Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this quirky, hilarious and emotional new story by this talented author. As always, I was swept away into this world as time slipped on by. I loved these characters and the unique story line. This book is so well written and just a very enjoyable read. I highly recommend.

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What a marvelously fun read this was! After a series of heavy nonfiction, it was exactly what I needed. This type of romance is not my usual fare, but something about the cover and description drew me in and I'm so glad that it did. The writing is engaging and the story easy to fall into. I found Lilah to be a delightful character. She is a lovely mix of sassy and sympathetic that I found endearing and very relatable. The storyline was cute and quirky and the interactions between her and Alister were clever and pithy yet still full of heart. The ending seemed to wrap up very very quickly, and while I did see the twist coming, it did nothing to take away from my enjoyment of the book as a whole. I found this thoroughly entertaining and a very fun read!

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A modern day fairy tale about an ordinary girl and a scorned prince. 2.5 stars because it was a little too far fetched and a little to raunchy for me.

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This. Book. Was. HILARIOUS!! Holy cow, I laughed so hard throughout most of this. Lilah and Alistair were amazing!! I absolutely adored their banter.

Could Lady Helena have been any crazier?!?! Her scenes were some of my favorites. She was a crafty one...

Alistair had such a dry humor at times and it made me love him even more. The way he helped Lilah was extremely sweet, too.

Lilah is honestly, one of my favorite female characters in a long time. She was bright, spunky, and just downright hilarious. She was a lot of fun. Her humor killed me. She was so well written that she could be a real person.

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loved this romance between a prince and a commoner and things were set in motion by saving a person and she predicted that things would happen and they did. Loved the romance and sexy times. Loved that she met his family and helped him out and he helped with her bucket list.

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The Last Days of Lilah Goodluck is a totally new to me type of book from Kylie Scott - and that was a fun and pleasant surprise!

Lilah is advised that several things will happen and when some start to come true, she becomes a believer and decides to live out her bucket list while she still can. Romance, fun, and a few life lessons are thrown in along the way.

Good Witch Willow, the main male character Alistair, and Lilah are all well written and made me want more. I hope Ms. Scott writes more of this type of book and maybe Willow can visit other people?

This book was given to me by NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This is a fantastic slow burn book. Brings up compelling questions. If you knew your fate would you try and defy it? Keep living until it happens? Or change everything and enjoy life and love while you can?

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This is my new favorite Kylie Scott novel. The banter between the 2 MCs is next level, and it is a superb example of my favorite trope of normal girl/famous guy.
Plus, they are both intelligent characters, and there's no embarrassing the heroine for the plots sake.

Definitely recommend.

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The book was so charming and whimsical, I couldn’t put it down. It was borderline cheesy, but honestly it was just what I needed at the time.

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I have ADORED Kylie Scott’s writing since I read her Stage Dive series and this book is no exception! I love a read with plus-size representation and this was so good. Kylie is gifted with crafting curvy FMCs and I always enjoy the depth she gives her characters. This book is well-written and developed—I absolutely fell in love with this read and will be recommending it to EVERYONE! Can’t wait to make a video on this one.

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When Lilah Goodluck saves the life of Good Witch Willow as they’re crossing a busy L.A. street, the last thing she expects is five unwanted predictions as a reward. Who gives someone the winning lotto numbers then tells them they’ve only got a week to live? And who believes in that nonsense anyway? But when the first three predictions come true within twenty-four hours, Lilah’s disbelief turns to mild panic. She’s further horrified when she nearly runs a car off the road that belongs to Alistair Lennox, who just happens to be the illegitimate son of the British king.

While Alistair is intrigued by her preposterous story, Lilah is adamant about resisting the heat between her and the playboy prince. If she denies he’s her soulmate, then the last prediction can’t come true, right? As the days count down, they become maybe friends…and then maybe more. But between the relentless paparazzi and some disapproving royals, finding time for love isn’t easy, especially when her days may be numbered.

I love stories where there's a glimpse of the future, you know what's going to happen, and you watch in fascination as that dreaded moment approaches. I'm not a superfan of insta-love, but it felt like Lilah needed that, since she would die at the end of the week. I loved Lilah and the banter between her and Alistair, a great cast of secondary characters, and a satisfying ending. Fun read!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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"The Last Days of Lilah Goodluck" by Kylie Scott weaves together an intriguing blend of romance, magic, and unexpected predictions. Lilah Goodluck's encounter with Good Witch Willow takes an unexpected turn when she receives five life-altering predictions. The premise sets the stage for a captivating and potentially whimsical story.

The plot's unique twist, combining the mundane with the mystical, promises an engaging narrative. Lilah's skepticism about the predictions adds a relatable layer, making readers question the credibility of the magical events unfolding around her. The juxtaposition of the fantastical and the everyday, like receiving winning lotto numbers but facing a limited lifespan, creates an interesting dynamic.

