Member Reviews

I knew before reading this book that it would be an emotional read, but I loved the premise enough that I didn’t care about the emotions this story would tap into. I truly loved this story from begging to end. It’s a roller coaster ride of emotions – from tears to cheers and everything in between. That’s what makes this book very beautiful and a good read.

For those of you grieving (no matter where in the process) know that this story will tap into those emotions and the feelings and regrets. As someone who is on their own grief journey, it’s well worth the read…. when you are in the right place for it. I’d say the same for anyone who has dealt with cancer and/or gone through chemo.

This is not only a story about love and loss, but about finding yourself, strength and acceptance. Oh, and taking a chance on yourself. That’s what drew me to this book and what makes it beautiful. Jodie goes through a lot and not just due to her grieving process. Matthews handles the delicate topic with a caring and depth hand. This book resonates with me and will not soon be forgotten. The characters are well written and defined so that their journey through the course of the book makes sense. I really like how the book ends (both the last two chapters were perfect and full circle moment).

I listened to this book on audio and enjoyed the narrator – they were easy to understand and follow.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Content warning: cancer/chemotherapy- This book depicts what is is like to undergo chemotherapy with a realistic take on side effects, hospitalization, hope, death, financial hardship, and medical debt.

I absolutely loved this book. It was an incredibly moving and beautiful story. It evokes a variety of emotions, but was incredibly sad, especially in the beginning. I definitely cried while listening to this book at the gym, but it also has the ability to make you laugh. This book focuses on grief, family relationships, romantic relationships, and the journey of facing your fears. Jodie has great personal growth throughout the book and finally learned to go after what she wants in life. This book reminds you to not take anything for granted and that time is limited so you should live life to its fullest. This was such an interesting concept for a book. The writing helps you connect with all of the characters and makes you invested in the story and completion of the bucket list. This is the kind of book that you don’t want it to end, and will continue to think about long after you read it. I highly recommend this heartwarming book!

This was my first audiobook and I thought the narrator was great.

Favorite quote: “Romantic love is not the only kind of love worth having.”

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the thought of this book is awesome, however the execution, not as good. I still enjoyed it but it just wasn't what I thought it was going to be.

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This was a rollercoaster of various emotions and it made it so incredibly beautiful. The writing draws you in and it’s impossible not to connect to Jodie or Bree’s characters and become wildly invested in the bucket list journey that grieving Jodie must embark on to help her family, at Bree’s behest. The start of this book was particularly difficult to read (there were tears) but it was so wonderfully written, so emotive, that I couldn’t help but embrace the sadness and persevere to join Jodie on her adventures. It definitely made me think about my own life, what I want to achieve and about how important it is not to wait for things to happen but to seize opportunities and to be brave. Watching Jodie re-emerge into the world and start to find her own place and her own voice was such a joy, and seeing her grief spring up to tackle her tugged at my heartstrings (there were more tears). I think a lot of people will identify with how grief is expressed in this book, the guilt and the sadness and everything in between. It weaves in a lot of difficult topics but there’s plenty of happiness in here too. Jodie meets a lot of new people and makes new friends, she works out what she wants from life and who. It showed that there is good in the world and it’s possible to keep putting one foot in front of the other until everything starts to seem a little brighter than it did before.

I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

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A great story about grief, but also about family, friendship, hope and courage to face your fears and insecurities and be brave enough to live your life to the fullest because there is no guarantee of tomorrow only of today. Jodie’s journey to fill her sister’s bucket list after she died will help her open her heart to new possibilities and the love of her life. The audiobook is great.

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Bree dies of leukaemia and her dying wish is for her sister Jodie to finish her bucket list but comes with specific terms.

what I loved about the story is the sisterhood and family love which was portrayed beautifully, also I loved Jodie’s journey with feeling lost in her life and navigating her grief for her sister while trying to fulfil her dying wish. And I enjoyed the romance part of the story it was sweet.
Now If it was just at that the book would’ve been a 4 stars for me but the thing I didn’t like at all is the social media and all the media attention part, it felt forced and cheesy at times and I was struggling to get through these moments.

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I really enjoyed Someone Else's Bucket List. It had some really sad themes, with a Bree, a very young woman dying of cancer, but it also had some very moving themes with her leaving a Bucket List for her sister Jodie to complete for her. Jodie struggles through most of the bucket list but she knows a lot of people are counting on her to complete it with the strings that come attached with her completion of the buck list she really steps out of her comfort zone. Jodie has a difficult time letting go and doing the things that her free spirited sister Bree wanted done, but she pushes through that and finds herself along the way.

