Member Reviews

A very sweet hockey romance! I love a black cat and golden retriever trope and that’s exactly what Landon and Casey were!

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It should be forbidden to write romances as cute as the aptly named Time to Shine.

Landon and Casey are diametrically opposed characters. Their passion for sports brings them together, first on the ice, then in Casey's huge apartment.
The extroverted hockey star and the introverted backup are perfect for each other. They always manage to bring out the best in each other, often with humor.

Rachel Reid has created a very tolerant world and fantastic secondary characters whose adventures I can't wait to read. I probably would have liked more details about Landon and Casey's past, but that's because I didn't want to leave them.

Time to Shine is a tender slow burn that I devoured and wholeheartedly recommend.
Thanks to Netgalley and Carina Press for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I have been a fan of Rachel Reid since page 1 of Heated Rivalry (I know I have a larger back log to get through) so when I saw this ARC on NetGalley I knew I HAD to have it - so first and foremost thank you NetGalley for this ARC and second thank you to Rachel for writing this adorable MM Hockey Romance that I didnt know I needed.

There is great representation in my opinion with Landon exhibiting and working through feelings of depression as well as the character being neuro-divergent. Casey is the perfect opposite to Landon and the pair really understand, respect, and make each other better.

Even though the story does touch on heavier topics (ex: off page loss of a sibling) it is really light hearted and fun. Casey is the sunshine to Landon's grump - there is so much fun banter and laugh out loud moments.

I think Rachel perfectly balanced the story with romcom aspects while still making it impactful and heartwarming.

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I’ve never read from Rachel Reid before, mostly because as a lifelong hockey player and fan myself, I sometimes struggle with the depictions of the game in fiction; however, I had so much fun with this! From what I’ve seen from other reviewers, this has a different tone than the Game Changers books she is most known for but I immediately added those to my TBR after finishing this because I loved the way she built characters and wrote community.

Landon is a quiet and awkward introvert that makes him come across as grumpy, and I related to him so much. While not explicitly stated, it’s clear that he’s written to be on the asexual spectrum- he’s only had fleeting crushes on men and never really thinks about sex. He’s also struggling a lot with grief and anxiety and I liked seeing him work on his relationship with his parents, though I would have loved to see him like go to therapy too.

Casey is the exact opposite. He’s extremely outgoing, talks a mile a minute, and hates to be alone. I loved that even when we weren’t in his POV we still knew what was going on in his head because he has absolutely no filter. I also loved how open and understanding he was with Landon, and how he was so casually accepting of Landon’s desires or lack thereof regarding sex.

I had such a great time getting to know these characters and watching them interact with each other and with others around them. There were some really great lines between teammates that reminded me so much of my own experiences playing hockey. I also loved how accepting this hockey community was of queerness. Casey lives openly as a bisexual man and all of their teammates were cool about Casey’s obvious crush on Landon and were rooting for them to get together. It was really refreshing to see a world where the NHL isn’t full of homophobia.

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5 Stars!!!

This was an extremely slow burn romance, but it was sweet, funny, and totally swoon-worthy. Casey and Landon were complete opposites, but they brought out the best in each other. Casey never gave up and I loved watching him break through Landon’s walls.

I liked Landon. He’d had a rough life and held in so much guilt, but meeting and falling in love with Casey made him see things in a whole new light, as well as face his past and mend broken fences.

Casey. Oh my God, I absolutely adored Casey from the moment his pink skate laces entered the first scene. He was chatty, never shutting up, and he kept me in stitches with his chatter and antics throughout the entire story. Well, until my heart absolutely broke for him and then he had me in tears, but I loved that he never gave up on Landon and went after what was his. Casey will definitely remain one of my all-time favorite characters.

This was a great story. It was well-written and I literally couldn’t put it down, finishing it in less than 24 hours. Landon and Casey had amazing chemistry and were sweet and sexy together. I can’t recommend enough that you read their story!

