Member Reviews

I absolutely loved this book. It was definitely a slow burn and didn’t have much spice. However it certainly pulled me out of my book slump. I love a good romance novel and this did it for me. I read it in one sitting. You know a book is good when it makes you not want to move from you spot and you sitting googley eyed over the male character. I know for a fact this is a book I will pick up and read again some time soon.

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I didn’t really know what to think going into this book, but I really liked it. I thought both main characters were well written and it was a really fun setting/premise for a romance.

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I was only able to get a quarter of the way into the book before it expired, but I did thoroughly enjoy it. As a fan of anything to do with NASA and space, I loved the premise of a main character being an astronaut. I think my only real issue is that it’s first person, present tense, which I really don’t like reading, but that’s a personal preference. I do want to continue reading it so I’ll buy the book.

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I ended up reading this book via audio from my library.

While I like the characters, I really, really dislike the "family savior" trope. Maybe it is because I do not come from a close knit family, but I do not understand character's reasoning for taking on unneeded responsibilities and sacrifices, especially financial, and keeping it a huge secret. I absolutely understanding helping family when needed but secretly, and when you're clearly not in the right position to be doing as much as you're doing, is what really does me in.

I think I found my most hated trope lol

Other than that, I did enjoy the story and I liked the romance. I also enjoyed the relationship Vincent has with his family and how quickly they let Amerie in.

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This was a cute fake dating romance told in a fun voice. I didn't really feel the stakes of Amerie's job as a party planner and since it featured so heavily in the story, that part was kind of a dud for me. I loved Vincent and his family and his unique job--this is the first astronaut romance I have read. This would be the perfect book to throw in your beach bag to enjoy by the pool!

Many thanks to Berkley & Netgalley for the ARC.

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A struggling event planner and a hot astronaut must decide if their fake relationship is worth a shot at happily-ever-after.

This book made me smile and laugh so much! This slow burn, feel good romance checked all of my boxes. In addition to the relatable, lovable characters, I loved the emphasis on family and friendships.

“Our love has to be bigger than our fears”

Amerie and Vincent were adorable together as two people finding love when they least expected it. They had each other’s backs every time. I particularly appreciated the realistic evolution of their relationship combined with individual growth for both characters.

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I absolutely adored this book! Amerie and Vincent played well off of each other throughout the entire book. The story was so cute and funny, but it was also amazing to read a book about a Black astronaut and a Black woman starting her own business. This is exactly why I read books about people who are different from me--representation is everything! I truly enjoyed every character in this book, and I wanted nothing more than to see these two people succeed in any way they wanted, but also with each other. I cannot wait to read more from Etta Easton!

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A sweet meet cute, turned fake dating, turned one bed, turned real love!

Amerie and Vincent, or main characters, meet by accident in a coffee shop when Amerie spills her coffee on him. They meet at the same coffee shop again and Amerie has to use Vincent as a ploy to make her ex jealous and make herself seem like less of a loser. Vincent plays along and asks in return that Amerie be his date to a family event...yadayadayada...they fall in love (I can't tell you everything!)

The chemistry between these two!!!! Woo! I have not experienced this kind of chemistry between two characters in a book in a while, so either i'm starved for attention (I'm not) or Etta Easton just knows what's up!

I loved the character development of Amerie throughout the story. She really learned how to stand up for herself and be truthful with herself and loved ones. Both Amerie and Vincent are dealing with family issues throughout the book and I felt like that made them more relatable to each other and to the reader. Speaking of Vincent, I loved how much description we got on Vincent, his voice, his body, his demeanor... Heck! I was in love with Vincent by the end.

Definitely a 4.5 stars! I felt all the feels.

Thank you NetGalley and Berkley for the ebook!

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This book was such a cute fake dating romance! I loved how the trope was written and the chemistry between our two main characters was so good! Honestly, this was well on the way to being a four or five-star book for me until the third-act breakup. It was way too late in the story and it made no sense! I am still confused how it ended and I reread the scene twice.

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We love a black romance novel and this was not any different! We love a fake dating story and I couldn’t get enough of this book! Loved the character, plot and storyline as a whole, I hope if you read this book you enjoy it as much as I did!

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This is a cute romance. Event planner, Amerie, runs into astronaut, Vincent....literally. They have a run in at the coffee shop and leave one another less than impressed. A chance second meeting flips the switch to where they agree to fake date for their own reasons. Amerie wants to show her ex that she has moved on. Vincent wants to get his mom off his back. They come to a mutual agreement that benefits them both.

While I had to suspend my disbelief in some places, I really enjoyed this book. Vincent being an astronaut brought in a different aspect that I hadn't seem much before. Not only do they begin fake dating, Amerie also moves into Vincent's place to save money while she helps her parents and is working on trying to get her business off the ground. Plus, Vincent is heading out for a mission to the moon soon and so that adds another time and emotional aspect to everything.

This is a good book for anyone looking for a lighthearted romance to add to their collection. 4 solid stars!

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This book was so sweet. I absolutely loved this combination of fake dating, friends to lovers and forced proximity romance. These two characters each have their own set of things holding them back from being in a relationship, so the fake relationship seems perfect for them, until it dips into dangerous territory of feelings. I loved seeing these two both so passionate about their jobs. I think the encouragement they give each other to chase their dreams was one of my favorite things. Overall this has great main characters, well done side characters and a plot that is just ridiculous enough as fake dating goes that I could still see it happening. This was super fun, but also touched on some deeper topics, such as vulnerability, well.

