Member Reviews

This book gripped me from the Prologue. I’m a client of Nicole’s and have had the opportunity to learn a lot from her over the past few years. I’ve seen her vulnerability and how genuine she is. This book takes that to an entirely new level. What she shares with us in these pages takes such courage.
Normally, I struggle reading because it makes me sleepy, but my first night reading this - I read 5 chapters! I finished this book in a matter of days.
It was incredibly moving, insightful, and inspirational. I highly recommend this one!

I was intrigued by the author and some discussion I had seen about the book. However unfortunately the writing style wasn’t for me and I decided to DNF at 10%. Thank you to the publisher for the free ebook.

I’ve been following Nicole Walters since her periscope days and I can tell you that if you love her live Instagram stories, you’ll be compelled to continue reading her memoir. Many things have occurred since Nicole quit her job live in her periscope days in front of thousands of people. Nicole dives into her background to build you up to her success, and curve balls thrown at her leading up to now. The book is authentic, real, transparent and she will share with you life long lessons. Nicole is a single mom navigating all aspects of life rather good or bad. She sums up that with all the things we all go through in life, no matter the outcome. We have to take the time to see the gems in life and conclude “nothing is missing”!

I remember the day that Nicole famously quit her job live on periscope. What a time Lol.
So i couldn't wait to read this book to learn about her journey since then.
I can say that although I enjoyed reading this for the most part, it felt as that... and excuse me for this play on words but...a LOT was missing.
There were gaps and a sense of vagueness in some parts that I think could have been better explained and left a few less holes in the plot.
Thank you to NetGalley for the Arc. All opinions are my own.

This book should be required reading for everyone honestly. Not only is it an eloquently written memoir, but it is even more so a handbook for life and business - how to navigate the inevitable challenges we will all face in life and in business.
I have known Nicole for over 8 years at this point, and realized how little I actually know about what she has been through. Even though this is advice I give to other people all the time, it was a good reminder that we all benefit from assuming that the people we come in contact with are going through much more than we know. We all are - as open as I am about my life, I don't go around exclaiming all the challenges I'm facing at every moment.
This is a book you will keep on your nightstand, full of highlighted moments that you will continue to refer back to. And you will want to put it in the hands of everyone you care about

I’ve followed Nicole on Instagram for tears. As I read I could hear her voice reading the book to me.
I enjoyed learning more about how she got where she is and was reminded that everything isn’t as it appears online.

I enjoyed learning about Nicole Walters from her. She tells a bit about her life growing up and the trauma she suffered because of it. She tells about her husband and kids and how they came to be together. One of my favorite lines is when she says, "Every day you have the option to choose happiness. That is one of your options every single day." It seemed like most of the book boiled down to we all have a choice on how we approach life, and she suggests approaching it with gratitude and happiness. Highly recommend reading this and getting to know a little about Nicole Walters.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for advanced cop, and I give my review freely

I love a good autobiography. And if that is 100% what you are expecting Nicole's book to be, than it is a good book. Very enjoyable & tells decent parts of her story.
As with all books, a lot seemed to be missing. And the beginning of it was very choppy. But towards the end it flowed a lot better. (Probably having to do with how recent the memories were in her mind). Overall it wasn't bad.

Nothing is Missing by Nicole Walters aims to be a “transformational memoir.” It is a story of parts of the author’s life. The author is very transparent about trauma she has experienced throughout her life. She explains ways in which she coped and moved on. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

This book was such a fun read! I didn’t know a whole lot about Nicole Walters before reading her memoir, but her personality is so bubbly and contagious, this book felt like sitting down for coffee with an instant best friend. Nicole is very vulnerable in places and her authenticity are both appreciated and needed in the world today. Chronicling her various journeys and areas of struggles the way she did takes this larger than life power house of a woman and makes her so relatable, which is a joy and so inspiring. She is unapologetically herself, and herself is more than enough.
After finishing the book and reflecting back, I found I do have questions. My most generous interpretation is that where many involve other people (life isn’t lived in a vacuum), she has intentionally been vague when discussing the stories of others and focusing primarily on herself. But it did still leave some gaps for me as a reader. For instance, in exactly two places before she was married, she mentions her in-laws. Once in passing while dating and once to mention very casually that her in laws wanted them to call off the wedding (after being legally married), and then they were never mentioned again. She never mentions her thoughts on them outside of the straight facts. Not that she felt hurt, not that Josh took up for her, nothing. Did they cut them out? Did they keep them in their lives and the in laws continued to add strain on their marriage? I can’t say, because that was the last time they were mentioned. Which is so strange. Surely they played some dynamic in their lives.
Another question that came up for me was in the adoption of the girls. She began as a mentor to the oldest and then they were living together and parenting them more and more and then they were moving across the country with them. It mentions court orders where Nicole was allowed to legally care for them— but surely she must have adopted them before moving several states away? Surely she had to. But it’s never mentioned how that all came about. How did the dynamics work between their biological mother and Nicole? Nicole was very generous to their biological mother and for the sake of the girls, I really appreciated her restraint. That is their story to after all, but were they ever legally adopted?
The other big question I have was in relation to her marriage and beliefs— it seemed to be a big deal that she convert to Judaism before marrying Josh, but when she was baptized back into the Christian faith, Josh was never mentioned. Was this a discussion they had? Did it cause contention in their marriage? Was he even present? Nicole was very generous to Josh in many places to the point that in the end, the divorce was a bit of a surprise. She does mention problems every now and again, but in passing and she had to be using much restraint - my most generous interpretation is that her restraint was for the sake of the girls as they called him daddy, and that’s so very admirable. But it was confusing as the reader at time’s to understand why divorce was the inevitable end and why she felt so unsafe. I believe her, I just didn’t get that feeling reading about her homelife until the point where she stated it explicitly.
Aside from the questions, I really did enjoy reading this memoir and getting to know her better. It was moving and inspiring and thought provoking. What a woman. I’d like to thank Simon and Schuster and NetGalley for the eARC. It was a delight to read. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I was so excited when I got this arc. I have been following her on IG for a few years. This books was sooo well written and motivating. I laughed, I cried and I enjoyed it all. It’s great to see such a strong woman who made it past so many obstacles and continues to prosper. She’s deserves so much. I loved all the religious moments in the books and how she states she speaks to God which is something I can relate too 100%. Overall I loved this book and hope she comes out with another about her current seasons!

I love Nicole and have taken some of her courses. I could not wait to read her book. She's an excellent story teller and is open and honest with her words. The book made me think I was sitting down listening to her at a coffee shop and hearing her life stories! So good. Inspirational. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Five stars.

I first heard Nicole speak at a conference during my (thankfully) bygone era of a MLM cult. I was absolutely captivated. What she says in her book is true; Nicole’s smile and optimism is infectious! I left that session needing to know more about Nicole and 1K1Day.
I completed Cycle 10 of 1K1Day and really enjoyed the community that Nicole fostered. I binged her U.S.A. show and fell in love with Eddie. All this to say - I was thrilled to receive an advance copy of her new memoir.
Nicole’s story is easy to follow and a great mix of inspiration and personal truth. She explains her trauma so well and I appreciated the insights she shared throughout each chapter. Nothing is missing = you are enough. Bravo to Nicole for sharing her story and finding her way!