Member Reviews

This is a low angst, slowish burn contemporary romance where starting over and navigating family dynamics are core themes. I really appreciated reading a child parenting her parents but framed as parents who loved their child rather than being absentee parents. Now, there's room to say they are traveling around the world but when you're living on borrowed time I think it was reasonable. Overall, a very sweet storyline with the anchor of an HEA.

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Overall, I really enjoyed this! While I knew this was a fake-dating story, there was one major element of their “deal” that really bothered me. But I kept going and I started to fall for Amerie and Vincent as they fell for each other.

What I liked:
-Amerie and Vincent's parents. The family scenes were lovely.
-Vincent makes science oh so sexy.
-Amerie's career as an event planner- and how passionate she was about it.
-Great music references.

What I didn't like:
-That part I already referred to but don't want to spoil. Luckily, I had a reading partner who helped me move on and focus more on the parts I appreciated.
- Some other communication choices that didn't align with what I believed about certain relationships.
Personal connections:
-Amerie is an only child, her parents are married, and her mom has had health issues that Amerie has observed since childhood. I related to this completely.
- Vincent has siblings and is the oldest. This matches my husband. Big family dinners and moments are delightful for me to experience as an only child, just as they were for Amerie.

Quality of Writing 5/5
Pacing 5/5
Plot Development 3/5
Character Development 4/5
Overall Enjoyability 4.5/5

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A lovely black romance book ! It’s a fake dating slow burn romance that I highly recommend. I really liked this ! It felt unique in its pacing . Sometimes romance books can feel a little formulaic but that was not the case here. I really felt like this book did something different in the pacing of this book and it worked well for the story. While it was a bit insta lovey in how they were attracted to each other, the fact that they didn’t actually act on it for quite sometime made it so much more satisfying. Everyone around them believed in there romance and so did I. It was so romantic and a solid romance . I can’t wait to read more from this author 4.5 ⭐️

Thank you NetGalley for this Arc

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The Kiss Countdown is a slow-burn, with a third act break-up. There wasn't enough romance especially with a built-in break-up. How about the male love interest was an astronaut, that was fun.

Thank you, Berkley

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This book had a lot of potential and I'll admit, the cover got me because it's adorable. As a debut novel, I think it did okay. It was my first astronaut plotted book so I went in unsure how I would feel about it. But I really struggled connecting to these two MCs. I'm not sure where it fell flat for me, but the fake dating an astronaut seemed out of this world (see what I did there? lol). In all seriousness, I think I had a hard time relating to Amerie. It frustrated me that she wasn't very supportive of the fact he was gone all the time. Um, hello? He's an astronaut. Vincent was hard to read as well and I think you could really see where where he struggled to open up to Amerie based off his past struggles. I just couldn't feel the chemistry and it seemed force for this one.

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Amerie has experienced quite a few, unexpected, set-backs lately. First she was fired from her job, then she was broken up with, then she discovers an unexpected hospital bill for her ailing mother. She has just enough to get by for a few months, if only she could get party planning business off the ground. Running into Vincent at the coffee shop was the last thing she was looking for. Using him spur of the moment while running into her ex, has unexpected outcomes for both of them.

Vincent wants Amerie to play his pretend girlfriend for his family, while giving Amerie a place to live, which helps Amerie save some more money. You see his mother is not so keep on his job, an Astronaut. She wants him to stay safely on the ground, and she thinks that a girlfriend/wife will help him see that. The opposite is true as Amerie whole heartedly supports his career choices. What neither anticipated was that while playing boyfriend and girlfriend, deep feelings start to develop. I mean the attraction was always there but now that they know each other on a deeper level, well maybe they can become the real deal.

I absolutely loved these two and would get frustrated when they couldn’t see what was right there all along. So what happens? You’ll have to one-click to find out.

Thank you to Netgalley and Berkley for the opportunity to read this book.

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I really loved the premise of this one. I didn’t realize I needed a rom-com about an astronaut before finding this book, but I was wrong, I totally needed that. I liked Vincent’s character quite a bit, but Mimi’s character frequently drove me a little crazy. I found her reactions to be over the top most of the time (the dust, really?), but I did love her interactions with her best friend and parents and the slow burn with Vincent (fake relationship may be my favorite trope, so I could be a bit biased there). I thought the drama that led to their separation was weak and could have been better. I mean I’m ok with the formula but it just didn’t feel real for me. But overall this was a sweet, fun, romantic story that was also about family. I really liked the relationships and building communication within those familial relationship with both Mimi and Vincent’s families. Honestly that was my favorite part of this book, the supporting characters. I’ll definitely be on the look out for future books by this author.

