Member Reviews

I loved this book.

I asked Netgalley for this review copy because I have loved Rachel Reid's other hockey books. I am very glad I did! Having said that, this book has a very different "feel" from her game-changers books. As another reviewer has said, this world is much kinder and less homophobic than the world in that other series.

The two characters are well-rounded and absolutely delightful. If Reid wrote another book with them just talking about the phone book, (showing my age here) I'd pounce right on it. I hope she writes more books in this world, and that these guys appear in it. She did something very difficult: she wrote a successful, sweet and touching romance between two guys with quite different sexualities and very other very real issues.

Reid knows her ice hockey. Recently there have been a plethora of ice-hockey romances where the author clearly had little engagement with the sport. Reid is not one of those authors.

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Once again Rachel Reid knocks it out of the park. I don’t think i’ve ever read a story with characters quite like Landon and Casey. It was deeply charming and low stakes and it was exactly what I needed.
An incredibly tender novel by a knowledgable hockey mind and a great storyteller.

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This is the exact book I needed at the moment. It's warm, inviting, tender, charming, and full of heart. I've never read anything else by Rachel Reid, and I can take or leave a hockey romance book, but this has made me a new fan.

I loved the main characters, especially Landon. I love characters with his tropes, and they're all used wonderfully in this. The romance is sweet, and it was even more fun when it started to get spicy. The buildup, while not quite a slow burn, was a delight to read.

My only real complaint is that other than the romance there didn't seem to be much of an actual plot. It's not a deal breaker, and it's better than shoehorning an overarching narrative into the book just to have one, but I would have liked something a little more substantial as an overall package.

Overall, it was a cute, sweet, smile inducing read that made a fan out of me and I'm excited to dive into the Rachel Reid back catalogue.

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3.5 stars

Im definitely sad that I didn't enjoy this one more.
I did liked our main characters and their chemistry was amazing plus the romance and built up of it was wonderful. Plus the mental health rep was done great and I I related so much to one of our mcs with their aversion/feel uncomfortable to being touch... I cried. It was done beautifully.
That being said part of why this wasn't my favorite was because it felt like there was little to no real plot. Yes, there were some issues our characters went through but nothing felt like it was high stakes or non fixable. And it's not that I need drama but I need... a conflict or ✨️something✨️and I didn't get it here.
Still, this was a beautifully written book and if you like RR books then read this one too.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Many thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy, as I was quite excited to get my hands on this! I've read most of Rachel Reid's 'Game Changers' series, so I was curious about the direction a standalone could go in. But I ended up really caring for both Casey and Landon, and their relationship. Their romantic relationship, while relatively quick to take off, was based on very real and honest emotions--this made it easier to move past the speedy nature of it, since I truly did buy into their relationship. This was a low angst, very sweet romance that manages to balance hard conversations with an emotional levity that keeps the book from getting too angsty. I do wish it had lingered on some topics, and the low-angst did mean that some issues were resolved a little too quickly. But, overall, this was a nice and sweet read.

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What cute and spicy read! Had so much fun and giggles reading Lando and Casey's story! I found myself completely smitten to books that center about hockey and romance, with that dash of angst and drama - and this one gave me all of that. Honestly, it was a "relaxing" read and throughout enjoyable, Lando and Casey were made for each other and loved their personalities.

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Time to Shine was a good read. I only give a book 5 stars if I couldn't put it down. While that wasn't the case here, I still really enjoyed Landon and Casey's story. I'll start by saying that I enjoy when there's an MM or FF romance and the main conflict is not the couple dealing with homophobia. It's refreshing to read a book in which we can focus on the couple and not their struggles to be accepted. At the beginning of this book, I wasn't sure that I really liked Landon or Casey as characters, but both of them grew on me throughout the book. Landon in particular had a great character arc of coming into his own both professionally and personally, which was well written.

Fans of hockey romances will like this book. While the familiar backdrop of teams and travel and the game are there, it was refreshing to read something with a new take.

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I'm not a sports girly, but I enjoyed this book. I'm used to the sunshine-grump tropes in romance, so it wasn't surprising to find the ways the two fit into that profile, but it didn't feel too tired of a trope here. I really liked the relationship between the main couple - the comfort and boundary-setting was nice, especially to see in a sports book where there's ... definitely stereotypes of what professional sports players are like.

I haven't read anything by Reid before, but I might have to go back through their catalogue.

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Did you hold your breath and worry Reid would stumble after leaving behind the Game Changers series? Well, let that breath out. Reid nails the magic of those novels and left me wanting more, more, more from this new world.

Landon Stackhouse is a quiet loner still struggling with grief from the death of his sister years ago. He’s a star goalie for his Calgary farm team, who mostly keeps to himself and works hard to one-day realize his dream of playing in the NHL. Lucky for him (and us!), he gets his chance sooner than expected when he’s called up to play for the Calgary Outlaws when their back-up goalie is injured.

