Member Reviews

I loved this book. It may not be winter but I read this book at the exact right time. I rarely ever cry at books but this book had me brushing tears from my cheeks over the last few chapters. This book was beautiful and a little heart wrenching. I loved the story, unique but not outlandish. <spoiler>her abusive ex brought up a lot for me. I appreciated that it wasn’t the main concentration of the story but it wasn’t brushed over.</spoiler> I loved that a lot of the characters had their own complex baggage and emotions that added to the story so well, allowing you to really feel for them, not just the main character. I loved the couple of chapters from Vivian’s perspective, to give us an insight in to her side of the story. I adored the writing style. I would definitely recommend.

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Iris arrives in New York after leaving an abusive relationship following the death of her mother. She chose New York because of things connected to her late Mother . When she meets Gio & realises that their lives have become intertwined from the moment she has cross words with him in a Bookstore on Valentines Day. It's book about families of secrets & lies !There are sections that seem to drag on hence why I have only given it 4 Stars. #NetGalley, #GoodReads,, #FB, #Instagram, #<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="200 Book Reviews" title="200 Book Reviews"/>, #<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="Reviews Published" title="Reviews Published"/>, #<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>.

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if I had to choose one book this year it would be this one- heartwarming, heartbreaking and achingly romantic it is the most beautifully written story perfect to snuggle up with and loose yourself in. As indulgent as the gelato around which the story revolves it transports you straight to the heart of winter in New York, somewhere I’ve never been but having read this feel as if I have. The writing is utterly beautiful and evocative bringing both New York and the fabulous cast of characters vividly to life and drawing the reader in. I couldn’t put it down and cannot recommend it enough. The love story itself is so poignant and filled with heart wrenching intensity, the characters are relatable and lovable. The contrast between lonely Iris and the big, loud, warm hearted Belotti clan is stark but as she is drawn into their warmth and love so are we. The romance between Iris and the gorgeous Gio Belotti is the ultimate in slow burn romances and the way the characters are crafted and the story told has the reader 100%invested in their outcome. In essence this book is pure romantic indulgence guaranteed to out a smile on your face and warmth in your heart. Filled to the brim with warmth, love and Josie Silver’s writing magic you won’t regret picking it up!

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publishers. Although still summer I actually enjoyed this winter book. Great location, great storyline and nice characters.

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There’s something a little odd about reading a quite festive book whilst I’m on holiday but I was excited to receive an ARC of this lovely romantic comedy by Josie Silver.
Iris has made a new life for herself in New York. Her mother has died, and she’s fleeing a horrible relationship, when she meets a man in a bookshop. She accidentally tells him that her husband is dead, as a way of getting him to give her the last copy of a book, which doesn’t work.
When Iris happens across a gelato shop she recognises from her mum’s past, who should she find there, but the man from the bookshop. What is more, she has a secret he needs to know, and lots more that he doesn’t.
This is a warm, romantic tale, with two characters you can really root for. Add in a glorious Italian family, and some misunderstandings and you have a recipe for a fantastic read.

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I just love this author, yet to be disappointed by any of her books and I have read them all. She writes such wonderful characters, that you end up caring passionately about and puts them in such great situations. This book was no different and I found I just didn’t want to put this book down. In fact I loved this book so much that I recommended it to my book club, as I know it will lead to great discussion.

Following the death of her mother and a bad relationship Iris leaves England and plans to start off again in New York, then in a chance encounter in a gelataria she finds a business in crisis and she sets out to try to help, recognising her personal connection to this place.

This sets in motion a number of chain events, and we find ourselves introduced to one of the most wonderful families you could wish to meet in fiction. Like Iris you find yourself totally enamoured by the whole situation, but you can feel a crisis coming at the same time.

As I say I loved this book, and strongly recommend it to all lovers of great fiction, and those that love great girl meets boy stories with a twist. I personally cannot wait to read Jodie’s next book and was just sorry to see this book end.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I do love a story set in New York and couldn't resist requesting to read this novel.

Iris moves to New York, running away from her abusive ex and still grieving her mothers death.  She finds herself working in a noodle shop and home is the flat above the shop. Bobby, the owner of the shop, is Iris's friend. One evening they go to a food festival and here she takes shelter outside a gelato shop. It reminds her of a storefront in her mother’s New York scrapbook.
The following day, Iris returns, wanting to sample some gelato. Unfortunately, the owner, Gio Belotti, tells her the shop is closed because the one person who knows the secret recipe is unable to tell them. Unknown to Gio, Iris has a secret. Her mother has the secret recipe in her scrapbook.

This story takes you on a roller coaster of emotions, and the storyline feels completely possible. The New York scenery is beautiful written. There is a whole host of loveable characters and a real sense of family.

A Winter in New York is my first book by @josiesilverauthor. It is a heartwarming story, and you definitely need some tissues close by. There will not be a more authentic Christmas read this year!

Thank you @netgalley and @penguinukbooks for the chance to read the advance copy.

