Member Reviews

Bored Gay Werewolf was a really fun read. It was a supernatural story that I could really relate to as an anxious millenial couch potato. Adding Tyler as the mansplaining, self-important frat boy who fancies himself a mentor was a nice touch. I think everyone has met a guy like that and the cringe-factor was hilarious. Imagine thinking you were alone as the only werewolf alive and you meet an other wolf...finally you aren't alone anymore! But the other wolf wants you to join an intense multi-level marketing scheme to increase his pack. Even the twist ending was silly and satisfying. I'd recommend this to anyone that wants a light-hearted queer read.

Quick fun read. Werewolf stories are always so casual for me. Cute little jabs at alpha masc attitudes. Loved it. It was a wonderful listen. I wouldn't mind reading more.

This was such a fun, quirky book filled with relatable early 20s angst and finding oneself. The portrayal of friendship, found family and self-acceptance is not lost on the reader. The humour is in the storytelling is also quite entertaining. Tony really wrote a fun book here - definitely sharing my thoughts with friends!

I went full moon feral for this book and could not put it down! Bored Gay Werewolf gave me the vibes of watching Being Human for the first time and it was fantastic!
We follow Brian who is having some trouble not only with transitioning into adulthood - but with the transition that comes once a month on the full moon! After a few full moon nights get a bit “murdery” and some not so well meaning characters start sniffing around life for Brian really gets interesting. Packed full of dark humor, supernatural lore, friendship, twenty something awkwardness, restaurant life and chaos with social commentary on the dangers of toxic masculinity, growing up and the importance of community - Bored Gay Werewolf is a ridiculously fun read!
Thank you so much to NetGalley and W.F. Howes Ltd for the advanced copy.

This book took me, I'd admit, by surprise, I became in love with it and really can't wait for a possible 2nd one.
When I read the title, I thought this would be a cute whimsical queer romance with a supernatural twist. It did have some of these elements in the book. However, it also had super realistic tones and issues that come up in any 20-something-year-old life. Trying to find where you fit in a post-college world. Trying to figure out what you should do with your life, how would others perceive your actions, getting caught up in new crazes and friends, and just trying to adult. Of course, there are some twists with the MC being a werewolf, and dealing with issues that come with that. The author gave these characters realistic voices, and I have definitely come across a version of each one in my real life.
I enjoyed the little murder, the little mystery, and I also loved the little twist at the end. I also loved the found family trope in this book. Overall, a fun read that everyone should try.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the advance audiobook copy!
Bored Gay Werewolf was a pretty interesting ride. Brian is aimless, sloppy, is stuck in life and is a werewolf. He spends his full moons getting blackout drunk to help with the change and then wakes the next morning hoping he didnt hurt anyone or get too crazy.
Then he meets Tyler, another werewolf who is charming and full of big ideas for the both of them to join together and form a Pact that will reach out to many lost souls just like Brian. So begins the toxic and abusive 'friendship' between the two.
This book plays heavily on how easy it can be to ignore the red flags of an abuser when they pump you with praise and make you think you'd be nothing without them. Brian starts neglecting his true friends and nature to do as Tyler says and it takes some big moves to snap him back to his right mind. I think theres also a layered subcontext of mental health veiled within the lycanthropy of the characters where each character has their own backgrounds and traumas/struggles that push them to be the way they are. These darker parts of their character's ultimately lead to the head on blast of the books climax.
I think this audiobook is very well narrated and was quick to get through. The characters were all unique and it was a pretty fun and fast read/listen.

First things first, probably best title of 2023 and an EPIC cover!
This was a pretty easy, quick read but I must admit I was left wanting more. Based on the title and the opening chapter I thought this was going to be a pretty hilarious read, but that’s not the direction it went in and it fell a little bit flat for me. I would’ve loved more backstory to the werewolf part (although understand this wasn’t in the fantasy genre so they probably can’t go crazy!) but found there was actually very little werewolf stuff.
However, it did deal with some really important topics, mostly around toxic masculinity and homophobia (seriously Sarah, SHUT UP), and I thought Brian’s friendship with Nik and Darby was really cute. It just wasn’t the riot I was expecting.

