Member Reviews

A suspensful novel that had me guessing who did what through out the story. Told by different characters, the story begins with a young couple who have won the Lottery. After their dream home is built, the husband drowns in their pool under mysterious circumstances.. Including the next door neighbors, all are under suspicion.
Kept me reading until the end! A good summer read.

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The Manor House is an unusual mystery novel. The setting is juxtaposed between a stately manor house in England, and the modern glass house built on its property, giving readers the sense of a traditional murder mystery with a contemporary flair. The old vs new works effectively throughout the story.

The book is unusual because almost all of the characters, old and young, are emotionally fragile and easily manipulated. Without offering spoilers, I will say the gaslighting, gullibility, and web of deception runs so deep it stretched my suspension of disbelief to the max. However, red herrings, sleights of hand, and plot twists keep the book interesting. I wanted to know: Who killed Tom?

My favorite part of the book is Act Three, when the plot threads are woven together. The ending to this story is absolutely brilliant! I never saw the final plot twists coming!

Many thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow for providing an ARC to read and review. This review will post to Bayside Book Reviews at and its Instagram page on release day. Follow us! *NetGalley Top Reviewer*

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The twists and turns in this novel will keep you guessing!! While the police involved are perhaps the most incompetent team I’ve ever read, we can ignore that aspect. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and I’d definitely recommend it to mystery lovers! I will say, it felt longer than it’s less than 400 pages, and it took me a few days to get through it. I wouldn’t say it’s a quick read, or maybe I’m in a little bit of a slump myself. If you’ve read from this author before, I have no doubt you’ll enjoy her latest work. A solid story & well written!

Thank you to the publisher for the gifted ARC.

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Great read! Nicole and Tom are childhood sweethearts who just won the lottery and built their dream home. Olly and Sasha are the couple who live in the manor on the same property. Kitty is their housekeeper who lives in the Coach house. The book alternates these points of view. Nicole finds Tom dead in the pool and she is devastated. How did he die? Why?

The book starts out kind of slow but there was a lot of character and plot development. Once I got past that it was a pretty easy read. I like how the author used the alternating POV, especially Tom’s going back through the day he died . There were a couple of great twists I didn’t see coming which really changed the story direction from what I thought was happening. And the ending was quite satisfying.

Thank you to William Morrow publishing, NetGalley, and the author for the advance reader copy. This is my honest review. Publication date Nov 7, 2023.

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The Manor House
By Gilly Macmillan
Pub Date : Nov. 7, 2023
William Morrow
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
This story biz told from several points of view interspersed with journal clips.
For me the novel was slow starting. The journal entries halt the action but do fill knowledge gaps,
I did not enjoy this novel as much as I thought I would. The atmosphere was not maintained throughout.
3 stars

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I thought the premise was interesting, but the execution fell short. I loved some of the descriptions of the Manor and grounds, and I enjoyed the multiple POVs. However, the pace was slow, and the characters were "meh" and underdeveloped. I never got invested in them, so it was hard for me to care about what happened to them. The setting was the best part of the story.

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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Nicole and her husband Tom win a ten million lottery and go from rags to riches. They build a high tech glass mansion and are the envy of their friends and neighbors. One evening Nicole comes home to find her husband dead in the pool.
Detectives Jen and Hal investigate the case and look into the neighbor’s from the Manor House as well as a jealous close friend and a crazy camper.
Hidden agendas are revealed and lies are uncovered.
This was a very exciting read that kept me up into the night flipping through pages. Thanks NetGalley and William Morrow for this ARC that will be released November 7, 2023!

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Book: The Manor House
Author: Gilly Macmillan
Publisher: William Morrow
Pub Date: November 7, 2023

This book is so so so good! There are so many jaw dropping moments! Things I never seen coming. I flew straight through this book and was mad when I couldn’t read. It’s told from multiple POV’s including Tom which was great. And while there are multiple characters it’s very easy to keep up with. I had a whole list of mic drops and the twists just kept coming. I loved the setting and the atmosphere of The Manor House and The Glass Barn. This story held a whole bunch of secrets that were slowly revealed and I wrote in my notes several times “are you kidding me!?!?” It’s a gripping tale with an unexpected ending. A perfect read if you want a fast paced psychological thriller!