Casey Hicks is a pint sized superstar winger for the Outlaws. He’s fun and funny, charming and kind to everyone he meets. He also hates to be alone - especially in his too big, too dark, new house. He’s happy to greet their newest - temporary - goalie, and quickly sets out to make him comfortable in and out of the locker room.

Landon isn’t quite sure what to make of Casey, his total opposite. He’s sweet and a total chatterbox, and….he’s totally hot. Landon rarely feels sexual attraction, and is surprised by the intensity of his feelings for Casey. He likes Casey. A lot. When it’s clear his stay at Calgary will be longer than expected, and Casey offers him a place to stay, he agrees to move in (much to Casey's delight!). Landon has his doubts about whether his new friend will enjoy having him as a roommate, but he doesn’t want to say no. Casey makes him happy.

Casey is intrigued by Landon. He’s quiet, intense, and hard to read, but Casey finds himself drawn to him anyway. He doesn’t understand why Landon isn’t surrounded by women - or men (Casey goes both ways), and he’s determined to find out why. He wants to spend loads more time with Landon; his reclusive nature is a bit of an obstacle, but Casey loves a challenge. The two get along well, except…Casey wants more from Landon, and Landon? He isn’t sure what he wants from Casey. He’s never felt like this for anyone else. Ever.

Oh, come on Landon. YOU WANT MORE, TOO. #caseyisthebest


OH MY GOSH. I love Casey. I love Landon. I love everything about this story. The humor is awesome, the friendship is delightful, and the romance - once it happens, is DELICIOUS. As usual, Reid creates characters you can’t help but root for, and realistic life stories that enhance her characterizations in every way. The secondary characters are fabulous and the love affair…it’s swoony, and fun, and funny and frustrating and lovely and ... .It's FANTASTIC.

I think the first half of the novel is stronger than the second, but that's my only complaint. This is the hockey/love/romance trifecta you’ve been craving and I ADORED IT.

So good. Yes. More please.

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Sweetly romantic, heart-achingly tender, and undeniably smile-inducing, Time to Shine is hands down my favourite contemporary MM romance of 2023.

Here, Rachel Reid has delivered a damn near perfect MM hockey romance—and I’m saying that as a first-time Rachel Reid reader.

The opposites-attract pairing between these new teammates—superstar young winger Casey Hicks and new reserve goalie Landon Stackhouse—was all things my favourite book couple dynamics are made of.

Casey was this deliciously sweet and sunshiney chatterbox, brimming full of energy and kindness, happy to make new friends wherever he goes. He’s the team's young-gun superstar, son of a legend in the game, but there is never a single ounce of ego or arrogance in him. He’s also proudly bisexual, to which his teammates and friends don’t bat an eye over, which was wildly refreshing.

Then there’s Landon. He’s the polar opposite of Casey. Although only a year apart in age, Landon is shy, quiet and lives a lot up in his own head. He’s a damn skilled goalie and this chance to play in the big leagues is everything he’s ever wanted, but his grief over a familial loss from his youth serves as a cloud shrouding his potential for true success and happiness. He also doesn’t much like physical touch and due to the distance that he puts between himself and others, he’s still questioning his sexuality and sexual identity, especially since Casey burst into his life and began consuming his every thought.

Casey, ever the open and caring guy that he is, quickly befriends Landon, always making sure he feels included in the team, even offering him a place to stay during his brief tenure in Calgary. It’s in their new relationship as roommates that they slowly become friends and confidantes, opening up to one another in ways that shocks and surprises them both. Slowly, but surely, a crush begins to bloom between them and the most deliciously paced slow-burn romance begins to play out.

These two characters together warmed even the coldest corners of my withered heart. Casey’s radiance as a person shone through on every page and I adored him for it. But it was in Landon’s soulful reticence and deeper heartaches that I was completely gone over. I wanted to wrap him up in a hug as much as Casey did, and I absolutely adored the way Casey was patient and accepting of every one of Landon’s needs, without hesitation or judgement. There relationship is the thing swoon was made of and I enjoyed every minute of their unfolding romance.

Although never specifically labelled, Landon’s ace representation was also a divine element of the story and represented in a way that made me feel truly seen and understood. I loved the unconditional level of acceptance shown in this entire book and from every character within, like identity and sexuality were a non-issue and unequivocally embraced at every turn, as they damn well should be in life!

With two complex and engaging leads this story was always going to be a win, but the fact the larger cast of characters were so lovely and likeable only added to the joy I felt reading every entertaining and consuming page. The fact the writing itself was wholly engrossing and effortlessly readable only goes to show I should have been on this Rachel Reid book-train a lot earlier than now.

