Member Reviews

When you wake up in the morning you don’t expect to be given a list of predictions by a witch which include you’ll die in 7 days. When they start to come true and you randomly meet the very famous person who’s meant to be your soulmate, what do you do? Well the answer is to start making a list of what to do incase a week is all you have left and start ticking things off the list whilst getting to know said grouchy man. I did feel like Lilah forgot her own list towards the end and I’m not sure if with potentially 7 days left I would be focused on someone new in my life. Saying that I still really enjoyed this. We have some madcap side characters like his mother, some meddling best friends and a grouch who finally lets down his walls. Do I question the fact that he had any kind of accent when he was sent to all of the correct schools and deportment classes, absolutely. Do I really care, not really. Take it all with a pinch of salt and enjoy it for what it is. Which is pretty much a fairytale.

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Nothing's more motivating than a deadline. After Lilah saves a witch from being run over, the witch reveals several items, including that her boyfriend is cheating on her, the winning lottery numbers, the name of her soulmate (Alastair, an illegitimate prince), and that she's going to die next Sunday.

As the predictions come true one by one, including unexpectedly becoming friends with Alastair, she decides to make as many of her dreams come true as she can. Naturally it gets complicated.

I was drawn in by the premise and the cover. And I ended up reading it all in one sitting, staying up way past my bedtime to finish it. It was fun. I wanted to find out if the death date prediction was true. I was drawn in by the whimsy of the book. And there's definitely some spicy scenes too.

Definitely a fun read.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This whimsical, light hearted romance had me giggling at its perfect banter and snark as I flew through the pages.

Lilah is given several predictions by a witch, like who her soulmate is and what the winning lottery numbers are that week. Oh, and also, that she will die in just over a week. As the other parts of the prophecy come true, Lilah gets nervous about the whole dying soon thing and starts making bucket lists to enjoy her (potentially) final week alive.

A premise like this could go one of two ways- it could be heavy and deep while the character mourns the life that is almost over, or it could go fun and lighthearted as they try to squeeze all the joy out of their final days. Lilah definitely goes for the joy, and it is fun to go along with her while she has a Pretty Woman date, stays up chatting with a friend until dawn, and has some great sex. Lilah is snarky and silly and incredibly entertaining.

Her love interest comes in as a true grump, who can’t stop coming around once he gets just a small taste of the joy and freedom Lilah has to offer. There is definitely a touch of insta love along with their grumpy/sunshine pairing, and some incredibly hot and spicy scenes. I loved the pairing!

Ultimately, this book is binge worthy and unique, with a great premise and fabulous execution. I’ll be reading more by Scott in the future for sure!

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing- Graydon House for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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4.25/5. Releases 2/6/2024.

Vibes: fated mates but make it contemporary, bucket lists, royal romance with a twist, and "what are friends for?" *eyebrows*

Heat Index: 7/10

After saving the life of a random psychic, Lilah is offered several predictions: 1) her boyfriend is indeed cheating 2) she'll get passed over for that promotion 3) the winning lotto numbers 4) she'll meet her soulmate, Alistair George 5) she's going to die in eight days. After she finds out her boyfriend is indeed cheating, loses out on her promotion, meets the King's illegitimate son Alistair George (among other names, because aristo), and wins the lottery... She's getting worried. Fortunately, though he thinks it's bullshit, Alistair is ready to help her cross items off her bucket list. But as sparks fly between perky Lilah and surly Alistair, she has to wonder: has she met her one true love just when her time is running out?

I love Kylie Scott; she's easily one of my favorite contemporary romance authors--her books never fail to make me laugh, while offering some swoonworthy moments, great voice, and... hot sex scenes. Her recent pivot to books with a touch of magic has added an extra bit of whimsy to her romances, and I like it a lot. This book would make a great movie or miniseries, to be honest. It's fun, adventurous, and has that tension hanging overhead. (Though, obviously, there's an HEA.) The kind of romcom I can get behind!

Quick Takes:

--The thing is... the magic in these Kylie books never takes away from the fact that she's writing a strong contemporary romance. It's more of a plot device that gets the ball rolling than a plot dominator. Here, I'd say the setup comes into play a bit more than it did in End of Story (which I also enjoyed) but it would, wouldn't it? And ultimately, we are really reading about Lilah learning how to live life to the fullest and fall in true, deep love. I'm always good with that.

