Member Reviews

When you find the right person to reflect upon, your true self will shine bright!

This new hockey romance from Rachel Reid is a shining star in the Holiday Romance offerings this year! Landon and Casey are absolutely adorable, and really show how the right person really makes you a better version of yourself!

Goalie Landon gets his time to shine when he’s pulled up to the major leagues didn’t injury in one of the star goalies. He’s a loner he’s just out there to do his job, but when the team’s star player and social butterfly, Casey takes him under his wing they both find them Selfs learn to new heights.

From teammates to hosemates and then roommates, I absolutely adored, watching Landon and Casey support each other’s foibles off the ice be each other’s number one fan on the ice!

Getting to meet the new Calgary Outlaw team, and all the fun teammates, I hope we get more stories in this alternate NHL universe from Rachel!

You can snag yourself a copy of this to brighten your holidays now!

Thanks Harlequin Publishing for my ARC copy.

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I loved this so much. Casey and Landon are such fun characters and they had great chemistry together. Casey was so cute and I love how excited he was for everything. He never wanted to hide what he was feeling and it was wonderful. I love that the whole team knew how they felt before they even admitted it to each other. The team encouraging the two of them to get together was so sweet. I just really loved this book and everyone should read it.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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Thank you to @netgalley, Carina Press, and @rachelreidwrites for an ARC to review

One of the best parts of a queer hockey romance is the joy of a story where men are soft and tender in an environment that expects them to be ruthlessly brutal, on the ice and on themselves. Time To Shine gives us the softness, the tenderness, but without the ache of slogging through that toxic culture. The truths about hockey — hypermasculinity, racism, homophobia — exist in a fuzzy periphery. Rachel Reid never pretends they aren’t there, but it’s such a relief to have a hockey story where those things aren’t the driving force, to be able to focus on the slow building of the relationship and the characters. It can feel a bit like wish fulfillment, but I think we deserve that sometimes. We can imagine a time when things aren’t as hard as they can possibly be — a time when things are just a little easier.

You can always trust Rachel Reid to give us satisfying hockey with deeply lovable characters, and Time To Shine is true to form. I feel so soft and protective over Casey and Landon, their tender hearts and the gentle way they learn to love each other. Rachel Reid has such a way of making opposites attract make the most possible sense for each other. Casey’s overwhelming generous heart is exactly what Landon needs to feel secure in what Casey’s offering. They hold each other so sweetly and it feels like a lovely privilege to read their love story.


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I have enjoyed all of Rachel Reid’s hockey books and this was no exception. It was a wonderfully written story with characters that were really well developed. The characters with their quirky personalities were one of my favorite aspects of this book. A grumpy goalie who finds what makes him happy was so enjoyable to read. The storyline moved along so it was hard to put down. Another great hockey book by this author.

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Now this is a hockey romance! I feel like the Candians just do it better :) you get the feel for the games, locker room, life as a hockey player so well with this one! These two!! Landon and Casey are opposites attract with some forced proximity with being roommates. This one made me so happy but I also cried with Landon’s sister. I really enjoyed how supportive Casey was of Landon but also all the other players for them both. The team was big in this one! Also, loved we got both their families with this one as well.

I can’t wait to read more of this author and go back to her other hockey series! This is a great MM romance!

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**I received and ARC of Time to Shine via NetGalley and these are my honest thoughts**

Listen. I LOVE a Grumpy x Sunshine. Even more if the sunshine boy is the ultimate Golden Retriever character and Casey? Well he may be my favorite of all time 🥹

Landon is broken and broody and trying to figure out his place in the world and that includes his sexual identity.

This was such a fun holiday story from Rachel. It’s definitely a slow burn and reads more towards the YA side in my opinion but that didn’t make me love it any less.

Hockey players, roommates, forced proximity. A perfect set up.

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Time to Shine is a stand-alone hockey romance by author Rachel Reid. A slow burn romance between temporary teammates who become friends and then both fall in love hard.

