Member Reviews

Terry Miles’ "The Quiet Room" is a masterfully crafted psychological thriller that grips you from the first page. Miles intricately weaves a tense narrative, delving deep into the human psyche with haunting precision. The characters are vividly portrayed, each adding layers of suspense and intrigue. The plot twists are unpredictable, keeping readers on edge until the very end. The atmospheric writing immerses you completely, making it impossible to put the book down. With its compelling storyline and expert pacing, "The Quiet Room" is a standout novel that will linger in your mind long after the final page. A brilliant five-star read!

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I absolutely loved the first novel and this one did not disappoint whatsoever. I was so excited to get into this novel and the concept is just so fun and unique. I did have A hard time grasping some of the concepts but I got it in the end!

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An unworthy and disappointing follow up to the brilliant Rabbits. There were too many meaningless characters, meandering plot points, and a romance subplot that felt forced and pointless. Plus, it has lost all the original charm of Rabbits and become just another multiverse story with little to differentiate it from any other of the many multiverse stories now littering pop culture. Also, the inclusion of The Backrooms in the story yet calling it "The BetweenSpaces" was an annoying ripoff.

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I went into this not knowing it was a sequel and that probably was not the best idea. I will have to go back and read the first book and then this to appreciate it.

Thank you NetGalley

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The The Quiet Room is an enthralling addition to the Pacific Northwest Stories universe, home to the acclaimed podcasts TANIS, Rabbits, and The Black Tapes. This captivating narrative pulls from real world elements, blurs elements of 'Alternate Reality Gaming,' reminiscent of the enigmatic Randonautica, where seemingly random things are often more than what they seem.

Terry Miles masterfully weaves an intricate and expansive web that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The characters are multi-dimensional and full of surprises, each twist and turn revealing new layers of complexity. The story’s rapid pace alternates between the gripping perspectives of Rowan Chess (a newcomer to this world of 'Rabbits) and Emily Connors (the aficionado who is looking to win the game) as they struggle with their 'dimensional drift' and try to piece together their fragmented memories.

Fans of Rabbits will feel right at home with the atmospheric tension and mind-bending puzzles that The Quiet Room offers. If you were captivated by Book 1, prepare to be equally, if not more, enthralled by Book 2. There's no hint of a 'sophomore slump' here; instead, the story challenges your perception of reality, ignites your imagination, and drives your curiosity to unprecedented heights.

If you're looking for the excitement of Ready Player One but with a modern flare of the multi-verse, the door is open. Let The Quiet Room transport you to a world where the boundaries of reality blur, and every page turn reveals a new enigma waiting to be solved.

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This sequel takes the story from the first book and runs with it. I just had to keep listening to it as I clean and cook over all I’d give it a 4 star rating.

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The game of Rabbits is kind of like Fight Club – you don’t talk about it, it doesn’t exist, and you tell no one you’re playing. Rumors about its purpose have surrounded the game for years, and the identities of the winners are unknown. It involves finding patterns, inconsistencies, and following clues in our everyday world, and the players seem to be pretty tech savvy and geniuses at detecting subtle irregularities.

This sequel focuses on Emily and Rowan. Emily has played the game before and wants to compete again – but she finds herself in a reality where the game doesn’t exist. Rowan’s never heard of Rabbits but begins to notice all sorts of odd coincidences (polar bears everywhere), and then his date vanishes at a restaurant.

There’s not much I can reveal about this series – it’s something you need to experience for yourself. It’s bizarre, mind-bending, and you’ll wonder what’s real. Alternate realities are a fact of life in the world of Rabbits, so if that’s not your thing you might want to pass. But if you’re an avid sci-fi fan? Hang on tight and dive into Rabbits where you’ll encounter endless twists and surprises. Considering the ending another book is coming, and I’ll be waiting. I highly recommend reading Rabbits before The Quiet Room.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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The Quiet Room is the second novel based on Terry Miles' podcast, Rabbits. Emily seeks out the 12th iteration of the Rabbits game along with some shadowy figures from her past. Much like the first book, detailing the 11th iteration, patterns and coincidences intertwine in a glorious tapestry. Better than the DaVinci Code and more realistic than Ready Player One, I completely adore these books for the mysterious trail Emily must follow and the deviously clever ways she avoids the Rabbits Police. You don't need to know anything about the Rabbits podcast in order to follow the story.

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A great answer engaging follow up to Rabbits. The writing is crisp and easy to follow and coherent. Twisty and fun. Highly recommended!!!

