had the ending been a smash. I guess I wanted something a bit more twisted — it lacked the wow factor.

Regardless, it’s a quick and easy read that some people may really enjoy! It just wasn’t my cup of tea.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Publishers for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I tore through this book. Less thriller, more domestic suspense, this is a story with strong themes on friendship, childhood trauma and the way that secrets can haunt us. I really enjoyed the two POVs, toggling back and forth between Billie and Cassie throughout. Even though we witness Billie’s horrible act—kidnapping her best friend’s infant— I found her to be an extremely likable character and found it easy to connect with her and root for her. I enjoyed the ending and feel that it offers good closure to readers.

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Thank you St. Martin's Press for granting me permission to read this ARC for NetGalley. Female friendships can be complicated and heartbreaking and sometimes they unravel with changing dynamics like relationships and kids. Carola Lovering writes about the ups and downs of Billie and Cassie's relationship overtime with real depth. Secrets and childhood trauma bond the girls but as adults they are pulled in a different direction. When a crisis pulls them together one last time it's a reckoning with the past and for the future and it will be their final undoing.

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Two long-time friends, Cassie and Billie have moved into their mid-thirties with different lifestyles. Cassie marries into money - lots of money - and has a baby that she adores. Cassie also has a botique store, with plans for another, and she has built quite a presence on Instagram.

The two women have been friends since high school, but Cassie is now more connected to the rich women in her husband's social circle. Her closest friends now are several of those women who also have children, so their lives are centered on spending money and doting on their children. Cassie does love her daughter, which for me was the one redeeming quality that made me like her even a little bit.

Billie, now shunted aside and deeply wounded by what she sees as a betrayal, acknowledges that her jealousy is childish and non-productive, but she can't help it, it hurts. And that hurt drives an anger that she can sometimes hardly suppress.

What keeps this story from evolving into simple teenage relationship problems taken into adulthood, are the things that bound these girls together from the beginning. There was so much childhood trauma for them both, and neither ever got professional help in dealing with them. And there is the one big secret that binds them together.

While there have been good times for the girls as they navigate through high school and college, it's clear that the friendship is dysfunctional and perhaps wouldn't continue to exist if not for that secret. Billie knows that Cassie aspires to things that hold no interest to Billie, and there is desperation in her need to keep Cassie as a friend.

I can't say I always enjoyed the read, but I did understand what drove the misguided choices characters made. There was never any doubt about the characters motivations that were defined by the effects of a traumatic childhood. And maybe the reader isn't supposed to always like what Cassie does when she goes overboard to show off her wealth. Or what Billie does when she's feeling especially desperate and lonely for her friend. They aren't very "nice" people when that happens.

But the author always gives them a redeeming action, that makes things okay for a time. That contrast between the dark side of this friendship and the light is handled perfectly.

If you're looking for a read that explores a most difficult friendship between two women, you won't be disappointed with Bye, Baby.

P.S. As a writer and reader who always looks for the ways a story fulfills the title, this one does in several ways. One is obvious, the other subtle that I didn't see until the very end of the book.

This was an engrossing story that came to a very satisfying conclusion.

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Bye Baby by Carola Lovering was billed as a thriller but I really didn't see it as one, since you know from the beginning who took the baby. I saw it more as a novel about toxic female friendship and how one person always has the upper hand in any relationship. This created an interesting dynamic between the two main characters in the novel, Billie West and Cassie Barnwell, who had been friends for years. Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review

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The writing was propulsive and I enjoyed reading it from both woman’s perspectives. I felt that Billie was a more strongly developed character than Cassie but overall the author did a great job capturing the influencer era.

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Bye, Baby. The title work on so many levels. Whew, this one was another great novel by Carola Lovering. I discovered her earlier this year and have flown through several of her titles. I was so excited to get approved for this ARC.

In this slow burn but constant tension psychological story, we read from the points of view of Billie and Cassie. They've been best friends since middle school, but they've been estranged for the last couple of years. When happenstance brings them closer together, one of them makes a terrible choice. This ill advised choice relaunches their friendship, and we alternate between their current perspectives and chapters about their past friendship. Piecemeal we learn about what brought them together and what drove them apart. If you like messy but not totally unlikeable women, you'll love this one.

