Member Reviews

I thought it was Meh...It didn't do it for me. It was more of a mystery instead of a thriller one of those who done it type of a read wasn't one of my favorites from him I stll feel like The Silent Patient was my favorite out of his books.

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What can I say? A who dunnit with twists and turns. This generation’s Agatha Christie type book. Thanks to NetGalley for a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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Similar pacing & anxiety-inducing narration as Silent Patient. What Silent Patient lacked in descriptive scenery, The Fury makes up ten-fold. Add in the factors of shiny celebrity, wealth, and isolation, and you have a mouth-watering setup.

While I devoured this in hours, something about the narrator stuck in my craw. He's meant to be annoying, to be a pest and a prick, but to a certain point it was distracting.

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This was a good book. I enjoyed the unique story telling in this book. Interesting well developed characters as well as a unique collection of characters. Love the description of the island and the fury! I was hoping for a bit more in terms of Lana and Jason's story--how much did she know about his work issues? Also, would have liked a little more background information on Niko, the caretaker of the island. This kept me coming back and wanting to see what happened next. Overall a great read!

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Lana a famous movie star who has retired takes her fabulous friends to her private island for Easter. What happens there is twisty and so crazy. There is maybe a little murder involved. The story is told by her friend Elliot and he does a great job of it. There’s a ot going on in this story and I loved all of it. I recommend this book.

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THE FURY is a wonderful retelling of a murder plot with all the drama of Greek Tragedy. Michaelides continues to gift his readers complex and flawed characters as they navigate the murky waters of life, love, and death.

The author weaves together a tale of deception, lies, and obsession through the eyes of Elliot Chase, the author of this fictional account of a scheme fit for any stage. With every twist and turn, I could imagine Elliot sitting down and deciding how to present the events of the island on that weekend. There is an unreliable nature to him that adds to the intrigue. As a reader, I never quite knew if what he was saying would be true because duplicity seemed like second nature to him. But by the end, all things are revealed.

This book is such a juicy, bingeable read. It will pull you in from the opening chapter and have you furiously flipping through the pages to find out what is going to happen next. Michaelides delivers another wildly entertaining book.

Audiobook Note: Narrator Alex Jennings gave a perfectly theatrical performance for this book. The pace was spot on, and the flow was effortless. I loved the way he brought Elliot to life. Even when I wasn’t listening to the book and sat with the physical book, it was Jennings I would imagine Elliot sounding like in my head.

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The Fury is a fast paced book with short chapters that kept me entertained. The plot was interesting though familiar, in fact it is self-referential in the fact that it resembled Agatha Christie. Though it was a fast read, the plot twists were somewhat unbelievable and as i didn't really find any characters likeable, i was not very invested in the ending. I prefer Michaelides' other novels to this one.

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I don't know how anybody says this is a slow burn thriller, I found the pacing to be perfect and really enjoyed this one! Having read The Silent Patient when it first came out, I knew that the author was capable of some really great twists and turns, and The Fury did not disappoint. I found the unreliable narrator to be great, I loved the breaking of the fourth wall, but didn't take it too seriously. Sure, he couldn't have possibly known a lot of the situations that happened, but I could personally overlook this technicality because I had so much fun reading this one. It kept be hooked right up until the end, and I enjoyed the book very much. I love a mystery that takes its twists and turns right up until the last page, and that's definitely what this book did. Overall, this book was a fun way to spend a day reading for me!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy of this book. All opinions within this review are my own.

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One thing is clear about Alex Michaelides, his writing style doesn‘t follow a certain script. After The Silent Patient and the Maidens comes his third novel, The Fury, a tale of a murder, but not really. Because at it‘s heart is a love story. Beautifully written to capture the reader and incorporates so many twists and turns that you can‘t out the book down until you‘ve finished reading it. It is absolutely brilliantly written and I‘m looking forward to his future releases!!

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I wanted to badly to love this one. It was decent but it wasn’t a hit. It was a bit drawn out but the story kept me from DNF

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The Fury by Alex Michaelides - 2.75⭐️

We meet the narrator from the beginning, telling the story of him & 5 others being on a private island in Greece & it ending in a murder. From the beginning, I could tell the narrator wasn’t reliable, and that none of the characters were likable. I think I struggled with this because not only were there unlikeable characters and stream-of-consciousness narration (which I don’t typically love), but the plot was also very slow for me.

If you like books where the narrator is talking to the reader & explaining what happens, I do think you’d like this! Michaelides has such a unique style of writing his mystery books like a screenplay, and I did love how that was still very present in The Fury!

Having read & enjoyed The Silent Patient & The Maidens, I had high hopes for this! Unfortunately, this was my least favorite of his so far. I will say, I read it one sitting because it was short & easily digestible writing!

Overall, it wasn’t for me, but I could see the merits & how someone else would like it 😊

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC & giving me the chance to review.

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I think this is my favorite of Alex's books so far. I wasn't sure what to expect going in, but I loved it. So much more than I expected I would. The writing style took some getting used to, but, once I did, I flew through this. A fantastic mystery with an excellent unreliable narrator. This is not your standard locked room murder mystery by far. Definitely recommend.

