Member Reviews

A fun romance. Gio and Iris first meet on Valentine’s Day in a bookshop, fighting over the last copy of a book. A romantic story of an unlikely couple falling in love after an inauspicious start, with flashbacks to Iris’s mother’s own romance in New York.

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I've read a few of Josie's other books and loved them so I had to give this book a go because it's set in New York.

I love it being set in New York because its the one place I really want to visit. Its at the top of my bucket list.

I loved this story. I loved the 80’s references.

Reading this has made me want to watch When Harry Met Sally and Visit New York even more!

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Loved this sweet holiday romance! I loved Josie Silver’s previous books. One Day In December is definitely more memorable than this one, but I prefered the characters in this book. They are much more likeable and you feel for them!

A perfect, easy read for the coming season. I especially loved that this has 80’s references! It made me want to watch When Sally Met Harry again and visit NYC!

Josie Silver always hits the perfect balance of melancholy (grief, sad backstory) and uplifting vibes. She is an author I can count on for winter reads!

4 ⭐️

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Was such a fab heartwarming book! Felt like i was in New York with the storytelling! Next to do on my bucket list!
Lots of nervy twists and turns was hoping for the best! Really cosy pre Christmas read. Thank you

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Iris decides to move to New York for a fresh start and while exploring with her friend Bobby she sees a gelato shop which brings back memories of her late mother Vivien. Vivien loved New York after spending time there in her youth and making strong connections with some of the locals. Back in the place her mother loved, Iris meets Gio and the rest of the Belotti family. When she finds out that Gio is desperately searching for his families lost vanilla gelato recipe, she realises she, and Vivien, may hold the key in saving the family business.

This was my first seasonal story of the year and has definitely started to get me in the festive mood. The romance between Gio and Iris was heartwarming, emotional and at times made me feel like shedding a few tears. It was refreshing to get away from my usual dark, thriller reads for a while and immerse myself within the Belotti family. All of the characters are spectacularly written and you feel yourself rooting for Iris and Gio, invested in their story and the quest to get the famous vanilla recipe back. Watching slowly how Vivien was connected to the family was interesting and added an extra layer to the story. I enjoyed as well how the story covered serious topics such as domestic abuse, grief and control. Overall, although slightly over sentimental in places, this was a sweet, cozy winter read perfect for those dark, cold nights. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this copy in return for an honest review.

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This wasn’t quite what I was expecting but it was an entertaining read none the less. Unfortunately I didn’t love it, as I found the monologuing of the main character a little tedious and I didn’t really connect with the main characters. It is well written and the description of the locations was vivid. I was kind of waiting for the inevitable drama and the ending did deliver.

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"A Winter in New York" is everything you would expect from the cover, the description and from Josie Silver: romance, wit, heartache, and a whole lot of complications! It tells the story of Iris who has recently lost her mother to cancer and who is escaping to New York to start again because that's where her mother always said she was happiest. She struggles with her past but finds a friend in her employer/neighbour Benny. On an outing with him she recognises a door in their neighbourhood which belongs to a famous gelateria. After visiting, she ends up befriending the entire Italian family who owns it, not least the handsome Gio. But the secrets she keeps, not least the reason for her recognising their front door, threatens to tear her new found life apart.

While I'm not sure I could fully understand Iris for keeping her secrets for so long, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, even crying my way through the last few chapters. The book does flashback to some of Iris's Mum's story and I would've liked to hear more of that too.

But overall, "A Winter in New York" is the perfect book to cosy up with in the colder months. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

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Loved this book. Felt I was in new York surrounded by a gorgeous loud Italian family. Held my breath at the twists and turns wishing for the best. Excellent winter read

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Love love love. There were so many little stories running inside this one big main one, it was so well written. Grief, domestic violence, love and lost love.
This would make a great film, but the book was absolutely fantastic!

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3.75 stars
After Iris breaks up with her boyfriend and flees to New York. New York is a place that Iris has never been before, but it was a special place to her mum. A big component is a secret gelato recipe that her mum got from Santo, a lover who was not supposed to share this recipe. When Iris meets Gio, Santo's nephew, Iris knows she needs to tell him, but everything gets a little difficult when they fall in love.