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What a great debut novel. Amerie and Vincent made interesting characters and were easy to root for. I do think if we were able to get a point of view from hot astronaut, Vincent the book would have been fire. I think staying with only Amerie the entire novel made the pacing of the book lull at places. I missed the tension a dual pov can add to a rom com. I enjoyed the show burn to their romance though, in general the fake dating trope can feel forced but in The Kiss Countdown it felt authentic and natural. I'll be looking out for more books by Etta Easton.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an opportunity to read and review honestly an advanced digital copy.

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This is a fun fake dating, forced proximity, romance featuring an event planner and an actual astronaut. The first time they meet, Amerie spills coffee all over Vincent. The next time, Amerie’s ex is there and she rashly points Vincent out as her boyfriend.

Vincent realizes that having a fake girlfriend will keep his family from nagging him about dating, so they agree to date until his next launch. As they spend time together, especially during his vacation with his family, they get closer and closer as their fake romance turns real.

I really liked these characters, they’re well described and they both are dealing with their own issues. The romance flows naturally and doesn’t feel forced. I really enjoyed this book and I’m looking forward to this debut author’s next release!

Thanks to Berkley and NetGalley, I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This was a lovely and fun debut romance, I really enjoyed it.

As someone who lives in Houston and has read many books set here that are wildly inaccurate, this one got the setting perfect.

I was giggling and swooning and kicking my feet!! BRB while I go hang out at the coffee shop across from NASA (there actually is one).

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I loved this book so much! It has everything I love in romance: humor, heart, and a swoon-worthy hero. I can always mark the sign of a good book by how many times it makes me squeal, and I was kicking my feet and squealing in glee a LOT. Vincent is the perfect hero, and fake dating never misses for me. I also felt so much both for Vincent and his mom and the friction they had over his job, especially after learning the cause of his mom's worries. Overall this was a fantastic read, and I'm looking forward to whatever Etta Easton comes up with next!

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When Amerie runs into her ex and his new girlfriend at her favorite coffee shop, she does what any stressed woman would do trying to make herself look better, she grabs the closest man she recognizes and pretends he’s her boyfriend. The man she grabbed? None other than Vincent, the very attractive guy she recently met when she spilled coffee all over him. Lucky for her, Vincent plays the part and actually wants to extend their fake relationship to get his family off his back until he leaves for his mission as an astronaut.

I loved this book! From the hot mess meet cute to the fake relationship, this book was filled with fun moments that often had me giggling to myself. All of that fun was also balanced with some deep moments as well. I loved Mimi and Vincent together, but even more, I loved their individual journeys. Mimi’s journey of starting her own business and building her success was so inspiring! Vincent’s story of dealing with his grief and learning how to navigate tensions with his family broke my heart and put it back together. I adored his mom and sisters and would love even more of them in the future! Even with some heavier themes, this book was a light and fun read that I flew through.

Thank you to Berkley Publishing and NetGalley for the advance copy.

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This was such a cute romance! I was expecting it to be way cheesier based on the premise and Vincent being an astronaut but it wasn’t at all! I loved Amerie and Vincent obviously but also loved their families and Gina. I hate that the main issue in fake dating tropes is usually a lack of communication so I liked that in this book, they were open about their feelings and the conflict instead was based on being scared to lose each other or hold each other back!

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A very fun storyline but I was hoping for more from it. I always want to pick up books that have a little bit of science in it so this one having the MMC be and astronaut had me intrigued. This was a very slow burn and there was a third act breakup so I didn’t feel like we saw them actually together enough. I love a slow burn because usually there’s all this build up and tension… I didn’t feel it here. It might have been because it was single POV. I think having his POV would have helped the story a lot. He was super sweet and I would have loved to get in his head. I still enjoyed it though and will pick up any future books from the author!

❤️‍🔥 slow burn
👩🏾‍🚀 he’s an astronaut
🤭 fake dating
👥 close proximity

single POV
3.5/5 stars ⭐️
1/5 spice level 🌶️

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This book was okay. I liked Vincent a lot more than Amerie and I WISH this book was dual POV. It would’ve made this book shine. I couldn’t really connect with Amerie. She puts everyone first until she’s drowning

I like the fake dating storyline but still I couldn’t connect with either of them

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC

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Thank you @BerkleyRomance #Berkley #BerkleyPartner for the free book and @PRHAudio for the complimentary audiobook. These opinions are my own.

This was fantastic. Amerie is trying to set herself up running a new business, but it's a slow start. After a chance meeting with Vincent, they end up fake dating as she moves in with him to save money.

Theirs was the greatest meet cute at a coffee shop. It felt like exactly the meet cute I have always wished for, running into a hot guy with hot coffee. I loved that he really is an astronaut and the nod to the lies we see on dating apps.

Fake dating is always one of my favorite tropes, and it was done so well here. I really appreciated how they came together. And I loved the character growth and the families for each. I especially appreciated her care for her mother. It resonated with me greatly.