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This story is about the loosing a sister to cancer. The two sisters are complete opposites. Bree was outgoing, adventurous, and an influencer. Jodie is more reserved. Bree’s medical bills start piling up and adding stress to the family. Then there’s a post made on Bree’s IG page made by Bree! She asks her sister to finish her bucket list. In exchange, a sponsor will pay off her debt. Jodie is terrified of the whole world watching her, but it will benefit others medical debt too. So off she goes to fulfill her sister bucket list. Along the way, many endearing characters help Jodie tackle the list. Throughout it all she finds courage, friendship, and maybe even something else…. This book had me in tears! The bonds of sisterhood are showed throughout this book. The narration was good! My only slight complaint about the narration is that it was too slow at the beginning making me feel so sleepy, but it’s nothing a little speed adjustment couldn’t fix.

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A beautiful, heartbreaking story. This reminded me a lot of “My Sister’s Keeper” (which is an amazing film) and I thought I was going to love this too and I did enjoy it but not as much as I expected. Firstly the writing is heartbreaking, with amazing characters you really root for and a great, unique storyline that hooks you in but sadly I felt this was all ruined by it being way way too long. The main story does not start until at least past the 20% mark, and I understand we need a layout of characters and relationships etc. but there’s a lot of inner monologising which could be cut along with events taking up a lot if time (thanksgiving). Overall this is a good book and lots of people will enjoy it I just wish it was shorter and i could rate it higher.

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Thank you to Netgalley and HighBridge Audio for the audiobook version of this book. I am not compensated in any way for my review. Everything I write is my own personal opinions and thoughts.
This book is beautiful. One young lady is sick with a cancer and she has a bucket list she wants to finish before she passes away. She is also a social media influencer. She is unable to finish her bucket list before she passes on. Her medical bills are very high. She has managed to work out a deal with a very wealthy person- the deal is her sister is to finish her bucket list and every time one item off the list is completed the anonymous person is to pay off a portion of her medical bills. I wont tell you more except she does finish the bucket list. This book is one that will stay with me for a long time.

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The beginning of this story was so sad. I felt for Jodie and her family on the loss of her vibrant sister, Bree. The sadness that seeped out of Jodie as she continued her life was apparent and she couldn’t see herself going in any other direction than working all the time at a car rental place to help her family pay off her sister’s massive medical bills. Jodie soon finds out that Bree, a well-known influencer, has set up a bucket list for Jodie to complete, and if she does, a corporate sponsor will pay off all of Bree’s medical debt. Jodie feels like she must complete this list that Bree set before her to help relieve the burden her parents are feeling, and to feel like she has a little bit of Bree left.

The characters were all well thought out, some you love, some were annoying. Every item that Jodie checked off the list made her a little bit stronger. I love the idea of the book, but I wish the first third wasn’t so depressing. I realize it might need to be written that way to get the point across, but it was a downer. The other two thirds are uplifting, although still with a sad piece hanging in the air. The journey through grief and moving on is hard and different for everyone. A difficult read, but well worth it in the end. This was a story about grief, the love for family, finding your passion and learning to live.

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A famous and super liked influencer dies of cancer.
She leaves her unfinished bucket list for her sister. With it. she left some lives on Instagram, so everyone knows what her sister will be doing for her.
Her sister is not nearly as outgoing and authentic as she is. But she cant deny her sister's last wish. Can she?

As you can imagine, this story is pretty sad and heartbreaking.
BUT... a realistic person like me couldnt stop but thinking how selfish it is to expect someone else to stop their lives and do stuff they don't feel comfortable with, for you. I'm sorry, maybe I'm being a b***...but it's true. LOL

Overall it was a good audiobook, but I wish it was a little shorter.

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*I received a copy of this book on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for this opportunity*

This book contains potentially sensitive topics including cancer, death, and cheating.

Influencer Bree Boyd never imagined she would die from leukemia– she had done too many amazing things, had too many amazing things left to do, to die at twenty six. But, in the last six months of her young life, once the reality of her mortality set in, she signed a contract that would change her family’s lives long after she was gone.

Jodie, Bree’s admittedly less outgoing sister, is stuck. She’s stuck at a dead-end job at a car rental stand in the local airport. She’s stuck living at her parent’s house so every penny can go towards her sister’s medical debt. She’s stuck watching her life pass her by– unable to move because of grief and fear. Until Bree, in a posthumous video announcement to her million Instagram followers, reveals Jodie will be completing the six remaining items on her bucket list with Iris Air in exchange for debt freedom. Suddenly, Jodie is swept along on a circus uploaded for the whole world to follow along.

This book is everything that’s right, and wrong, with the world. SOMEONE ELSE’S BUCKET LIST is a moving exploration of familial bonds, the different types of love, and grieving. However, in America’s late-stage capitalism, it isn’t far fetched (as harrowing as the thought is) that a corporation would capitalize on a beloved influencer’s death, dangling freedom from crushing medical debt in front of the family as motivation.