Casey and Landon are both precious characters who I want to protect at all costs. They are both very much opposites in so many ways. Casey is rambunctious, full of energy, loves people, loves sex, and is always up for anything. Landon is a solitary being, he enjoys the quiet, carries a burden of guilt over the loss of his sister, and the fewer people he comes into contact with the better. The common factors they have are their love of hockey, their big hearts, and the fact that they feel lonely.

I loved the friendship they formed and the slow, steady progression of said friendship into more. Casey brings quality Bi rep and sex positivity to the book with his proud love of men and woman. Landon never feels the need to put a label on himself, but he came off as Demi asexual to me. The fact that sex / intimacy / touch all make him very uncomfortable, but he started to develops intimate feelings towards Casey the closer he became emotionally with him. I loved the communication and consent in the bedroom. Casey made it clear that whatever Landon was comfortable doing in the bedroom would always be enough for him. That his level of intimacy engagement didn't make him any less worthy of Casey's love and devotion.

Time to Shine by Rachel Reid is a completely satisfying opposites attract hockey romance. Temporary teammates/ roommates to friends to lovers with a Bi MC, Ace MC, slow burn, steam, fears, grief, factory videos, emotion, family , and fighting for your relationship.

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<b>3.5 stars, rounded up</b>

Overall - a thoroughly enjoyable read with fun characters and some good feels.

Casey is bubbly and loud, where Landon is brooding and quiet. They're complete opposites in personality (and height hah). But there's an unmistakable draw between them from the start.

The two were adorable together. I loved how Casey quickly learned Landon's boundaries, and kept an eye out for him. And I loved how Landon didn't question Casey's fears, and just rolled with it.

The holiday and family feels were a bonus. I started early on the Christmas reads this year!

The only hiccup - I couldn't help but be annoyed by the <b>big issue</b> right at the end. I was probably just projecting my own feelings, but I didn't think it needed to become the major hurdle that it was made out to be.

However, the ending was very sweet and brought back the good feels.

If you're looking for an MM hockey romance with opposites-attract and a bit of angst, give Time to Shine a try!

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I love Rachel Reid so much! I have loved other books by her before and didn’t even realize time to shine is by hers as well at first!

This was such a cute and well written romance. Perfect for the winter season. I read it in 25 C but still felt like it was Christmas while reading this book.

I can only recommend this book for everyone who wants to read a queer romance with the perfect mix of fluff and spice.

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I haven’t read Rachel Reid’s books before, and now I know how much I’ve been missing out. This one was incredible! It was so unexpectedly good for me - not just because it’s the Calgary hockey team and so many familiar places in my city and area (they even go out to Banff - as seen on the cover and the reason I grabbed this book the moment I saw it and recognized the Springs), but how detailed and well-researched it was. Characters, relationships, all of the details were perfect.

The team having the wrong name threw me each time it was mentioned (can’t have the real names in a fiction book, I suppose? Can’t call them the Flames without trademark issues?), but so many of the teammates were similar to real players, which I truly thought was a great touch. The relationship that developed between openly bi player Casey who befriended Landon when he’s called up from the farm team in Winnipeg, not really knowing anyone including the other players, leads to an excellent friendship followed by a roommate situation followed by - well, you get the picture, being an MM hockey romance.

I loved everything about this book and I know you all will too - it’s brilliant writing and such a great love story, with hockey as the factor bringing them together. I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys a great MM, hockey romance and especially one taking place in Canada, by a Canadian author!

I received a copy from NetGalley and Carina Adores, and this is my honest feedback.

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Thank you @frenzybooks for providing me with an eARC copy in exchange for a honest review. As soon as I heard about this in Harper Collins’ fall lineup, I knew I had to add it to my tbr…

I have good news and bad news:

Good news:

Firstly, Rachel Reid is a genius in hockey romance. The hockey is so well done here that I cannot help but applaud (this happens when you know way too much about the game when you have a sports crazy partner) So, big props.

Also, the freaking mains are adorableee. I love how realistic her characters are: Outgoing Casey yet so scared of being alone and you have socially awkward Landon who suffers from such guilt, self-loathing and anxiety…together, they just balanced each other out and give you the feels. I just love how adorably awkward they are and the sweetness factor is way off the charts.