The story was told entirely in first person from Amerie's perspective. Angel Pean did a fantastic job narrating the whole book.

4.5 stars rounded up

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Even though this is a debut novel, Etta Easton’s narrative voice leaps off the page from the very beginning of The Kiss Countdown. The story is told from the perspective of Amerie “Mimi” Price, an event planner who’s down on her luck. After her mother’s most recent health crisis, Amerie lost her job and her boyfriend, and her own business hasn’t taken off yet… which is no help for her medical bills and her increasing rent. When she runs into her ex at a coffeeshop one morning, Amerie makes the rash decision to pretend she’s there meeting her boyfriend, roping virtual stranger Vincent Rogers into her charade. But the joke is on her: Vincent could also use with a fake girlfriend, but for a longer term.

Fake dating isn’t my favorite romance trope; it can be hard to make it seem like a realistic choice for the characters. But here, it works really well. I also love how the stakes keep escalating. From a one-off conversation to a New Year’s party to a months-long fake dating stint, the pretend dating keeps getting extended to something more. And when Amerie moves in with Vincent (of mutual benefit to them both), they’re also effectively roommates. Later, the only-one-bed trope gets thrown in for good measure (and to good use!), further pushing this fake couple together.

Amerie and Vincent are such opposites in nearly every way. She’s prickly and grumpy; he’s easy-going and considerate. She’s highly risk-averse; he’s an adrenaline junkie with the career to prove it. I love how they even each other out… or, rather, how Vincent is such a balm to Amerie.

Both are close to their families and have complicated relationships with their mothers. Indeed, those mom relationships are a driving factor behind much of what happens between Amerie and Vincent. While Amerie has some baggage she needs to confront, with Vincent, it’s his mom who’s in need of some introspection. There are some heavy topics, from chronic illness to the loss of a loved one. Both are handled very well and add a lot to the story.

Amerie and Vincent are a couple that I was rooting for the whole time, even when Amerie got a bit frustrating! Their relationship is believable and sweet, and the book is bolstered by bigger themes, great side characters, and lots of fascinating space talk.

The Kiss Countdown is a cute and smart romance for fans of space and NASA, the importance of family, and a fake dating love story that escalates all the way into the real deal. This is a fabulous debut, and I’m counting down the days until I can read Etta Easton’s next book.

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“What, are you gonna go all Mandy Moore in A Walk to Remember and make him promise not to fall in love with you?” Ugh cause yes!!! Lol This was such a fun read. I love, love, love the fake dating trope. And I laughed literally out loud how it was revealed to Amerie Vince occupation. I live for that type of light get back. As far as a debut novel this was a definite hit for me. The chemistry between Amerie and Vince was instant. The banter was funny and the buildup was worth the wait. I never thought about dating an astronaut but if they anything like Vincent sign me up lol.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this e-ARC. All opinions of this book are my own.

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I was provided an ARC of this book via Netgalley and the Berkley Besties program, all opinions are my own.

This was a super cute romance. Amerie aka Mimi to her close friends and family, is going through a rough time. She had a successful career as an event planner, but when an event went poorly and her focus was on her ailing mom she was let go from her firm and her life has been spiraling ever since. Now she is ready to take control and branch out on her own, but she is struggling to get her business off the ground and make rent. Enter Vincent, a successful and handsome astronaut about to launch into space on his biggest mission yet. His family isn't the most supportive of his career choice, but he loves what he does. They want him to settle down, or at least find someone. When he and Amerie collide at their favorite coffee shop, and a little white lie about a fake relationship quickly morphs into something much more.

I completely related to Amerie's dad making PB&J with butter, my dad also made them that way when we were kids. That made me smile and that bit of nostalgia really hit home for me. I really loved the family aspect for both main characters. As we get to know both Amerie and Vincent, we get to understand them both and their personalities. Vincent is driven and like a scientist likes to control the variables. Amerie is risk adverse, doesn't deal well with her emotions, and she too likes everything controlled and perfect. They are kind of perfect for each other and shaped by their life experiences. I really enjoyed getting to know them, their families, and watching them fall for one another. They have good banter with one another, and

Overall I this was a solid debut romance. I really enjoyed the characters and the slow burn pacing worked really well. This has a bit of spice but isn't overly detailed in that area which I actually prefer in my romances.

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This is a solid rom com and it’s a debut! Amerie is struggling. She has lost her job, her relationship and about to lose her home. When she runs into her ex and his new girlfriend she just can’t take it. She does something impulsive. She pretends that the stranger she spilled her coffee on is her new boyfriend. Turns out astronaut Vincent could use this fake relationship as well.
Like all good fake relationships in a rom com fake becomes reality! This was a fun one and I’m looking forward to Easton’s next book.

Huge thank you to @berkleypub @berittalksbooks @thephdivabooks @dg_reads and @netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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