Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read The Manor House by Gilly Macmillan. This was a great novel with well thought out characters all with a back story and secrets. The story revolves around Nicole and Tom who won the lottery and constructed a beautiful glass barn house close to The Manor House originally owned by Anna. Poor Tom winds up drowning in his pool and the novel aims to find out what actually happened to him. Everyone is a possible suspect if he was indeed murdered. The plot kept me interested until the end. Would definitely recommend. And also will look for more novels by this great author!

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The Manor House by Gilly Macmillan is a well-written book and one that I thoroughly enjoyed. Great characters, plenty of menace, unexpected twists and a lot you don't see coming. Love this book.

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Love a novel with twist and turns, especially if you feel like you have figured out the mystery every 10 pages - only to be surprised. The novel dragged on for 30 pages in the middle but I couldn’t stop reading nonetheless.

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I enjoyed this book. The plot was a little meh but it still kept me intrigued. Couldn’t tell where it was going. The epilogue had a lot of info but it was a good twist. I would read another book from this author and recommend this!

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SO many twists and turns in this story!! I really enjoyed this fast paced story that kept me guessing, and the ending was satisfying. As with many thrillers, I doubt the details will stick with me, but this was an entertaining read that kept me turning the (digital) pages, so it was well worth my time.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC of this book. I love Gilly MacMillan so I was excited to read this one. It fell so flat for me!!! Really disappointed with the slow pace and predictable ending

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In short, I thought this book was just okay.

I was intrigued by the plot — a married couple wins the lottery and goes from rags to riches overnight. I liked the setting of Lancaut Manor which was home to the Glass Barn and the Manor House.

I enjoyed the story but I was not hanging on the edge of my seat to find out what happened. Rather, I felt like the clues were given to the reader a little too early, which made each of the “twists” predictable.

There was one revelation towards the end that surprised me, but it didn’t add too much to the story for me.

As for whether or not I recommend this book, I would say put it on your list if you like mysteries that take place in mansions, but I would not consider it to be a must-read.

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This book was fine, just not for me

~This book was given by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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I loved this book! It was a great read that captivated me. The story line was unique with Nicole and Tom winning the lottery - I do wish there was a little bit more about their background before winning the lottery. I like the twists that happened with every character as well.

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Gilly MacMillan has done it again!

Nicole and Tom hit it big in the lottery! They build their dream home on a beautiful property in the countryside but everything changes when Tom winds up dead in their swimming pool.

Was it an accident? Was it murder? If it wasn't an accident, who would've had it out for Tom? Nicole loves their beautiful glass barn house with it's very smart features but she suddenly feels like she's on display. A guppy in a fish bowl, surrounded by piranhas.

5 star read, you definitely won't want to miss this!

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Review: I’m not going to lie, I was disappointed with this book. The last book I read was my favorite for the month, but this one fell short for me.. The beginning started off super slow and you were able to figure out who the killer was early on. Then at about the 60% mark the book picked up a lot and had my heart racing and me wanting to read more! Then the ending came, and I did not care for it at all. I felt that the ending ruined other parts of the book that were great otherwise. All in all, this one was a miss for me..

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Childhood sweethearts Nicole and Tom's lives change dramatically after winning the lottery. They move into a luxurious Glass Barn on Lancaut Manor's grounds. But tragedy strikes when Tom is found dead in their pool. As Nicole grapples with grief, she uncovers unsettling truths about their newfound wealth. Was Tom's death an accident or something more sinister? Nicole navigates a world of opulence, suspicion, and danger, realizing she's a small fish in a perilous glass fishbowl.

This novel starts a bit slow, but the first two-thirds are captivating. The setting is vividly portrayed. The Glass Barn and Manor House play essential roles in the engaging storyline. Unsettling dynamics between characters like Kitty, Olly, and Sasha create a tense atmosphere that keeps you guessing about their true intentions.

As the story progresses, it becomes evident that many characters are hiding something, adding an intriguing layer of mystery. Themes of coercive control are effectively woven throughout. The narrative skillfully incorporates dreamlike moments that add depth to the tension. Surprising twists keep you engaged, with a few catching you off guard.

However, the strong beginning isn't consistently maintained. Some characters' gullibility feels unrealistic, and the ending has both impressive and far-fetched elements. The use of journal extracts, while informative, occasionally disrupts the pacing.

The novel weaves between past and present timelines, unveiling a complex plot. While the pacing might be a slow burn, the story's cleverness and occasional humor shine through the twists. Despite its strengths, the ending might leave some readers feeling that it was too predictable.

