Member Reviews

Not unsurprisingly, Rachel Reid has once again caused me to lose an entire Saturday lost amongst the pages and I have absolutely no regrets. This story was over much too quickly, not because it wasn’t complete, but because I loved it so much. I loved watching Landon and Casey, two polar opposites, find their HEA. Rachel grabs onto the grumpy sunshine dynamic and gives it a super sweet spin. As their walls came down, I fell even more in love with them. I adore a hurt-comfort storyline and the need each man had for the other stole my heart. This story has some nice representation too.

Landon Stackhouse gets the call to go up to the NHL team from his farm team and knows this is his big break, exciting and scary at the same time. Once he arrives, he meets Casey, the outgoing offensive player whose sunny personality is Landon’s opposite. Casey invites Landon to move in with him in his big house temporarily while he fills in with the team. Casey hates being alone and they strike up an unlikely friendship. But as the weeks pass, they each begin to fall a little bit more for the other. But Landon’s time in Calgary is only temporary so what happens when his time is up?

I would not say this is a holiday novel, but a sweet story with a Christmas connection. I adored how the guys let each other in about the things they didn't share with anyone else and how accepting each man was. Casey is an adorable puppy of a guy who is impossible not to love. I really think the thing I loved most about this story is that each guy gave the other kindness that the other didn’t expect and that is the foundation for their friendship and eventual love. This story will melt you like a marshmallow and is just as sweet. Rachel Reid never fails to deliver an amazing story.

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Time to Shine is a fun story of Landon who gets called up to the big league and wants to prove himself in the NHL. Casey is his NHL teammate. Landon and Casey have great chemistry and I appreciated how sweet and understanding Casey was for Landon.

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Well damn. This is the first book I've read of Rachel Reid and damn. The mix of tenderness and cute moments with sexy times was just PERFECT. I stayed up late to finish, and I wanted MORE.

Thank you, NetGalley and Carina Press, for the advanced copy.

Landon and Casey were wonderful main characters, and I was instantly rooting for them. Casey was adorable and gave me golden retriever energy but had a serious and deep side to him that he allowed Landon to see. Landon was a tall drink of seriously anxious water that allowed himself to be light, free, and finally heal with the help of Casey.

I love dual POV novels, and these two adorable dorks just made my heart melt.

I enjoyed how the book explored the different ways we can express love and how it does not need to be the same for everyone.

It's not all lightness and sexiness, the book does address grief following the loss of a family member and anxiety, especially for professional athletes who can have a ton of pressure on them.

To finish on a light note I am so ready for a Christmas now after reading this book!

Highly recommend!

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If, in the beginning, you’re struggling a bit with this one.. I would suggest pushing on. Because I, too, was feeling a bit ambivalent and also felt I was tolerating more than enjoying one half of this couple but as we got further into it.. I had a better time. Having said that, this won’t really stand out in my mind. Nothing about it is going to be hugely memorable for me; but I still had a good time.

Despite the sexy times, this did read a little younger than Reid’s other couples tend to, but that’s not to say it felt YA (a criticism I know a lot of women authors get). I just wonder if maybe the issues they were tackling were more in that coming-of-age range of things? And it maybe didn’t help that Casey was.. well, Casey. Goofy, silly, fully himself. He, I think despite my early trepidations, were what ended up winning me over in the end. But Landon had his moments, too, and I appreciated some of the discussion around sexuality that Reid had via this character. I won’t be spoiling them but you should look forward to that. Plus, full disclosure, he has some emotional beats to his backstory that did get me in my feels a bit. My hormones may have amped those feels up but they were there. I felt them.

Overall, this was a pretty feel-good, lighthearted, easy way to pass a few hours. And I appreciate the distance this has from Reid’s main series in offering us something new, with no callbacks, and that stands on it’s own. So if you’re looking for some queer hockey cuteness, you can’t really go wrong with this one.

