Member Reviews

This is a story about a set of mirror twins that alternates between the present and the past. In the present, Kat, a new of the twins, loses her memory after a car accident. Her sister, Jude, begins to fill in the missing pieces from her life, however, not all is as it seems.

This book was a bit slower paced than I had hoped. The writing style is also a bit different than I’m used to as well. The premise was intriguing and I was drawn into the story as it unfolded.

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This book was fantastic! The concept was so interesting and I’ve never read a book with this idea before. I loved the formatt of the Now and Then chapters switching on twin perspectives. It’s been a few days and I’m still thinking about this book!

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Kat and Jude are identical mirrored twins. When Kat wakes up from a coma after a car accident, she has no memory and has to rely on her twin to tell her who she is and fill in her memories. However, things are not what they seem in this thriller with dark secrets and chilling truths revealed

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This was an interesting one! I feel like the description does it some justice but wow there is a lot more involved. Trigger warning for child abuse, child pornography, and cults. When there is mention of the past, I was getting vibes of the book 'Bunny' from Mona Awad, which was interesting. Overall, good book but there felt like a few holes that were not addressed towards the end, which felt rushed.

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Kat and Jude are mirror twins. When they have a car accident and Kat loses her memory, she must decide what is the truth and what is her sister making things up to save her. This book kept me on my toes. It started strong and just kept me guessing. All of the twists and turns had me interested until the very end.

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It took me a bit to get into this, but I went in totally blind and I suggest that you do the same. It took me awhile to get through this book. I would consider this more of a literary fiction than a thriller. It sounded very intriguing but could not keep my attention, just a bit slow for my liking. I would still suggest giving it a try if you like the twin trope, and cultish books. 2.75 stars Thank you to Abbott Kahler, Henry Holt, and NetGalley for the copy of this e-arc.

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"I knew her right away but did not know myself at all, and that absence of knowledge — the realization that everything I have ever been or done is no longer accessible to me — felt just as final as death. I might be alive but there is nothing to me, no there there, no stuff, just a bare tree waiting to be dressed, festooned with ornaments others wish to see."

I really enjoyed diving back into the mystery/thriller genre with this book. One of my favorite settings in a book is pre-modern technology – at-home computers, cell phones, etc. and this book is set in early 1980s Pennsylvania. People had to work so much harder to gain information that we so readily have at our fingertips today.

As you’re reading, I would keep in mind to not gloss over the chapter headings – they tell you exactly which twin’s POV you are getting the story from and the chapter’s timeframe. I enjoyed the blend of past and present – while only experiencing the past from Jude’s perspective. Kat’s slow descent into figuring out who she is, in addition to who she was prior to her accident was really well done.

The Big House is mostly left to your own thoughts and they may or may not be worse than what actually transpired. Considering Violet’s attitude and actions – I’d say my thoughts are correct. I still just can’t with Verona – she doesn’t deserve the ending she received. One point that I would have liked to have clarified – is what really happened with the twin’s father.

I would like to thank Henry Holt and Co. for the opportunity to read this book that is chock full of sisterly bonds, found family (of a sort), revenge, tough (and I mean it) subjects, and mystery. This book was a psychological thriller of a whole different ball game for me, it was fast and slow somehow at the same time – I loved every minute with Jude & Kat. Rounded from 4.5 stars.

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I really wished that I had enjoyed this more than I did. The premise of this sounded so intriguing but I felt incredibly bored through most of this. While I thought Kat was an intriguing character, I found it hard to get invested in hers or her sister's story, especially the past timeline.

I'm not sure if a large part of this was on me for picking up a book that dealt in part with a cult, but I just really found most of this underwhelming.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the e arc.

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You will doubt all existence when you pick up this psychological thriller. It reminds me of Black Swan. So cunning, beautiful, articulate and fast. I did not want this book to end and before you know it, after goosebumps and a few cold chills, it ended, leaving me wanting more. And that's where it ended.

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This book took me way to long to read. Everytime I put it down I had to force myself to pick it back up. It wasn’t a bad story but it just didn’t engage me. The writing was good but it couldn’t save the book for me.
Thank to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest opinion. 2.5⭐️

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Kat wakes up in a hospital with no memories of how she got there or even who she is, but the one thing she does remember is her identical twin, Jude. Relying on Jude to coach her back into her life, Kat starts to find pieces that don't quite fit with what Jude is telling her. Reuniting with some figures from her past, Kat starts to understand that maybe the only person she can trust is herself — especially when things start to get dangerous.

This was a slooooow burn of a psychological thriller, which is generally not my cup of tea. I think the plot was decent but I would also have liked a few more twists and surprises along the way, as what was there was a little lacking. I think if you go into this book with the understanding that it isn't super twisty or shocking, you might enjoy it more than I did!