*copy provided by publisher/author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

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Rachel Reid does it again with another wonder hockey romance! I loved the dynamic between Casey and Landon, they are the opposites of each other but also complement each other personally. It was really fun to watch them fall in love and I only wish that the book had been longer!

As someone who identifies as ace-spec I loved seeing similar representation with Landon, even though it's not on page as him being ace-spec (which would have been nice but it did work with his character who didn't really likely labels or understand what a lot of them meant) it was great to see a romance with a character who isn't sure how he feels about sex. I also loved the communication between Casey and Landon as they grew closer and how supportive Casey was, there was never any drama around Landon's lack of experience and what he was comfortable with and that was so nice to see!

I highly recommend this and I can't wait to reread it again during the holiday time!

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Time to Shine is my first Rachel Reid book, and I know some of you will tell me that I should read the other ones, too, ESPECIALLY those about Shane and Ilya! Well, maybe someday 😀.

Time to Shine made me laugh a lot. Casey was such a sweet and outgoing, and talkative guy, and a huge smile danced on my face when he gifted Landon underwear in front of their family. What I loved most about him was how he reacted to Landon, not always wanting to be touched and being somewhere on the asexual spectrum (probably demisexual). The way Landon could set his own boundaries and Casey just followed was precious.

Landon was such a quiet guy with his quirks and insecurities, and I loved that he and Casey found each other in their loneliness. They fitted so well together!

This book is for all of you who love low angsty romances with some dept and fully fleshed-out characters. The story is nothing groundbreaking, but it’s sweet and cozy and warm, and sometimes I don’t need more.

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"He wanted to be in a room forever where Casey said ridiculous, adorable things that made Landon laugh until he couldn't breathe."

Rachel Reid, you've done it again!!! I adore Landon and Casey, and how Rachel writes hockey. She always has such well-developed characters that are never stuck with one specific trait or trope, and I love and appreciate it so much. Landon (and Antton) having the weird/intense goalie stereotype was so amusing. I love how his seriousness balanced out Casey's goofy/flirty/sunshine personality. And the side characters!! They're always just as loveable as the mains!! Landon and Casey's relationship was the perfect slow-burn romance. I loved them learning to live with and help each other get through things, and the dialogue between them was so good. Rachel writes such genuine conversations between her characters, whether it's between the main couple or with their friends/family. I also can't help but think about how much Ilya Rozanov would love Casey and Landon and the Outlaws team. This book had me laughing and crying, and I'm excited to reread it once it's published and during the holiday season!!

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I enjoyed Time to Shine by Rachel Reid, although I liked her Game Changers series books more overall. Overall I think it's a solid Xmas hockey romance with a grumpy/sunshine pairing.

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'Casey made him happy. So f*cking happy Landon’s chest hurt from it, too full of warmth, and when Casey smiled at him like he was doing now, he felt like he might split open.'

I’ve got good news and bad news.

The good news is that you're going to completely fall in love with Casey and Landon in Rachel Reid's upcoming new release, Time to Shine.

The bad news is that you'll have to wait for a while as it's not released until September 26th.

Time to Shine is a festive hockey romance, which is a slooooow burn, with all the feels!

In typical Rachel Reid fashion, Time to Shine has lots of laughs, lots of heat and great chemistry between our leading men, as well as plenty of emotional scenes that may cause you to shed a tear or two.

The story follows Landon Stackhouse, a 24-year-old goaltender, who is called up to the NHL team, the Calgary Outlaws, to temporarily replace the injured reserve goaltender.

Landon is quiet, shy and whilst it's never really defined, he appears to be demisexual or asexual, and he doesn't like people touching him in general.

Landon also carries serious grief and unnecessary guilt with him after the death of his sister, and his relationship with his parents has suffered in the years since.

In Calgary, Landon meets star forward, Casey Hicks. Casey is Landon’s opposite, in almost every way, although he has hidden vulnerabilities, too.

Casey is sweet and optimistic, always looking on the bright side. He's pure sunshine and joy. But he also seems to be secretly lonely and in need of company, particularly at night. My heart really hurt for him at times seeing his fear of the dark 🥺💔

The pair eventually move in together when Casey offers Landon a place to stay when his time in Calgary is extended, and I loved seeing their friendship and relationship bloom from here.