I'm rating this high, but I have to be honest. The last twenty percent was both un-putdown-able and completely cringe worthy. I had to read as fast as possible both to know what would play out and to reduce my chameleon like social anxiety. Uncomfortable, yes, but also a testament to the story that Carolina Lovering has crafted.

If Lovering isn't on your TBR, she should be. This one doesn't come out until March, so go hop on her fantastic backlist titles like Too Good to be True and Can't Look Away.

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i might be in the minority, but i really did not think it was a thriller/suspense novel? more of a commentary on female friendship and interaction. still good though, only giving 3/5 because misleading genre for it

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ARC received from NetGalley. I enjoyed this book even though it wasn’t what I was expecting. When I started the book I expected much more of a mystery/thriller type book but it is much more about a long-standing toxic friendship and how the relationship between the two characters changed over the years. I liked that it have both Billie and Cassie’s points of view and gave the story of their present and what also happened in the past. Overall the ending fell a little flat to me but I still found this one to be an interesting and quick read!

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Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC!

While this isn’t usually my style of suspense— I don’t care much for domestic thrillers because the drama gets in the way for me but this book kept my attention. I know people have issues with the characters and I agree with most of the issues. I do think Billie is relatable and the long time friendship, plus tensions surrounding bringing childhood relationships into adulthood is also relatable. I had to see this through to the end!

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Just finished Bye, Baby and felt eager to write this review. This book captured the complexity of what feels sayable/ unsayable in friendship/relationship. It so clearly navigates the bonds that are skewed and adapted after trauma. This story cleverly unfolds chapter by chapter inviting the reader to examine how much they allow themselves to be truly seen in relationships and how that impacts who they understand themselves and others to be and represent. The book also encouraged me to explore how money and security can feel intertwined in our culture. After reading this book, I felt compelled to revisit different relationships in my life with deeper insight and tenderness.

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Lovering's 'Bye, Baby' is an enthralling and gripping thriller that had me hooked from the very first page. The writing style is nothing short of brilliant, keeping me on the edge of my seat as I delved deeper into the intricate lives of the characters.

One of the standout features of this novel is the alternating perspectives, which added layers of complexity to the narrative. Getting to see the story unfold through the eyes of both Billie and Cassie provided a multifaceted view of their friendship and the events that transpire. It's a storytelling technique that kept me eagerly turning the pages, yearning to know more about their intertwined past and uncertain future.

The suspense built throughout the book is masterfully done. The pacing is impeccable, with each chapter revealing just enough to keep the tension mounting. As secrets are slowly unveiled and mysteries unraveled, I found myself engrossed in the web of intrigue that Lovering skillfully weaves.

Ultimately, 'Bye, Baby' is a compelling exploration of how friendships can change and evolve over time, the enduring impact of childhood trauma, and the profound consequences of women's choices on their lifelong relationships. It's a thought-provoking and emotionally charged thriller that will leave you contemplating the complexities of human connections.

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this exceptional book. It was a captivating read that I won't soon forget!

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What a book! I was anxious the entire time which wasn’t a bad thing. The author did such a great job and building the tension around Cassie and Billie in a way that made you both upset at and feel bad for both of them. I wavered between who I understood more and it was truly a remarkable thrill! It was such a great telling of the way friendships and women change over time with the backdrop of a little mystery to push these two ladies over the edge.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
Bye, Baby is out March 5, 2024. Make sure to add it to your list!

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Bye, Baby needs to come with a trigger warning. The description of child sexual abuse is graphic.
I struggled with trying to decide whether or not to keep reading, all the way through this book. I expected some sort of thriller, but that isn’t what this book is. I’d say it’s more of a psychological case study , but one complicated by having horrible characters. The characters were some of the least likable that I’d ever read. Cassie was the worst, especially as you find out more about her.
I’m only giving two stars because I did finally finish this book.

