Member Reviews

I'll go ahead and say I really did not enjoy this. I powered through to finish it but was dreading it. I felt like the first half of the book was purely set up of the scene and there was so much unneeded "dangling of the carrot" if you will by the narrator. The only redeeming quality for this was the narrator but even he started to get in my nerves halfway through. This was SO slow and painfully hard to get through if I'm being honest. I loved The Silent Patient but Alex Michaelides books since have been such a let down for me. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Unfortunately I didn't finish The Fury by Alex Michaelides. I absolutely enjoyed The Silent Patient and I picked up The Maidens and couldn't finish it. I'd decided to give this author another chance by trying to read The Fury but the style of writing - especially the rambling - and the point of view made it very difficult for me to read.

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This book is super slow burn, and honestly, I wasn't sure if I was going to like it at all. But eventually, it got going, and once it did, it was interesting.

It has a very unique writing style and an unreliable narrator. So that by the end, I wasn't really ever sure exactly what I'd read. It was a decent read and kept me guessing all the way through.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Have you ever had a book make you furious?! I knew Michaelides was a master of the psychological twist, but The Fury was a total mind-F*** and I mean this in the best possible way! Celebrities, love, secrets, infidelity, a beautiful Greek island, and a windstorm combine together to make this a book you can't put down until you want to throw it at the end!

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I think this is my favorite of Michaelides’ books so far. I loved our unreliable narrator, Elliot - a writer who is worried with his dear friend, famous actress Lana and her relationship problems. I loved that I had no clue which way was up as he went back and forth in time, wandered around in different people’s histories, telling the story from his viewpoint, and then as Lana or her friend Kate might see it. I quickly realized that even with with all that backstory, the story I was being told was only part of the story - or maybe a version of the story - or else a skewed view … But it all came together beautifully in the end.

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Elliot Chase is going to tell you a story unlike anything you’ve heard before. Seven suspects are trapped on a Greek Island. This is a story about murder.
I thought I had everything figured out, but then the book threw me for a loop! It was a bit slow at first but once things take off, it’s a quicker read.

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Alex Michaelides third novel was unlike his previous two. The unreliable narration of the book took some getting used to but overall it was a good book that makes wanting to read. more novels by Alex! It definitely has a slow build up to the conclusion but there were lots of twists in this book that made me want to keep reading well past time to go to bed.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC for my honest review!

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Michaelides’ third novel did not disappoint. I enjoyed the narration style, which was a casual conversation between two people at a bar. Yes, the constant dangling of some big twist around the corner gets a bit repetitive, but I found the end to be worth all the build-up.
True to form, Michaelides works quite a bit of psychology and Greek mythology into the novel.
As others have mentioned, there is a spoiler for The Silent Patient in the epilogue, so I’d definitely recommend reading that first.
A big thank you to NetGalley, Celadon Books, and Alex Michaelides for the opportunity to read and review this novel.

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The silent patient was one of my favorite reads in 2022 so I was so excited I got to read this early. I was sucked into the story from page one and wasn’t let go till the end!

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I loved the silent patient and the maidens, but this one wasn’t quite on the same level. I was intrigued while reading it but at the same time I didn’t care what happened to any of the characters.

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The Fury by Alex Michaelides

The narration was odd and not like anything I’ve read before. The narrator kept hinting at the story unfolding in a way you won’t believe, but once you were exposed to the twists and turns (and there were a lot of them), I didn’t really feel any shock value. It felt too far-fetched. While I didn’t particularly enjoy the turn of events, I did read through this one pretty quick and it kept me intrigued enough to keep going. I just felt it was lack luster. One thing contributing to my overall thoughts on this book is how it didn’t live up to the expectations after reading The Silent Patient. There is a spoiler about The Silent Patient in The Fury’s epilogue so I would highly suggest reading The Silent Patient first.

I have read some really positive reviews about this book. Like I mentioned, I did want to keep reading and it was a quick read. I would suggest going into this one without The Silent Patient on your mind at all. If you’re interested in checking this out, it was recently published and is available now.

Thank you to NetGalley and Celadon Books for a copy of this ARC in exchange for my positive review.