--I think the recent Windsor-related events have obviously spurred more authors on to write about rebellious royals in love, and I'm never mad at that. However, I really loved the twist Kylie put into it with Alistair's backstory. Like, everyone in the world knows he's the king's firstborn. He's globally famous (and we certainly see the fallout of that when he's spotted out and about with Lilah). But his father has never acknowledged him.

Not only does that add some great emotional tension to the story--it also makes Alistair seem like a lot less of an inherent dick, and I totally read it as Kylie capturing the prince mystique while also being like "let us be real, this is a Kylie Scott hero, he is not getting a manicure, he's gruff and snarky and ready to carry a wacky girl around and put. it. DOWN." A great compromise. Yes, he's still massively privileged, but he's also like... a royal pariah. And Scottish! And he DOES say "och", praise Jesus.

--Great supporting characters, as per usual for Kylie. Alistair basically has this floaty, whimsical mother (in a lot of ways, she read to me like a Princess Diana type if she was in the role of Camilla and cared more about the glam and jetsetting than... activism, but with a kind of very loving, well-intentioned, a bit unconventional mothering). And his mom's gardener/handy-man/Longtime Friend with Tension Dougal is great, too.

Often, supporting characters in contemporaries feel like they're just there to go "you go, girl!" Kylie is too good a writer to settle for that. I loved Lady Helena and Dougal, and I loved that sort of off-the-page heavily implied secondary romance going on.

--Now. Alistair and Lilah. YES. It is a grumpy/sunshine deal, though, per Kylie, Lilah is a bit on the snarky side of sunshiney. He's not even up for being friends with her at first, and he's definitely not on board with this soulmate thing. But you can tell he just can't get this woman out of his mind, and he keeps coming back for more, and then, slowly but surely, HE'S the one wilding out and being like "THIS ONE. I WANT THIS ONE".

I really liked the way that Alistair gradually went from "this prophecy shit is so stupid Lilah" to "I don't want to believe it but what if I lose this woman" anxiety. It touched my heart.

--Just as a sidebar, love how Kylie writes curvy heroines. There's mention of Lilah's body, but like. It's just her body. She mentions cellulite and insecurities, but they never seem like mind-dominating insecurities. And uh. Alistair is ABOUT IT.

The Sex:

Speaking of! Um! I love the sex scenes in Kylie's books as a rule, especially when it's this like, borderline utilitarian "help a girl out" vibe which everyone inevitably gets SUPER into, escalating into intense passion. One of the things on Lilah's bucket list is to have truly great sex, and at some point Alistair, her new good buddy, naturally goes "fine, I can get that done for you".

And. Boy. Does. He. As usual with her books, there's an amazing description of cunnilingus (with a liiiiittle bit of butt stuff), some hot groping in a semi-public setting, an elevator scene that will live in my mind for a long time, and some great "are you okay with doing this very intimate thing we didn't plan on doing but oh my god we're so wrapped up in each other we just gotta". Alistair is a deliverer of the praise kink.

But perhaps! More! Excitingly! ... Alistair is into delivering some light choking? I, ah. Did not expect that. I don't think Lilah did either. And it's SUPER hot. I did some bookmarking. I did some "oh my"-ing. It was great.

This book is such a whimsical, fun, palate cleaner with a good mix of adventure, romance, family drama, and bangin'. If you've never tried a Kylie book, I would definitely recommend this. And if you're a fan of hers already, you're gonna love it.

Thanks to Netgalley and Graydon House for providing me with acopy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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THE LAST DAYS OF LILAH GOODLUCK has an interesting premise, a cute heroine and an explosion of tropes, including grumpy-sunshine, billionaire/celebrity/royalty, one bed, and fake dating.

When Lilah - a practical, twenty-something librarian - saves a clairvoyant from being run over in the street, Good Witch Willow does Lilah a favor and gives her a glimpse of her future. Aside from a cheating boyfriend and a job that doesn’t appreciate her, Willow tells Lilah the winning lottery numbers, her soulmate’s full name … and the date of her death, which is just eight days away.

Although skeptical, particularly because said “soulmate” Alistair George Arthur Lennox is the illegitimate son of the King of England, and way out of Lilah’s league, some of Willow’s predictions immediately come true. Unsettled, Lilah then almost crashes head-on into Alistair’s Aston Martin in a parking garage, starting a strange friendship that leads to more.

Lilah now must contemplate her life and the things she wants to accomplish before it’s, perhaps, lights out.

