Member Reviews

4 stars!

"Someone Else's Bucket List" by Amy T. Matthews is one heck of an emotional journey! It mixes women's fiction with a small amount of romance to create a lovely book. The emotions found within this novel are palpable, realistic, raw, unfortunately familiar. I teared up more than once listening to Jodie and Bree's stories falling apart and then coming together again. I enjoyed this book's themes, including family, grief, death, self-acceptance, finding yourself, and love (romantic and otherwise). Unfortunately, this book is way too long for a simple enough story like this. The audiobook is over 15 hours and really doesn't need to be! Despite its length, I could not stop listening to this book! It's one of those books you have to finish sooner rather than later because you want to know what's going on! My other complaint is that it's very, very unbelievable at times. You really have to suspend your disbelief during the bucket list portions. I enjoyed Brenda Scott Wlazlo's audiobook narration for the most part. She doesn't have the best variation of voices, but her presence fits with the story.

Thanks to NetGalley, HighBridge audio, and Amy T. Matthews for the ALC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for my review.

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Narrated by Brenda Scott Wlazlo ⭐⭐
Story by Amy T. Matthews ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I want to start off saying the writing and emotion in this book is so heartfelt. I cried quite a few tears.

Normally when I listen to an audiobook I finish it in one sitting but this narrator killed my ears I could only do an hour at a time before I had to move on to something else.

Brenda Scott Wlazlo in my opinion ruined this book by being waaaay to over the top with her narrating /bad acting, so I would recommend the Ebook over the audio.

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This was a sad and beautiful story! Thank you to NetGalley for this great book! It was a powerful story of a sister embarking on a journey through grief to fulfill her sister's challenge to finish her bucket list after she loses her to cancer.
It was deep and at times dark. It was still an inspiring and motivational book on getting out of your comfort zone and honoring those you love.

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This was a very long book. That was 200 pages to long. It was slow built-up. The characters were average. The writing was good. But dear god it did not need to be that long

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Thank you for the ARC, but this book did not hold my interest. I had the audiobook and quickly realized that the narrator would not be able to hold my attention. Best of luck!

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What happens if you can't get to everything on your bucket list? Have your younger sibling finish it.

This book has an interesting bucket list for sure. Planting a tree and piano lessons are definitely not traditional. I liked that Jodi came out of her shell a bit to complete the items very publicly including number 100 falling in love. I liked seeing how she handled the over the top sponsor people and her friends and family.

So there were a few parts that were a bit much for me. First off, it took a lot longer than necessarily to get to the bucket list. I know that it helped in getting to know Bree, but that could have just been placed along the way in Jodi's journey. The medical debt part was mentioned way too much. Yes, we know that it was a driving force for completing the bucket list, but it seemed like it ended up being inserted when it really wasn't needed in many parts.

Overall the themes were nice, sisterly love, grief, and finding oneself made this book likeable. The goofy bucket list added some fun too!

Thank you to HighBridge Audio and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this ARC for my honest review.

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There's just one word that comes to mind after finishing this book: melancholy.

You might think from the cover and the synopsis you’re getting a fun, lighthearted book about the wallflower younger sister who blossoms and flourishes as she goes about completing her gone-too-soon sister’s unfinished bucket list. Instead, you get a story that’s heavy, often heartbreaking, and throws in a cautionary tale of the pitfalls of social media fame.

It’s also not really a romance. Yes, there are elements of the last item on the bucket list - “fall in love.” But that isn’t the main purpose of this story. Which doesn’t mean that’s a bad thing - again, I just had different expectations for a book marketed as a romance.

What you do get is a peek into a family reacting to the loss of a loved one and a heartwarming story about Jodie Boyd learning to find her voice and her way in the world. Does she also find love? Yes. But it takes a long winding road to get there.

I ended up simultaneously wanting more from this story (did I mention it was kinda a downer?) but then also not being able to turn the audiobook off. The narrator did a fantastic job - her voice did an amazing job of conveying the pensiveness and sorrow of the characters. But it also makes me wonder if the book wouldn’t have seemed so melancholy had I been reading instead of listening - there were certainly several times I laughed while listening, so the story wasn’t without some humor.