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This was a hard one to review because it was so different from his other books and from other books in the genre. First off, this is a thriller in only that there is a psychological element to it - it is NOT a fast-paced heart-pounding read like that genre tends to be. The Fury had more of a Knives Out vibe with examining the same scenes from different perspectives, and it meanders through the plot with long-winded narration and exposition. It is not action-packed, and it is not fast-paced (I only read it in a day because I was on an airplane and traveling for work). I also think I could have appreciated this story more if I had more knowledge of classical theater, as there was a fair amount of references. I did love the island "locked-room" setting!

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I really liked The Silent Patient so I was eager to read this new book by the author. It's totally different than Silent Patient, also good, but in a totally different way. Michaelides' writing kept me involved and interested. I liked the book, but not as much as I liked The Silent Patient. I respected the author's successful attempt to make this a different book - and I look forward to seeing what he does next!

This book is very Agatha Christie-like with intriguing (but not very likeable) characters and a locked room theme - those this 'room' is a desert island. There are plenty of twists and red herrings to keep the suspense up - - right to the final sentence.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Alex Michaelides, and Celadon Books for this ARC of The Fury in exchange for an honest review!!
The Fury follows a retired movie star; Lana Farrar as she spends Easter on her private Greek island. Lana's husband Jason, her son Leo, and her friends Kate and Elliot join her along with Nikos and Agathi.
One of them doesn't survive the trip. But who is it and who is the murder? Elliot, our unreliable narrator, and playwright will tell you all about it starting with Act 1.
I love Alex Michaelides' writing! The Fury was super unique in the way that it was written and told. I really enjoyed the unreliability and how the characters were written as well as how the book was broken down into Acts. Of course, anything I read by Alex has to be compared to The Silent Patient because it is one of my favorite books of ALL time!
The Fury took a little bit to capture my attention, but once it did, WOW! I couldn't put this book down! I had to figure out what happened. If comparing this to TSP (which isn't even fair), I would say that The Fury is a little slower and doesn't have that gut punch of a twist at the ending. BUT, this is a great thriller! And a wild ride that I really enjoyed! Highly recommend!

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Loved this so much. Nothing can beat the twist of his first novel The Silent Patient which is one of my all time favorites. This one has many of the same clever traits - short chapters, unreliable narrator, shifting perspectives, twist and turns, shocks. Also the perfect setting for a modern Greek tragedy.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC! Fantastic book. 4.5 stars

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Of course it was amazing - Alex Michaelides has not written a disappointing book yet! Loved this one as much as the previous books. I liked the narration from the point of view of Elliot telling his story and the setting of the private island in Greece is a character on its own.

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A bit disappointed with this one, didn’t connect with or even like the characters. I thought the plot twists were decent, but the storyline itself is quite unbelievable. Not my favorite by this author, but still managed to enjoy it enough to finish it.

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I was so excited to read this one - the cover, the author, the story. But unfortunately, it just fell flat. The pacing was SO SLOW and when you have a stack of other fantastic books waiting to be read, I just didn't have time for that. I also wasn't a fan of the narrative style, whispering asides to the reader throughout. This is definitely not "a masterfully paced thriller".

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Elliott will do whatever it takes to standby Lana‘s side in a time of uncertainty, betrayal, and lies. Even if that means someone has to die…

This book was EVERYTHING. I was a huge fan of The Silent Patient so I definitely had extremely high expectations going into this book and let me just say Alex did not disappoint. This book is based in Mykonos, Greece and tells a murder mystery/psychological thriller, through the point of view of THE WORLD’s BEST unreliable, narrator, Elliott. The whole time I felt like his ass was lying, and that he was a legit fraud, but at the same time, found myself loving him and supporting him as he tells the most upside down story.

In the end, I thought I had a right, but damn I was wrong. This book is super fast paced and kept me on my toes the entire time. I highly recommend it to anyone who has read The Silent Patient as it is in close comparison in terms point of view & just having absolutely no clue what is going to happen!!!!

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A classic suspense story with an unreliable narrator, The Fury is a twisty-turns good time. I’ve seen others who have read the book express frustration at how long it takes for the plot to really get moving but that’s precisely what a narcissist does, isn’t it? They control the narrative and tell it exactly how (and when) they want you to perceive it. Keeping that in mind, the book’s ascension and pacing was quite deliberate
and done brilliantly. I’m also very fond of thrillers with short chapters that make them bona fide page turners. 3.5 stars.

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