Member Reviews

✔️ Attractive queer hockey players 🏳️‍🌈🏒
✔️ Hilarious 😂
✔️ Adorable main characters 😊

Landon, a young hockey player is getting his chance in the major leagues. He has been playing for Saskatoon but an injuried backup goalie means that he gets to play for Calgary. The length of his stay depends on how well he plays and how quickly the other goalie heals.

This book is very characters driven and you can't help but fall in love with quiet, anxious and brilliant Landon. He is just the right amount of sullen. There is a side plot involving Landon's family which is beautiful and heart wrenching.

Landon rooms with Casey who is loud and the life of every party, but with his own set of insecurities. It is definitely a case of opposites attract but from the first few chapters you can't help but root for them to get together.

This book definitely has spicy scenes and they are extra hot. The way the author deals with the communication and boundaries is *chefs kiss*. At one point in the book Casey explains his sister thinks virginity is nonsense and I am 100% here for it, the author doesn't preach to the reader she just quietly writes a sex positive book.

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Oh my goodness, this was a delight. I didn't have time to read all of it yesterday/today, and I did anyway, sorry not sorry. Casey is a delight—wait, I said that already. Casey is an effervescent cinnamon roll who seems like he should be too much and absolutely isn't. Landon is... omg, Landon is my heart. They're both so wounded (though Landon's wounds are more visible, Casey has his own), and the way they grow together is *bursts into interpretive dance*. I love that they get support from all sides. (Screw reality; reality is awful.)

I'm stingy with five-star ratings, because I want them to really mean something. I have no reservations about this one, and I'll be recommending this book to all my friends.

My thanks to NetGalley/the publisher for an advance copy of this book.

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What a sweet, low-angst, high-steam hockey romance! I am new to the hockey romance trend, and this m/m romance by Rachel Reid was a great first choice. Landon and Casey are both such wonderful men, each special in a different way, but I love in a romance when you feel like the two main characters are both deserving of each other.

I also really appreciated that there was no bigotry in this one. Obviously, I live on planet earth, so I am aware that there are homophobes, but I liked living in an alternate reality where an entire NHL team was just openly supportive of their bisexual and gay teammates.

This book left me with such a smile on my face. It got slightly cheesy in parts (I say as a very cynical person), but I loved it and could have read it in one sitting if I didn't have a job & kids.

Four stars. Thanks to NetGalley and Carina Press for the ARC.

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Rachel Reid is my go-to author for m/m hockey romance. Time to Shine is an absolute delight. It's sweet and charming and spicy as hell. Casey has rocketed to the top of my all-time favourite hockey heroes. I can't recommend it enough.

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Rachel Reid is my favourite romance writer because she delivers books you can’t wait to get back to. True to form, TIME TO SHINE is a hockey romance to wallow and revel and delight in.

Reid always brings the cute, but this time it feels so, so central. I laughed early and often at Casey and Landon’s adorable, chemistry-laden conversations. Their mutual affection ZINGS, right from the start. While there’re some darker elements too, like raw grief and an intense phobia, the pure joy they take in each other makes this an uplifting, feel-good read.

It’s also much lower heat than Reid’s earlier books. I read Landon as either demi or grey ace (he’s not sure on his labels himself), and while they do have on-page sex, it comes later in the story and plays a relatively small part in their relationship.

Also of note: Christmas happens, so this is technically a holiday romance, but there’s enough other stuff going on that you don’t have to wait until November or December to dive in. You wanna grab this delight of a book as soon as it drops on September 26th.

I LOVED IT SO MUCH, Y’ALL. 4.5 stars.

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Fun, flirty, sweet, and very sexy. Landon and Casey are an hilarious grumpy/sunshine pair of hockey players who fall in love while being short term roommates and teammates in the NHL. This book has great banter, lots of sex, and very satisfying ice hockey. Highly recommend

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Admittedly, I'm not a hockey romance kinda girl. But I AM a Rachel Reid kinda girl and I am beyond happy I decided to give Time To Shine a chance!

Both main characters, Landon and Casey, are super likable and I found myself pulling for them from page one. First, I wanted them to become friends, and then, as the story progressed, I wanted to see them come together as more.