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I was rooting for the lead character, Iris, right from the start. She's a chef who’s moved from London to New York to make a fresh start after leaving her boyfriend. (We find out why she left him later in the book.) She passes a gelato shop she recognises from one of her mother's old photos, where she finds Gio. The story continues with how she helps him save the shop's future. The flashbacks to her mother’s experiences in New York years earlier add extra interest to the story. I knocked off one star because the saga of the gelato recipe went on a bit too long for me, which meant I struggled to really get into the story initially, but it was worth persevering. If you enjoyed Josie Silver’s previous books, I'm sure you'll love this one just like I did.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an Advance Reader Copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this book... Iris a chef flees the UK and a mentally abusive boyfriend in New Year's Day, to New York, a place where she remembers her Mum was happy.

Iris struggles to gain confidence ...her ex nick name was 'little mouse' and the book effectively deals with the mental abuse (gaslighting) which sadly so many women and occasionally men suffer from.

Iris starts work at a noodle shop and the owner Bobby takes her out one night to a festival in Little Italy while his boyfriend is away ... the went to visit a gelato shop but it was closed... somewhere in the back of Iris's mind she recalls a photo of her mothers of the same shop.

The end is really weepy ... so have your tissues ready!

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A fantastic book from Josie Silver. Following Iris as she escapes her abusive boyfriend by moving from London to New York. Here she starts to follow her dead Mother’s young life and the Italian family who she discovers met her Mother. Does she fall in love with Gio or do they go their separate ways. Thanks to Josie Silver and her publisher Thanks also to NetGalley.

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Like every other Josie Silver book this is the perfect escape from daily life and an excuse to curl up with a hot drink and a blanket and be whisked away to New York. Perfect escapism for winter.

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This is a classic rom com in book form. It has a great opening that has you hooked from the start; it’s a feel good book in a great location, you can just imagine this being made into a film.

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Loved the book. I was hooked from the first chapter and fell in love with the family. I now want a big Italian. Family party to go to.

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My thanks to Netgalley for my copy of A Winter in New York. When you read a romance you generally know what you are getting; boy meets girl, they face some adversity, all ends well. What makes a book like this is the characters and their journey and Josie Silver made sure this book has relateable characters, a believable and interesting journey and of course the inevitable happy ending.
This is a great book, although it did make me cry on several occasions and there were no cliches, just a heartwarming romance at it's best.

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I loved this story. Josie has a very good style of writing and describing her characters. Iris left London in a hurry hoping not to be found. She goes to New York as her Mother had pursued a singing career there before her birth. She finds a job which includes a flat and forms a very good friendship with her Boss. She then falls upon a blast from her Mother’s past and the truth unfolds in a tale of family, friendship and romance. I would definitely recommend this book.

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Beautiful, a real winter warmer. Cosy and uplifting.

I followed the characters through a beautifully crafted twisty love story that just kept me hooked. I can imagine reading this by the fireplace over the winter and loving every second.

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This is such a lovely book to read. Escaping a toxic relationship, Iris has made her way to New York, a place where her late mother, Vivien, had found happiness, hoping that she too will find somewhere she feels at home. She gets slightly more than she hoped for but with so many secrets she knows it won’t go well.

I fell in love with Iris’ character straight away, an only child, now totally alone but determined to make a fresh start. The story has short flashbacks to Vivian’s life, giving little hints of what happened, which tempt you and make you want more. There are hints of domestic violence but well handled. I loved the idea of a big Italian family with decades of gelato making - only vanilla - and the comfort of a large, noisy home. As the story went on I couldn’t quite work out how it would end, but loved the way it did. Perfect reading, not just for summer but all year round.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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A lovely romantic read that highlights perfectly the romance and magic of New York

Would highly recommend for a bit of romantic escapism.

Thanks to netgalley for the opportunity to review this book this is my honest opinion

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Yet again, Josie Silver has written a lovely book. This time the setting is New York – and as ever, it’s described incredibly evocatively, and you really feel like you’re there with Iris.

Some of the chapters are also flashbacks to Iris’s Mum when she was in a 1980s rock band – and I loved the change in time periods.

It has a real ’90s rom com’ feel to the book – but that’s also referenced in it – so it’s an incredibly self aware book!

I loved Iris from the start – but the supporting cast is also wonderful – from her boss / landlord / BFF Bobby and his husband Robin, through a stray cat, to Gio and all of the Belotti family – there is a huge breadth of characters, who are all written beautifully.

The thread through the story is a missing recipe for vanilla gelato that belongs to the Belotti family and is TOP SECRET – but through an historic twist of fate Iris has a copy of. Whilst the love story element of Iris and Gio is explored (and is quite sexy in places!) the mirroring of Gio’s love for his daughter – and Iris’s relationship with her late Mum is also really important.

There are lots of twists and turns – and I did wonder how we’d end up with a happy ending – and no spoilers from me!

It’s not out until October 2023, but definitely one to pre order. Many thanks for the publisher and Net Galley for my ARC.

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Iris moves to New York, running from a manipulative, mentally abusive ex. She is a chef who wishes to open her own restaurant but a chance encounter in a bookshop takes her on another trajectory.
She meets Gio. Gio happens to run the gelateria (ice cream shop) where her musician mother fell in love with the owner before Iris was born.
Gio is in crisis - his father is recovering in hospital and can't remember the famous secret recipe for their vanilla ice cream. Iris just happens to have this written down on a napkin - it was given to her by Gio's father - but Iris can't tell Gio this. Instead, she spends the time trying to help Gio recreate the legendary dish.
The book is heartwarming and the characters are richly developed. A perfect summer read.

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