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If you were to look up “golden retriever energy” in the dictionary Casey Hicks picture would be there front and center. I promise you will fall instantly in love with Casey. He has a giant heart, is so loving, open, and accepting of all people. But most of all he pulls people into the group who maybe would be sitting on the outside. While he might come from hockey royalty Casey works hard and is extraordinarily talented on the ice. Off the ice he is playful, fun, and always down to be around people. He actually needs to be around people.
Landon is quiet, reserved, and likes to stay to himself. When he is called up to the NHL from the farm team Casey takes him under his wing. Landon is such a deep character. He has so many emotions and feelings, as much like Casey is aware of those around him but sometimes doesn’t know how to react.
Landon and Casey quickly formed a friendship and gradually grew to more. These two had amazing banter and it was clear to those around them that they had a deep connection that doesn’t happen with just anyone. While folks might call this a slow burn, there really is no other way. Both Landon and Casey have tender hearts and were vulnerable with each other. They definitely were each other's soul mates.
There are SO.MANY laugh out loud moments with Casey and Landon, along with the team. This group of guys is simply amazing, and anytime the team was on page I was laughing so hard I was crying. Who knew a trip to Costco would be so much fun! Needless to say my kindle highlight function got a serious workout in this book. I also want to note as a hockey fanatic the hockey knowledge and on ice descriptions were on point. It is clear that Reid is a fan of the sport and let it shine in this book! While there were so many laugh out loud moments there were also equally as many tender loving moments. Landon and Casey had a hard fought HEA. If you love hockey, golden retriever energy, amazing side characters and humor with a lot of heart you should definitely put Time to Shine on your TBR list today.

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AHL goalie Landon has just been a called up to the NHL, and even if it’s only for a game or two he’s excited. He’s spent years mourning the loss of his sister, guilty he left his parents to their own grief as his career started, but still determined to make the most of this shot and enjoy it.

Casey is one of the team’s stars. Living up to his father’s former NHL fame, but in his own way and with his own style of play. He remembers the goalie from training camp, and is the first to offer Landon a real welcome to the team.

For someone so outgoing and friendly, Casey still finds himself tragically lonely in his giant empty house so when Landon’s short term call up is stretched to a 2 month minimum, he offers up a room. Landon is quiet and reserved as opposed to Casey’s practically opposite personality, both both are hiding some loneliness and they make a go of it.

They get to be friends between the carpooling, general cohabitating and especially the late night talks - the door talk after Landon’s first game gave me ✨emotions✨- and then after some major pining proximity does what it does.

I appreciated all the time building up their emotional connection, perfectly beautifully logical, but know that burn is slow.
🎶oh I love it and I hate it at the same time🎶
That’s half a lie, I love it. And the payoff is 🔥

I liked the Bi and the Demi rep (why I didn’t *really* hate the buildup) Loved the lack of homophobia, wish there was more evidence of that to be seen in actual sports tbh.
The mental health struggles seemed very real, to where on several occasions I wanted to give a character a hug and ride to therapy.
And I’m not generally a hugger?
And would rather crack a joke than actually deal with an issue?

Thanks to NetGalley and Carina Press for the ARC!

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Ah, I loved this! I'm a big fan of Reid's Game Changers series and this was another great read.

Both characters were adorable, but Landon really got to me. His grief, how closed off he was, and his demisexuality were so well written and I may have shed a few tears in some of the sadder moments. Casey is basically Landon's opposite, lighting up a room and befriending anyone, while also having some fears of his own to conquer.

The back and forth was seamless and I couldn't get enough of these two!

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. All opinions are my own. Thank you to Carina Andores and NetGalley for the copy.

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Rachel Reid just makes me fall in love with every single one of her characters! the insecurities, quirks, and backstories had me hardcore routing for Landon and Casey. I laughed, cried, and smiled the entire time.

Casey and Landon were the best example of a perfect opposites attract couple. Casey is loud, sweet, and energetic with golden retriever energy. Landon is shy, introspective, and holds himself back a bit from what he really wants because he’s consumed by the grief of losing his sister. he’s also a bomb-ass goalie who has the potential to succeed in the NHL. he thinks nonstop about Casey from the day they meet, and doesn’t know that Casey feels the same way.

this is a perfect story that deals with acceptance, discovery and self love (with a bit of steam!) I ate it up and truly think it’s worth the read!

and they were roommates… *gasp*

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I did not finish this one, it was not for me, I couldn't relate to the characters, and just did not care for the story.