Overall, the writing is solid and I enjoyed the setup — if you're a fan of cult-themed suspense novels, this will be right up your alley! Thank you to Abbott Kahler, Henry Holt, and NetGalley for my advance physical and digital copies.

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Could I put this book down? No. Did I predict everything that was going to happen? Yeeeeeeeeah.....

I liked elements of this book, namely Jude and Kat being mirror twins and their cult history. Unfortunately because of the timeline and PoV switches, a lot of the tension buildup goes nowhere. It's definitely more of a literary fiction than a thriller which explains it though. Overall I think it was a good book, just not what I was expecting or craving.

*Thank you to Henry Holt & Co and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

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This took me on a roller coaster. I am very rarely sucked in to a story that starts with this much confusion, but I couldn’t wait to figure out where each new chapter was headed and I loved how well the author connected multiple time lines and points of view. There was no real big twist ending that is common in this genre, but it truly didn’t need it. The whole book was twisty and deep and full of complexity. I really enjoyed it.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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This book was terrifying yet heartbreaking at the same time. This dual timeline, dual POV thriller is so brilliantly put together. The author has a way of getting under the reader’s skin in a way that pushes them outside of their comfort zone with an incredibly realistic tragedy bundled inside of a beautiful sisterly bond.

I found this book to be gut-wrenching, horrific and frightening in the reality that undercuts the story in this book. This is for anyone who needs a story worth binging that will have you on a rollercoaster of emotions with quite the ending.

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Where You End by Abbott Kahler is the perfect thriller to lost in.
Full of intrigue, suspense and revenge.
I thought the writing was captivating. Kahler kept my full attention from the first word till the very last.
Suspenseful and disturbing Where You End is guaranteed to keep the reader completely engaged in the twists and turns.

Thank You NetGalley and Henry Holt and Co. for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Kat wakes up in the hospital after a car accident, and the only thing she remembers is her twin sister Jude. Jude tells Kat about her pre-accident life, but Kat gets the feeling things are not adding up and eventually realizes everything she is being told is a lie. Chapters about Kat describing the deepening mystery of who she is are interspersed with ones from Jude's point of view when the sisters were forced into a strange cult as children. Everything ties together in the end with a shocking conclusion. A hugely entertaining book with deeper themes of memory, identity, and trauma woven throughout.

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Where You End follows Kat as she wakes from a coma, the only person that knows her mind is her mirror twin sister, Jude. As Kat grapples with her new reality and remaking her memory from amnesia, Jude fills in the blanks. Slowly Kat begins to question the authenticity of Jude’s stories upon learning a large part of their past.

I was very intrigued by the premise of this book but it was rather dull and slow, I didn’t connect to it. The cult aspect was a little lacking and the twin language just bad, however I liked the eerie atmosphere and the 80s setting.

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Kat and Jude are mirror twins. Kat and Jude are in a car accident and Kat loses all memory except knowing that Jude is her twin.

As Kat struggles to regain her memory she feels that Jude doesn’t want Kat to regain her memory. The more Kat discovers the more questions she has. Is Jude answering her questions truthfully?

I found this story to drag in not a good way. The characters seemed very one dimensional. I really wanted to like it based on the plot and the cover art (I’m a sucker for cover art) but I just couldn’t connect with the story.

Thanks to net galley for my digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Kat and Jude are twins. Not only that but they are specifically mirror twins. After an accident Kat wakes from a coma to discover she remembers nothing about herself or her life. The only thing her mind held onto is her sister. Once they're back home, Jude starts to tell her all about their lives now and when they were children. She also tells Kat to not leave their place because she's fragile.

Kat has to explore their town despite Jude telling her not to. Eventually she starts to question what Jude has told her and wonders why she'd have to lie. The present is in the early 80s but there are also flashbacks set in the 70s that reveal their time in a New Age cult.

This is a three star read for me because I did like it, I just didn't fully enjoy it. I will say it does have the feel of a dark gritty 80s movie. And the flashbacks do have a trippy sense of unreality to them. Those parts weren't as seamless and kinda threw me off after being in the present with a totally different feel to those scenes.

So I guess the tone of the book does work considering the subject matter. And the ending was satisfying. Even though the story was nothing like what I was expecting I still liked it for what it was, more literary thriller than psychological, so keep that in mind.

Thank you Henry Holt & Company and NetGalley for the e-ARC.

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Kat and Jude end up in a terrible car accident that leaves Kat with amnesia. Kat relies on Jude her mirror twin to recall childhood memories and explain why there are no photos of the two of them. But, eerily Kat feels that Jude is hiding something back at all costs. Growing up the twins were involved in a cult that brainwashed them and taught them to recruit others. The twins were also subjected to participate in child porn. Will Kat regain her memory and once she does what will she find?

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