Thank you William Morrow and NetGalley for this sneak peak! Publication date is November 7, 2023.

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This is a spooky story with an ending that I would have never guessed. This book was a slow burn but the ending was worth it. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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This was SO GOOD! I hate to admit it, but this was my first @gillymacmillan book 🫣but it definitely won’t be my last!

This book had multiple POVs and timelines. When I tell you the TWISTS when they hit, they hit! All the way up until the end. Just so well done! I’m giving this a 4.5 out of 5, just because it did take me a little bit to get into it (but that may just be a me problem) Definitely add this to your tbr this November, you’re not going to want to miss it!


Thank you @netgalley and @williammorrowbooks for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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What a wild ride. I honestly was not sure how this story was going to end and I loved the way it wrapped up. I enjoyed the way the chapters switched between characters and complimented each other.

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I have a lot of mixed thoughts about The Manor House. On one hand, the author did a beautiful job of describing the houses and the surrounding land. There are a lot of twists — of varying levels of surprise — that keep the reader guessing.

On the other hand, there are so. Many. Narrators. Like, the first six chapters had six different perspectives ... and that wasn't even all of them. I think the story could have been achieved with about half of the narrators, and it would have felt a lot more savvy to pull off. It was a slow build, with a fast-paced middle, but the ending dragged out.

Overall, I enjoyed a lot of aspects of this book, but with some strong editing, I think it could have been much more successful.

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I was so pumped for this new book but it fell super flat for me. The idea of the story and plot are great but the execution wasn't there. I did think the author described the lush grounds and Manor in a good way but the characters and action were pretty boring. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Two stars.

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Had some interesting twists, but almost all if the characters were terrible people. Even the police didn't try very hard. Quick, easy beach read. ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair review.

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I don't think this author is for me. I loved the premise of this book but the execution was just not there for me. I was able to finish it because, again, I felt the execution was poor. It felt longer than it needed to be, the characters didn't feel as fleshed out as they could have been and it just felt sort of.. silly? I'm not sure but this one was not for me.

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Macmillan's new mystery thriller is quite literally, all over the place. I wanted to like this novel, and it did keep me reading into the night, but I found it wasn't because I was thrilled with the plot. I was hoping that the many scattered twists were going to be cohesive and melt into something big. I never became invested into the characters and it caused little care into which way the story would go for them. I think it had a great setting and could have been better. It seemed almost hurried and frantic. Adding suspects and storylines that made no sense in the long run. It has received mostly good reviews so lover of Macmillan or the genre should give it a chance. Not for me. #themanorhouse #gillymacmillan #netgalley #goodreads

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This is everything I like in a thriller. Dramatic opening scene, fast-paced, grabs you from the start, red herrings galore, unexpected twists, beautiful setting and extremely unputdownable! Completely entertaining and fun, and had a few “say what?!” moments which are always great. (The lottery ticket! Loved it)

Of course, it wasn’t perfect and I could have done without the last few pages, but overall it worked.

If you love a fun thriller you will fly right through, this book might be for you.

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Olly and Sasha seem like a nice couple living at the Manor House with their help, Kitty. And their new neighbors, Nicole & Tom, recent lottery winners seem nice too until Tom is found dead in the pool by Nicole. But suddenly not everyone is who they seem and many of them are hiding secrets. Who really owns the Manor House? The police are led on a wild goose chase to try to find Tom's killer (or was it an accident?). Good suspense, short chapters, kept me reading.

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A compulsive read - it wasn't believable at all but I loved it anyway. One of those books where you couldn't stop after one chapter and tons of twists with characters you loved to hate.

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