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Loved every wild, bumpy minute of this return to the world of Rabbits. I am not a sci-fi (or sci-fi-adjacent) reader whatsoever, but this series breaks down my resistance and pulls me along for the ride every time!

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This is a surprisingly effective sequel to Rabbits: evidently, Miles has lots of ideas to explore beyond the initial concept. The star of this installment is Emily Connors, who finds herself trapped in a timestream where the game does not exist. She remembers her husband K dying, even though he allegedly won the previous installment of the game. She reconnects with billionaire Alan Scarpio from the first book, as well as her lover Pepper (who disappeared in the kind of mysterious circumstances associated with the game).

In this reality architect and theme park designer Rowan Chess is apparently the only person playing Rabbits at first. But all of the players find each other before long, after dodging the Rabbits Police who seem intent on preventing the game from happening. They all come to believe that they are in a
reality stem that is about to be cut off, ending that world and all of the people in it. What can they do? Play the game and hope they can find their way back to their own world. Against all odds Emily not only survives but prevails. After one last shock, she prepares herself for the next iteration of Rabbits, and one more chance to save the world.

Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced reader's proof.

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The Quiet Room, Emily has drifted into another dimension that has been severed from the multiverse and will soon be destroyed. We soon find out that The Engineer, who is a threat to the multiverse, is trapped there and the reason for the split. Emily can’t seem to find Rabbits or any evidence of its existence.

Rowan is on the best date of his life and feels a true connection to her. Only, after having gone into the bathroom but never coming back out, she has disappeared. A possible clue written in lipstick on the back of the door says, “The Door is Open”.

When Emily and her friends are finally able to track down the list of Rabbits players, only one name is there, Rowan Chess.
But Rowan, has problems of his own, namely, a building he designed but never shared the design plans with anyone, not only was brought up in his interrogation with the “rabbits police”, but has appeared in Vegas.

Emily and her friends keep finding references to The Quiet Room, which supposedly exists outside of time & space. They realize it could be their way back to their own dimension(s) and set out to find it.

I’m absolutely obsessed with the whole Rabbits universe. I loved the first book, Rabbits & immediately listened to the whole Rabbits podcast after reading it. While I didn’t love The Quiet Room quite as much as both of them, I really enjoyed it. To say I can’t wait for the next book is a huge understatement.

Thank you to NetGalley and Del Ray Publishing for providing me with a copy of this book to review.

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I actually enjoyed this installment of the Rabbits novels better than the first. While an understanding of the Rabbits universes/game is necessary, this book could potentially be read as a standalone. It follows Emily's journey to return home after the events at the end of Rabbits.

Since there was less world-building/lore being explained, we could really focus on the game and the cast of characters. Emily ends up in a world where Rabbits is hiding, and she discovers, along with some familiar and some new characters, that things are more sinister and dire than she ever imagined.

I love the relationships between all of the characters. They all complement each other and ultimately it's the team work between them that makes the story.

I'd definitely recommend this series to my followers and I'll for sure read any upcoming books in this series.

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Great book from the author that brought us Rabbits (book and podcast). If you enjoyed the first book, you will be glad to pick this one up, as the world of Rabbits both continues and expands. It truly felt like a "next chapter" approach as this book picks up right where the first one left off. While different in many ways, we get the same escape room / meets MMORPG game / breaking reality excitement that you would expect from Terry Miles. Pick it up and enjoy!

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I should have clicked that I will not be giving feedback on this one, but I accidentally didn't click that and now I have no option but to leave this here.

I cannot believe I am DNF'ing the sequel to Rabbits, one of my favorite books. The pacing in this one is too slow, and I know we're not supposed to worry about editing that much, but this really needs a good line edit. It's excruciating to read at some points.

I really appreciate the opportunity to review this title, and apologies that I am not continuing. I hope many others enjoy it more--this series' premise is so great!

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After the Eleventh iteration, Rabbits goes so popular, it’s inter-dimensional. Emily Connors finds herself in a dimension where the game actually doesn’t exist at all. Meanwhile, Rowan Chess is having the opposite experience. The game is actually pursuing him relentlessently and people keep vanishing as if they’d never existed. When Rowan and Emily meet, they’ll uncover a conspiracy that could change the game (and reality) forever.

I enjoy the Rabbits universe, and this latest installment got wilder but no less entertaining than precious forays into this reality. It’s got that world in a world thing I enjoy so much. Explaining the plot would probably make my brain hurt and also not come out well, but if you’re caught up on the Rabbits world and want more story, check this one out.