I had a few icks with this book. First of all, I hate that there were so many secrets. How could Iris have helped Gio and Sophia for so long while all this time she knew the forking gelato recipe?! I was so frustrated. I mean, I get that if she had told them that, it would have been a problem for Santo. But once Felipe got into the picture, she could have admitted it to him, right? Since he immediately saw that she was Vivian's daughter? Next to that, I hated that instead of admitting she was wrong, she once again lied, pitied herself and left. Grow up. I did really like the love story and bravo for miss Josie Silver because the book was amazingly well written, and the characters (except for the lying) were very well developed and thought through.

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I read One Day In December by Josie Silver and was nervous to try another book as you are often disappointed when it doesnt live up to your first read but this one was a great match.

It was such a cosy (pre) winter read and I loved the setting, it was magical.

Super romantic, super seasonal and a super read!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin UK for the eARC!

I was pulled in right away and enjoyed the switching POVs as we occasionally get glimpses of Iris’ mom, Vivien, in the 80’s. At first I really liked them but they became a bit like filler because we don’t get much new information (most of what we know can be found in the present timeline).

I love Gio’s family, absolutely obsessed with their relationship and dynamic! I enjoyed the character development for Iris and the found family aspects too.

Love the rom-com movie references! The novel is both a romance with Iris and Gio but it’s also a romance/love story for New York. I loved the descriptions and felt like I was in NYC during the holidays!

Didn’t love the friendship between Bobby and Iris-he doesn’t feel like his own character and is more like a flat, background character purely there to further Iris’ development (and at times feels like the cliche “gay BFF”).

The spicy scenes were fairly well done except for one line about how Gio’s actions were “insanely sexual that I feel as if he's actually drawing circles on my cervix.” that was weird…

Miscommunication is a HUGE plot point which was unfortunate because it’s my least fave trope. The story was also predictable, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I would’ve enjoyed more plot twists that I didn’t see coming.

The romance was okay, it wasn’t great or horrible, just average. I much preferred Silver’s “One Night on the Island” and I don’t think the miscommunication helped with how I felt either.

I recommend for a light, fluffy holiday read! But be aware of the triggers as it tackles heavy topics like grief and domestic abuse. I’ll probably check out Silver’s other books to see if she’s an author for me or not.

Tropes: single dad (widower), Christmas romance, found family

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Thank you net galley for an ARC of this book by Josie Silver. Iris is a struggling chef. Struggling to deal with the grief over her mother and trying to escape an abusive relationship. To feel closer to her mum she moves to New York where her mum lived before she was born to start over. There she meets her best friend Bobby and stumbles upon an old gelato shop she has seen in a picture of her mums next to her gelato recipe. When she returns to the store she is welcomed by Gio a single dad and the manager of the family business. They hit it off but iris soon discovers that her connection to this family and its legacy are complicated. She has always wanted a family like this and the attraction between her and Gio is growing stronger so when secrets come to light can they overcome the past to build a future together? I really liked this story, Josie always manages to create a family or a community that you want to be part of. That mixed with lots of 80’s rom com references and musical influences make this a great story with great characters. Iris grew up with a single mum, with a transient lifestyle and you can feel that she is a little adrift when she moves to New York. Gio is strong and resilient as he had to be as a single dad but he realises he needs someone in his life again to live his life with him and they are perfect for each other. Again Josie builds the story in which both characters grow throughout the book and you are cheering for them to get that HEA.

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I really enjoy this author's work - she has a way of writing lost souls that just captures me.

Writing this review may be a little difficult without giving too much away so I will try and keep the summary vague.

Iris and Gio have a chance meeting before they officially meet, and something complicated happens in that first meeting that colours their subsequent interaction.

Iris, a chef from London, has a deeper connection to Gio and his family than he knows. As they get to know each other better, the secrets Iris keeps from him threaten to destroy their romance.