Did I walk into this expecting a fun gay romance? Yes! Was that my fault for not reading the description and just diving in head first? Yes, and I’m glad I did that!! This was a super cool take on a werewolf coming of age story, in that the werewolf was an absolute disaster of a fuck up in his own eyes, and the cast of characters was delightful. We had a perfect villain in Tyler and an incredible support system for our deeply silly MC!! I was outside of my comfort zone with this book, but I’m so happy I stuck with this because the pay off at the end was absolutely worth it.
representation: Philippina straight bestie, nonbinary best friend, gay MC
spice level: two very quick but detailed enough sex scenes

Thank you to NetGalley, W.F Howes LTD and Tony Santorella for an audio ARC in exchange for an honest review.
This book follows Brian who is 20 something working a dead-end job, gets black out drunk and is struggling to adapt to being a werewolf. When Tyler, another werewolf, demonstrates to Brian how to control himself during a full moon, a dependency is formed. However, when Brian wants to end his friendship with Tyler, it takes a dark turn.
This book, for the most part, is a light-hearted and fun read. I really enjoyed the LGBTQIA+ representation and the friendships that Brian had in Nik and Darby. This book is really engaging and had me laughing out loud a lot. I also enjoyed the darker aspects of this book which had satire entwined throughout the book.
I enjoyed the narration of the audiobook but did listen to it on 1.5 speed.
Overall, I felt that this book was okay. Nothing really stood out to me but it was an enjoyable read. I would have preferred a stronger ending or a little more dialogue between Tyler and Brian especially before the fight scene to really understand who Tyler is as a person.
Book review will be posted on Tiktok: busyreading1 on 30.05.2023

A guy is just coasting through life but also has to deal with the fact he's a werewolf and may accidentally kill someone on full moons... Then he meets somewhere who is trying to make a werewolf pack and it goes awry from there. The pack almost has a fight club/cult vibe to it, which is interesting and overall a unique take on the Werewolf genre

I really enjoyed this! The audio worked so well and matched the story completely!!
A clever satirical observation of modern life, toxic masculinity, capitalism and ‘wellness’ culture.
So many bits had me laughing, but also really highlighted a lot of the issues with modern society.
Can see why this isn’t for everyone, but I really enjoyed the style. It was pretty unusual with the combination of satire, fantasy elements and a moving, heartwarming portrayal of queer friendships.
The main friendship group was my absolute highlight. Absolutely loved Nik and Darby and their loyalty and care for the completely chaotic Brian. They were all entertaining and fabulous in their own way. The reveal about Darby’s boyfriend, Abe, was also fun, though I did kinda have a suspicion it was something like that.
Tyler, Mark and their group were just the epitome of everything that frustrates me. It was difficult to watch Brian get drawn in, but really highlighted how easy it is to get led astray when you’re drifting and figuring out who you are.
Definitely not a typical queer read and seems to bridge a few genres. I’m not sure what I could even compare it to. If you fancy something queer that’s a little bit different, then this might be one to try!!

Brian is a bored, gay werewolf working as waitstaff at a middle-of-the-road restaurant when he's approached by Tyler, a fellow werewolf who wants to create a pack of werewolves, but start-up tech bro style. Brian is initially convinced that Tyler's ideas are good ones, but eventually comes to realize that the tech bro life isn't for him - but tech bros are not known for taking no as an answer.
This book was...fine. It was fine. The best part was definitely the relationship between Brian, Nik, and Darby. Brian's character was basically peak Millennial ennui and although Tyler as a character wasn't especially well-rounded, I don't think he had to be for the story to work. The plotline followed familiar beats but in a way that kind of showcased the juxtaposition of the mythical with the utterly mundane, which was clearly the entire point of the book.
In terms of audio narration, the narrator was clear and the audio was clean. It was a little slow for me, but I sped it up to 1.5x and that worked out. There's nothing particularly notable to say about the audiobook.
Overall I'd recommend this to urban fantasy readers who want to kill some time and be moderately entertained by what is usually a high-drama plotline being rendered into mundanity - with the right mindset, this is a good followup read to Matt Wallace's <i>Sin du Jour</i> series. For readers who are easily annoyed by characters, however, this is probably a pass.