Member Reviews

*Thank you to Netgalley and Titan books for the e-arc in exchange for my honest review*

I have read every book HM Long has written and I have enjoyed every one but this one was truly special. It is the best yet. I don't know if it is because it reminded me of when I was that young girl who loved pirates and the sea (& therefore pirate of the Caribbean) or because HM Long did such wonderful job creating an enchanting tale. I think what makes this read even more special, as a reader, is knowing this story evolved from one she wrote when she was a young girl. The prose was so atmospheric and descriptive, it was almost as if I could feel the cold and the whip of the wind beside the characters or hear the song as Mary sings.

Everything about the storyline feels very rooted in its world (pun'll catch why when you read). The characters feel fleshed out and so well developed. I love how they interacted with each other.

The alternating POV between Mary and Samuel was well executed. Sometimes with dual POV books I find I prefer one narrator to another but they both were equally as engaging. I absolutely ADORE Mary. She is extremely courageous and cunning despite having grown up sheltered from the world. Samuel really is THE BEST of men. Charles, oh Charles...can't wait to see where your story goes. And Mary's mother and the other pirates were equally as entertaining to read about.

The fantastical element to this story was so original. I will not going into it because you just need to read it. It is hauntingly beautiful.

Overall, this read was fantastical, atmospheric and adventurous. I cannot wait to dive back into this world.
Thank you for sharing your stories with us HM. I love them all.

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<i>I would like to thank Titan Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.</i>

Dark Water Daughter is an interesting pirate story, set in a world full of magic.

Mary has the rare ability to control the weather when singing, making her very valuable to navy and pirates in general. The use of her talent to survive sets in motion a series of events who will transform her life and identity completely.

The story is duas POV, giving a faster pace to the events. The characters are layered and well developed, and while I enjoyed both main characters, I feel the secondary and villains were the ones making the story shine.

The story is very original and I haven’t read anything similar. I’ve felt it was somewhat a cross between <b>Pirates of the Caribbean</b> and <b>Stranger Things </b>I couldn’t predict what was going to happen which is something that always delights me.

I liked it! Recommended for adult fantasy readers, especially those with a soft spot for pirate stories.

Full review will be published on goodreads and story graph in July, as requested, and on Amazon after its release.

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I'd like to thank NetGalley, author and publisher for allowing me a chance at reading this story.

I have a weakness for pirate stories. When I read through the summary, I thought it looked pretty good. As I started reading it, I realized this was just the story I was looking for.

You have a world in which a girl was born with the ability to control the weather. Like an amplified harpy. Her kind exist and are an asset to the military / navy. There are others that can do various things and that is the fun joy behind this world that H.M. Long has created. Honestly, the story reminded me a lot of how Robin Hobb's stories began each chapter with a insight about the bigger world. I also like that the ships sort of come to life, too. (Part o the story, you have to read. Though, when you find out the path they take / what the author has planned it s a lot darker in tone of what happened to Liveships in Hobbs world.)

Mary is an awesome character. She is part of an interesting group of heroes, villains, and neither friend or foes. Book 1 ends with some paths drawn out and others completed.

I want more, and I am so excited to see this is gong to be a series. I can't wait to see Mary build up her powers and new dangers against lurking threats and adventures.

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Dark Water Daughter languidly draws you into its depths, depicting a world full of fractured heroes and villains, and an unthinkable plot to reset the drawing board. Magic runs deep with an assortment of stormsingers, sooths, and mages drawn into service on the seas. H.M Long assembles a tumultuous narrative of pirates and magic that sears the skin like salt on a wound. With a kernel of romance and a treasured cast of characters, this is a sensational new fantasy series!

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