Member Reviews

“We all stood still for a second, silent. It was a horrifying moment, terrifying- like the climactic scene in a Greek tragedy. But the tragedy didn’t end there. It was just the beginning.”

I wanted so bad to love this book. I absolutely loved the Silent Patient and still recommend it to everyone I know. I have to say I did expect both his last two books to be as great as the first. Which isn’t fair.

The first character we meet is Elliott who weaves us a story unknown to us may or may not be true. I tried to like Elliott’s witty clever mind but, I just didn’t like him as a character. Even after learning his backstory I never felt sorry for him. Which may it hard for me to connect to the story and care about any of the other characters.

I kept waiting for the huge twist to come but, fell flat for me. It seemed kind of predictable in away.

Maybe I just have read too many crime fiction novels to be surprised. I do like all the nods to Agatha Christie though. It felt very in the same vein as a her books.

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This is one of the most psychological-trippy books I have ever read. I really thought I knew where this book was headed and then I was ever so humbled when the narrator basically said "psych", that didn't actually happen. By the end of the book, I was so confused as to what the "masterminds" were doing and their next steps. I thought it was odd how everyone just walked away or at least that was what it seemed like according to the narrator.
The setting was giving Glass Onion vibes and the plot of a fake death/investigation seemed overdone. I did like however that it did have a psychological twist and was not like a typical mystery twist.
The overall pace of the book was a little slow for my liking. I don't think the story of a murder in the beginning captured my attention enough to be motivated to read more but the twists provided more momentum that I enjoyed.
A big thing that I love about this authors' books is that there are cameos of characters from other books which brings everything full circle!

Thank you to Celadon Books and NetGalley for an ARC of this book!

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I had read the Silent Patient by this author and thought this book would be along a similar line, it's not, but that's not a bad thing. Elliott Chase is our narrator who invites us to have a drink while he tells us a story, one he says we'll enjoy. Elliott had a rough upbringing, his parents were indifferent and he was bullied extensively at school. When the opportunity arose he left for the bright lights of London, thinking that he'd be able to become a theatre actor after positive reviews of his performance in a school play. Things don't quite go as planned and he's force to do unpleasant acts to survive. Until Barbara meets him and takes pity on him and he lives with her, Barbara is an elderly former theatre actress, she's wealthy and Elliott starts to enjoy the finer things in life. Barbara introduces him to her theatre contacts including Lana Farrar, who happens to be Elliott's favorite actress, he manages to get himself involved in her world and starts thinking they'll become a couple. Lana decides to host a group of people at her island, her, Elliott and several others all arrive and not long after Lana is found lying on the ground covered in blood. Everyone had heard shots but had thought it was someone shooting birds (a common activity apparently). The story is told in 5 Acts and narrated by Elliott, the last Act being the most interesting. I would highly recommend. Thanks to #Netgalley and #Celadon for the ARC.

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Hell hath no FURY like a woman scorn.. so the saying goes. I didn't love the narrator, Elliot Chase but we are told from the beginning this isn't a who do it but a why do it. The narrator breaks 4th wall a lot speaking directly to the readers and offering explanations. He isn't a likeable person but does have a sad abusive childhood. I wanted to like the novel more than I did.
Although there was a slight twist at the end that is the most exciting part. The entire book builds up to the last 50 or so pages so I wish the backstory had been condensed so it would read more like a fast pace thriller.

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Lana is an ex-movie star who invites two friends to join her family at her private island in Greece. Things are a little tense between the guests and a storm is brewing that keeps them trapped on the island. One of them will be dead before anyone is able to leave.

I struggled with the first half of the book. The second half was very well done and fast paced. The first half felt very slow and confusing with how often things kept changing. I couldn't figure out which way was up and it left me feeling like I didn't care after a while. The end of Act II is where things really started to shift into a thriller that keeps you guessing. For me, it's still worth the read because the second half is that good.

Thank you to NetGalley and Celadon Books for the ARC of The Fury.

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I loved The Silent Patient and enjoyed his other books so I had a high expectation for this book. However, the pace of the book was rather slow then on top of the slow pace the book had great potential for being an absolute five-star book.
I liked the fact that all of the people were put on an island and that they kind of mixed reality with a tad bit of fantasy. I also loved that he kind of intertwines the characters from previous books into his current works. But, like most thrillers that begin on an island, things take twists and turns and murder happens.
The Author has a way with words that his writing flows and while sometimes it seems that you don't know what going on, you continue because of the flow of his writing. His plot was slow-building and the pace was not exactly what was expected but the ending was very well written! I definitely will look forward to another book by this author! Thank you Celadon Book for the opportunity to read and review this one!

