Member Reviews

This info-packed book gives you information about how to age well, which food to eat or avoid; how inflammation impact your aging; how you foods can prevent and reverse damage on the cellular level.
This book is well written and is easy to understand.

I'm not too keen on the phrase "anti aging" because we all age, so why does it have to be approached as something to fight? I prefer the term pro-aging. But aside from that, here's a good compendium of what to eat for maximum fitness and health. The author Elad Oren shares what he’s learned in over a decade working as a sport nutritionist and personal trainer.
He guides us on topics including which foods to enjoy and which to avoid; how inflammation, oxidation, and glycation impact aging, and how nutrition can prevent and reverse damage on the cellular level.
Some of the guidance is controversial. Oren, who's in favour of a low carb diet, says we should avoid all grains, even whole grains, as they are the foods that accelerate aging the most. He is not too keen on the alternatives. "While options such as oatmeal, brown rice, and quinoa are definitely better choices, they are still very high in carbohydrates and if you are not a very active individual, can still influence blood sugar levels and lead to weight gain."

As an almost old person, this title intrigued me. It definitely wasn’t what I was expecting but super informative and lots of great tips to live a healthier lifestyle.

Well written but offers nothing new - there are so many similar books around at the moment. I won't be delving back into this one.

I really wasn’t impressed with this book. It’s one of those dire, doom and gloom books that tells you all the ways you are slowly killing yourself and then offers up possibilities that May help with tips that they Think will keep you feeling and looking young. Same hints/tile found on any website about eating healthy. I thank Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

A good book to get you to the specifics regarding food you should and shouldn’t eat. It’s not only about anti-aging, but about generally making healthy choices. Even though we know these things, avoid sugar etc. it is still hard for most to quit everything that’s bad for you and simply eat what’s good for you. This book might give you the push you need to make better choices, so if interested in healthy food that might slow down your inner and outer aging, read it!

I have problems with this book, so I'm just going to list some:
1. Grains are perfectly healthy for most people
2. Turmeric is recommended but there's no mention of combining it with black pepper to be more effective
3. It doesn't recommend soy or milk unless it's fermented, but they are perfectly healthy for most people.
4. It mentions phytates & the problems with them, but recommends some foods that have phytates while condemning others. Oxalates function similarly to phytates but I didn't see mention of them, though leafy greens among other foods with a lot of oxalates are recommended. Both are fine in moderation.
5. Evidence just doesn't support that organic is better than conventional (unless antibiotics are involved). There aren't even as much pesticides on conventional as there used to be. Organic food still uses pesticides, & they're not as studied. They're just natural, but plenty of natural things can kill (hello, belladonna). Also, fruit is already expensive. If you can't afford organic, you should still eat the fruit
6. Teas are recommended, but teas can have bad things in them. In general people should find tea from a good source (such as Japan instead of China)
7. Americans do have way too much sugar, but a little isn't awful & too many absolutes are bad for those at risk of eating disorders. You're also better off telling the average American sugar substitutes are okay. The fear mongering against them really isn't supported by evidence. In the minimal studies that say they can increase risk of disease the risk is tiny & other factors aren't really taken into account, such as that participants were already obese & at risk of health problems.
8. Collagen is great but bone broth doesn't have significant benefits
9. You can overdo saturated fats, even coconut oil
10. You know what can accelerate aging? Stress. You shouldn't have strict rules that cause you to stress about your diet
The foods the book recommends in general are good, but nothing most people don't already know. There are a little bit of recipes, which is helpful. Overall I give it 2.5 stars

Unlock the secrets to graceful aging and optimal health!
An invaluable book that offers a roadmap to not only age gracefully but also maintain optimal health. Elad Oren's extensive experience as a sports nutritionist and personal trainer shines through in this comprehensive guide. From deciphering the impact of food choices to understanding the intricate processes of inflammation, oxidation, and glycation, Oren presents the science in a manner that is easy to comprehend and apply. The inclusion of tantalizing recipes and rejuvenating smoothies adds a practical touch to the book, making it enjoyable and accessible for readers.

A remarkable guide that equips readers with the knowledge and tools to embrace the aging process gracefully and healthfully. Elad Oren's expertise as a sports nutritionist and personal trainer shines through in this information-packed book. Covering a wide range of topics, from the impact of food choices to the science behind inflammation and cellular damage, Oren presents complex concepts in a clear and accessible manner. The inclusion of mouth-watering recipes and delicious smoothie options further enhances the practicality of this guide, enabling readers to make immediate improvements in their nutrition. This book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to enhance their well-being, appearance, and overall quality of life as they age.

Synopsis (from Netgalley, the provider of the book for me to review.)
Author Elad Oren shares what he’s learned in over a decade working as a sports nutritionist and personal trainer about how to navigate the aging process, gracefully and healthfully. This info-packed book covers a range of topics on how to age well, including which foods to enjoy and which to avoid; how inflammation, oxidation, and glycation impact aging; how nutrition can prevent and reverse damage on the cellular level; and much, much more.
Presented in clear, easy-to-understand language that explains the science and helps you get on track to better health right away. With mouth-watering recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as a fleet of crave-able, good-for-you smoothies for every occasion. So, you can look good, feel good, and genuinely enjoy everything life has to offer, at every age.
This was an interesting book to read about how some foods can age you and how some can (perhaps) make you look younger. Perhaps. No one is going to overhaul their eating plan and look younger overnight: no one, unless it is post-plastic surgery...and then you risk looking like a "Real Housewife" or a Kardashian-Jenner. You undoubtedly feel healthier and that is 90% of the game: anti-inflammatory foods are generally super healthy for you unless they set off other symptoms such as heartburn, indigestion and all those other things sung about in that Peptol Bismol commercial. (I know most of the foods here would send my IBD and me to bed for days but hey, that’s me! I also avoid smoothies as they are sugar and calorie bombs...even though there is no added sugar, which I try to avoid like the plague.)