These two had each other's backs throughout, from Landon and the dragon lizards, to Casey and the grapes, there were so many sweet moments that they supported each other, as well as so many moments of laugh-out-loud banter between them.

“Clothes look weird on me.”
“You need to shop where I shop!”“Where? Gap Kids?”
Casey burst out laughing. “Damn, Stacks.”
Landon bit the inside of his cheek.
“Well,” Casey said, “where do you buy clothes? The f*cking… ladder store?” Landon lost the battle with his smile and started laughing. “Ladder store?”
“That was weak. Let me try again.”

Casey got teased lot for being 'stupid'. And whilst he may have had times where he said silly things, or didn't know something, he was intuitive; he could read people well and know what they needed. He was kind and thoughtful and not stupid at all. But I loved how Rachel Reid had the team captain tell Casey not to call himself stupid and how his team mates might tease him, but they didn't mean it, if he was hurt by it, it would stop.

"It’s not okay if you take it seriously. I should have noticed, and I’m sorry. Because I mean it: you’re not stupid.”

I loved that. Sadly, I've read books where so-called 'stupid' characters were teased and bullied, and it just made me stop reading the series, so to have this said was brilliant. Kudos to Rachel Reid for that 👏

This book had one thing I'm not a fan of, and that's seeing the MC's with other people. That's my preference, and it ultimately didn't take away from how much I love these two. Casey only hooked up with others before anything happened between our couple.

'Landon spotted Casey without meaning to, still on the dance floor, and now kissing the handsome man. Landon’s heart froze. He had no right to feel jealous.'

My heart 🥺 I didn't like it, but I could overlook it, especially once they got together as these two were perfect together and so much in love.

Casey’s understanding and patience with Landon were everything. I loved seeing this love, consent, and communication between them. Landon doesn't like to be touched and isn't interested in penetrative sex. I love how Casey doesn't push; he just accepts and loves Landon, and they find what works for them together.

"And there are places on my body I’ll probably never want to be touched. I can’t explain why. It’s not for any reason, really.”
“You don’t need a reason,” Casey said, then kissed behind Landon’s ear. “You can always tell me not to do something. And if you ever want to try something that was off the table before, that’s cool too.”

“You’re so sexy,” Casey said, his voice husky with sleep and lust. “Love being with you, however you want. Just want to make you feel good.”

My heart hurt so badly when the inevitable separation came for these two. Casey cried!! 🥺😭 Casey is far too sweet and too kind-hearted to ever cry 😢 I just needed them together and happy ASAP and I'm thankful Rachel Reid didn't make us readers or these two guys suffer for too long. Hallelujah!

Time to Shine is a lovely, low angst, feel-good read. I really enjoyed this new team that Rachel Reid has created. I definitely would love to read more about Casey and Landon, but if this is only a standalone, it's perfect as it is. I loved the Outlaws, however, and the guys there in Calgary, their easy acceptance of Casey’s bisexuality, and then of the relationship between our two guys here; so if any other Outlaws want to come out and Rachel Reid brings us back to this world, I'd be really happy with that, too!

Five stars for this feel-good festive hockey treat 🥰🏒❄️🎄♥️✨️

I'm honestly thrilled to have been able to arc read this book. Thank you so much to Netgalley and Carina Press for allowing me the opportunity.

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As a fan of Rachel Reid's Game Changers series, I was looking forward to reading this book. Unfortunately, I didn't really connect with the characters or the story. It all felt flat and lacked the spark that the GC series had. The dialogue was basic, and the secondary characters, like the parents, lacked distinctive personalities. I did appreciate neurodivergent representation in the main characters and was satisfied with the way the happy ending played out, but otherwise this wouldn't be the Rachel Reid book I would recommend.

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This book was so fun! I have never read a hockey romance and I found it very refreshing and adorable. Casey was the best character! This book addressed stereotypes of hockey players and love. It talked about how it is okay to love and be loved on your own terms while respecting your partner and making things work.