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Alex, Alex what have you done?. did you feel pressure to write another book? Did you borrow some of these ideas? Well, if you did, please return it. This is not worthy of you. It’s such a drop off the silent patient. I wonder if an alien author has taken over your typewriter. The only fury I feel is directed at your editors, releasing this poor excuse for a thriller.

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This author knows how to write a top notch ending!!! I loved the way the book read like a play. The narrator Elliot came to life over audio. 5 glowing stars!

A unique and refreshing take on the locked room mystery, Alex Michaelides’s The Fury leverages a theatrical retelling and an unreliable narrator to deliver a wickedly clever third novel!

“This is a tale of murder. Or maybe that’s not quite true. At its heart, it’s a love story, isn’t it?”

Elliot Chase is an all-time great narrator and character. He’s a playwright by trade. He narrates the story as though it is a play in which he is the writer and narrator, but also a character. Elliot admits things are skewed by his perspective. The reader knows that Elliot may be an unreliable narrator, but he is so fun to read.

The play revolves around a murder at a private island off the coast of Greece owned by retired film star Lana Farrar. At the outset, the reader isn’t told who the victim and the killer are. The suspect list (and the potential murder victim) is narrowed to the seven people on the island—movie star Lana Farrar, playwright Elliot Chase, actress (and best friend to Lana) Kate Crosby, Lana’s second husband Jason Miller, Lana’s son Leo Farrar, Lana’s groundskeeper Nico Delakis, and Lana’s housekeeper Agathi Mavropoulos.

This is not a whodunnit, though it may feel like one, Elliot cautions the reader. So, what type of play is this? A love story? A mystery? A drama? You’ll have to read to find out—this is a book too good to risk spoiling anything!

The ending has several twists that I found positively delicious and wicked. I was captivated, I wanted to read it again. Elliot has a charm to him that is strangely enhanced by his desperate insecurity rooted in his childhood. He doesn’t merely want the reader to believe his take on the events of the story, he needs it.

I could go on about this book but I don’t want to risk spoiling anything! Trust me, if you are a fan of a bit of theatrics to your mysteries, this is the perfect book for you!

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Alex Michaelides could write an obituary and I think I’d love it. I do love a story that keeps me guessing and this one did until the last page. Every so often, you think you’re smart and you’ve figured it out. You haven’t. Another twist, another turn. Amazing writing, phenomenal storyline. Definitely a must read, especially for fans of psychological thrillers.

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I really enjoyed The Silent Patient and had high hopes for this book. The story line held great promise but I felt it was poorly executed. Seemed like the author made a timeline of events then just threw in a little dialog to fill it out. No true substance to the story.

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"The Fury" by Alex Michaelides promises a blend of mystery and intrigue set against the backdrop of a secluded Greek island, where a group of famous friends find themselves in a deadly game of cat and mouse. Unfortunately, despite its intriguing premise, the novel fell short of my expectations, largely due to the unappealing narrator and pacing.

Narrated by Elliot Chase, the story unfolds through his perspective, but his character fails to engage. His narration comes across as self-serving and manipulative, making it difficult to connect with the unfolding events or the other characters. Chase's unlikeable nature ultimately takes away from the story, leaving readers feeling disconnected and disinterested in the outcome.

Moreover, while the plot sounds intriguing with its promise of secrets, revenge, and murder, it ultimately fails to deliver on its potential. The pacing feels uneven, with long stretches of exposition punctuated by sporadic bursts of action. 

Despite its flaws, "The Fury" does have some worthwhile moments of tension and suspense, particularly in its portrayal of the secluded island setting and the dynamics between the characters. However, these fleeting glimpses of “now we’re getting somewhere” are overshadowed by the overall lack of cohesion and depth in the narrative.

In conclusion, "The Fury" by Alex Michaelides may appeal to fans of the author's previous work or those drawn to psychological thrillers, but for readers seeking a more engaging and well-paced reading experience, this one may prove to be a disappointment.