THE LAST DAYS OF LILAH GOODLUCK is part fairy tale and part red hot romance. I enjoyed Lilah run through her “wishlist,” including a skateboarding lesson, watching the sunrise with someone special, driving along the coast in a convertible, and a Pretty Woman-inspired shopping spree (isn’t that every woman’s dream?!). Lilah is plus-sized and confident, which is refreshing. It read a little YA to me, but the spicy scenes are decidedly NOT. I felt like the ending had a bit too much jammed into it, but overall this is a fun book that I’d recommend to romance lovers.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing/Graydon House for a digital ARC of this book in exchange for my honest feedback.

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Ugh. The over-the-top cheese factor had me struggling to read each page and I probably should have DNF-ed. I'm sure this will be a popular choice for basic readers but I wanted more *magic*.

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The Last Days of Lilah Goodluck is a wild and fanciful romantic comedy with a slightly morbid streak. When Lilah saves the life of a witch she wins her fortune, which includes some very unusual predictions including her death. How Lilah responds to this information and the events that transpire are the main events of the story. I really loved the characters and this book had lots of whimsy! I found some of the pacing a little slow in spots, and there was some predictability with the story. I think this would be a great vacation read. It was very light and fun but also had a bit of a dark twist.

I received an arc of this book from Netgalley and voluntarily give my review.

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Did I read this book pretty quick? Yes.
Did I love the plus size rep? Always.
Did it make me feel weird about myself? No. It’s done positively.
Did I enjoy seeing the heroine as a librarian? Yes.
Would I mind if the rich, gorgeous hero came knocking at my door? Please, do.
Did I enjoy reading this book? Yes.
What would I change? Make it dual POV.
Am I already looking forward to the next Kylie Scott book? Always.

I voluntarily read an early copy.

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This was great!! I'd never read this author before, and I was a little hesitant at the premise, since the whole story hinges on the main character thinking she's going to die in a week. That said, from the very first chapter, this book was SO readable and fun. The spice was a slow burn but when we got there it was worth it. Definitely enjoyed this!

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I read everything Kylie Scott so I’ll admit that I only gave a passing glance to the synopsis before jumping in. I had a vague notion of the heroine getting a prediction of death and that’s it. So every part of the book felt like a pleasant surprise, I kept going, “oh! This is fun!” There was something delightful and light about the whole story even while navigating emotional depths and possible impending doom.

Lilah is definitely a character fave. I loved her sass and couldn’t get enough of her. Then, the push and pull, clash and banter, and attraction between Lilah and Alistair is entertaining. I love that we get to experience their growing relationship in so many different settings. There was a lot to play against and enhance the characters as well as just different places for the reader to enjoy. Plus there were fun secondary characters that I wish we got even more of ‘cause they were all so engaging.

My only significant criticism is that it ended too abruptly. The way it played out and wrapped up was too quick. I needed to stretch it out and just have more.

Overall, though, I loved this book and zipped through it. A refreshing romantic adventure that left me happy.

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Fantastic Book! I was sucked in from the first minute, and cancelled all activities to finish the book the same day! Lilah saves the life of a witch/fortune teller, who tells her a whole bunch of info, including that she would die in just over a week! As the other predictions start coming true, Lilah starts getting worried about her pending death. However, one of the other predictions was that her soulmate was the illegitimate son of the King of England. When Lilah actually runs into him and they hit it off, she becomes that much more worried about it! However, Lilah and Alistar quickly make the most of her potential last week by helping her fulfill her wish list of activities to do before she dies. It's a romance so we know we are getting an HEA, but I was on the edge of my seat to see if and how she would "die" and it would get resolved for our HEA. The ending didn't disappoint (I mean slightly impractical,but so is a witch so we roll with it) and the book was enjoyable from start to finish. The year has only just begun, but I think it will remain one of my favorite books of the year!

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I haven't read Kylie Scott in a hot minute, and I thoroughly enjoyed her newest book. It's fun and silly, and even though it was pretty insta-love, I enjoyed it. Royalty falling for commoners is always a good time. The premise of the book is really interesting. Overall, a light, fun read.

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I received a DIGITAL Advance Reader Copy of this book from #NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was a very fast read and was very cute. As I was reading it I didn't even realize that I was basically halfway through the book already. Lilah and Alistair are a good couple with great chemistry and it was fun to see them do some of her wish list things together.

Lady Helena stole the whole thing for me, her character was hysterical. I could probably read a whole book with her.

