Member Reviews

This book has lots of useful information. I’m familiar with the author and his research. This is not a light read though. I view it more as a reference book. If you’re familiar with the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle you’ll most likely already have background on this. If you want to do a deep dive than this book is for you.

Greger has made a plant-powered, medically-rooted empire of sorts with his "How Not to..." books, and this one is no exception. Some of his suggestions may be triggering for individuals with eating disorder histories or a tendency toward restriction, but overall these are evidence-backed approaches to wellness that have very few risks and significant positive outcomes.

"How Not to Age" by Michael Greger, M.D., FACLM is a comprehensive guide that blends cutting-edge science with practical advice on maintaining health and vitality as we grow older. Greger’s engaging writing style makes complex nutritional and medical concepts accessible, emphasizing the importance of diet and lifestyle in promoting longevity.
The book is structured around evidence-based strategies, offering readers a wealth of information on foods and habits that can help prevent age-related decline. Greger’s holistic approach encourages not just a focus on physical health but also on mental and emotional well-being.
Filled with actionable tips and backed by extensive research, "How Not to Age" is both informative and inspiring, making it a must-read for anyone interested in aging gracefully and living a longer, healthier life. Greger’s passion for health and his commitment to evidence-based practices shine through, empowering readers to take charge of their well-being.

This was good, but I much prefer the How Not to Die and How Not to Diet. I am a fan of Dr. Greger and have made so many life changes because of his help/resources.
Thank you NetGalley!!

I had high hopes for this one, and I was excited to read from a doctor's perspective, in particular considering it's a research-heavy book. Unfortunately, it turned out to be so repetitive and tiring that I can't make myself finish reading it. I'm DNFing at 43%.
My biggest problem with this book is that there is no main point other than "go on a vegetarian or vegan diet". In every chapter I read, every subsection, every side note, the conclusion was the same: increase your consumption of vegetables, legumes and fruits, and avoid dairy and meat. I'm not saying those aren't great suggestions, I'm just saying that after 40% of a book saying the exact same thing the hopes of getting a different outcome or suggestion is severely impacted.
It's sad - I think this book could be a lot shorter to be able to make it more consumable for the general population. I'm giving it 2 stars because the part I read I really enjoyed, but the novelty ran out.

This title is a deep dive into all biomedical aspects of aging and anti-aging. This is not a quick read, but is well researched with practical recommendations. It contains so much research that is hyperlinked in digital form, I would recommend reading this title in digital format if interested in referring to the research used.

I love Dr. Greger and the work he does. I don't love wading through as many details as he provides in this book. I confess I did not read every word; it will be more of a pick it up and put it down for me, I will refer to it as needed.

This comprehensive book was very detailed. Some times it was just too much Information & overwhelming.
Great ideas that one can do if they’d like to make a difference in how they age. Definitely not a book on living forever but for living your healthiest life for the duration.
Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC.

How Not to Age is full, I mean FULL, of information. It was overwhelming when I tried to read it like a regular book. Taken in chunks, it's much more digestible (ha). Dr. Greger presents very useful information about genetics, diet, and how to live a long, healthy life.

This is a dense book with a LOT of information. Greger gives detailed data and recommendations on all types of foods, supplements, exercise and more. This is a comprehensive book and has great information. I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about their health and who wants to be more educated about daily choices.

I had read one of his previous books "How Not to Diet" and found it to be a helpful reference book for all the emerging scientific research out there (in fact, based on new science, I think we need a revised edition!). This book is also a compelling reference book -- Dr. Greger and his team read and analyze all of the scientific research and myths out there about aging and methodically reviews and organizes the content in a way that a layperson like me can follow and understand. This book is not intended as a "cover-to-cover" read but rather I use it like a reference manual. By reading it on my tablet, I was able to click on videos and links to the research -- also very helpful if you feel you need more information. He also has a website Nutritionfacts.org that has more information.

More than a book - this really is a bible on how not to age. Dr. Greger has painstakingly reviewed the relevant research and synthesizes it into digestible chunks. The research covered can get deep, and it leans more towards nutrition and aging, but that's to be expected given Dr. Greger's field of expertise. A must-read for anyone interested in science and nutrition as it relates to aging.

Thank you to Net Galley and Flatiron Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. I am a big fan of Dr. Greger's work as he has made it his mission to review studies and consolidate all his findings into short videos and essays on his website so people can find quick answers. The information on the website changes as more studies come out. In this latest book, he's looked at what makes us age and with the help of technology has given us the overview as well as an online link to look at studies and access the specifics. The book is quite hefty and it's broken down into 4 parts: the science and the key structures and bodily processes that affect aging; food, lifestyle, exercise sleep, stress, social interaction; preserving all our body parts and systems; and lastly what are key ingredients to living a longer and more healthy life. Each of these parts can be read independently if you don't have time to read the entire book but of course all the ideas build on one another. I also appreciate that based on his research he has made choices in his own life to live healthier and he constantly makes changes based on the newest research. I recently listened to one of his recordings shared a new study indicated that having bananas in smoothies with berries lessens the impact of the berries by a significant about (I believe it was 60-70%). A good note to enjoy the banana on its own. I highly recommend this book as it is filled with so much good information that can only help us to make better choices as we try to live longer and healthier.

