Member Reviews

Thank-you to Carina Press & Carina Adores (Harlequin), Carina Adores, and Rachel Reid for the eARC!

WHAT A GEM OF A BOOK. I absolutely DEVOURED it in a day and had a silly smile on my face the entire time. Truly a PERFECT quick, feel-good read and I will be SCREAMING at everyone I know to read this (I already told my best friend this is the next book I'll be purchasing for her to read =P).

As someone who lives in Alberta it was wild to read about a real city's fake hockey team, especially since, as an Edmontonian, I've been conditioned to hate Calgary and all its associations without cause or reason. But, alas, I will forgive miss Reid for this minor slight. 😉😉😉

Casey and Landon are the epitome of golden retriever/black cat boyfriends and damn if that dynamic doesn't get me every single time. Additionally, Landon was giving major demi vibes and, as someone always looking for more ace rep, I'm more than happy to add him to the roster!

SPRINT to acquire this book, it's so worth it!

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Rachel Reid really is a romance master! I loved the elements of this book that were clearly so thoughtfully done. The perspective on sex and what that means for different people and the representation of anxiety, phobia, and grief were wonderful to read. These characters were so endearing and complex. Casey has big golden retriever energy, and I like how flirty he is with everyone and isn’t afraid to compliment people. He treats everyone equally, but also respects when they set boundaries with him regarding the compliments and flirting. It was also nice to see that juxtaposed with Landon, who struggled with how he would be perceived and received but made his boundaries known and spoke up for himself even though it was difficult.
I will read anything Ms. Reid lays before me and say thank you.

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This was my first foray into Rachel Reid's hockey romances, but it will certainly not be the last! From the cover (super cute and absolutely something I want on my bookshelves), to the actual story within, Time to Shine is a clear winner. Reid has an obvious grasp on the ins and outs of hockey, to the point that I was brought back to my own days in the arena, and she uses this to full effect in telling a romance that is both heart-wrenching and swoon worthy in equal measure.

And the characters! Landon and Casey are so much fun, both as separate narrators and as a couple. There are the quintessential black cat and golden retriever couple and I love them for it. Stoic, anxious, secretly goofy Landon has my heart because I swear he could be me. His anxiety about not knowing his own sexuality (and we love the embracing of an unlabeled queer identity) that still resonated so strongly with my own history of figuring out my aspec identity, and being accepted no matter what by both Casey and his family. And Casey! Goofy, golden retriever, proudly sexual Casey. I adored both his own maturation throughout the story, and his "secret" fear of the dark that never had to be part of any deeper, darker storyline. He just was and that was delightful and sweet and something for him to work on with Landon.

This is the perfect cozy, spicy holiday read and I cannot wait to check out the rest of Rachel Reid's hockey romances!

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Time to Shine is the third book that I have read by Rachel Reid. I loved it! The characters were excellent and worked their way into my heart. Definitely would recommend to hockey romance lovers!

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Opposites attract in this holiday themed sports romance. This book has likeable and endearing characters, Landon, and Casey. Landon is quiet while Casey is outgoing and loud. Both love hockey and play in the NHL. I found this to be a fast read and enjoyed being a fly on the wall, as both characters interact while going on a journey together.

Landon Stackhouse is called to be the backup goalie. He is a quiet loner who gives off the vibe that he does not want to talk. Casey Hicks is a social butterfly who enjoys talking. What Casey doesn't enjoy is being alone in his big house. When Landon needs a place to stay, Casey is happy to offer up his home.

What I enjoyed most about this book was each character's warmth for the other. They fall into an easy friendship. Both accepted each other and their individual insecurities. With their close proximity, their bromance turns to romance.

Romance is about the journey for me, and I enjoyed the journey that Landon and Casey went on individually and together. Their relationship is sweet, warm, and loving. There is a gentleness there that was nice to read about. I also enjoyed that there was no real angsty or "big" issue in their relationship i.e., misunderstanding, miscommunication, etc. There is the issue of Landon being on the team temporarily, but it was nice to read a book where I didn't want to take the characters aside and tell them to get their act together and communicate.

Reid threw in some typical tropes: opposites attract and close proximity but did so nicely. She also threw in some humor, understanding, and happiness.

This book is positive, shows acceptance, growth, self-worth, self-acceptance, and love.

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Sweet, heartfelt and tender, Time to Shine shines bright.

With great, characters, full of depth and dimension and a captivating plot, Casey and Landon stole my heart. Rachel beautifully builds their relationship throughout the story. The way Landon's sexuality is handled and the openness and judgment less way it is shown is lovely, and with just the right amount of humor, heart and heat, this is definitely a great read.

4.5 stars and a puck

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This book is now one of my all time favorites.

Rachel Reid does such a great job of crafting such unique and distinct characters. And her opposites attract books... I think we can all agree they're what magic is made from.

Heated Rivalry is one of my top 3 books of all time and I never expected to see another book (even by Rachel Reid) that could come close to my deep love for Ilya and Shane but I think this book is close without it feeling in anyway like a copy of that book. While it is hockey, opposites attract, and the character development is top tier, this story takes a different path and these very different characters have a story that looks worlds apart from Heated Rivalry.

