Member Reviews

After the death of her mother and managing to get away from her abusive ex, Iris moves to New York on a whim because it's where her mother felt most at home. As she tries to experience the city through her mother's eyes, it takes her to a gelato shop where her mother found her one and only love.

Ever since I read One Day in December, I've been hoping for another Josie Silver book to knock me off my feet and... this was the one.

I love love love love love Gio Belotti. I love the whole Belotti clan and how they made Iris feel part of the family from the get go. And I love Josie Silver because, THANK YOU, she did not resort to the one big trope I hate - the miscommunication/third act breakup.

HOWEVER, the whole premise of the book is a direct result of Iris keeping the biggest secrets and I found it annoying because, in real life, Iris would've come out with the truth straightaway.

I'll still, for sure, be getting this in print when the book is released in October.

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A wonderful romance full of all the mushy feels. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of the book in exchange for a review.

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When Iris leaves a bad relationship she arrives in New York with nothing but some clothes and her beloved mother's gelato maker but a chance meeting in a book store with a man named Gio will eventually be a link to to her mother's past.Its a wonderful story and Gio and his family are fantastic characters and welcome Iris into the family but if her mother's secret was to come to light it could tare the family apart. A story of friendships and relationships that make you very emotional at times and it it beautifully written. I loved it

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Who doesn’t love a Christmas novel! Loved it and as especially as it’s set in New York. You just feel the season while reading the story.

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This is the first time I've read a book by Josie Silver and wow!

Josie Silver did an amazing job at finding the perfect balance between a beautiful story while tackling hard and emotional stuff.

I definitely can't wait to read another book from this author.

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I was a bit disappointed in Josie Silver’s last novel, One night on the Island, as I had really enjoyed her two previous offerings. I was concerned that I would feel the same about this one. However, A Winter in New York is a great read and I feel that she is back to her best.
The story follows Iris, a 30 something woman who has lost her mother who was her only family. and She has also managed to escape an emotionally abusive relationship in London. She has found employment and some friends in New York but is still scarred from her relationship. She ventures out with a friend and notices a door that features in a photo she has seen in her mother’s scrapbook, a book that chronicles her mother’s time in New York in the early 1980’s before Iris’ birth. The story unfolds from here. It is lavish and heart warming, beautifully written and shows a gorgeous side of New York. Extremely enjoyable. Thanks to Penguin General UK - Fig Tree, Hamish Hamilton, Viking, Penguin Life, Penguin Business and Netgalley for an ARC of this novel.

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A Winter in New York is a heartwarming story. When Iris moves from UK to New York escaping a controlling, gas lighting ex she is assailed by memories of her much loved deceased mother, these plus an old scrap book of her mothers lead her on a journey of discovery of her mothers past.
Meeting Gio the son of a Gelateria owner link’s to her mother becomes even stronger. This is a romantic story of grief,second chances and close family ties, with heartwarming and some heartbreaking moments. Full of great dialogue with a lovely male/ female lead and a cast of great characters.
Iris had a secret she was afraid of revealing to Gio which I actually didn’t think it was that big a deal and it did at times seem to be more at the centre of this story than it needed to be. That said I found the story well constructed and thoroughly entertaining.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

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A Winter In New York is about love, loss and loyalty. Filled with 80s nostalgia, splattered with musical references from The Goo Goo Dolls to The Pretenders to Elton John and Joni Mitchell- you can almost hear the soundtrack whilst reading. The characters are both full of life and true to life. Some are more like caricatures, but they lend a sense of comedy and atmosphere to the writing. I loved the main characters who had fantastic chemistry and at times their romance felt like a fairy tale. It was a joy to read, I couldnt put it down. Pure escapism!
5 stars!

*trigger warning for themes and descriptions of domestic/emotional abuse*

Thank you to NetGalley for inviting me to read an ARC off this highly enjoyable book!

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This is a gentle story that meanders through the pages in a way that keeps you reading without realising you are doing so.
Relocated to New York to escape an abusive ex and find a new life, Iris stumbles upon delicious ice-cream, beautiful humans and a tangled web from her mums past that all culminate in a will they/should they scenario wrapped in snowflakes and gelato.
Great characters, vibrant setting with lots of cultural details of the American-Italian community I really fancied a stroll through the festival and a gelato of my own (although I just cannot get on board with only vanilla!)

You do need to suspend disbelief at the epic coincidences they book leads you through but that is part of the charm of a well written romance!

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Yet again another fabulous read from this author whose writing takes you on an uplifting romantic journey whilst at the same time getting to the heart of life’s issues.

This story is a heartwarming yet Herat wrenching read of love loss grief and heartbreak and of finding yourself again. This book made me laugh and cry in equal measure and one that I won’t forget about in a hurry.

