Member Reviews

Whilst the content was good and I actually really love graham rowat in the No Sleep Podcast, I just don't think he was the right choice for this. I think it would have been better suited to someone slower paced and with a softer tone of voice. The content was good though so I would recommend reading a hard copy.

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The reason i picked up this book is because My family and I have a deep fascination of the ocean. My parents sailed along the west coast of north and central America on a very tight budget before they had children. Along the way, they were very thankful for the kindness and the hospitality that was shown them by the people they met, including many native communities. My siblings and I grew up on the stories my parents would tell of this time of their lives, and began to dream of having similar experiences from a very early age. As a family we would take annual trips to the ocean, watch documentaries together and help each other toward our individual goals of returning to the ocean. Today, my sister is a full-time, low budget sailor, I am working toward a degree in boat building and my dad has almost finished building a boat for his retirement plan. I have watched countless documentaries and read several books on ocean creatures in my free time.

The author James Michael Dorsey clearly cares about Whales a lot and has had many beautiful encounters with them. Dorsey weaves his personal experiences and tales into his writing. Many of his anecdotes are amusing, light hearted and/or endearing. The small tidbits Dorsey shares make this book seem personal and genuine. I am not an expert on whales so I cannot make a judgement on the accuracy of any of the statements the author makes. Dorsey also talks about the incredible support and generosity he receives from the local communities of San Ignacio, and seems to know the people very well. Unfortunately, this is where my criticism of this book comes in.

Throughout his writing, Dorsey mentions several historical figures that have participated in the colonialisation of Mexico and the subjugation of its people, the most notable of which is the famous conquistador Hernan Cortez. Dorsey talks about having built a camp that he has frequently taken whale watching expeditions to, and mentions that this camp is named after Hernan Cortez. I would have liked to see more criticism of these historical figures in this book, especially given the location that the majority of this book is based around (San Ignacio). The notion of benefiting from the kindness and generosity of the Mexican people, while simultaneously naming a camp after a figure that is famous for the pain and destruction that they have wrought on the native people of Mexico feels paradoxical. I would like to have seen Dorsey acknowledge this paradox after introducing the camp in particular, or any of the colonial figures that Dorsey mentions.

However, I would like to add, that i did not get the feeling that this was done intentionally. In his book, Dorsey speaks very highly of the people he meets along his adventures, and I do not believe that he would purposefully cause them harm or disrespect.

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Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest rating and review.

I absolutely loved this read! I’m not a huge sciencey/naturey person, but this book really spoke to me! I have always been in awe of whales, simply for their size and grace. This book allowed me to learn more about the lives, habits, behaviors, and stories of the whales. This book left me wanting to hop on a boat and go study whales (ethically and without causing harm to the ecosystem of course) in the wild! There were multiple stories in this book that touched my heart and left me with goosebumps!

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What a fabulous read! I enjoyed getting more into the life of whales.

James Michael Dorsey takes you on a journey unlike any other. From the whales that they know on a name basis (read the story, it's great), and newer whales that are appearing as well - it was a magical adventure that draws you in. Loved this one!

Highly recommend this book to anyone that enjoys marine life, and wants to get some deeper insight into the lives of the whales in San Ignacio.

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