Member Reviews

I liked that this book kept going back to the same time period over and over and telling it a different way. It was kind of still like his other novel The Silent Patient with the dude being bad, but other than that... a good book.

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Alex Michaelides is back with a murderous thriller, set on a private island in Greece. from a mysterious voice, we hear the story of the weekend Lana Farrar, ex-movie star, invites her friends to her island, and a murder takes place.

this book read like a Broadway show – I really enjoyed the perspective it was told from, and it captured me from the beginning. I didn’t see where the turns were taking me, and with all the unlikeable characters I was just along for the ride. you don’t know who to cheer for, you don’t know who is murdered, or who did it, until the very end.

this was a huge improvement from The Maidens, which I didn’t love. would recommend on audio or on paper.

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I desperately want to like Alex Michaelides, especially because he's so popular, but I just can't get into his books. This book just drags on forever. If this is your first time picking up a Michaelides book, pick another one. While unreliable narrators tend to be fun perspectives, Elliot was just so boring that you didn't get into it.

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I have loved Alex Michaelides since I read the Silent Patient. Here is his 3rd book and he still does not disappoint.

This is a classic "who did it" and who is telling the truth. Elliot who is narrating the book is no where near as reliable as one might think.

As always, Alex keeps you guessing and on the edge of your seat!

Thank you NetGalley for the review.

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I was apprehensive after seeing so many negative reviews but I throughly enjoyed this one. I loved the interesting POV, the story broken into acts and treated like a play, and the many twists.
I also read via audio and I believe the narrator really helped to make this an enjoyable read. His inflections and intonations were great.

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Officially giving up on this author unfortunately. The Silent Patient got SO much hype and I found it just fine. I was not into the Maidens at all. and this ended up being the same.

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I have been on a romance kick, but finally sat down with this book. Not my favorite by this author, but they will always be an automatic buy/recommend for me!

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This is maybe one of the worst books I've ever read lol. I keep giving Alex Michaelides a chance and he lets me down every time.

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I’ve been an Alex Michaelides fan for years now and have been anxiously awaiting his newest book, The Fury. This is unlike anything the author has written before, and it was fascinating! I love how involved readers get to feel in the story as the narrator consistently addresses us and breaks the fourth wall. It feels as though not much happens while everything happens all at the same time. One of my favorite aspects of Michaelides’ books are the short chapters that he employs; I feels as though they make me need to continue flipping pages to find out what happens next since almost every chapter ends with a bit of tension. I loved The Fury for most of the book, but by the end, the consistent shift of truth and storytelling got to be a little much for me. While this isn’t my favorite by the author, I can’t wait to see what he does next!

Thanks so much to Celadon and NetGalley for the ARC of The Fury by Alex Michaelides.

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Thanks to Net Galley for this read. I’ll admit from the reviews I didn’t have high hopes for this book but I was pleasantly surprised. The emotional rollercoaster you go through with the likability of narrator is unlike any other book I have read. If you read closely in the beginning there is plenty of foreshadowing. I however, was not bright enough to catch on to it until later. This book was an easy read and kept me on my feet. The plot twist of this book had me so surprised and it was so brilliantly written.

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Let me preface this by saying that I loved The Silent Patient! It felt so unique to me at the time and kept me at the edge of my seat. The Fury was so underwhelming compared to that. I disliked the main character's voice and how he was talking to the reader, and I also didn't like any of the characters really. The story itself felt very slow and the ending was underwhelming, predictable, and kinda similar to The Silent Patient. I will definitely read this author again but I was just disappointed with this one.

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This story takes the reader through twists and turns to give you a fresh perspective on a murder mystery, set in a Greek paradise. It’s an easy read, not hard to get into or finish.

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I enjoy all of the books by this author. They are thrilling and full of twists that I don't see coming.
After a trip to Greece, this book was even more enjoyable for me!
I recommend to fans of Rachel Hawkins and Ruth Ware.

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I continue to go back to Michaelides books after loving The Silent Patient, but I was a bit disappointed with his newest novel The Fury. The private island setting seems to be a frequent setting for books recently and made this feel a bit predictable. There were twists I enjoyed but overall this was a middle of the road thriller for me.

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I haven’t read any books by this author but I really liked this one!! I thought the plot was creative and interesting and I actually really enjoyed the big twist! Mind blown! I can see where some readers were challenged by story/pacing but I thought it was solid!

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Unlike the author's previous books, which I enjoyed, this one was very slow paced. The unreliable narrator character was written well, but the other characters were completely unlikable. The last half of the book was the best part, but it still did not live up to the expectations set up by The Silent Patient and The Maidens.

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After reading both of his other books, The Fury was a highly anticipated read for me. This was completely different from what I was expecting! This was more of an old-school, slow-burn mystery compared to the thriller style of his other two books. It read almost like a play. Rich people stuck on an island isn't usually one of my favorite tropes, but it worked here. I loved the character development and the twists and turns. 4 stars!

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I don’t think I’m supposed to be this bored reading a thriller… the story meandered and I didn’t connect with any of the characters. There were (dare I say it) too many twists, to the point of fatigue. I loved the final reveal, but I had to fight the urge to DNF this book the entire way through.

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For readers who love to question the reliability of the narrator, narrators that dissect literary components of story telling, meta storytelling, and the repetition of going back to a series of scenes and revealing more details that changes your perspective of the events. Also good for readers looking for Greek culture in fiction and weather as a side character.
Note: epilogue contains spoiler for THE SILENT PATIENT

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3.5 Stars

Much like everyone else, I read The Silent Patient by Michaelides and had my mind absolutely blown. I’m not much for mystery/suspense/thriller books, but was so glad I was forced into it via my bookclub.

What I appreciated most about The Fury was the way in which the story is told. The book is broken up into acts with a narrator (at times) talking directly to the reader. Not only did it feel like a play of sorts, it also had classic murder mystery or “whodunit” vibes. The way Michaelides chose to tell this story felt very unique. I applaud authors who try to step outside the box to deliver something different.

As far as the characters go, there are not really any likable characters in this story. This did not bother me, however if you are someone who has to connect to or feel sympathy for at least one character to enjoy a story you might want to skip this one.

This might go without saying, but The Fury is vastly different from The Silent Patient. If you are picking this book up expecting a similar read as The Silent Patient, I fear you’ll be disappointed. While not my favorite mystery/thriller, I enjoyed my time with this one.

*Thank you to NetGalley for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review

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