Member Reviews

This was a very interesting read. Honestly at first I was confused at what was going to be the main plot in the story. I wasn't sure if it was going to be her relationship with dad, her relationship with her boyfriend, or her journey in her job. There was just a lot going on. Once it got going and I figured out that we were trying to solve her mom's murder, I was hooked. I liked the storyline of her trying to get her dad exonerated. I liked that she was working with her old neighbor to piece things together. I liked the conflict between her boyfriend and her old neighbor. I think more could've been added there to make it deeper. I think more tension with them at work or after she saw him on his date would've added more to the characters.
I thought the characters were pretty surface level. There wasn't a lot of depth to them, I couldn't picture them in my mind. It was almost like the characters were obsolete, except the neighbors mom. I honestly can't even remember any of their names. There was a hint of deep trouble between the neighbor and his parents. More into that would've developed the characters more. I liked that the mom ended up being the killer. It was a good twist that I saw coming but still thought wrapped up the story nicely. Sometimes it's nice getting the ending you were expecting.
The only part of the book I could really picture was the setting. I liked the scenes being deep in the center of NYC. I liked the contrast being in a quiet upscale suburban cal de sac. I think you could really picture the scenes of an uppity area with pretentious adults trying to out do each other while simultaneously doing nothing.

The bones of the book were really good and I did like reading it. I read it quickly. I would recommend it to people and I'd like to read more by Amber and Danielle.

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I really enjoyed certain aspects about this novel. The passing seemed kind of off, but that didn't deter from the story imo. I was guessing the plot until the very end. I was shocked by the twist. I am usually pretty good at guessing what is going on but that caught me off guard. Overall, a pretty good read.

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Overall, the story was very good but the sex took away from the overall plot. What was really good was that I didn't expect the ending and it unfolded in a way that was entertaining and intriguing. I look forward to other books by these authors.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Couldn’t put this down!! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I do agree with others that the genre of this book is mislabeled. I mostly go for thrillers and this book really felt like a spicy romance book. There were some twists which was nice. The story was a little slow for me and I just couldn’t get into it.

Thank you NetGalley, Amber and Danielle Brown and harlequin trade publishing for the ARC!

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On Asher Lane, some secrets are worth killing for ... Simone's mother was murdered when she was thirteen.

A well written mystery with great twists and atmosphere.

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….what did I just read? I wanted to like this one SO BADLY. I really did. But the writing and dialogue felt so unnatural, it kept taking me out of the story. Sure, some of the details may have been “important,” but things were presented in a way that just felt off and matter-of-fact versus how someone would actually phrase their thought in the real world.

This novel is also super unsure as to what it’s main plot is. Is it about our main character’s love life? Is it a murder mystery? Procedural? Where exactly is my energy supposed to be focused? I feel like this was two separate novels in two separate genres that were slammed together and edited in a way that doesn’t do either of them justice. It isn’t a particularly good romance/love triangle story, nor is it a particularly good thriller.

I’m not one to believe that a main character has to be like able to be well written and good, but Simone is just too much, even for a 23 year old. She’s naïve and clueless to a fault in a way that isn’t believable and made it extremely difficult for me to be invested in her and the plot.

Honestly, I can’t recommend this one. I almost gave up about 10% of the way through but stuck it out, and I don’t think the payoff was worth it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins for an ARC of this book in exchange for an unbiased review!

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I'll start this off saying that I think this book is less thriller/suspense and more of a romance with a mystery behind it. I think my disappointment overall is just how it is categorized. I expected something different.

It's not a bad book at all though. The story is interesting in that I was able to finish it rather rapidly. I think the focus on the social injustices and failures in cases like this was done well and the anger Simone has over it is not exaggerated. Probably I would've been way more angry. I definitely found myself angry over certain parts.

Simone. Now on the one hand I found her completely unlikable. I was almost hoping she would have the finger pointed at her over her mother's murder. She was so hung up on one theory and had zero evidence to go off. It was frustrating seeing her arguments thrown back at her and her just brushing them off, when how could she know better? On the other hand, knowing your father was falsely imprisoned because a lack of caring on the police would have me not thinking logically either.

In the end, we get the closure Simone was looking for and it's nice that she found herself along the way. I only wish we'd known more of the outcome of those involved.

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The plot was confusing and the overall novel could've used some more editing. The main mystery was pretty predictable but none of these characters are likeable nor palatable. Am I supposed to be rooting for Simone and Hunter? Is this a romance?

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First I want to thank NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing and Amber and Danielle Brown for my ARC of Perfect Little Lives. This book wasn’t my cup of tea but it wasn’t terrible. I thought that this was going to be a thriller and it was more of a romance. The age gap was a huge no for me. Seemed rather creepy. The story could have been better executed but had a good premise. I felt like I was just waiting for the suspense to happen at any point during this book. I would have liked more of the crime and background which could have made me more into the book. Overall the book just wasn’t for me. I do appreciate the opportunity to read it. My opinions are my own.

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I believe the genre of this book is mislabeled and that is why my review, along with others, are a low rating. I chose this book because it was labeled as a thriller, but it’s more of a dark romance in my opinion. Geared toward that audience, I believe it would do well. I liked the author’s writing style and ideas, it just wasn’t for me. Thank you for the opportunity to read!

