Member Reviews

No One Can Know has so many twisty turns that will keep you guessing! I thought the author did an amazing job giving such distinctive personalities to Emma, Juliette, and Daphne. I liked how each had a very different method for coping with their parents and how each had a different read on their parents’ needs and wants. The plot kept me engaged throughout the novel and constantly guessing on how everything went down. Our narrators in this book are highly unreliable and they fooled me right through the end. I liked this one even more than What Lies in the Woods! It’s sure to be a hit.

Thank you to NetGalley and Flatiron Press for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Holy twists and secrets!!! I simply could not keep up with them. This was a fast-paced thriller that will leave you questioning everything. Just when I thought I had it figured out, I was thrown another bone to chase. I have to admit to being somewhat confused at times though. The narration was told in the POVs of Emma and her two sisters, then and now. Sometimes the author would include the present with the past and vice versa, so it was a little hard to keep track of when these moments actually happened. After rereading, I was able to make sense of it all, but they did distract me from the flow of the story. All of the characters were shady af. You had no idea what secrets they were hiding. Emma seemed like a weak FMC at first, but throughout the story my viewpoint changed. The ending was mind-numbing, literally. My brain is still mush. Think of how you would feel if you were a pinball bouncing erratically on tilt. That was how this story ended. I would have liked to have some closure regarding Addison, but that's just my preference. There was a lot going on in this book and I think that the author did a brilliant job writing this novel and revealing clues a little at a time to hold the reader's interest. A few minor quirks, but overall, a thrilling read. I loved it!

Thank you to the author, Flatiron Books and NetGalley for allowing me digital access in exchange for my honest review!

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I really enjoyed What Lies in the Woods so I was super excited to get my hands on an advanced copy of No One Can Know!

No One Can Know is a fast paced thriller that will leave you guessing until the very end. Just when you think you figured things out, another twists surfaces. There are twists and turns up until the last page. I love when books are written like this. I was so sure I knew who the killer was, but I was completely wrong! Another great thriller by Kate Alice Marshall!

Thanks to Netgalley and Flatiron Books for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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“No One Can Know” is a story about three sisters, two murders, and too many secrets to count. Emma hasn’t told her husband, Nathan, much about her past. He knows that her parents died and that she hasn’t spoken to her two sisters, Juliette and Daphne, in years. When Emma and Nathan lose their apartment, Nathan gets laid off, and Emma finds out that she’s pregnant, Emma confesses to Nathan that she jointly owns her parents’ house with her estranged sisters. They can’t sell it, but Emma and Nathan can live in it. Returning home to the small town of Arden Hills means that Emma must reveal her secrets to her husband. The house wasn’t just their family home—it is also the place where her parents were murdered. And some people think that Emma did it. Emma and her sisters have never spoken about what really happened on that fateful night. As Emma returns home for the first time in years, family and small-town secrets are revealed.

This was my first time reading one of Kate Alice Marshall’s novels, and I really enjoyed it! This book is told from the points of view of Emma, Juliette and Daphne, alternating between “now” and “then.” While the story is mainly told from Emma’s perspective, I appreciated that we also got to learn more about her two sisters and get inside their heads. It made the story more enjoyable because I never knew who was lying and who was telling the truth. With short chapters and cliffhangers, this was a quick read and a page turner. Just when I thought I had figured it all out, there was another twist. I truly had no idea what was going to happen next, right up to the very last page. A fun mystery that I highly recommend!

This book will be published on January 23, 2024.

Thank you to NetGalley and Flatiron Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A story of whether its better to cover up the truth to protect your loved ones or reveal it and watch someone fall. You aren't certain who to believe or what the consequences will be. The writing and general pace of the book was good and I enjoyed the different perspectives between the three sisters. However; the plot was overly complicated, and I couldn't get invested in the characters.

3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

Thank you to NetGallery and Flatiron Books for this ARC

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I adore Kate Alice Marshall, and the end of this book was pretty great, but the first 3/ was it depressing. Major content warnings for parental abuse (physical, emotional, verbal). I found myself skimming sections because they were just so hard to read. Overall, the twists were engaging and sometimes unexpected, and the MC was well-developed, but I do not think I would ever re-read this one. It was just too bleak and disturbing for the majority of the time.

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YES YES YES and ten times over. If I ever see this author name, I'm immediately going to reach for it. I honestly could not put it down.

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Wow Kate Alice Marshall has done it again! I absolutely love her books and writing style and this book did not disappoint! You literally had to second guess everyone until the very end. I really enjoyed this book and how it was from the three sisters point of views. Throughout the book you keep thinking it’s one person but then second guess yourself. I will recommend her books always and continue to be the first to read them going forward!

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I really look forward to new books by Kate Alice Marshall. No One Can Know is a twisty tale of three sisters, their parents and murder. The book relays multiple points of view and the solution to the murders is murky from old memories and time. I think the plot was overly complicated but I enjoyed this title and look forward to her next book!
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for allowing me to read this digital ARC.

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