Or maybe I wouldn't have been as drawn into Jodie’s grand adventure. Who knows?

If you’re looking for a book that has substance and not something fluffy and fun, this is the story for you. I really liked it - especially the ending where things didn’t take the direct, cliched route to happy for now. Also, I’d really be interested in reading/listening to the stories of a couple side characters - let’s hope there’s more to come from this author!

* thank you to NetGalley and HighBridge Audio for providing an advance copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review

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When Instagram Influencer Bree Boyd dies of cancer, she leaves her mountain of medical debt to her family along with a surprise task for her younger sister, Jodie, to complete with the reward of having the debt she left behind completely paid off by a corporate sponsor: to finish the last six items on her bucket list. None of these things are inside Jodie's comfort zone, but Jodie's love for Bree and her increasing desire to find who she really is herself, lead Jodie to do things she never thought possible.

My thoughts:
I really enjoyed the premise of this book and it led to some reflective moments. How far would you go to respect someone's dying wish? The author plunges you into the depths of grief over losing a loved one and takes you along the path of discovery to find yourself again after tragedy strikes.

The grief is palpable, but the story brings a lot of hope and funny moments. The characters were charming and I really connected with Jodie as she navigated not only losing her sister but trying to relieve the financial burden left to her family and finding herself despite the responsibilities on her shoulders. The characters were very relatable and the interactions Jodie had while trying to complete the bucket list brought some truly laugh-out-loud moments.

I listened to the audiobook and enjoyed the narrator; she is one I've listened to before and did a great job of conveying the emotions of each character, whether sad or joyous.

Thank you to NetGalley and HighBridge Audio for the advanced listening copy. This review is voluntary and honest.

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Thanks #netgalley for this book in exchange for an honest review. I listened to the audio book and the narration was neither a distraction nor an extra perk. I loved this story. This was so fun and emotional and amazing. I cannot say enough good things. Highly recommend.

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Wow! This was by far one of the best surprise books I've picked up all year! We start out with two sisters Jodie and Bree. Bree is outgoing, brave, and in your face while Jodie is shy, anxious and does her best to stay in the shadows. When Bree, a travel influencer, enters the hospital thinking she has pneumonia and finds out she has cancer. When things start progressing we see the toll it takes on those around her. During her final days she makes a bucket list and plans for potential cancer free holidays but Jodie finds herself thrown into the middle of these plans.

Anyone who has sisters will enjoy this book. It goes through so many different difficult topics like grief, family dynamics, money struggles, self doubt, etc. This book starts out a little slow but then you really grow with the characters. I found myself not wanting to put it down but also wanting to savor the story. This book was amazing and I will recommend it to anyone who will listen. This book boards on unrealistic with some of the "viral" moments but I found myself really rooting for and connecting to Jodie.

Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who needs a book that makes you want to curl up and watch 'P.S. I Love You'. Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book!

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Wow! What a thoughtful and thematically put together book! I love this story. I love the concept, a sibling taking on the bucket list of a passed on sibling. I loved the way nothing goes right with many of the plans set out in the bucket list. I liked that grief is depicted as not just pain and anger, but many other emotions as well. The whole journey from start to finish was just great.

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✨Audiobook Thoughts✨
Someone Else’s Bucket List by Amy Matthews
Pub Date: 5/23/23

This is an emotional one that deals with losing a loved one to cancer and then completing their bucket list. Our MC goes on the journey to finish her sister’s bucket list and really discovers herself. That journey will also give her a second chance at love. The author weaves in pointed messages about social media and medical debt. This book made me laugh and cry. If you’ve read PS I Love You, you’ll see similarities but that doesn’t mean it’ll be less enjoyable. I couldn’t stop listening to this one. The audiobook was beautifully narrated.

Thanks to NetGalley and HighBridge Audio for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Amy T. Matthews and Dreamscape Media for an audio arc of Someone Else's Bucket List in exchange for an honest review. This review is wholly my own & may not be reproduced (except quotations).

This was a true gem of a read that I think EVERYONE needs to run & grab literally right now.