There was also a lot of representation in the book without it being something you felt like the author was checking off a list. In fact, some of the representation wasn't pointed out or discussed. For example, it was pretty obvious to me that one of the characters is ACE (he never self identifies and may not have the language for it?) and the other character has ADHD although I doubt he was ever diagnosed as he never mentions it.

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I absolutely loved this book! It was just so stinkin cute and such an easy read, I finished it in one day! I loved everything about this story: the characters, the romance, the hockey setting, just everything. I love a good grumpy/sunshine pairing; Casey was the sweetest cinnamon roll and he matched Landon's stoic personality perfectly. The two were epitome opposites attract, but it worked for them. I also really liked the Ace/Demi representation in this story and how comfortable Casey made Landon.

This is a great friends-to-lovers, opposites attract, queer romance. Perfect for the winter season coming up. I highly recommend this book and look forward to whatever Rachel Reid writes next!

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Time to Shine is a slow burn, roommates to lovers story that was sweet and just a little spicy... with amazing characters and a lovely storyline of opposites attract between motormouth, extroverted Casey and quiet, introverted Landon.

Circumstances rather than drama test their relationship and I love how they solve their relationship issues fairly quickly and make things work. I love the pace of this story and how Casey gives Landon back a piece of himself that was lost to depression. I also appreciate the supportive families that we see in this story

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I really enjoyed this latest hockey tale by Reid. It has a somewhat lighter touch than the Game Changer series but it worked for this book. Landon Stackhouse and Casey Hicks really work as characters here, and that's a testament to Reid's skill. Their attraction starts on an emotional level as they start off as friends, then gradually fall for one another.

There's a good balance of humor and emotion here, with Landon dealing with the emotional aftermath of a family tragedy and Casey dealing with some unresolved fears. A pleasant surprise for me was how well the hockey side of the story was depicted. It was depicted quite well, I thought, with the realistic ups and downs of the game depicted along with the hard work and "politics' to an extent. It's a fun read, perfect for fans of Reid's previous books and manages to differentiate itself from other hockey romances with its quirky characters and heart.

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This was so so so sweet! I was smiling so big the entirety of the book. Landon and Casey are both such endearing characters, it was impossible to not root for these two. I loved all the Toronto hockey references as a Toronto girl and I also loved that this story as all warm fuzzies with very minimal angst. Will definitely be recommending this!

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This is an absolute delight! The characters are lovable, entertaining, unique, and perfectly realized. Casey is the awkward, rambling golden retriever of the century. I laughed out loud regularly reading his shenanigans, and his open, loving heart completely melted mine. Landon is deeper, grappling with trauma and completely lost on how to navigate his demisexuality and issues with touch/intimacy. The two of them together are pure magic!

Extra stars for the spice element here. I don’t want to spoil anything, but Landon is not your typical rom-com hero and the way his sexuality is represented is beautiful to read. The best part was the way Casey accepted and validated him throughout their relationship. These two are the archetype for sexy, enthusiastic consent. I devoured this book - I would have read in one sitting if life hadn’t interfered. Reid is a phenomenal writer and this is worth reading for anyone interested in romance!

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Having read Rachel Reid’s Game Changers series, it’s an understatement to say this book was something I was highly anticipating. I was almost afraid to read it in case I was setting the bar too high in my mind. No worries, I instantly fell in love with Landon and Casey. Once again, this author hits the LGBTQIA+ hockey romance out of the ballpark.

If you read the Game Changers books, you’ll know there is a lot in those stories about coming out and how the league and many fans treat non-cishet players. This story doesn’t go in that direction. It’s not that everything is out and proud and loud, but Landon discovering his sexuality and Casey being bisexual and not hiding that fact aren’t one of the themes. It still gets quite heavy at times. Like I said, Landon is discovering his sexuality so there are reservations about if he is understanding his feelings correctly when it comes to Casey. Plus, Landon lost his sister in an accident years before and it’s something his parents have never learned to accept and thus has kept him from feeling free to fully enjoy the life he leads.

Casey is the sunshinyest of sunshine. Often referred to as “being a lot” and mistaken for being a bit dim-witted he always keeps that bright smile on his face. He knows he’s not everyone’s cup of tea and it does sometimes dim his glow on the inside, but he knows who he is and doesn’t see the need to make himself smaller to please others. He’s exactly what Landon needs in his life to pull him out of his shell. Casey understands that Landon needs his alone time and his downtime, but he also needs love and support. Casey realizes that Landon isn’t grumpy, he’s shy. And while Landon knows he’s a great goalie, he still has a lot of insecurities. To sum it all up, these two are perfect for each other.

This story made me laugh and cry, which is what I expect from a book by Rachel Reid. The characters grow and blossom as they discover what makes them happy and that it’s okay to be happy.

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This was a very sweet and funny hockey-Christmas romance! (and no one died in it!! a true christmas miracle)

Casey is such a himbo. Casey, precious baby, he is such a little goober. Hockey IQ only. Much more of a people person but he'll probably grow into it more, but for now he's just a little enthusiastic puppy tripping over his paws.