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Thank you to NetGalley and to Carina Press & Carina Adores for this ARC!

This was a sweet book, but I don’t know that it will stick with me for a long time.

This is the story of Landon, a young AHL goalie who gets called up to the NHL due to an injury on the team. There he meets Casey, his new teammate who is loud and outgoing and basically Landon’s complete opposite.

The love story between them was fairly low on angst and was generally sweet. I sort of wanted to see more conflict though! Also, they seemed almost like caricatures of themselves sometimes. Like Landon was almost too shy and quiet, and Casey was almost too loud and obnoxious. But I would say generally there was a sweet connection between the two.

There is also a sort of subplot with the families of the two main characters. Landon’s parents get somewhat fleshed out, but this storyline could have been developed a bit more I think.

In general, I liked it but I didn’t love it. I’ve heard great things about the author though, so I do plan on reading more of her work!

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Sweetness overload!
But let's start from the beginning. This book was the mostly anticipated arc from NetGalley this year so far, therefore, I was overjoyed when I got it. And I wasn't disappointed, though the story hasn't got the edge of Rachel Reid's ultimate book "Heated Rivalry", it's cozy, sweet and funny, and I'm definitely going to reread it in winter during holiday season.

Here you’ll find:
Opposites attract (anxious loner and epitome of golden retriever energy)
Bisexual, asexual representation
Slow burn
One bed
Roommates-to friends-to lovers
Snippets related to the real NHL, such as the battle of Alberta or waiting for Toronto Stanley Cup parade and so on. (Is it only me, who thinks Casey is based on Cole Caufield?)

Loved the development of the relationship between Landon and Casey, how Landon’s sexuality was dealt, how open and respectful Casey was. Yet, what I loved mostly is that Rachel Reid created a world, where nobody bats an eye about an openly bi-sexual pro hockey player, or the teammates, who are hooking up – no on-page homophobia, what a world it would be! 4.5/5

Sincere thanks to NetGalley and Carina Adores & Harlequin for the eARC of the book.

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I would die for Casey and Landon. Let’s just get that out of the way. They are the best. It was so fun watching them fall in love. They are as opposite as two humans can be. Casey is outgoing, confident, and honestly a bit much for most people; Landon is quiet, contained, and barely registers on anyone’s radar. They are both so incredibly sweet, and both have secrets they feel they need to hide. Watching them learn to be vulnerable with one another in ways they never have with anyone else is wonderful. I also love how readily Casey and Landon accommodate one another’s needs and preferences. The communication between them is amazing.

This book takes a step away from Reid’s Game Changers series but still brings us everything we love about her previous books. Time to Shine is magic. It hit all the emotional sweet spots. I giggled and smiled and squeed and cried tears. It was heart wrenching and heart warming.

One of the things I love most about this book is that the homophobic toxicity of professional sports is missing here. Casey is allowed to be himself and is accepted and supported by his entire team. His sexuality is a non-issue. And Landon is only just discovering and coming to terms with his own sexuality. Casey helped him navigate it - and a few other things - beautifully. And they are both supported by their families without question.

Rachel Reid has this amazing ability to create characters that feel so real that they could walk right off the page. Even the side characters have depth to them and a degree of realism but collectively they’re so wonderful that reading them feels like a warm hug.

Reid gives us the best of both worlds with her hockey romances: the writing, characters and story are all compelling and the hockey elements are pitch perfect. She gets the culture and game specifics just right - the big things and the little things. No one writes hockey like Rachel Reid. (I also love how Reid really leans into the whole “goalies are weird” stereotype. Landon has one specific idiosyncrasy that we see a few times and it’s definitely weird. 😂 But it’s also very endearing.)

- m/m
- pro hockey players
- cinnamon roll MCs
- opposites attract
- slow burn
- mutual pining
- extreme extrovert/anxious introvert
- virgin/first time
- top notch chirping 🏒
- team trips to Costco
- excellent communication and consent in spicy scenes

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Time to Shine is the sweetest, steamy queer hockey romance. Rachel Reid creates a new, low low angst professional hockey world that will delight new and longtime fans alike.