Although warm and uplighting in nature, this story still definitely deals with some touching and sensitive issues, from Landon’s grief to his anxiety, as well as his relationship with his self-worth and his sexuality. All these things gave the story the emotional weight it needed to be truly genuine and memorable, but it was all off-set wonderfully by the pure joy that characters like Casey (and some their more jovial teammates) injected into the mix, making the story really well-balanced and absolutely worth the read.


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An excellent introduction to Rachel Reid. Time to Shine was an excellent romance, with a solid undercurrent of learning how to be who you want to be. The characters were lovable and the plot was enjoyable, even for this non-hockey fan. I think I might have learned a thing or two about the sport.

I liked how a character was depicted as being on the asexual spectrum, since that is rare representation in romance novels.

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Landon and Casey were adorable together. I loved how Casey was basically a big lab puppy and guided Landon through his coming out and his awkwardness. They had such caring for each other. The pacing was perfect and you just really rooted for them to get it together. Landon struggles with not only potentially having to leace Casey but also with how to come out to his parents. I thought the conflicts were realistic and Reid gave us exactly what we needed :) Definitely recommend!!!!

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*3.5 stars*

I think I'm rating Time to Shine a little more harshly because I know how killer Rachel Reid's books can be. That's not to say that Time to Shine wasn't good, but it wasn't close to my favorite from this author.

The story has two adult MCs, but I couldn't shake the feeling that it felt a little YA/NA to me. There was a young-feeling to the two MCs that I couldn't put my finger on, but I prefer a little more life experience with my characters. I liked how these two grew together and how Casey brought Landon out of his shell, but I thought there was a bit too much of an innocent feeling to the whole vibe of the story. I wanted more intensity.

On the good side, I was in love with Casey. I found him to be just extremely adorable, and a breath of fresh air. He was open and unashamed of anything about himself, and I like how he put himself out there with Landon. I was a little more hesitant with Landon because I felt like he was waffling and playing with Casey a bit too much, but I understood his side of things and the fact that he is on the asexuality spectrum.

I think Time to Shine was a nice story that will please most fans of hockey romances, even if it didn't bring the feels for me.

*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

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Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel; all opinions are my own.

This is a sugary sweet MM hockey romance that you can kick your feet and giggle to.

Quick Synopsis: Landon was just called up from the Calgary team to a major NHL team as a goalie. With social anxiety, Landon considers himself boring and unsociable which is the complete opposite of Casey who constantly needs to be with people to avoid feelings of loneliness. Both struggle with their own issues and insecurities, but when Casey invites Landon to live with him while he’s with teh team, the two form a friendship and then develop feelings.

Trigger warnings: social anxiety, death of a sibling

What I liked:
-I just loved Landon and Casey together and how opposite they are as people but they work together.
-Each has different insecurities that are addressed: Casey thinks he’s dumb but he’s also very sociable and can’t stand being alone. Landon is still reeling from the death of his sister and is dealing with the emotional fallout with his parents as well as social anxiety, sensory issues, and coming to realize his own sexuality.
-I’ll say it: Casey doesn’t have a big dick and honestly that was incredible. Not every penis in a novel has to be huge.
-I loved how Casey not only accepted Landon’s boundaries, but actively helped to educate him on how to address them, set them, and implement them in life and sexually.
-Not everything goes perfectly for Landon: he doesn’t immediately succeed, he struggles with nerves, he’s not an instant success.

This is just one of the sweetest, delightful, giddy reads that’s not high stress and is just pure good vibes.

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I think we will always see one of Reid’s books, especially any hockey book, compared to the Game Changers series. Especially the books that were about Shane and Ilya. I was not one of those who was thinking of them when I started this book. I don’t think anyone should be held up to any certain book they’ve written even though I am very guilty of doing that at times with some authors. This book is totally different than the Game Changers books and you should read this with a completely open mind.

I really enjoyed this story, Reid is such a great writer who pulls you into a book and she creates these characters who are so real and relatable. Landon is a very flawed character who has suffered a loss that I also have suffered, the loss of a sister. This aspect did not bring up any bad memories for me because it is written in a way that shows you that life goes on but the people who are left behind to grieve are changed forever and have to find a way to move on and accept that they can be happy. I loved the relationship between Landon and his parents and when they finally open up to each other it was beautiful.

Casey was a very energetic character. I actually thought he’d be annoying at first but he’s so sweet and real and I loved him. He is very privileged so he goes about certain aspects of his life thinking everyone lives the way he has. He has a fear of the dark though, something I am sure so many can relate to. He loves people and doesn’t want to be alone. He is immediately drawn to Landon, who is quiet and very solitary. Casey has no qualms about inviting Landon to live with him while Landon is playing on the Calgary Outlaws team as a backup goalie. I was surprised that Landon, who was so uptight and such a grump, was charmed by Casey. They just meshed well and a friendship bloomed easily.