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Honestly, when I started reading this one, I thought I had the wrong book - it was marked as suspense but felt more like some kind of dark romance. Plus, the age gap? Creepy. I felt the story had a good premise, but it wasn't executed well. Black men being disproportionately accused and punished by the criminal system is an important topic that I'm glad this author brought up, but the romance distracted from that and made the story feel a bit all over the place. The first few chapters focused solely on Simone and her relationship, leaving me impatient for the crime and suspense to kick in. The rest of the story felt the same...lots of great ideas that were incomplete, negatively impacting my interest and focus. I would have much rather have more background on the crime and more clues/detail to provide a more immersive reading experience.

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If you are into 'spicy' mysteries, Perfect Little Lives is for you! The premise of the book was fantastic and was very well written. I found myself flying through the pages because I just had to know what was happening next!

Thank you, Amber & Danielle Brown, Harlequin Trading, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Perfect Little Lives can’t make up its mind if it wants to be a mystery thriller or a dysfunctional romance. Simone is set out to prove her dad didn’t kill her mom when she was a kid, but the plot gets lost with all the detours of sex and angst created by Simone’s quasi love triangle between herself, her boyfriend and her childhood best friend, Hunter.

Her past with Hunter is disturbing. They have a four year gap but were supposed to be BFFs prior to Simone’s world falling apart. I can’t imagine a 5 and 9 year old being that close or a 12 and 16 year old. They’re at vastly different stages of life and yet it is written with crush undertones as kids that carries into sexual overtures when they reconnect as adults.

Simone keeps saying her dad is innocent and her neighbor murdered her mom, but for most of the book there is no proof other than she believes it was shoddy police work. She does the same thing she’s accusing everyone of doing to her dad: handing out a guilty verdict without doing due diligence or evidence. It would have been a more powerful statement of the injustice that happened to her dad if she would have kept her accusations to herself and done actual investigative work to find proof and the truth.

In the end, I felt the execution was too sloppy and the twist/reveal anticlimactic and a little predictable. Simone was an unlikable character and I felt her relationship drama with her boyfriend and the multiple sex scenes were unnecessary and added nothing to the story.

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This was definitely one of those books that makes someone sit and think a bit after finishing it. I felt it was incredibly relevant with today's society in regards to race and inequality. Simone lost her mother at a young age in an absolutely horrible way. This book takes us along her life as her father is wrongly imprisoned for her mother's death. It's an emotional and suspenseful read.

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I appreciate the story Perfect Little Lives was trying to tell regarding how Black men are treated by the criminal justice system and how the authorities pull out all stops when a white woman goes missing or is murdered. However, the book was poorly executed. I guessed all of the main twists straight away. Part of the problem is that there weren't enough suspects. By going all in on suspecting Scott, it made the killer very obvious. It also took a while to get into the main plot. The book spends the first few chapters detailing the relationship dynamic between Simone and Reggie and their sex life and then recaps the same details over and over to the point where I thought I was reading the wrong book because it seemed like a contemporary romance instead of a mystery/thriller. The book was also significantly longer than it needed to be, which made it difficult to read. The exposition was bulky and repetitive and could have been trimmed.

Simone irritated me and not in the "unlikeable female character" that you can still root for and be invested in a kind of way. She was so judgmental of every single other woman in the book that it came off as misogynistic. For instance, there is a long list of valid judgments she could have made against Kate like racism and snobbery, but to fixate on how Kate, who had no medical background whatsoever, didn't take care of her husband's mother felt gross. Women are already expected to perform too much unpaid labor. It's not a woman's job to play nurse to her husband's family. For as wealthy as they are, they easily could've hired someone. Simone also didn't have any significant emotional reaction to finding out that her mom had a long-standing affair, which seemed weird.

I also found it difficult to be invested in Simone and Hunter. While a few years' age gap as adults is insignificant, knowing how close they were when she was 8 and he was 13 was gross and made Hunter seem predatory. Also, the way Hunter treated her later on in the story was over the top cruel.

There were also small details that didn't make sense. For instance, Simone talks about not having enough money for an attorney, and yet she's been paying rent for her dad's apartment all this time. Given that people were calling for the death penalty, I'm assuming he was given a life sentence. I understand that she fully believes he's innocent and will be exonerated, but it made no sense that she was paying rent this long instead of using that money to hire a lawyer. Worry about housing when he gets out. I know this is a small detail, but this is just one example.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin for giving me a copy. All thoughts are my own.

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Perfect Little Lives by Amber and Danielle Brown is an enthralling read, captivating readers with its well-crafted characters and an intricate plot that kept me engaged until the very last page. The book is filled with unexpected twists and turns, making it an exciting and suspenseful journey.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC.

I have to admit, this book started out too graphically sexual for me, and I couldn't stomach it beyond the first few pages, if you are at all sensitive reading about intimate female issues such as women's body hair or menstrual cycles, give it a pass, because you will encounter this within the first few pages, and personally, I wasn't able to tough it out to reach the mystery, which is why I requested the book in the first place.

Just not my cuppa, but that doesn't mean it won't be yours!

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ARC provided by NetGalley and the author in exchange for an honest review.

This book is what can be described as a spicy thriller. And while I love the idea of that, this one just kind of fell flat for me. I felt it was almost too much of a slow burn and I had a lot of trouble getting invested. The writing felt almost immature in some spots.

The overall storyline was good, Simone our FMC was a well developed character, but she often seemed naive to what was happening around her. Hunter seemed really overbearing and over the top with a lot of his reactions, and Reggie was just generally not a good person.

Sorry, but this one’s a no for me.

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I did not finish this one, it was not for me, I couldn't relate to the characters, and just did not care for the story.

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