And I wasn't disappointed!

I might have learned a thing or two about hockey from Time To Shine, but even more importantly, I learned about grief and the role is can take in overtaking our lives, in the importance of friendship, and the passion that can be blossom between two people who seem to be total opposites.

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I know very little about hockey and I had fun! It was a sweet romance with a lot of heart. And now I know some more things about hockey.

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When Landon is called up from the AHL to fill in for an injured backup goalie in the NHL, it feels like a dream come true. But even though it's all he's ever wanted, he knows it's only a short time until the other goalie returns and he's sent back down--at least there he was a big fish in a small pond. When star winger Casey invites him to stay in a spare room rather than renting, he takes him up on the offer. It's a nice gesture, but what Landon doesn't know is that Casey suffers from a fear of the dark and loneliness only exacerbated in the mansion he's bought. The two opposites--Casey, the effervescent chatterbox, and, Landon, the stoic, silent giant--grow closer as friends and roommates until their mutual attraction bubbles over to a full-blown romance. But Landon's days in the NHL--and Calgary--are numbered...

Rachel Reid is a master of the m/m hockey romance sub-sub-genre. Her Game Changers series was life changing, and I was so excited for this new book outside the series. A holiday romance with an illustrated cover? Sign me up! And I really enjoyed this one. I can't say that either Shane or Landon are my preferred lead types, personality-wise--their extreme talkativeness or lack-there-of would get on my nerves IRL--but Reid is so good at crafting an excellent story with heart and heat that I can't help but love their book forms. So Heated Rivalry will always be where my heart lands, but this is another great book from her worth reading!

Thanks to Harlequin/Carina for my ARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

5 stars - 9/10

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Rachel Reid does not disappoint! Time to Shine was yet another sweet, tender, slow burn of a romance that had me swooning!

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✨ Review ✨ Time to Shine by Rachel Reid

This was one of my most anticipated romances of the year. I'm obsessed with the Game Changers books, and this lived up to my high expectations.

Landon gets called up to the Calgary NHL team as a backup goalie, and finds a quick friend in Casey, the team's young constantly-talking, social butterfly. Casey invites Landon to room with him at his too-big house that makes him feel lonely, and a very sweet grumpy-sunshine friendship emerges.

The book is cozier and more joyful in some ways than the Game Changers books, all of which had some element of closeted players, afraid of being out in the NHL or among their teammates or their families. The characters in this book live without a lot of this pervasive fear and so the book felt a lot lighter and had more of a rom-com feel. This book definitely had more humor than the Game Changers books as well, adding to the cozy vibes.

Christmas / holidays play a role in this book, but not in an overwhelming way. Again, it adds to the cozy feels without making it read like an explicitly holiday book.

Overall, I adored this book. I could have stayed up all night reading it. The characters were so lovable; their families and teammates were so supportive; and I just felt so much happiness reading it. Highly recommend!

Genre: m/m romance
Setting: Calgary and hockey travels
Reminds me of: Game Changers but cozy rom com
Pub Date: Sept 26, 2023

Read this if you like:
⭕️ queer hockey romances
⭕️ holiday books
⭕️ cozy rom-com vibes

Thanks to Carina Adores, Harlequin, and #netgalley for an advanced e-copy of this book!

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Thank you Carina Adores and Netgalley for this e-ARC, these opinions are my own. I love a good romance story! Sports ones aren’t my favorite but I usually end up enjoying them and this one was no different! Landon is called up to play in the big leagues for Hockey. He’s struggling with some personal things but his loud and friendly teammate Casey is bound to wear him down. When the two move in together something may just click. Will the two get along? What if they start to feel something more? This one is full of heart, humor, and all the feels! If you like the warm and fuzzies check this one out! 9/26/23

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Another heartfelt charming romance from Rachel Reid with absolute marshmellow characters and a light background of Christmas.

At times I felt like the characters were reading very young, almost YA personalities (but still spicy), then I remembered they are supposed to be in their very early 20's and I might be getting old. That being said, the characters are a little younger than most of those in the Game Changer universe, but fans of Reid's GC series will enjoy this story.