Outgoing Casey Hicks is Calgary’s star forward. While he doesn’t seem outwardly bright, he loves people and makes friends with everyone he meets. Including quiet new goalie Landon Stackhouse, who’s just arrived from the minors. Dealing with people is tough for Landon, but Casey encourages him to feel like part of the team. Soon Landon is moving into Casey’s house to keep him company. As the two grow closer, their attraction to each other develops. Can they be together, even with Landon’s uncertain future with the team?

These two are the sweetest pair of hockey players ever! This book is clearly a case of opposite attract. But, the level of care that goes into examining both Casey and Landon’s personalities is impressive. While always more introspective, Landon’s past loss has shaped his outlook on life. He’s never given a tough time about it though, just accepted as who he is. There is also wonderful discussion and acceptance about his sexuality, and the demisexual rep here is top notch.

Meanwhile, the sheer joy Casey brings to every human interaction is a delight. To simply call him a himbo is to sell him short. He’s unashamed about everything, from his bisexuality, his love of sex and his love of Captain Crunch, and is unafraid to ask any question. Another treat in this book is an idealized view of professional hockey, where homophobia doesn’t exist. It’s refreshing that any conflict in this low angst book is romantic, and doesn’t revolve around the characters’ sexuality.

Time to Shine is like reading a warm, cozy hug. Casey and Landon’s sweet and steamy queer romance brought me so much joy. I can’t wait to see what hockey goodness Rachel Reid has in store next!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you Netgalley for providing this ARC!
Who loves hockey romance ✋🏻 who loves achillean hockey romance ✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻 who loves crying throughout half the book ✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻 good okay this is for you.
I’m going to start with Landon—he is absolutely me but hotter and more athletically inclined. He is in his head, anxious, (autistic?), such a sweet and wonderful lil guy. While never specifically stated I think the closest label he would have is demisexual. I love love loveddddd his self discovery and his work through his grief (tw for previous loss of a sibling). Also, he seems like a fantastic goalie!
As for Casey— I’ve said it a million times but I will always live for the golden retriever (Altho? Maybe orange cat) adhd one paired with the black cat autistic. It’s just a perfect pairing. Casey is vibrant and full of bubbly happy energy and I adore that he pulled Landon out of his shell. He is also explicitly bisexual. I want a whole epilogue book to see what becomes of their lives and careers 😂

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"Time to Shine" is a dual POV, heartfelt, and hot, queer romance that warmed my heart. Casey is an extroverted NHL player who meets Landon when he becomes the backup goalie for his team. Landon is a demisexual introvert who moves in to Casey's oversized house. The chemistry takes some time to develop, but once it grows there are fireworks. These two are so good for each other and grow so much together. I absolutely loved reading this book, and plan to read Reid's back catalog.

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Casey is the kid who’ll say whatever pops into his head, where Landon puts off “don’t talk to me” vibes and delivers one-word answers. They have almost nothing in common, but when Landon gets called up to the big leagues, Casey’s quick to try and make friends and even offers Landon a place to stay. It’s the start of a friendship and relationship that can push them both to be their best selves if they are willing to give it a chance.

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This is a fantastic new hockey romance by Rachel Reid. I've loved almost all of her prior novels but this is in the running for my favorite I think. It is absolutely adorable and a breath of fresh air.

I absolutely loved both of the MCs. They were complete opposites and worked so well together. Casey is an overly excitable joy of a character and Landon is sweet even if he has so many walls up he could withstand a siege. They are fleshed out, multi-dimensional, and feel incredibly real. This was a cute, emotional slow burn that is absolutely worth the read. It was excellently written and well-paced and Reid is an absolute genius regarding dialogue, intense scenes, and emotions. I'm always so invested. The side characters and background plots were also well done and added a lot to the novel.

Overall I adored this and desperately want more stories set within this world. It was also so refreshing not to have a great deal of 'coming out' drama.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this in exchange for an honest review.

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