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While the writing of this book was good, I just could not get into this book. I felt like the chemistry between Landon and Casey was just not there for me through a lot of this book. It felt like it was so back and forth. I felt like I just couldn’t get invested in their story. There were cute parts. The spice was good. But the story was not for me. I can see why others love this book and you should definitely give it a try if you enjoy Rachel Reid’s books.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers at Carina Press & Carina Adores for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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I really enjoyed this book! The romance was spot on, character development was incredible and it was just such a fun, easy read. Highly recommend as a winter read!

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It’s been a long, dry spell without @rachelreidwrites books in my life. There’s some black magic in all of them that is so comforting and charming, great charters, funny… plus, you know 🥵.

𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙚 has been one of my most anticipated releases this year and it did not disappoint!
Out on Tuesday, Sept 26th ★★★★✬ 4.5/5

Where do I even start? Casey and Landon are the perfect example of grumpy/sunshine and even though they are initially strangers, they develop as friends before the romance. The slow-burn was perfect, seeing each grow, independent and then as a couple. I loved them so much and excited to add this new favorite to my shelf!

The humor surprised me! I was laughing so much while reading this story 😂 All of Reid’s books are humorous, but this seemed funnier, or it’s been too long since my last read of them.

"𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚍. 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝'𝚜 𝚘𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞."

Lastly - just look at this cover!! 🤩 😍
This is the treatment that Game Changers desperately needs ASAP! Starting a petition for Harlequin to rerelease the series with new illustrated covers.

Thanks to @harlequinbooks, @harlequinpublicityteam and @netgalley for a chance to early review this story in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was so cute! Such a fun, light read that still hits you in the emotions. The characters were relatable, the plot was engaging and I loved seeing it set in Canada (although not being able to use the actual hockey team’s names was a little distracting at times). Also I love the cover!

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I ADORED this story and these two idiots. This was just the sweetest little romance and story about finding yourself and figuring your shit put in order achieve your happy and live your best life.

I ADORED Casey and Landon, and honestly the whole team. This story was just overall really cute and precious and I enjoyed reading it. I DO wish, however, that there was a bit more focus on Landon being on the ACE/ARO spectrum, because it hinted, but never mentioned it by name. Would’ve loved to see that validation through this representation.

I was given an ARC by NetGalley and Carina Adores. All opinions are my own.

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Time to Shine by Rachel Reid

Landon Stackhouse is living the dream after being called up from the Calgary farm team as the backup goalie. He's ready for his chance at his first NHL start. He knows he has quirks, he's quiet, almost painfully, and would rather be by himself than engage in conversation. But it's impossible to stay away from the boisterous draw of Casey Hicks, Calgary's superstar. Casey is determined to break through Landons reserve. Step one: Offer a place to stay. Step two: Be open. Step Three: Don't give up.
Landon has loads of guilt swirling around, top that off with his awkward in social situations, and you have the perfect storm. With Casey being super supportive of taking everything slowly, it is endearing and shows that sometimes you just have to be the safe place for another person. And trust that things work out how they're supposed to.

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Holiday hockey!!! What more could I ask for? Oh yeah...making it queer! And one of these cuties is a goalie?! Be still my heart.

Landon is getting his shot in the big leagues. He is also struggling with some pretty intense imposter syndrome. But when his stint with the Outlaws extends longer than expected, Casey Hicks invites him to stay in his huge house with him! Which is a relief for Casey because it really is too big for one person.

Casey is a delight. He's this cute little bundle of sunshine! He loves hockey and sex and not being alone. He also really likes the stoic new goalie! Landon also really likes Casey. He can't figure out why, until he does. And I loved every minute of his journey.

This is a very cozy book. But do check your trigger warnings. Landon is dealing with the grief of losing a family member in the past. But it is mostly cozy and I'm looking forward to rereading it in the swing of the Christmas season.

Thank you, NetGalley and Carina Press for the ARC copy!

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"I thought goalies saw everything. I'm fucking bananas about you, Stacks."

This...this was the cutest freaking fluff ever and was NOTHING like I expected from a Rachel Reid hockey romance. I wanted to wrap both MCs in a blanket burrito and snuggle the fuck out of them they were so cute! Point is - if you were hoping for an angsty, growly MC romance - this is so not it. Not it at all. But good news is that Reid can write sweet, bubbly, loveable MCs just as good. And that's exactly what Casey was. The most bubbly, exuberant, and himboish hockey star ever. I absolutely adore him and think that he pretty much stole the show in this book.