The introduction of Alistair Lennox, the illegitimate son of the British king, adds an element of royalty and glamour to the story. The playboy prince's involvement with Lilah adds a layer of tension and romance, making the narrative more complex and appealing to fans of both contemporary romance and magical realism.

The countdown aspect, with Lilah's days possibly numbered, injects a sense of urgency into the plot, raising questions about destiny and the power of belief. The challenges posed by paparazzi and disapproving royals promise to add external conflicts, further enriching the storyline.

Overall, "The Last Days of Lilah Goodluck" seems like a delightful blend of romance, magic, and suspense. It invites readers into a world where the extraordinary meets the ordinary, and where love may blossom despite the odds. Fans of romance with a touch of magic and a royal twist are likely to find this book an enchanting and entertaining read.

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This book was a fun, easy read. I found the banter between the FMC and MMC amusing and I always love a FMC I can root for. Alistair definitely comes off as grumpy and moody, but you soon realize the circumstances that brought that about. I love how Lilah works to gain his trust while also navigating her own issues.

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I loved Kylie's last book so I was looking forward to this one, though the premise didn't grab me. I don't really care for supernatural stories but I had to take a chance on it and I'm glad I did. The romance was spicy, insta-love swoonworthy, and the characters fun and quirky.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC. I cannot wait to read what this author has in store next!

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Lilah Goodluck had extremely bad luck and then very, very good luck and then a death sentence. After almost getting run over in the street, a witch "gifts" her with predictions and the first two are not fun. But after finding her boyfriend cheating and losing out on a promotion at work, she wins the lottery and meets her soulmate, who is a dashing prince. Things would be great if it weren't for that pesky final prediction: she's going to die in a week.

Kylie Scott's The Last Days of Lilah Goodluck gets a little into the insta-love territory, while planting its flag firmly in grumpy-sunshine. Does it get a little cheesy? Sure. But who doesn't love a little cheese?

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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This is my favorite romance book I’ve read this year. I couldn’t get enough of the banter between Lilah and Alistair. I didn’t want to put this book down while simultaneously pacing myself because I didn’t want it to end.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin for access to to an ARC for review.

This was a very strong 4 star read - I am very stingy with 5 stars and reserve it for favourites I go back to over time so it is exptremely rare for me to think of a new book as a 5 star read.

The Last Days of Lilah Goodluck is a delightful fairytale falling into the Kylie Scott category of everywoman with famous/rich/both man. I consider the Stage Dive series, Famous in a Small Town, and Fake to be in this category. The second category is where both MCs are "normal" people - Repeat, Pause, and the Dive Bar series fit here. Plus the zombie books. The story is told entirely from Lilah's POV and she feels like a real person doing the best she can. Alastair has his own things to be working through which I always like. Lilah's parents and Alastair's mother are a lot of fun and Lilah and Alastair both seem to have great friends.

The fairytale aspect comes into play immediately - Lilah is given several predictions from Good Witch Willow (fun character!) including the name of her soulmate (famous and rich and lives locally) and when she will die (a week from Sunday). When the first couple things she is told come true and she nearly runs into the car of soulmate the next day Lilah is understandably freaking out. It's a romance so it all works out and we have a lot of un along the way.

Highly recommended. This review may shift to 5 stars on re-reads.

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I absolutely loved this book! Lilah does not believe in the supernatural. Enter the witch Likah saves after her best friend’s birthday party. In appreciation, the witch foretells things including the name of her soulmate, the winning lotto numbers, and two other things. She of course does not believe her at first, but then things start coming true. The worst prediction is that she will die by Saturday. Enter Alistair, her soulmate, who she collides with in a parking lot. Neither one believes the witch. But each set out to complete her bucket list. This book totally blew me away! Loved it immensely! 5 amazing stars

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I didn't really feel the chemistry between the two leads, but I was on board with this one anyway until about 50% when ****spoilers***** the MMC, who has known Lilah for only a few days at this point, physically prevents her from leaving his house, attempts to pressure her into sex despite multiple refusals, and then kisses her in a manner she did not give him permission for. DNF'd on the spot.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc! Opinions are my own.

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This was a very enjoyable read! Lilah Goodluck meets a psychic who tells her she only has a week to live. What she does with that week is up to her.

Overall, I really like the premise of the book. I’m always drawn to books that feature a bucket list of sorts; there’s a lot of action throughout the book. I also loved the fact that the main character is a librarian and loves books! Library people, unite!

I won’t lie, this book made me have a couple of existential crises while reading, which was not fun, but at least it meant I connected with the book (I guess…)

The book was a bit too spicy for my taste, but seeing some of the other books she’s written previously, it kind of makes sense…

Also, the book ended a bit abruptly, which I didn’t love… Oh well!

Thank you to NetGalley for the free ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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