I really liked both of these characters. And the other characters, like Gio's family and Iris' Bobby provide plenty of comic relief. Once the romance heats up the story really takes off. It's sweet and reflective and made me really hungry!

The only issue I had, which was a small one. Iris tells a lie of sorts when she first meets Gio, and it seemed unnecessary to add this drama to an already complicated and angst filled story. I felt that, with the combination of elements like the loss of a loved one, single dad, running from the ex and secret shared history, we just didn't need the lie. It irked me until the end, when everything is explained.

Apart from that I really enjoyed the book and was invested in the HEA. A great seasonal read.

I receive an ARC of this book from Netgalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Thanks netgalley and publishers for arc
This is a lovely, joyous, uplifting book it follows a young woman Iris who has run away from a horrible, controlling boyfriend in London and followed her mum’s dreams to live in New York. She ends up being taken in by Bobby a lovely man who lives with his husband Robin above their noodle shop they give her a job and a place to live. She goes exploring on her days of to the places her mum went to like the place she had one piece of paper from a gelato shop she was determined to find it and she did it wasn’t very far from where she lived just an Uber ride and she was through the glass doors her mum had a picture of and then she was inside and there was a coffee machine and amazing cakes but no gelato! Hello can I help you said a male voice a lovely man Gio it said on his badge erm is there no gelato? Oh let me get you a coffee I will explain he said and that started Gio and Iris talking
Turns out santo his father had been taken ill and only he knew the actual recipe so no gelato ! Well this isn’t true Iris had the recipe written on a piece of paper in her pocket but she couldn’t just give it him her mum had told her santos told her to give it no one
So instead she offered to try to make a recipe that was the same if she could taste some she explained she was a trained chef so knew what she was doing
So that’s how Iris became ingrained into the family but we all know a lie will always come out so will irs get caught out she’s getting closer to Gio falling for him even it’s a dangerous game someone always gets hurt in the end

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A lovely romance to warm your heart, nice bit of foodie descriptions and some twists to make sure it’s not too predictable.

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This was a lovely seasonal romance. Iris escapes an abusive relationship in London and heads to New York to restart her life.

She meets Gil and unbeknownst to her they have a history which is intrinsically linked.

I don’t want to give any spoilers but the story draws us into a tight knit Italian family and everything that goes with it.

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Thank you NetGalley, RandomHouse Publishing and Josie Silver for this ARC!

What a charming and heartwarming winter romance. And though as an Australian I can never relate to snow filled romances I loved the love story and had me craving gelato hehe.

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Iris has moved to New York City from England, after getting out of an abusive relationship. She's following in her mother, Vivian's, footsteps who passed away a few years before, but when she was young she had moved to NYC to join a band in the hopes of making it big. Instead of making it big, she met a sweet Italian man, name Santo, who ran a gelataria with his family. To prove he loved Vivian he gave her the secret family recipe for vanilla gelato.

Iris finds the gelataria by chance and when she goes in she finds out they're not selling gelato at the moment as the recipe is only known by one person - Santo. And he's currently in hospital after suffering a stroke. So Iris agrees to help Santo's nephew, Gio, recreate the recipe - even though she actually has it. She doesn't want to give up her mother's and Santo's secret so she gently steers Gio to the right recipe.

Iris and Gio fall for each other and things are starting to get serious when Gio's father and Santo come home. They both recognise Iris immediately and warn her away from Gio. So she writes him a letter and she leaves.

I enjoyed the story but it was a slow burn, at least until the ending when it felt quite rushed. It seemed like once Santo was home from the hospital the story quickly ended without any real story telling. But Iris did get some closure from her past which was nice to see.

Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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Loved this story the author Josie Silver makes you feel part of the magical story of Iris and how she travels to New York and discovers gelato and a secret.
A lovely Christmas story full of magical moments and intrigue which keep you wanting to read more and willing Iris on to find true love.
Highly recommend for a heart warming Christmas story.
Thanks to NetGalley & Penguin General UK for a ARC for a honest review,

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