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⚠️‼️Warning :: this is not a psycho-thriller - for some reason I thought it was so I went all 352 pages waiting for the giant , whiplash twist - oops , my bad 🤦🏼‍♀️. When I view this novel through its rightful lens (women’s fiction with a flare of drama) , it’s a beautiful story of friendship & change & and how we sometimes grow apart as we grow up . The dynamic between the two main female characters reminded me of my own teenage friendships in comparison to my adult friendships and how we grow into different people as we move through life . Overall , a great read - it kept me entertained and wanting to see how the story unfolded . ⭐️⭐️⭐️ This gem is set to publish in March 2024 so add it to your booklist and TBR pile !
Thank you @netgalley & @stmartinspress for the ARC & thank you @carolatlovering for reminding me that friendships come and go - sometimes they are meant to span into geriatric years and sometimes they are meant to end .
#friendship #womensliterature #womensfiction #arc #goodreads #netgalley #stmartinspress #byebaby #bookstagram #booktok #reading #booklist #amazonreviewer #netgalleyreads #bookreviewer #bookreview

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I believe the "thriller" tag threw off my perception of this book. It allowed me to be underwhelmed because I was reading for something that wasn't there. As a women's fiction book, I think it's very good. It tells a realistic story about friendship, motherhood and relationships. appreciated how the dual pov allowed us to really gain insight on the characters.

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This book shows friendship breakups can be even harder than romantic break ups. I had a best friend from 6th grade to 12th grade that I was inseparable with. We hung out all the time and we knew everything about each other. Then one day she made a different friend and stopped hanging out with me. She would say she was grounded, but then I would see her on social media hanging out with this other friend. Eventually we grew apart no matter how much I tried to keep the friendship going, but at the end of the day you can't force people to stay in your life and make effort if they don't want to, even if you have a big history. And it hurts so bad to lose a friend that way! That's exactly the feeling this book depicts.

This book was so relatable on so many levels. I could understand and agree with the POVs of both characters. They felt so layered and real and deep, and after reading two of Lovering's books it is safe to say she knows how to write characters really well. They felt like real people.

This book also made me feel similar to how I did while reading You by Caroline Kepnes. You feel yourself rooting for the bad guy. Im a sucker for an underdog! You start to justify the character's actions and feel sympathy even as they do horrible things. I was questioning my sanity more than once while reading this book.

I think this book can be considered a masterpiece simply for the characterization, but the plot itself and the way this book is written with alternating POVs and timelines really held my interest. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a thrilling contemporary book. Just check the TWs before delving into this because this book was dark in some parts. Happy reading!

Received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was really suspenseful and engaging. Billie and Cassie are characters you loathe and empathize with at different parts of the book. The book goes from the present, when Cassie's baby goes missing, to the past when the girls meet as teens and are best friends. It's a dysfunctional relationship (mostly because Cassie is a narcissist), but it's an interesting exploration of how people change and drift apart.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy in exchange for a review.

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2.5 stars

I want to firstly start off by saying that this is not a thriller/mystery, this is a women's fiction book. Bye, Baby focuses primarily on friendship and trauma, the kidnapping is exactly as it happens in the description of the book. The genre was very misleading and had me looking for a plot twist that never arrived up until the last page.

Bye, Baby is told through multiple POVs and alternating timelines, which I loved. I thought it gave a lot of depth and background to the characters and helped you to connect with them or try to understand them. I enjoyed the writing style of the author as well. For what the book was, a fiction book, it was nice. It was a bit long and got to be repetitive at times, but I thought it was a nice read. This book can be heavy at some points so please be cautious with TWs.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to review this book. Any opinions are 100% my own.

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Bye, Baby by Carola Lovering is a twisty page-turner. It is rare that I find a find a book that balances plot and character so well. I think the author does an excellent job of making the reader want to turn the page, while developing the characters fully.

Cassie and Billie have been friends since middle school. They are the kind of besties that share everything and would do anything for one another. The are irrevocably linked by an event that happens when they are just 18. Though they continue to be close through and after college, Billie sees the writing on the wall when Cassie gets married to a wealthy man and soon after has a baby. The friendship has become toxic, or maybe it always was...two different women both wanting and caring about vastly different things. The story is divided into two parts: before Cassie's infant gets kidnapped, and after the kidnapping.

Lovering masterfully weaves a story that dives deep into the several themes surrounding friendship, abuse, grief, motherhood, and marriage, but doesn't bore the reader. I found myself surprised how much I was rooting for Billie. The ending was satisfying. This is my first Carola Lovering book, but I am sure I will read more! Many thanks to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for this ARC!

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