Member Reviews

An absolute delight. I loved Landon and Casey and the rest of the Calgary Outlaws. I had a blast reading this and I already look forward to rereading it next holiday season.

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I love Rachel Reid. I have read the entire "Game Changers" series twice, and "Heated Rivalry" and "The Long Game" 3 or 4 times each... So, I was pretty (extremely) excited to see she had a new book coming out.

If you are a Game Changers fan, you'll love this too - a lot of the same vibes, but a couple of young players, battling with different challenges. In particular I LOVE Landon's character, his personality, how he's coming up to get his chance at the NHL, his way of speaking (he just has a great quiet straightforward way of talking - he doesn't say much, but says what he means when he does.) He and Casey are wonderful together as their relationship grows. The communication is phenomenal & refreshing compared to so many romance-genre books.

As Reid has written, it's set in a similar world to Game Changers, but just a little kinder/less homophobic one, which is nice. There are definitely echoes of Game Changers' series characters and scenes in here -- but who minds that?! (e.g. Casey's random ramblings/no filter remind me of Hazey the goalie from Game Changers, just turned up to 11; and there's one scene (you'll know it when you read it) that reminds me of the scene between Shane and Ilya the night Ilya won the award in Las Vegas....)

Anyway - it's more of wonderful Rachel Reid, the characters are lovely, the teammates are fun, the world is sweet, the hockey is awesome - I really like how Reid gives Landon the success he's worked so hard for - but doesn't overdo it (i.e. he falters, works hard, comes back, builds his reputation as awesome, but the team doesn't win it ALL.). I think the only thing this lacks that Game Changers' series has, is that depth that comes from getting to know more of the people & relationships in this world -- so what I'm saying is, I'm hoping for five more books in Casey & Landon's world....

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Rachel Reid has gifted us all with yet another gem of a romance. Tender, disarming, and charmingly funny. I smiled through my entire read, even through the thought moments.

Landon gets called up to Calgary from the farm team. He’s a good goalie, but he’s got his own personal struggles after the loss of his older sister at a young age. He meets Casey who is loud, funny, and never ever stops talking. The opposite of London in almost every way. When Landon’s stay on the team becomes longer, Casey invites him to stay in his way too big house because Casey hates to be alone and hates silence and a roommate should help right? From there is a slow burn tender friends to love story that I didn’t know Rachel had it in her to write. Slow burns aren’t always my thing, but it worked perfectly here. I won’t say why because spoilers, but their slow progression from teammates, to roommates, to friends, to lovers, was absolutely perfect. Their teasing banter was the absolute best. Nothing mean about it, just teasing and flirting and sweetness.

<b><I> “Y’know, you were the first person I tried not to flirt with, because I liked you too much.”

“That doesn’t make sense.”</I></b>

I loved how they brought out the best in one another. Casey made Landon laugh, made him open up, made him fearless. Landon kind of taught Casey how to be human Lmao. Brought him down to earth. There is so much more I want to say but this is an arc review and the book won’t come out for months but, Rachel tackled some big things in this holiday romance and she did it well. Important things. I think for a romance from someone like her (with the kind of reach she has) to tackle those topics, as understated as they are, was important. I’ll just leave it at that :)

I can’t wait for everyone else to read this! I will say all though this is a “holiday romance”, the holidays didn’t play a huge part in this book. So really this will be an easy reread any time of year for me. I love Casey and Landon, they’re at the top of my Rachel Reid faves now. They’re a pure shot of joy and happiness in a sometimes rather bleak world ♥️

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I love Rachel Reid's hockey romance books. This was just excellent. Pining, one bed used among a million beds available, finding your person, facing your fears, opening up to someone, seeing that you are more and you deserve more.
Casey is just a sweatheart. He talks a lot, doesn't know how to cook, is messy and has fears he hasn't told anyone until Landon comes to live with him.
Landon, temporary backup goalie, is introverted, he couldn't be more different than Casey yet they fit perfectly together. Sparks literally fly, there's so much tension everytime they're together but none think they have a chance with the other. Lack of communication for fear is present in the book and while it bothers me a bit and I wanted them to just talk freely, I liked their journey from teammates, roommates then lovers.
And I liked a lot how their private lives where handled. They were very honest and open about what they wanted. They were just so sweet.
I loved both their personalities and how different they were. I swooned. They were really so sweet!
Another excellent book by Rachel Reid!

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I have been looking forward to this book since the minute it was announced.

Landon is a goalie in the AHL who gets pulled up to play in the NHL until a goalie comes back from an injury. He's not in a great place mentally. Anxiety, grief, and self-doubt are making it hard for him to connect with people so he's incredibly isolated. When he makes it to his new team, he's almost immediately adopted by an affectionate golden retriever in human form who just happens to be into one word answers, thank you very much.

Landon is very, very hard on himself and can't always see when his words cut other people. He doesn't always mean for them to but he's not great at apologies either. Casey is so good at being the life of the party that no one can see that they are actively hurting him with their comments about how he talks too much, is stupid, or simply is just too much.

I read this thing in a single day with a smile on my face because the banter was so cute. Well, Casey's banter mostly. Part of this book happens over the holidays but it's not overly a Christmas book so you can read it whenever.

Thank you to Netgalley and Carina Press for a copy in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are my own.

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