In summary, the book offers a gripping, atmospheric experience with a few shortcomings but ultimately remains a clever and entertaining read. This is technically an ARC for me, but this is a new edition of the book. Huge thanks to NetGalley for sending me this "ARC", this edition of The Manor House publishes on November 7, 2023.

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This could do with about 150 fewer pages, which would make it less of a slow burn and expose more of its wit when one doesn't expect any. Overall a good read.

Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review

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The Manor House is a perfect suspense novel for cold nights at home; the titular setting is a compelling backdrop to the schemes of its inhabitants, and the cast of point-of-view characters bring distinct narrative voices and intrigue. The multiple perspectives are utilized excellently, and information is doled out to readers at an expert pace. While the whodunit itself is not revelatory or unpredictable, it doesn't need to be—this is a story about the surprises within humans, both those we know and ourselves. The Manor House might not be particularly groundbreaking in its genre or even particularly memorable in the long-term, but it's a delicious and fast read to get swept up in for its duration.

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I was so happy to receive an ARC of this book from Netgalley. I am a fan of Gilly Macmillan’s writing and this story did not disappoint. It gave all the twists and turns while also having great character development. I loved the twist at the end! I will definitely recommend this title to other thriller lovers. 5 stars.

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The Manor House by Gilly MacMillan.
Wow is all I can say. I love a good mind game and this book definitely does it.
Lottery winners Tom and Nicole Booth build their dream home next to the Manor house, where things are not what they seem. Olly, Sasha and their housekeeper, Kitty appear to be like good neighbors but who are they really? After Tom is found mysteriously drowned in their pool, investigations begin into both houses. Is there a connection?
How it comes together will shock you. How it ends will blow your mind! Definitely a 5⭐️ read for me.

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Nicole and Tom are your average, run-of-the-mill couple. That is, until a lottery windfall changes their lives forever. It's not long before they have built a gorgeous, modern home in the English countryside, with all of the technological enhancements and security features that could be imagined. But it proves not to be enough, as Tom's lifeless body is soon found floating in the swimming pool. What looked to be an idyllic future is now over in an instant. Nicole is devastated and grief-stricken. Was it an accident? An intruder? Nicole is riddled by questions, and not a single answer.

But she is not alone.

Up the road in the Manor House is another nice young couple and their live-in housekeeper. All three of them are there to help support Nicole as she deals with her loss. Soon afterwards, Tom's childhood friend also shows up to help "comfort" Nicole. It's not long before she begins to wonder if everyone's intentions are pure, or if they are simply hoping to snag a piece of her large financial pie.

"The Manor House" was a suspenseful and thrilling read. No one was as they seemed in this clever read. Gilly Macmillan is a master of creating novels with many twists and turns, and this one kept me largely entertained, and pretty surprised when the final twist was revealed. Definitely recommend this for you mystery lovers out there!

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I became a Gilly Macmillan fan after "The Nanny" and am so grateful to Netgalley and William Morrow for the advanced copy in turn for my honest review.

Nicole and her husband, Tom, hit the lottery (literally) and decide to build a gorgeous glass barn off a remote peninsula. Nicole comes home to find Tom dead, and immediately dials 999 and runs to her only neighbors... the odd couple that live nearby in a house they call The Manor. The vibes are incredibly strange with the neighbors (Olly and Sasha) and their housekeeper, Kitty. Who killed Tom? Was it for money? Jealousy? Greed? Only time will tell.

This was a very strong storyline, and I enjoyed the Kitty dynamic (you'll have to read to see what I mean there!) I thought the ending was presented in a perfectly tied bow, and was certainly shocked at a few minor twists when I thought the story was over!

I definitely recommend this novel, and can't wait to see what Gilly publishes next!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
All I can say is what a wild ride! I didn’t know who to trust and who to not. Who was lying and who wasn’t. And even who was really who.
So many surprises. All of them well written and woven right in.
Definitely not a predictable who-dun-it at all.
I loved this book. So well written. Many times it can get confusing with so many different POV’s but this one did not.
Another amazing read by Gilly Macmillan.

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Nicole and Tom are childhood sweethearts. They win 10 million in the lottery, and move into their dream house.
Tom is found dead in their swimming pool and the investigation begins for the mystery killer. There is a younger couple that lives in the Manor close to Nicole and Tom's new home. Tom's old friend from school appears to help Nicole with her grieving process. Nicole is scared that Tom's death was not an accident and she might be next.

This book is slow at times but kept my interest. There are some tense moments and several twists to the story. The ending is a great wrap up overall and I enjoyed the development of each character in the story.

Intense Plot, Fast Paced Ending and Suspenseful! 3.5 stars!

Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book!

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