Landon was the complete opposite of Casey. Where Casey never shuts up, Landon hardly ever speaks. When he does it's usually one-word answers or sometimes even just a noise in response. It was really hard for me to see these two as a couple when we first meet them. They seem so incredibly opposite, and I thought someone like Landon would abhor being around someone as wild as Casey. Turns out I was wrong.

Casey brought out a side of Landon he thought he'd lost. It was like Casey had an internal instinct when to push Landon out of his comfort zone or when to just offer him comfort. Their courting was really sweet actually. Even though Landon was kind of a gloomy MC, he was still likeable. The poor guy was struggling with a lot of self-esteem issues and family guilt. I loved seeing him come out of his shell more and more with Casey around.

"You're my favorite person, Stacks."

Honorary mention about Casey and Landon's families has to be said. It was such a breath of fresh air seeing parents who love their child unconditionally. It made me smile seeing how lovely both sets were. As for the ending of the story, the epilogue was just the sweetest cherry on top of this flufftastic sundae.

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Time to Shine is Rachel Reid at her hockey romance finest again! I laughed, I cried, my heart broke, I fell in love with Landon and Casey and I couldn’t have loved it any more.

Landon Stackhouse is an AHL goalie who just got his call-up to the NHL to fill in for an injured player and it totally changes his life in the best way. He’s a little grumpy and disconnected from most people around him, but he’s also holding on to a lot of guilt and grief related to his sister’s death. While playing in the NHL has been his dream for his whole life, he’s hesitant to let go and enjoy himself, knowing his time in Calgary is limited. He’s so resistant to letting people in, letting them get to know him, but all of that changes when Casey Hicks introduces himself into his life.

Casey Hicks is sunshine personified but he can be a little much for people - constantly talking but also making people feel seen and heard in the best way. What he lacks in book smarts, he more than makes up for in emotional intelligence. While he’s smaller than the average NHL player, he can hold his own and uses his size and speed to his advantage on the ice, endearing himself to his team and the fans. Casey is goofy and sweet and a little ditzy but is super endearing and open about everything in his life. But he’s lonely, especially in the big house he bought for himself.

When Landon gets settled in in Calgary, Casey offers him a place to stay that’s not a hotel. Even though they’re complete opposites in so many ways, Landon and Casey hit it off immediately, enjoying each other’s company, even when they’re awkwardly just getting to know each other. In between their moments of cute domesticity, these two work through a lot together, bring out the absolute best in each other and tackle quite a few big topics in the most perfect way. Even when they broke my heart, I was rooting for them to make it work - they’re the perfect pair!

I loved the family in this book too - both Casey and Landon’s blood relations and the found family of their teammates. The Stackhouse and Hicks families were exactly what you expected them to be and seeing their easy acceptance and love for both Landon and Casey. And the team was so much fun to read - their personalities, acceptance and support were adorable.

Can’t wait for this one to come out so that everyone can read it and fall for Landon and Casey as much as I did!

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Rachel Reid has done it again. This book has everything one could possibly want from a male/male hockey romance. The emotions, the wrestling with grief, the steam, this book has it all. Rachel Reid's characters are always so compelling. Casey is the ultimate sweet bean and genuinely had me laughing out loud at some of his antics. Landon is hurt and self-destructive in the most understandable ways and my heart hurt every time he talked about his family. I also loved how open and communicative they were in regards to their times together and loved the depiction of intimacy being whatever makes two people happy and does not look the same for everyone. READ RACHEL REID!

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Time to Shine brings out a softer side of Rachel Reid's repertoire compared to Game Changers, but it pulls you in just the same, While I do not often enjoy third-act breakups there was logic to it that many others lack. The characters Landon and Casey grow on you as they grow on each other. The balance between the sports and the relationship was just right, for me the more action (on both sides) the better. I might have been expecting hot and heavy but came out enjoying a sweet pure steamy love. Rating 3.75 Spice 3/5

Thanks NetGalley for the advanced copy!

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