Also, sex boundaries!!! - I’m here for this! I love how Casey respects and understands it is ultimately Landon’s choice and it’s a privilege to be given that kind of trust and permission.

Bad news:

Dangg, I powered through this novel in 2 days and now suffer from the lack of sleep I could have used because it’s soo dang good.

My only criticism is as much as I know this is a feel good and holiday novel, so it might be why the author keep this part super non-existent . Hockey is a white guy’s sport and had some of the worst homophobic (actually everything phobic) I have seen. Some of its mandates against players and in the league in general can just be so off putting. I do understand however the author previous works did speak to these topics and I look forward to reading her Game Changer series.

I highly recommend this book and as it gives me all the feels and get me out of my fantasy overwhelmed

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Opposites Attract, Closed Proximity. Sweet, Cozy & Warm that will give you lots to laugh about. The hockey part was perfectly done! Loved every bit of it. I love how the characters fall into an easy friendship both accepting each other who they are including their insecurities. A Bromance that turns romantic. I love how we still got to see both Landon and Casey journeys together and individually, both characters feel very real and relatable. The books is a lot about acceptance and growth. The book had a nice pace to it and wasnt overly sexual when it came to the MCs. Thank god for the communication!

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Casey and Landon were just what I needed!!

This book has more humour than her Game Changer series but still plenty of emotional punch.

I loved the banter between the characters, the feeling of found family and the respectful way the author handles sexuality and consent but still gives a deliciously sexy read.

Definitely recommend.

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4/5 Stars

Such a cute M/M hockey romance. Landon is our loaner hockey goalie and Casey is our very social winger. This opposites attract story puts these two, who really don't seem to work, together. Really enjoyed this story.

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Time to Shine by Rachel Reid is absolutely charming. When quiet Landon Stackhouse gets called up to the NHL to replace an injured player, he doesn't expect to be there long, and he certainly doesn't expect hockey star Casey Hicks to treat him like an old pal. Landon is an odd duck and Casey is a golden retriever and pretty soon they're great friends, and then... more.

Rachel Reid writes a great hockey romance. Landon and Casey are great together, respecting each other, learning each other, and making each other better. It's sweet, and it's hot, and it's just delightful. I devoured this book. It was fun to read and fun to watch the characters develop.

While this is a fairly light book, there are some serious themes of grief and how it can continue to have a hold on one years down the road. Plus dealing with fear as an adult. And while Casey is bi and loves sex with others, Landon is somewhere closer to ace or demi - he doesn't like to be touched in most scenarios and doesn't have casual sexual interests. So falling for Casey is a really big deal.

Five stars. Sweet and delightful. I can see picking this up as a comfort read in the future.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I was actually nervous to read this book. I am consistent and vocal about my LOVE for Shane and Ilya and the entire Game Changers series. I wasn’t confident that Rachel Reid could bring the same magic. I was wrong to be concerned. Rachel Reid hooks me, destroys me, makes me laugh, and brings me back EVERY TIME.

I was going to try to summarize this book but it involved a lot of hockey things that I “understand” but not enough to explain. Instead I am going to list what I loved-
-mental health rep without specific diagnoses/treatments (I also appreciate books with treatment and diagnoses, but this worked with these characters)
-opposites attract- rich/poor, tall/short, loud/quiet
-grumpy/sunshine but more like emotionally constipated/emotionally intelligent
-“I’m f—— bananas about you.”
-the intimate scenes, which encompasses the full spectrum of what Rachel includes in this book from comforting through a door to spicy scenes
-the epilogue
-team support and athletic environment
-how Landon and Casey saw each other
-all of the coziness
-family dynamics
-Landon’s dry humor
-Casey’s emotional intelligence

Read this book.

Thanks to @netgalley and @carinapress for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Actual rating: 4.5

THE GOLDEN RETRIEVER ENERGY IS EVERYTHING! Omg, I totally fell in love with Casey from page one. Landon is reserved and definitely somewhere on the aro-ace/demi/grey spectrum, but the way he slowly opens up with Casey is one of my fave romances I’ve read all year. Casey is our Golden Retriever Bisexual and he’s so supportive and loving of Landon while still communicating so his own needs are met. There are so many soft sweet moments coupled alongside searingly hot and well communicated sex - this story is going to make anyone’s heart melt and many different ways.