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I stumbled on to the world of Rabbits quite by accident a few years ago and was excited to devour The Quiet Room by Terry Miles, the second novel in the Rabbits series. This science fiction thriller grabbed me from page one and held me to the end. I cannot wait for the next one!

The Quiet Room picks up shortly after the ending of Rabbits, book one. While Miles does a stellar job of bringing new readers up to speed, I recommend starting with book one. This one fed my inner nerd and Dungeons and Dragons’ child.

Emily Cooper, who played the game Rabbits in the previous book, seems to have shifted into a corner of the multiverse where Rabbits is hiding. Rabbits is an underground game where players race to win by finding patterns.

It’s an average work day. You’ve been wrapped up in a task, and you check the clock when you come up for air—4:44 pm. You go to check your email, and 44 unread messages have built up. With a shock, you realize it is April 4th—4/4. And when you get in your car to drive home, your odometer reads 44,444. Coincidence? Or have you just seen the edge of a rabbit hole?

The game can be deadly. There can be unexpected consequences that affect our dimensions and others. Yep, lots of wibbly wobbly timey-wimey stuff. As a die-hard Doctor Who fan, I devoured the concept of Rabbits. This time, the reader will question whether they are playing the game or if the game is playing them. Something is VERY wrong with the game.

Rabbit agents, abductions, and more soon have Emily tracking down a previous winner. Meanwhile, a young architect named Rowan Chess crosses paths with Emily. Rabbits is hiding here, but it seems Chess is playing the game. Only he’s never heard of the Rabbits.

I loved the twists, the unknown factors, and meeting up with others we have previously encountered. This was such a stellar follow up to the first novel. Miles kept it fresh while taking us deeper down the rabbit hole. Perfectly paced with a wonderful buildup to the climactic scene.

The ending brings closers, but teases the readers about what is coming. This reader cannot wait.

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While I enjoyed the previous novel "Rabbits," "The Quiet Room" felt like a jumble of plot points and info dumps that didn't really seem to gel at the end. I wasn't sure if the "rules" that I was being told about the world and various timelines were something that I had read in the previous novel or something that were pulled out of the air in this novel. I didn't feel as much of a connection to the stakes and the plot.

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Multiple timelines and a game to find it all. Here are reasons to read the this SciFi book:

Sequel - in this Sequel to the book Rabbits

Game? - We are not sure if the game really still exists. If it does, it will be in it’s 11th Iteration

2 POV Meet - Emily and Rowan are 2 POV we follow in this book and when they do meet they discover

Reality - That their own reality might not be as stable as they thought

I was really excited to read this book as I really enjoyed Rabbits. It was kind of a strange book, but this one is just as much. I really do like how a lot of the characters from the first book are coming together to figure out what is happening and why there are people trying to stop them. There isn’t a lot I can say, except this book is definitely for you if you like sciFi books or books about games.

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I would like to thank Random House Worlds and NetGalley for allowing me to read an eARC of this book.

The Quiet Room is a sequel to Rabbits, and while not absolutely necessary to be able to follow what is happening, I would recommend reading Rabbits first to familiarize yourself with the game and the characters.

The Quiet Room brings us back to Emily Connors, who almost won the last iteration of the Rabbits game. She has been having strange dreams and strange things happen to her, including being kidnapped by the Rabbits Police. This book also brings back some other familiar names in Alan Scarpio and Pepper, and K (indirectly). We also get introduced to Rowan Chess, an architect and theme park designer with a penchant for puzzles and escape rooms. The book alternates between what is happening with Emily and what is happening with Rowan, and things really heat up when Emily and Rowan encounter each other.

Emily and Rowan and a bunch of other players become trapped in a dimensional stream that has been cut off and will be destroyed. It is a race against time and the Rabbit Police to win the game in order to save themselves. But the game doesn't even seem to exist; either that or it's desperately trying to stay hidden. Add to that a very dangerous person (known only as the Engineer) is also trapped there and will do anything to get out.

The first 1/3 of the book was really good, and pulled me in right away. The middle 1/3 became a bit muddled and confusing at times. There were definitely points where I wasn't sure what was happening. There are several dimensional streams in play (and therefore different versions of the same people) and parts are in the past and parts in the present. It made it hard to determine exactly when in the timeline what I was reading happened. The last 1/3 of the book picked up again and I really enjoyed the ending. It definitely left it open for another book!
I enjoyed the first book a bit more than this one, as it was more straightforward and less confusing. However, if you are a fan of Rabbits, the multiverse, and sci-fi in general, I would definitely recommend this book.

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