"My dying wish is for you to finish my bucket list. I refuse to die without knowing this list will be completed. And I refuse to die without knowing my family will be okay.

Jodie is a shy & anxious twenty-something, completely unsure what to do with her life. Her older sister, Bree, is an adventurous, globe-trotting, hugely successful Instagram influencer with more than a million followers. She’s the most alive person Jodie knows—up until Bree’s unfathomable, untimely death from Leukemia. The Boyds are devastated, not to mention overwhelmed with medical debt. But Bree thought of everything & soon, Jodie is shocked by a new post on Bree’s Insta feed.

The first of many Bree recorded in secret, the post foretells a jaw-dropping challenge for Jodie: to complete Bree’s very public bucket list. From “Fly over Antarctica,” to “Perform a walk-on cameo in a Broadway musical,” if Jodie does it—& keeps all Bree’s followers—a corporate sponsor will pay off the staggering medical debt. If she gains followers, the Boyds won’t be the only ones to benefit. It’s crazy. It’s terrifying. It’s impossible, immoral even, to refuse. So, despite the whole world watching, Jodie plunges in, never imagining that in death, her sister will teach her how to live, and that the last item on the list—“Fall in love”—may just prove to be the easiest."

We already know Bree will die, but don't fool yourself into thinking that knowledge prepares you for it. Have tissues handy.

There will be tears, smiles & laughs as you go on Jodie's journey. This is such a heartwarming read that you won't forget after you turn the last page. It will most definitely stick with me & is one of my favorite reads of the year so far. Absolutely brilliant writing by Ms. Matthews

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Thanks to HighBridge Audio and I died and was reborn with this book. I cried and laughed.

"Someone Else's Bucket List" is a deeply moving and inspiring book that touched me. It tells the story of Jodie, a young woman who loses her sister to leukemia and is burdened by medical debt. She is given a list of experiences to fulfill in honor of her sister and to ease her financial struggles.

The book takes us on Jodie's emotional journey as she completes the items on the list. Through each experience, she learns more about her sister's dreams and discovers new possibilities for herself. The author portrays grief with sensitivity and authenticity, showing the transformative power of healing.

The characters in the book are well-developed, particularly Jodie, who goes from being overwhelmed by grief to becoming strong and empowered. The supporting characters also add depth to the story.

Ultimately, the book reminds us to seize life's opportunities and appreciate each moment. Jodie's experiences teach us to cherish life, live without regrets, and pursue our dreams.

I highly recommend "Someone Else's Bucket List" to readers who enjoy thought-provoking and emotionally charged stories. Jodie's journey and the impact of her sister's list will sweep you away. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the endless possibilities that await those who embrace them.

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"Someone Else's Bucket List" by Amy T. Matthews is a Blend of Family and Women's Fiction!

Bree and Jodie Boyd are two twenty-something sisters. Bree, the oldest, is an Instagram influencer with a million plus followers, and younger sister Jodie is currently a quiet, anxiety ridden mess.

Jodie's a mess because Bree, who's full of life and hope, has recently died from Leukemia. Their family is emotionally shattered by Bree's premature death and drowning in the amount of medical debt left behind.

Bree, being the super influencer that she was, made an unbelievable deal with a corporate sponsor, shortly before she died, to pay off her staggering medical debt. After her death, the first of many secretly recorded messages to her family and followers is posted to her Instagram feed announcing a personal challenge to her sister Jodie to finish the final items on her very public Bucket List.

Will Jodie accept Bree's Bucket List challenge while maintaining all of Bree's existing followers, perhaps gaining additional ones, all in the hopes of the corporate sponsor paying off Bree's mountains of medical debt...and then some?

When I started listening to "Someone Else's Bucket List", I wasn't sure how I felt about this story. It starts off so sad and takes a good long time to get out from under the clouds of Bree's death. And let's be honest, this story doesn't warrant 15 hours of listening time, so editing was definitely an issue.

"Someone Else's Bucket List" was narrated by Brenda Scott Wlazlo who, in the beginning, sounds like she's reading the book to me. I believe this to be a reflection of the story and how the character of Jodi is internalizing her grief. The narration does brighten as the story progresses and Jodi's world expands. I was glad for that!