The one thing that kept bothering me was unfortunately, the main setting. As a queer person who grew up in Hockey culture and with NHL players who made me really uncomfortable as a kid, I could not suspend my disbelief. An entire hockey team supporting queer players? Unaware fans or fans who don’t care? I honestly couldn’t suspend my disbelief because of the very real crisis Canadian Queer Folk are being faced with now. If this had been set in like an alternate world, I would have been able to suspend my disbelief, but whenever the story came back to Hockey, I just unclicked from the story. Hockey has a fucking long way to go - just like any organized sport.
Besides my issue with the game itself, if we focused just on the relationship of the two characters, this story was amazing, sexy, and full of heart. Ugh Landon and Casey have my entire heart <3
Hisses & Kisses 🐍
*Thank‌ ‌you‌ Carina Adores, Harper Collins Canada, and‌ ‌NetGalley‌ ‌for‌ ‌the‌ ‌eARC. All Opinions are my own*

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4.5 stars
I loved this New Adult hockey romance - from the high quality writing to the wonderful characters and the comforting feel of the whole book. It will be a reread when I want a cosy but layered queer romance!

Introvert meets extrovert when Landon Stackhouse gets called in as a backup goalie for the Calgary NHL team and comes into frequent contact with their newest young star, Casey Hicks. Landon suffers from social anxiety, while Casey feels the need to be around people at all times - hiding his own problems with being alone. We follow these two in alternating points of view as they become roommates and eventually more - discovering what they might be able to have together. But Landon is of course only on the team and in the same city temporarily.

It's a slow-burn romance and I especially liked how the main characters met in the middle, with Landon opening up more socially and Casey finding a calm space with Landon. Casey was also wonderful about respecting Landon's boundaries with touch aversion and being on the (unlabeled) asexual spectrum. The author handled this perfectly!

The book is set in a bit of an alternate world where homophobia within hockey is basically on the same level as in the rest of Western society. The story is low stakes in that way and can focus on presenting a sweet queer romance without the high pressured coming out anxiety of team sports. The team is full of fun and nice characters and the same goes for other side-characters like management and family, including Casey's NHL legend of a father.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Landon and Casey, with them overcoming personal obstacles and finding each other. Some of the story takes place over the holidays with lots of family feels, so this would make for a great Christmas read!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of this book! All opinions are my own.

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This is just absolutely adorable. Sweet Hockey romance that Reid created gave Heartstopper like vibes. If you liked Red, White, and Royal Blue or Heartstopper stop and read this book.

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It’s no secret that Rachel Reid’s a hockey fan. It’s also no secret she’s written one of the most popular hockey romance series in mm romance. So, it’ll come as no surprise this story is an absolutely magical grumpy/sunshine, holiday hockey romance with plenty of on-ice action and off-ice swoon.

Landon’s an AHL goalie who’s been called up to fill in for an injured backup. This is his shot, his time - even if he knows it’s temporary. Everything about him says he understands this isn’t forever, including how he keeps to himself and anticipates the worst. It’s easier this way, allowing him to keep the ghosts of his past locked away.

Landon’s temporary status is how he ends up living with his new teammate Casey. Oh, Casey…what can I say? I love him in all his chaotic imperfection. He’s struggling to shoulder some hefty emotions of his own, all while putting on a smile and pretending everything’s all right. He’s the glue holding so many things together, but who’s holding him together?

What really struck me about these guys as they’re thrown together is how, despite being opposites, they have much in common. They’re both kind of faking their way through life, taking what happiness they can where they can, all the while being a shadow of themselves. Maybe this is why they’re so drawn to each other? I mean, aside from their obvious attraction. 😏 They recognize something in each other that gives them the space to trust, and for each of them, that trust means everything. Their connection is deep, genuine, and something truly special.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who loves an emotional love story that will keep you laughing. Fantastic characters, genuine romance, and unexpected bursts of levity are what make this a holiday must read.

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