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Although I am a huge fan of everything Rachel Reid writes this was not for me.
I liked it well enough to finish it and in the last quarter it even got my attention, but all in all it didn't catch me. And I don't know why. I can only guess it was the characters: Casey was too much everything for me (too loud, to chatty, ...) and it took the book forever to reveal where Landon's behavior stems from. I never like it when past trauma is teased all the time and only revealed much later. So, I guess it still might be a good and well written book, but it just didn't click with me.
I learned a lot of new things about hockey, though, which is always really nice in Rachel Reid's books.

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Casey and Landon are everything. Landon is more reserved and in gets in his head but he’s there to back up Casey. Casey is loud and friendly but can read people and their needs. My favorite parts are when Landon says he needs space but Casey knows what to say to make Landon laugh and relax a little. They support each other in the right ways. When one has a problem the other doesn’t jump in to fix things but will give advice on how to handle it.

I think what really sets Time to Shine apart from anything else I’ve read is that there’s no “bad guy” all the characters are supportive and non-judgmental. While I know this isn’t realistic it’s still nice.

I received a copy of Time to Shine via NetGalley to read and review.

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➥ 5 Stars *:・゚✧

"Nothing." Casey shook his head. "I guess I forgot about your giant fucking cock."
Landon was in too good a mood to be embarrassed. "First of all, it's not giant. And second of all..." He leaned down, brushed his lips against Casey's ear, and in a low rumble said, "No you didn't."

━━━━━━━━━━━ ♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━

Rachel Reid you literal god, you made giving this 5 stars easy. Great books are the hardest to write reviews for, because they leave you so speechless and stunned and amazed and gasping that there's little coherence left in me.

Reid should be so proud of her work here. It feels like she sat down and was determined from the very start to write a fucking fantastic love story between two of the most endearing and wonderful male characters I've ever read. Now, although I don't doubt that most authors' intentions are to write a good book, I'm convinced that Reid's approach was somehow different, because she produced something perfect. Not a single easy, cheap or frustrating decision was made on her part.

This wizard of a woman absolutely nailed pretty much every aspect there is to a queer contemporary romance book. Everything about this book was like a breath of fresh air (other than the weed but whatever):

❥ Delightful, good-hearted, lovable main characters Landon (H) and Casey (H)

❥ Lovely, genuine and caring side characters that really add to the story

❥ Consistent, detailed and well-researched hockey action scenes

❥ Realistic, authentic-feeling and moving dialogue (apologies for popping 3 adjectives but I can't stop now)

❥ No homophobic situations/confrontations (wait oops, you'll be missed dearest adjectives)

❥ Effective, polished and tasteful writing (back at it 🔥)

❥ Completely respectful characters. Often in hockey romance you see the typical degradation of "puck bunnies" but no such term is ever used, and (view spoiler).

❥ Although Casey is confident in his bisexuality, no one forces Landon to adhere to a label ♥

❥ Some really great, romantic sex scenes, but a far stronger emphasis on the actual emotional connection between our leads. So many adorable moments that I lost count! (view spoiler).

Isn't this list above great? It saves me from rambling (somewhat) because believe me, we'd be here all day if I let my brain just spew its thoughts. You'll notice I added this to my "healthy real love" shelf because it is that. I'm just read so many sports romances littered with misogyny, homophobia, toxic behaviour etc. And that is not excluding GAY sports romances, because some female authors of gay romances still write all that stuff in, fetishising wlw and everything. That's just not the case here. It'll sound dramatic, and I am being dramatic about this because I love it so much, but I really think Reid is doing something pretty revolutionary. While Reid mainly writes achillean leads, she always writes more diverse side representation. It's just so refreshing. And not one bit of toxic masculinity in sight? Am I in heaven? Her heroes are actually lovely people, and we see their feelings for each other grow in a tender and very real fashion.

Landon smiled back at him. “We’re going to the playoffs together.”
Casey glanced around, then gave Landon a quick kiss. “We’re going everywhere together.”

Look at them! 😭💘 Admittedly, I was between this quote and the one up top but you know I had to go with the hot one, SORRY I don't make the rules 🤗.