I only read parts of this book, so I do not feel able to give a full review. I skipped around, hoping it would pick up or be a bit more interesting, but I had a hard time staying engaged in this book. I think the info is great, (and backed by a lot of research), it just wasn’t for me.

When I thought Dr. Greger could not add more detailed and accessible health and dietary information to his previously published ledger, he published yet another vibrant and complex volume to share the gifts of his far-ranging research into human health practices. I was stunned not only by the scientific density and practical usefulness of all the guidance presented in ‘How Not to Age’ but also by the real effects of implementing suggested changes in my daily routines and food habits. While this volume is lengthy and deep in its coverage and detail, it is a time saver by distilling vast amounts of current scientific data into daily health habits that can only benefit and provide real positive effects for anyone who incorporates them.
Dr. Greger is on a roll with his public sharing of vital knowledge, especially as a counterweight to the food and pharmaceutical industry profiteering at the expense of individual health. I very much appreciate this worthy and up-to-date addition to his ever-expanding publications.

This book belongs in every home where people care about their present and future health. Appreciate the author including links to further information. Thanks to #NetGalley and #HowNotToAge for advanced digital copy.

I have read Greger's previous books, so I was excited to pick this one up as well. This addition to his catalog is much more scientifically written and more dense to read. However, there is so much interesting information that I would recommend the read. As I am in my 40s, I found some promising information to maybe help me age a little more gracefully.

I really enjoyed reading this as I truly love learning everything I can about our health and what we’re doing to our bodies. But there was so much information in this book that I had to stop trying to take it all in and just choose which areas I wanted to focus on, considering I’m not reading this for school or a test.
I have changed a few things in my diet based on the authors recommendations (which were highly researched with plenty of scientific backing). I’d recommend reading this if you’re already somewhat healthy in your diet and daily routine, to provide a bit more insight into how to go a step (or two) further.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC. Looking forward to reading his other book, How Not to Die, after reading this one.

What this book represents is the most thoroughly researched discussion on the topic of aging. It is like having a one-source round up on what all the latest tests, research, and studies tell us on the subject. He will point out if a study is not conclusive and doesn't have an agenda (e.g., although he is plant based, if a study concludes that an animal product helps in a certain area, he will state it). But what really stands out is that there isn't a lot of speculation or new age hooey as with so many other books on this subject (I am looking at you, Dr. Hyman), nor is he selling a supplement or saying things you want to hear just to sell a book.
I've learned that he hired an independent fact checker to ensure that the studies he quotes and how he addressed them was correct (a fact checker not connected to him at all). So I know I can trust what is said here (not to mention that all proceeds of the book go to charity, not his pocket). Every statement is meticulously referenced so you can fact check for yourself. For me, for once, I feel like I can trust what is being written, from an authoritative source that is evidence based.
So how to use this book? You can either read it cover to end to get a very informed approach to aging well or you can focus in on specific areas - from wrinkles to Alzheimer's. This is not a simple "here's how to slow aging" (which is as ridiculous as it sounds) but instead a complete one-stop reference book. A lot of the answers do come down to simple nutrition but other factors such as genetics, medicine, interventions, and lifestyle are also discussed. Discussions on the latest in cutting edge research such as telomeres or IGF are included along with more mundane chapters on e.g., preventing hair loss. If studies contradict each other on a topic, he will not cherry pick and instead tell you straight that there isn't a definitive answer yet.
The book has four sections: 1) Slowing aging by blocking eleven pathways of aging; 2) The optimal anti-aging regiment; 3) Preserving function and 4) Dr. Greger's Anti-Aging Eight (highlighting specific foods, supplements, or behaviors that have potential offer the best opportunities to slow aging or improve longevity.
For those who have read his previous book, How Not to Diet, this updates with the very latest in research/published studies. For those new to Dr. Greger, expect to be treated like an adult with a capable and inquisitive mind who truly wants to do what is best for long life (and not be fooled by what sounds easy or fixable by throwing money at a product the author endorses).
In all, highly recommended. There is very, very good information here that could literally save you years of misery or death. Reviewed from an advance reader copy provided by the publisher.

So much fascinating information. This book covers a whole host of categories related to aging. Everything is thoroughly researched and distilled down to present readers with only the most valid knowledge and data. And the writing is refreshingly accessible, making it appropriate for all adult readers, i.e., you don't have to be a scientist to understand it!
This is a fantastic tome of knowledge for the home reference library, whether you're older and want to make the most of your remaining years, or you're younger and want to get a head start on protecting your body from the effects of aging.
Highly recommended.