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Would you want to know the exact day you will die?
I'm a hard NO.
But if you find out nevertheless, what would you do?
Cry endlessly. (that's a yes from me)
Or make the most of your time left?
As the title suggests, the latter is what this book's heroine, Lilah Goodluck decides to do.

Part of Lilah's embrace of this short timeline is that she isn't entirely sure the prophecy, of sorts, is real. It was just some crazy witch lady rambling. However, she makes the most of her time tackling some of her bucket list items - like learning to skateboard, eating Michelin star restaurant food, and having great sex.

The last one is a bit tricky since she is recently single. But an odd meet cute has her thinking big.
To be clear, there isn't a love at first sight moment in this book, but Lilah's connection with a certain royal seems far from casual. I loved how much he stepped up to help Lilah with her list, and in the process, the connection blossomed.

This book is full of popular tropes to appeal to almost any romance lover. And despite the looming end date, was a fun and enjoyable read overall with two easily likable main characters.

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I received a copy of this book by NetGalley for an honest review.
I was excited to get this book. I so enjoy a good Kylie Scott read. This was different but I was intrigued by this story. I like the beginning and how Lilah finds out her fate. There were great parts to this book and then there were some ok parts.
Willow gives Lilah the information everyone wants to know about their fate when Lilah saves Willow. She doesn’t believe Willows predictions until things start to go the way the Good Witch Willow says. Then Lilah starts to freakout a bit. Lilah almost takes out the one and only Alistair Lennox the same man Good Witch Willow says is Lilah’s soulmate. I have to say the chemistry between Alistair and Lilah is great. Along the way Lilah finds Alistair is a kind loving amazing guy. I enjoyed reading and seeing Lilah complete things on her bucket list and seeing all Alistair does to help.
This was an enjoyable read. I did find it easy to set down but my curiosity of what would happen next had me picking it back up. If you are a fan of Kylie Scott's works you should not overlook this one.

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i love a good witchy prediction moment and this provided! it was so cute and fun and it was a good read

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If you're looking for a light, whimsical romance with just the right amount of spice, this book is for you. As usual Kylie Scott doesn't disappoint on the banter!

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Though her last name is Goodluck, Lilah did not see herself as being lucky when she saved a witch’s life. The witch then gave her news about her future that made her rethink her, apparently, about to be short life. She gets involved with a famous man and they go through her bucket list as they try to stop the inevitable. I received an ARC from NetGalley and Graydon House for my honest review.

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Lilah Goodluck's life irrevocably changes with one, unsolicited psychic prediction. Her boyfriend is cheating on her, she will be passed over for a promotion at work, the winning lotto numbers, her soulmate is the famous Alastair George Arthur Lennox... oh, and she will be dead by Sunday...


The Last Days of Lilah Goodluck was a hilarious and highly entertaining, friends to lovers, romance read! Lilah and Alistair have an impossible chance meeting the day after her disastrous psychic reading. And even though Lilah can't deny her attraction to the beyond-sexy, Scot... there is no way the son of a king could ever be her soulmate...

Lilah was a normal girl with a lackluster life, and then every single far-fetched psychic prediction given to her starts to come true. So when she realizes that her life may indeed be ending, sooner than later, Lilah sets out to do a fast-paced bucket list, to live her last few days to their fullest. But what she didn't count on, was having company on her quest...

Alastair may be famous for being the illegitimate son of a king, but he prefers living his life completely out of the spotlight. With a mother that is impossible to disregard and a father who has never acknowledged his existence, Alistair is extremely guarded with who he accepts into his life. Meeting Lilah may be a stroke of luck that he was never looking for, but there's something about her that keeps drawing him back to her side...

I absolutely loved this refreshing and hilarious, slow burn romance, with a twist! Lilah and Alastair's relationship was super sexy, and sweet, with some lively banter and hijinks mixed in! I really enjoyed the trajectory their romantic relationship followed, from starting out as complete strangers, their love was anything but instant, but the connection they shared was tightly intertwined between them from the very first moment they met...

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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This was my last read of 2023 and what a wonderful way to end a year of reading! The concept of this book was too fun to put down - a run in with a lady who claims to be a which who gives you a run down of predictions that seem to keep coming true sounds great when it’s the winning lottery numbers, but not great when one of them is that you are going to die in 9 days. The romance in this story is quick which is to be expected when the romance has to be condensed to 9 high stake days of will she live or not. I think that this works for this story!

I really enjoyed all the characters and how big their personalities were.

Overall this was a fun quirky read that I really enjoyed!

Thanks to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing and the author Kylie Scott for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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