Member Reviews

A moving story, it really puts life into perspective.
The writing flowed incredibly well and was easy to digest.
I’m looking forward to reading her next novel.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. Sun Seekers by Rachel McRady is a heartfelt story about a mothers love for her child. LeeAnn is a single mom, always on the go and quite often a little distracted. She used to have it all until one fateful day, both joyous and mournful, left her lost and in never ending grief. Her father, John, is in a home and looks forward to his visits with his granddaughter Gracie. Gracie so wants to show her grandfather how much she loves him that she plans an adventure. Where will they go and where will they end up? I fell in love with Gracie from the beginning. Her personality resembled so much that of my own daughter’s that I couldn’t help but love her. LeeAnn, though closed off from others, reminded me a little of myself being so unsure and wanting to be the best at this parenting thing that I can. The author also did a great job of developing the other characters to create a story that was both lighthearted and, at times, relatable. I would definitely recommend this novel for those who enjoy light and realistic family drama.

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I received a free copy of, Sun Seekers, by Rachel Mcrady, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Six year old Gracie wants to help her grandfather, but he has dementia, so she decides to break him out of the home he is at and go for a drive. Her mother is frantic with worry. Dementia is a horrible disease, Gracie does not understand the disease but knows she loved her grandfather. This was a good read but sad, I did not care for Dan and Ashley at all, though.

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What a sweet story! A very relevant tale that will resonate with many readers. I like the way the author told it rotating characters for each chapter. Lots of life lessons here in this multigenerational book.

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Sun Seekers by Rachel McRady was such a wonderful debut.

Sun Seekers is the kind of story that grabs you from the beginning, wraps around your heart, and doesn’t let go until long after you’re done reading.
Rachel McRady has written a beautiful, emotional story that is guaranteed to keep you turning the pages.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Alcove Press for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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"Necessary lies are for when you don't want to upset people. I never want to upset people, so I'll probably have to tell many necessary lies." Divorce, death and dementia are all difficult topics for adults, much less children, so LeeAnn tells her six year old daughter some 'necessary lies'. Sun Seekers is told from both of their perspectives (along with a few others) as they try to untangle the mess these lies cause.

LeeAnn is mentally unwell, grieving her mother, overwhelmed by caring for a child on her own, and for her aging father with dementia with her sister Sarah hating him. LeeAnn is also obsessed with her ex-husband, Dan: "I don't know what I'd do without my ten minutes on their pages, scrolling for signs of their life together like an addict looking for just one more hit." She polices his access to his daughter, but the pair are forced to come together and address the inadequacy of either of their favoured accounts of the end of their relationship when Gracie and LeeAnn's aging father go missing from his aged care facility.

Rachel McRady's book is hard to put down. I liked all of the characters, particularly Gracie, who in the absence of capable parenting really runs the show as her mother is late to realise: "Gracie took the worm and ran with it, using her brilliant mind to craft a web I'll never be able to get myself out of." What Sun Seekers shows is if you lie or omit things, your kids know, and fill in the gaps with their own conclusions. The danger in that is their lack of life experience and creativity means anything is possible.

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Sun Seekers
A Novel
by Rachel McRady

This was a very good read. Six-year-old Gracie Lynn is perpetually curious and big-hearted. She loves an absent father, her mother, and her Grandfather (Big John)John’s dementia and sundown syndrome are explained as a worm. Gracie wants no more than to save her Grandfather's brain. She convinces him to leave the nursing home, to go away with her to seek the sun and avoid sundown.
What a beautiful soul and heart she has. Her love and trust are her tribute to her Grandfather. BEAUTIFULLY written.

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