AHEM back to the review... the whole book was just so well thought out. Everything was so solid. I liked how their hockey coach was healthy, supportive and respectful (BARS AMIRIGHT 🔥), I liked how the leads mention that the team captain is a POC, I liked how comforting and attuned both leads are to each other's emotions, always being there for each other *AGGRESSIVE SNIFFLE 🤧* anyway, don't mind me! It must be the allergies 🥺😭💛.

Both characters had their own realistic insecurities and things they were working through. Casey's fear of the dark was lowkey so relatable 🙈 and Landon's journey through grief and reconnecting with his parents was so beautiful! (And again, so healthy. (view spoiler). But ohymygod Landon and Casey 🥺.

"And, obviously, we shouldn't tell our teammates about it."
"Got it," Casey said. "It's just...some of them know already, probably."
"Well. West does. But he was pretty drunk. Maybe he forgot."
"I mean, everyone knows how I feel about you."
"Yeah. I think I was pretty obvious about it. The guys have been teasing mez."
"Oh my god. Landon moaned. "This is going to be so weird."
"Nah, I'll play it totally cool. "No tongue."
"No kissing at all, you fucking doofus."
"I know. Don't worry, I won't even talk to you. Won't look at you. Who are you, even?"
"Thank you."

LMAO 😭💞. Rachel Reid, can I just say, please keep doing what you're doing, keep the books coming. You really made something beautiful. (Not your children, though I'm sure they're sweet. I mean this book 😁).

To anyone reading this review: this is a book release to write in the planner! It can't get much better than this. Even the itsy bitsy teeny weeny third-act conflict was one I enjoyed (collective gasp) (me nodding) YEAH!

Casey couldn't help flirting a little. "You got plans after we win?"
And then Landon winked at him.
Casey was actually blushing as he went to line up for the face-off.

Mr. Adorable Shy Guy throwing his lover a wink? I think the fuck yes 😭💛! And that ending was perfect. Rachel Reid I'll applaud you till my hands fall off 🤭😚!

Thank you Netgalley and Carina Press for an arc copy in exchange for an honest review!

━━━━━━━━━━━ ♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━

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*I received this book free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

I would read a pamphlet on the stock market if it was written by Rachel Reid that's how much I adore her books and Time to Shine was no different! I loved both the main characters and found myself relating to Landon quite a bit. Admittedly Reid's books are what made me discover hockey in the first place and now like everyone else I'm waiting for the end of September to come. If you are looking for a light contemporary romance with loveable characters this is that book!

Good News: I adored this book.
Bad News: I finished all of Rachel Reid's books

Also if you have not checked out this authors series Game Changer series I highly recommend!

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As a big fan of hockey romances I've read a lot of books in this particular genre. Time to Shine treads a lot of familiar territory, new team mates become roommates and eventually develop a crush on each other and start dating. I found it refreshing that none of the angst came from either of the characters, or anyone around them, having a crisis about their sexuality. If your looking for a solid sweet hockey romance this book will fit the bill. Its not breaking any molds, but it give you exactly what is promised. Something that I struggled with is that Landon is absolutely asexual and that was never named in the text. There is very little ace representation in romance, and when we do good it's usually demisexuality that is being used to show the "one true love" nature of a relationship as opposed to genuinely representing the ace community. If Landon had been explicitly ace and spent some time contemplating his sexuality I think the book could have done something different and interesting then every other hockey romance book. Despite the fact that I wanted more, Time to Shine was still a solid book that I'd recommend to anyone looking for a Hockey Romance, espically if someone hasn't read a lot in the genre I think this a solid introduction to sports romance.

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If you are in your hockey era, you MUST pick up this MM romance! It was a romantic, contemporary rom com and I had such a good time reading it. I loved Casey and Landon and their love story was so beautiful to read. It was the grumpy/sunshine sports romance that we dream about and it will be the perfect winter read! I cant wait to read other titles from this author!

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GAHHHH! I absolutely loved everything about this book. I am so into hockey romance at the moment and Time to Shine was everything I needed and more. I am obsessed with Casey and Landon and just adore everything about them. Rachel Reid is fast becoming one of my favourite MM romance authors.

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