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Thanks to Penguin and Netgalley for a review copy of this book. An absorbing, seamless read that is Josie Silver’s best to date. Set in New York City, the novel centres around Iris, who is fresh from a painful breakup with her fiancée and decides to leave England and go to New York City in order to hopefully connect with the place her recently deceased mother loved so much in her early twenties when she was a hopeful emerging rock singer. During an aimless wander through a street festival Iris comes upon a gelateria that reminds her of a storefront in her mother’s New York scrapbook. On a whim she goes inside, hoping for a dish of gelatio and meets Gio, whose family have owned the gelateria for generations, only to find that the holder of their special secret recipe lies in the hospital and no memory of it. It’s a crisis that looms large over the family’s fortunes and to Iris’s appalling realisation, she’s the only one who can help. The steps Iris takes leads into an increasingly tangled web that can only ultimately mean disaster.
The novel has a wonderful sense of the community of an Italian New York family with all the senses engaged, as you would hope for. A wonderful read leading up to Christmas or any time of the year.

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New York in winter what is their not to love? Iris arrived heartbroken and intent on restarting her culinary career but she doesn't expect the gorgeous Gio to turn all her plans upside down.

This is a cute little bookssl set in the big apple which prefect Christmas 2023 read. Will Iris find love in Gio if only she opens her heart and mind to him.

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A New York fairy tale waiting to happen but with a lot of baggage. I love the idea of finding more about your family through where they have lived and this was bittersweet in her finding out more and more about her mother and realising there may have been a different life for them.

I was rooting for it to work out and you'll have to read to see if it does and there is a happy ending.

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A really enjoyable read set in New York. I liked this book for being a little different. Not afraid to tackle difficult themes, and a lovely read too

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A Winter In New York is another hit from the very talented Josie Silver! I've loved all of her previous books and this is no exception - iintriguing, tense, heartwarming and fun, with a great cast of loveable, strong characters - this book is a definite 5 star winner!

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Suddenly, with the glimpse of a shop door, Iris' life changes.
The door that is recognisable from a photo belonging to her late mother, a family with no ice cream recipe and an abusive ex partner in the background all merge to make a wonderful story.
I read this in a day! Loved it!

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I am absolutely gutted to write a 3 star review. I absolutely love Josie Silver but I found this book to be really boring. I really hated the flashback to the mum. I only got 5 chapters in before I declared it DNF. Gutted

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After enduring a disturbing relationship with the wrong person, Iris takes charge of her own future and ventures to New York where she knows her late mother was at her happiest. Seeking comfort in walking the same streets as her mother, Iris stumbles across a gelato place which she instantly recognises from a photograph. As she stumbles in, she has no idea how complicated her life is about to become, particularly when she meets Gio who seems familiar somehow.
This book is incredibly romantic and has the idyllic setting of New York at Christmas. I really enjoyed how Josie Silver made Iris come across and being able to understand how inadequate she felt at times was so realistic and relatable to many people.
I adored Jodie Silver’s previous books and this one was no exception-you are in for a treat!

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Ah, the romantic pen of Josie Silver has been at it again!
This time it's Iris and Gio's story, with snapshots of her mother's past sprinkled into the New York winter mix.
I loved the beginning, setting the scene and introducing two characters who, of course, are excellent at quick wit and comebacks; you only hope they meet again.
With it's early flashback to Iris' mum's story, the reader has the enviable position of knowing more about the main character's mother than she does, and what led to that photograph and scrap of a napkin being in her beloved scrapbook.
The revelations come thick and fast once Iris spends her days at the Belotti ice cream parlour.
(If you happen to love ice cream this book will also make your mouth water for the real deal Italian vanilla variety).
The Belotti family, which Iris comes to know and love, are a devoted, noisy, emotional, all-encompassing, perfect Italian brood who take her to their hearts as they see Gio opening up after tragedy in his past.
The huge good fortune of an accidental landlord, who is adorable and very wealthy and happens to live upstairs, adds a good dose of humour and friendship along the way.
There is a darker element of a previous controlling relationship which threatens to unravel the growing happiness and Iris' newfound belief in herself. Although not a main part of the story, I found the thoughts and frailties Iris has while recovering from the experience, to be very touching and made you want to wrap her up in a large hug - just like the Belottis.
A Winter in New York has all the ingredients of a twinkling holiday read which lifts your spirits and makes you smile and have a tear at times. Families hey!
Thank you again for the feelgoods, Ms Silver - another beautifully written romance.
Ps Smirnoff is an excellent name for a cat. I can see him and his expressions so clearly

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This is a captivating story; one of those difficult to put down, as we follow Iris setting out on a new life as she comes to terms with loss and trauma in her life. But is this new environment she stumbles across really what she needs, wants or deserves? We are guessing to the end! The characters are so clearly defined, it is easy to imagine you are there in the streets of New York with them. An easy and enjoyable read.

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