Is "Someone Else's Bucket List" believable? Absolutely not! With that said, I'm good at suspending belief and it was the family and relationship side of this story that drew me in and kept me listening. Like Jodie, I also lost my older sister within the past month so this turned into the emotional listening I wasn't expecting at first glance.

The many different and unexpected ways Family Fiction connects with the reader is why it remains one of my favorite sub-genres. I recommend "Someone Else's Bucket List" to readers who also enjoy Family Fiction with touches of Women's Fiction blended in!

Thank you to NetGalley, HighBridge Audio, and Amy T. Matthews for an ALC of this book. It has been an honor to give my honest and voluntary review.

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I loved the premise of this book - a sister living out her late sister’s bucket list, but I couldn’t finish listening to it.

The narrator spoke in such a monotonous tone that I couldn’t make it past the half way point of the book.

I’ve never not finished an audiobook, so it was surprising to me that it bothered me so much.

I’m going to get the actual book and finish it and will update the review then.

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This is a fun, romantic, Hallmarkish novel. I love the characters--especially Jody. Her transformation over the course of the novel is inspiring. The plot is riddled with twists and turns, highs and lows, surprises and disappointments that keep the reader turning pages. The first few chapters have a literary and poetic tone--almost to the point of being overworked, but as the story gains momentum, the writing flows more naturally. At about the 75% mark through the end, the word "bit" is conspicuously overused. Overall, though, a great read. Lots of people are going to like this one.

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DNF @ 13%

I couldn't finish this one. I should have read the synopsis better, but I wasn't expecting such a focus on Bree's cancer battle. I know a few people who are fighting / recently fought cancer, and I couldn't handle the overly melancholy tone.

Also, I found the transition from Bree's battle to a year after her death to be really jarring. I think I would have preferred starting at the year later and have occasional flashbacks to the battle during the rest.

I got about 10% in, and just didn't want to pick it up anymore. I gave it a few chapters in the year-later section before I decided to stop reading.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an advance copy of the audiobook. I'm sorry I couldn't finish it or review it in it's entirety. I feel I must give it 1 star as I was unable to finish the story.

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Jodie Boyd’s influencer sister, Bree, has passed away after a battle with cancer. Her dying wish is for Jodie to complete her bucket list with six items remaining. Jodie is shy and introverted, but completing the bucket list means that a corporate sponsor will pay off a portion of Bree’s medical bills after each task is completed, leaving the family debt-free. While Jodie will have to get out of her comfort zone to not only complete the tasks, but she’ll also have the world watching since regular updates and photos will be posted to Instagram.

Bree ensured that everything was planned before her death to make the completion of the list easier on her family, especially Jodie—she thought of everything. One of the last items on the list was “fall in love” and she did what she could to help guide Jodie. In the end, completing the tasks made Jodie evaluate her life and what was important to her.

I really enjoyed listening to this novel. Initially it was slow, but after the first few chapters, I was invested in the characters and wanted to know what would happen. I like the idea of completing someone’s bucket list, and making their final wish come true if they can’t do it themselves. I would recommend this book to others.

Thank you to NetGalley and HighBridge Audio for allowing me to listen to an ALC of this novel. #NetGalley #SomeoneElsesBucketList

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“My dying wish is for you to finish my bucket list.”

Jodi’s influencer sister, Bree, leaves her with the challenge of completing her bucket list for her after she loses her battle with Leukemia. Being complete opposites, the things on Bree’s list push Jodi outside of her comfort zone as well as force her to face her past and future, finding a reason to keep going after her untimely death. To make her dying wish an even sweeter challenge, a sponsor has agreed to pay off her medical bills that are burdening her family (and for other families if she plays her cards right). All Jodi has to do is complete the bucket list in the public eye, documenting the whole thing on Bree’s Instagram!

There have been very few books that leave me with both sad and happy tears — and this is the newest book to that list!! On top of it being a genuinely heart-tugging story, I felt connected to it on a more personal level thinking of my sister who is the opposite of me and seeing my husband work through a cancer diagnosis.

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