Thank you to NetGalley and Celdaon Books for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Okay book but not good either. Narrator was terrible. Couldn't connect, wasn't grabbed by the story and characters. It felt forced into themes and the unreliable narrator especially was just forced and awkward. Didn't find the book compelling or spooky. Also found a lot of editing and grammar errors.

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This was my second Alex Michaelides novel after reading The Silent Patient. I found myself enjoying the story as everything slowly unfolded towards the big reveal. It was an entertaining read with an unreliable narrator. I did find myself slightly impatient towards the end with the constant change in what the real truth was. There were a lot of "Haha, psyche! That's not really what happened" kind of moments that dragged on a bit. Overall, it was a quick fun read full of lies and drama.

Thank you for the advanced copy @netgalley!

Rating: 3.5/5

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At this point, I don't know if Michaelides will be able to capture the same mind boggling energy that he released with The Silent Patient.

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Somehow ‘The Fury’ was my first ever Alex Michaelides book, and I’ll certainly be checking out his others after this.

‘The Fury’ incorporates so many of my favorite elements: unreliable narrator, a mysterious murder in a remote location, and a group of friends who all have a high-stakes secret. I thought the dual timeline was a very fitting way to tell this story, and it made it especially enjoyable to read as well. The story was dramatic and unpredictable without being unrealistic or over-the-top. I thoroughly enjoyed the plot twist, which I did not see coming at all, but the book dragged a bit after the twist. The chapters following the plot twist should have been more condensed because it felt like I was reading a lot of details that were not entertaining or necessary. Additionally, it felt like there were a few characters that were not necessary to the main plot of the story, and they needed to be either cut altogether or given more pivotal roles. The whole book, while it had a very entertaining plot, just felt slow.

Overall, it didn’t dissuade me from checking out the author’s other books, although I won’t personally be raving about this one to my friends.

Thank you to Celadon and NetGalley for a free copy in exchange for my review.

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Thanks to NetGalley for an advance digital copy in exchange for an honest review.
To be honest--Alex Michaelides is an author that I want to love. "The Silent Patient" blew me away, and I think that it is undoubtedly a modern classic in the genre. People are still clamoring to discuss it and this is in the wake of a sophomore effort "The Maidens," and now his newest, "The Fury."
It must be challenging to come out of the gates with a masterpiece and then have to follow that up with something else. And kudos to Michaelides for continuing to write.
Honestly, this one was another okay-ish read. It follows a group of wealthy friends to an ex-movie star to Greece--and then the thrills and the suspense officially begin. Unfortunately, there isn't much character development for me to gravitate towards this one and the twists and the suspense barely raised my blood pressure.
I think this is a great beach read--something that is breezy and quick. The potential is always there for "The Silent Patient" level of execution, but he still hasn't captured that same magic for me.
It wasn't a great read but it wasn't a bad one either.

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Rating 3.5 🌟 I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. One of my favorite books is the Silent Patient by this author. I still think about that book years later. So anytime Alex has a new novel I’m excited to read it! I felt about this book similarly as I felt about The Maidens. I enjoyed the book but it wasn’t my favorite. I read through the book super quickly. I enjoy Alex’s references to his other books. I just didn’t love how the story ended it left me wanting more.

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I’ve been mulling over what to rate this for 2 days and I’ve settled on 3.75⭐️

The time has come again for movie star Lana Farrar to invite her friends on their yearly trip to her private Greek island, Aura. Everything is going swimmingly, her friends are enjoying themselves, until someone is murdered. They go chasing around the island to find the culprit, because surely it wasn’t one of them?

I am a fan of all of Alex Michaelides’s prior books, as I find his writing style gripping and easily digestible, and this was no exception. I was hooked from page 1, and I found the characters and plot super compelling. I love an unreliable narrator, and Elliot was perfect. I found the pacing a bit off towards the middle, and despite it being necessary for the plot I didn’t love the flashback scenes. The ending really shocked me but I can’t say I was satisfied, which leaves me at a 3.75 rating :) overall it was a super quick read and I would highly recommend to anyone looking for a short thriller!

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for giving me an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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When I first started this one I was so excited. I had read the author previous books and know to trust no one. The vibe with the island reminded me of an Agatha Christy read. There characters were not my favorite but the chapters were short making this a quick read. The epilogue was fun if you like Easter eggs.

How it made me feel: 🧐 😵‍💫😊

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A wonderful followup to the Silent Patient...a huge fave. Great characters and a delicious plot that you will really enjoy. Keep them coming Alex!

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