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Lana Farrar is a reclusive ex–movie star and one of the most famous women in the world. Every year, she invites her closest friends to escape the English weather and spend Easter on her idyllic private Greek island. Elliot Chase is going to tell you a story unlike anything you’ve heard before. Seven suspects are trapped the island and this story about murder.
I thought I had everything figured out, but then the book threw me for a loop!
The Fury is a super slow burn, and honestly, I wasn't sure if I was going to like it at all. But eventually, it got going, and once it did, it was interesting. It has a very unique writing style and an unreliable narrator. So that by the end, I wasn't really ever sure exactly what I'd read. It was a decent read and kept me guessing all the way through. This book is very Agatha Christie-like with intriguing (but not very likeable) characters and a locked room theme - those this 'room' is a desert island. There are plenty of twists and red herrings to keep the suspense up.
I overall enjoyed this novel - another hit from Michaelides, although not quite as spectacular as his first two in my opinion. It was twisty with great characters and excellent writing.
Thanks to Netgalley and Celadon books for an arc of this book for my honest opinion.

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2.5 Stars

Meta Mystery- told to you buy a unreliable narrator .

This book didn't particularly work for me. The narrator breaking the forth wall and never knowing if you could trust him took me out of the story. At the end I the reader was left not caring how it ends. The first few chapters were lovely and compelling but the more in I got into the book the less I was interested in the events. That being said this book is easy to get through.

That being said if you like meta books about writers this could be a big hit for you. If you also like the unreliable narrator trope this might also be a hit for you. Would make a good pick for a readathon book.

I posted reviews to both story graph and good reads. (Note because goodreads doesn't have have stars I also round up the rating to 3 stars).

While I didn't personally love the book I always try to put who I think the book might work for in my reviews. My hope is that the books that didn't work for me are able to find a reader that will adore them.

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I ATE this book up. I enjoyed the Silent Patient and thought the Maidens was just okay. I really didn't know what to expect from this author's third book and omg this is my perfect book. The comparisons to Glass Onion are spot on in terms of vibes. This writing style is not going to be for everyone. I think readers can know within the first chapter or two whether the book will be for them. I LOVED it. I love writers, stories about writers, and books/stories that play with storytelling in a unique way. Not only was the writing and narrative structure fun, but the actual storyline had me totally hooked. I highly recommend this book (but also recommend that if you don't like it to start you won't start to like it.

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The Fury purports to be a "masterfully paced thriller," but that was definitely not my experience. To me, the pace for most of the book was infuriatingly slow, with the story constantly being interrupted by the narrator's self serving "charm" and way too much foreshadowing. Then, the pace at the very end felt like whiplash in comparison. Most of the characters were pretty unlikeable (intentional, I'm sure), but more than that, none of them ever felt real to me, so much so that I found I didn't really care what happened to any of them.

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I was excited for another slow burn from Michaelides, though at times this one just feels slow. I both read and listened to the audio for this book to be able to recommend to my patrons. Such a great premise for a locked-room murder mystery on a private island, but I didn't ever get a real feel for Elliot and the other characters with the convoluted, unreliable narration of Elliot's character which hops around in reality and make-believe a little too much, though it becomes evident why at the end. While I thought the narrator of the audio was fantastic, I enjoyed reading this novel a little bit better to keep track of when the jumps were happening so that I could flip back and see how I should've noticed. I will definitely recommend this book to fans of Michaelides and mystery-lovers. Thank you to Celadon Books and NetGalley for the early access in exchange for my honest opinions.

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Great island murder mystery! I really liked how there was a “fourth wall break” in this one. The narrator speaks directly to the reader, and it felt like I built a relationship with him. The story took so many different turns I felt like I was on a tilt-a-whirl! I had to go back and reread the last few chapters to make sure I didn’t miss anything because I sped through it to see what was going to happen.

Thank you @NetGalley for the opportunity to read this advanced copy for an honest review!

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This was a fun twist for a mystery! Unique in the set up and an entirely different take on an unreliable narrator. I loved the one person narration for a whodunit! It was a nice change from a lot of the current Agatha Christie like plot.

I could really tell that the setting and characters were something Michaelides was passionate about. Each character came across so vivid.... I thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

Mystery and or thrillers don't necessarily need to catch me by surprise or have some outlandish twist or reveal in order for me to enjoy them... But I did feel like the ending of this book fell a little short for me, There were several twist but I just know Michaelides can do so much more with the psychological aspect, like we seen in The Silent Patient.

As always, I love the reference to his past characters in the end.. I look forward to his next one!
Also, how great would it be if the next book was a story written by Elliot Chase, now that we know him fully as a character... a reveal that the book we just read was actually written by Elliot... JUST A THOUGHT lol

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I enjoyed this book! I thought I knew how it was going to end but I was wrong. I think Act I was a little slow, but it started picking up after that and then I started to enjoy it. I like how he ties in all his books/characters, I wasn’t expecting him to bring up Mariana and Theo so I was pleasantly surprised when he did. I like how it feels like you’re having a conversation with the narrator; I really enjoy Michaelides’ writing style. Ready for him to write another book!!!

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