There is not much romance in this book and it’s not as steamy as previous RR books but there is no need for that. Landon doesn’t even know if he’s a sexual person while Casey is very sexual. It just doesn’t seem like these two should be a match but they build each other up and support each other. The physical side of their relationship fits them. It’s not discussed much and I sort of wish it was because Landon had zero ideas about himself. It didn’t need to be discussed in detail and Casey never made him feel different or strange and that was one more thing I loved about Casey.

I do think Landon wanted to give up way too easily when it came to continuing their relationship and he just wouldn’t take Casey seriously, which is exactly what he thought others did to Casey and he hated that. Casey deserved more and Landon should have given more to him. That was my biggest gripe with the book. Casey gave and gave but I think Landon needed to give some more too.

Even though this has a Christmas part in it I wouldn’t consider this a holiday book. I would have loved to have seen more interactions between Casey and his sister Brooke. Family plays a key role in this and Casey’s was there but the focus was more on Landon’s family.

I really loved the hockey playing moments, I think Reid writes those so well! The teammates are fun and supportive and one thing that stood out to me was no one cared one bit that Casey was bi-sexual or that he and Landon got together. They were so supportive and encouraging and that is exactly how I wish the real world worked.

I am always excited to read a book by Rachel Reid and this was so lovely. Please don’t compare it to Shane and Ilya. Reread their books if you’re looking for that. These characters stand out on their own and Reid writes them exceptionally well.

**ARC received via NetGalley and Carina Press
**All thoughts and opinions are my own

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This is such a comprehensive story with compelling characters with full back stories and complex situations. There’s angst and happiness and swooning and all of the things I love about reading. And it was so funny! The humor really hit in this book and I enjoyed this immensely.

The two mcs were characterized so well and consistently, with Casey being a talkative ball of sunshine and Landon so full of anxiety and stress. I loved reading about them falling in love and Landon’s journey throughout the book. Love them and this story so much.

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It's A Time To Shine as author Rachel Reid gives us the endearing love story between hockey players Casey Hicks and Landon Stackhouse. The story develops at a good pace. Most readers, well, this reader, couldn't wait for the inevitable moment when these two finally realized what was happening between them. Reid makes it all believable and very likable.
The novel has a lot of gay sex, and I sometimes wonder how a woman can get these scenes so right. Reid definitely does. Enough said!
Thanks NetGalley and the publisher for the delightful ARC.

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I really enjoyed this book! It's the first book that I read by Rachel Reid, and I hope to read more of her books soon since I liked this book so much.

I loved Casey and Landon. They both had such strong personalities. I love the tropes in the book, specifically grumpy/sunshine, mutual pining, and friends to lovers.

I liked that this was a slow burn because Casey and Landon really got to know each other and explore a friendship before finding their romance. It made sense for Landon's character to not rush into anything with Casey or anyone else.

The chemistry between Casey and Landon was amazing, and I really enjoyed the parts about hockey. This was a hockey romance, and the descriptions of the hockey games and practices added so much to the intensity of the story and their feelings.

The family and team dynamics added a lot to the story as well. Landon was able to talk to his parents about everything that he had been struggling with, and I think that's such an important part of Landon's growth and healing.

I didn't like that Casey was told that he was stupid. I felt like that was out of place in the story, and I didn't like the parts where he was called dumb or stupid. I think that part of the story was unnecessary.

Overall, this is a steamy, hockey romance with mutual pining, friends to lovers, and grumpy/sunshine vibes. I definitely recommend it!

Thanks to NetGalley and CarinaPress for an ARC of 'Time to Shine'.

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first let me just say: casey hicks i love you!!! if anyone ever calls you stupid again you tell me immediately!!

rachel reid writes some of my favourite hockey romances. there's just enough ACTUAL hockey that you don't forget what you're reading, and you can definitely tell she is an actual fan of the sport. she also writes some of the best, easiest to root for characters in romance! case in point: CASEY HICKS! new fav himbo just dropped and i am obsessed, he was so endearing and wonderful. i enjoyed how he and landon balanced each other and brought out the best in each other, but never actually felt like they had to change to make the other like them.

i wish we had seen more of their respective families (i think the book could have been longer!!) - particularly landon's, as i would have liked to learn more about his sister and their relationship prior to her death. also it would have been fun to see more of his dad starstruck by dougie hicks!!!

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Special thanks to Netgalley and Carina Press for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book was really fun and would be the perfect fall/winter read on a lazy day. The characters were entertaining, the romance was cute, and overall it was pretty low angst and low stakes.

It is a fun sort of book that helps get me out of reading slumps.

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