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The Kiss Countdown by Etta Easton was a cute romcom. I'm not a fan of slow burn romance but by the end I was sold. Let's talk all the tropes in the book: Fake Dating, Roommates, and did I mention our lead MMC is an astronaut! The writing style of this author was great and I really enjoyed this story!

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Never would have thought that I would love a book about an astronaut and an event planner fake dating, but I did and I'm so happy about it!

Amerie is a struggling event planner and Vincent is a super hot astronaut. They bump into each other at a coffee shop once and have an exchange. But the next time she's at the coffee shop, Amerie runs into her ex and so she pretends Vincent is her boyfriend and he plays along. Vincent then asks for something in exchange- to pretend they're dating around his family until his next mission, and he offers Amerie to stay in his house for free and save up for her business. Just a transaction nothing more... but as they continue to fake date their connection begins to blossom.

Amerie and Vincent were so cute and perfect for each other! This was such a fun and fluffy fake dating book and I loved both Amerie and Vincent so much!

This was such a fun read and a great debut and I look forward to more book by Etta Easton.

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This book had me in a chokehold the whole time I started recommending it to people before I even fished. It's a fantastic read, but I could not get enough. I loved both characters. The development of their relationship was Chef's Kiss. I loved it so much.

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The number one reason that I picked up this book is because the male love interest is a Black astronaut at NASA! Black?! And in STEM?! Instant read for me.⁣

For the spicy lovers looking for smut every other chapter, sit this one out. The one is for the rom-com lovers who get swept up with a cheesy yet adorable meet cute followed by a fake dating plot that you know is going to be full of shenanigans. ⁣

I loved both Amerie and Vincent. Their chemistry takes a bit to get off the ground but their instant banter sucked me in. ⁣

I saw so much of myself in Amerie as someone who is risk adverse, but I could also completely relate to Vincent’s diehard passion for science even at the expense of his family’s wishes. ⁣

If you’re looking for a cute, Black romance that also puts STEM front and center then this is for you!

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It took me a few chapters to get really interested in the characters' stories, but once I did, I had to read the book through to the end to see how this love story ended. Their connection and banter were very cute. It felt much more intense because of the forced proximity element, which I really enjoyed. I loved the conversations about relationships, career, and family. And how complex each character was. Particularly Amerie's professional path and Vincent's range of accomplishments, I appreciated the characters' depth. Given that Vincent had to resolve his own family difficulties as part of the plot, I do wish there had been some chapters written from his point of view.

I am forward to read more from this author in the future!!

Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for my e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Solid and entertaining debut from Etta Easton!

Amerie was a lively and fun character, but she could also be maddening. I loved her quick comebacks, her drive, and her fierce love for those close to her. She felt very real to me as I was reading and one of my favorite parts was her friendship with Gina. I would have liked a bit more of them together because I think Gina was a fun balance to Amerie and didn't let her avoid the tough conversations.

Vincent was a decent character, but he never felt as fleshed out as Amerie did. He seemed to be more of an afterthought, especially since so much of the story focuses on Amerie and is all told first person. He was sweet, charming, and I loved the scenes with his family.

I also loved some of the tougher topics woven in here from illness, to long distance relationships, to career aspirations and familial expectations. This was tender and funny, and I look forward to more books by Easton!

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Amerie's life isn't going well. She broke up with her boyfriend, she lost her job, and she is in danger of losing her apartment due to the rent increase. She is also worried about her mother who has sickle cell anemia. Finally, her parents go on vacation, and she can worry without them knowing all her issues. Then, one day at the coffee shop with her best friend, she runs into a solid man, spilling his coffee on him. Then, they meet again the following week, and together they make a deal. They will pretend they are in a relationship, to please both his family and also allow her to thumb her nose at her former beau. He is Vincent Rogers, an astronaut. Amerie is afraid to get involved as she avoids risk, and knowing he will go into space scares her. But, together, they overcome all the obstacles, and they heal each other.
Cute romance.

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I'm a total pushover for a fake dating trope and this one was a delight. First of all, he's an astronaut? Yes, please! Okay, so maybe not in real life. Like Amerie, I'm a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to certain things like heights, twisty mountain roads, and, oh, I don't know, waving farewell to your beloved as he soars to the moon?!? But, I'm getting ahead of myself. First we have to get these two together.

Easton has crafted a fun, relatable, slow-burn romance that had me jumping into this unexpected relationship with both feet. From the coffee shop meet cute, through meeting the family, to a fake engagement, the breakup, and the reunion, these characters kept me by their side, cheering them on and flipping pages from beginning to end. I enjoyed the exploration of Amerie and Vincent not only through their one-on-one journey but through the interactions with their families as well. Those family dynamics were spot on with the parents and siblings so well developed that I felt like I had actually met them in real life.

While the romance between Vincent and Amerie is a slow burn, I felt the chemistry between them from the start. The banter between them sparkles even before they begin to catch feelings. Once that starts, we begin to delve a bit deeper into what makes each of them tick, revealing their vulnerabilities, fears, hopes, and more. I love how smitten Vincent was and how hard he tried to hide it. It takes Amerie longer to overcome her fears but once she does, she goes after her man in grand style. It's all about facing our fears.

If you're looking for a fun romance filled with laughter, family, slow-burn romance, one very sexy astronaut, a ride-or-die girlfriend, and a heroine you might just want to be besties with (I did), pick up a copy of The Kiss Countdown. It's sure to make you smile.

ARC received from publisher via NetGalley. Fair and unbiased review.

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