Landon was also impressively adorably disastrous on the functioning front. Poor anxious baby and uh. His emotional security goalie mask. Little anxious ball of hockey.

Together, they are....! very stupid and very cute and they really worked well together once they worked through their inability to use words (they are, after all, young hockey players lol. not a demographic known for communication skills)

The side characters were the perfect balance of fleshed out while not being overwhelming - just enough that they added to the story and I could remember them (another miracle! i have a terrible memory) without taking away from it or feeling like props. Organic. Like real people!!

My main criticism is that I felt like the pacing was a little off. It started well, and then I felt like it was dragging for a little in the middle - kind of spinning the wheels - and then it was All The Sex (which also - a little much for Landon to go from virgin to lots of sex but live ur truth bro) and then all the feels. It felt a little ..chunky.

<b>Overall,</b> a lovely cute hockey christmas romance!! and of course, the hockey is fantastic bc look who wrote it.

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As hockey season was approaching, I started to crave a solid hockey romance.  A Time to Shine absolutely delivered.  The relationship between Landon and Casey is perfect, even before they get together romantically.  They're very much opposites, but work in a way that balances them both out, bringing their best qualities to the surface.  

Landon was a surprising character for me.  He had so much angst and emotional depth, despite his not wanting to show any of it.  The things revealed about himself and his past only made him more likable in my opinion.  His struggle to tackle it all on his own is admirable, even if it flops in the biggest and best way in the end.  

Also worth noting here are Landon's parents.  Despite the darkness in their family's past, they never stopped supporting their son.  All they wanted was for him to be happy and to achieve his dreams.  They went above and beyond in this area and it shows why Landon is the man he is.  

In a weird way, I related to Casey a lot.  I'm a talker, lord knows my friends must get tired of me sometimes.  But he's so pleasant, charming, and fun, that you can't help but love this little oddball. He has a heart of gold and a kind word for everyone he meets.  He's everything that Landon's not, but that turns out to be a good thing, because Casey's able to draw Landon out, to get him talking. 

Sweet, funny, steamy, and absolutely heartwarming, A Time to Shine had me laughing and crying as I joined Landon and Casey on their journey.  This was precisely the spicy bit of fluff I needed in my life.  I'd love to see more of their relationship in the future as well.

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Rachel Reid never disappoints with plenty of hockey and plenty of angst and plenty of really fun, quirky characters and not the usual boy meets boy, boys have massive appendages and loads of steamy time. Don't get me wrong, I DID find this story steamy but in a different way than is usually done and I found it completely refreshing. Landon has some serious guilt and he lives his life completely under the radar, despite being a darned good goalie. He has moments that he finds it hard to breath and finds a way that works for him to get through these moments. Casey is the absolute complete opposite and has become the running joke with both his team and his family. They don't see the scared boy inside the man. Landon and Casey should never work but for some reason, they see something in each other that others can't seem to make sense of. What you end up with is a truly beautiful love story and romance.

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My ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This was such a sweet story, very well written, and very easy to connect to the characters and become invested in the outcome. I haven’t read any books by this author before but will check out her other work as a result of this book!

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Thank you to the publisher and @netgalley for a copy of this book. Rachel Reid is the queen of hockey romance! This story centers on Landon who is called into the big league as the goal keeper. He meets Casey who invites him to be his roommate and I love the friendship that develops. The banter between the two was amazing and I love how great Casey was with Landon and their feelings develop. The supporting characters were all great as well.

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"Time to Shine" by Rachel Reid is an absolutely incredible MM romance

This book has the perfect recipe for a swoon-worthy romance: Casey, the energetic and kind superstar hockey player who's also proudly bisexual, and Landon, the quiet and shy goalie with a mysterious past. Total opposites, right? But that's what makes them so perfect together.

Casey is a burst of sunshine in a world of ice, and his friendship with Landon is everything you'd want in a slow-burn romance. These two are roommates, confidantes, and everything in between. Casey's patience and acceptance of Landon's quirks had me melting faster than an ice cream cone on a hot summer day.

This book isn't all sunshine and rainbows, though. It tackles some deep stuff like grief, anxiety, self-worth, and sexuality. But fear not, the joy and humor injected by Casey and their teammates keep the story beautifully balanced.

In short, "Time to Shine" is like a cozy blanket on a chilly day, and you'll want to wrap yourself in its heartwarming embrace.

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I did enjoy this sweet slow-burn of a book. The two leads are almost opposite in every way, and that's a good thing because they complement each other.

Casey takes some getting used to. He's absolutely no-filter, crazy privileged and yet loyal and able to self-reflect and tries to do better.

Stacks is quiet and sad, and really needs a good therapist. I think by the end there's talk of one. His situation is difficult and it was good to see the warm and loving family development that happens.

There is no rush to this one. It's all slow and organic and sweet and sexy. So, if they aren't something that appeals, maybe don't try it. But if they are, then get on board. It's adorable watching these two dance around each other.

Thanks to netgalley and publisher for the advanced copy. I do like this author's work. Comes out on September 26 (tomorrow).

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