Of course, this book wasn’t meant to act as commentary on social media– but the shoe fits too perfectly to not point out.

BUCKET LIST was emotional and thought provoking. Jodie grapples to work through her overwhelming grief while finding a way to honor her sister’s final wishes amidst a publicity storm. It was a pleasure to listen as Jodie began to grow into herself and learn from her experiences. This story is heart wrenching, but also so full of hope and joy, and I can’t recommend it enough!

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Many thanks to NetGalley and High Bridge Audio for gifting me an audio ARC of this wonderful book by Amy T. Matthews, beautifully narrated by Brenda Scott Wlazlo - 5 stars!

Jodie has always been in awe of her older sister, Bree, who lived life fearlessly whereas Jodie was fearful. Bree was a popular Instagram influencer with over a million followers; Jodie worked as a rental car agent and shied away from social media. When Bree got leukemia, everything of course changed. Jodie moved back home to help with medical expenses that the Boyd family was rapidly accruing. When Bree dies, she left her uncompleted bucket list for Jodie to fill - with the incentive of getting all their medical bills paid if she did. But will Jodie be able to do it?

While this premise may sound a bit maudlin, it is anything but. It is so heartwarming, hopeful, full of good characters you will be rooting for. It's a story of living life and not just existing, of having courage to step outside your comfort zone. It's also about all those who are behind us now matter what - family and friends who become family - who only want the best for us. I loved this book - highly recommended!

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At almost 20% in, we’ve barley gotten to the main plot in the story and I have to DNF. I loved the premise of this book, but the length and pace were just too difficult to get me invested and could have benefited from more editing. The beginning starts out with Bre in the hospital and plants itself there for what I feel was far too long. Maybe the story becomes more hopeful or maybe I’m just not in the right state of mind, but the tone was just camping out in melancholy and I was really craving more of the bucket list plot line. This may have just been a synopsis/marketing issue. I understand the situation is heartbreaking, but even the dialogue felt overly dramatic. If you’re looking for a deep, emotional story with complex family dynamics, you might enjoy this one. I’m finding for me, right now, this just isn’t connecting with me.

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I loved the title. It is what drew me to the book. The book is definitely an emotional one. As you read about the bond the sisters had, you can't help but feel for Jodie. Bree did an amazing job of setting things up for Jodie to experience. I loved the characters and the story. It was fast paced and I found myself immersed in their lives.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced audiobook copy. This book is beautifully written. I really enjoy the narrator.

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This book was beautifully written, and I could almost see the movie playing along in my head. I think this book would be a perfect mini series.

When I first picked up this book, I saw it listed as a romance and I almost put it down because I wasn’t in the mood for a romancey romance at the moment. I was pleasantly thrown into this fiction book with a touch of romance. The romance is NOT the center of the storyline in my opinion (though I can see the dissenting stance and agree there is merit to it; I just feel that this book differs from many modern contemporary romance novels that focus entirely on the budding relationship through a formulaic plot).

I thought this was an emotional rollercoaster of a ride, and I felt the love between Jodie and Bree, Claudia, and the rest of her family. There is grief throughout the book, and I would say this book is really about Jodie and how she learns to live her life again after her sister dies.

There is the added element of utilizing social media to pay off medical debt, which is the most twenty first century American nonsense ever, but at least it was a good story. I felt that this part of the storyline could have had more commentary on this aspect, but chances are it was and just got the redline from editing. It’s not a perfect plot point, but hey, life isn’t either.

I enjoyed this book and at the crux of it all, thought that Amy T. Matthews’ writing was polished and heartfelt. Brenda Scott Wlazlo, the narrator, did a great job and I felt so immersed in the story.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and Kensington Books for an advanced listeners copy of the audiobook. This is my honest review of the book.

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This book brought such a bittersweet feeling. It is the story of Bree's family after she passes away from cancer. Bree gives them a bucket list to complete so that her social media following will help pay for the medical bills that have been piling up. Bree's treatments have cause the family to be in extreme debt. Bree posts a video before she died to her social media to help her family pay the debts through doing the bucket list as a fundraiser. This stories was pretty good. I felt like it did have a few details that seemed unnecessary. However, overall it was a great read!

Read/ Listen if you enjoy:
Sad stories
Emotional reads
Grieving families
Family growth
I received an ARC audiobook in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.

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Beautiful and heartwarming story about two sisters and their love for each other and their family. I loved Jodie’s determination to stay true to her sister’s list amidst the media circus and the CEO with a conscience. Throughout the whole story, the sense off loss is prevalent and isn’t buried amongst the different challenges, which is something that gets buried in other stories. This was such a wonderful tribute to her sister. The only thing that didn’t work for me was the love interest but other than that, a great read.

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