Member Reviews

***Thank you NetGalley for the Arc of this book in return for an honest review***

***My name is Elliot Chase, and I’m going to tell you a story unlike any you’ve ever heard.

This is a tale of murder.
Or maybe that’s not quite true. At its heart, it’s a love story, isn’t it?

Lana Farrar is a reclusive ex–movie star and one of the most famous women in the world. Every year, she invites her closest friends to escape the English weather and spend Easter on her idyllic private Greek island.
A private island cut off by the wind…and then a murder!***

This is the third book by Alex and he does have an incredible mind and talent when it comes to writing!
Unfortunately, this book did not live up to the hype of his other books especially The Silent Patient, which even now I still recommend!

The book is set out like a play and told by narrator Elliot but by the time you get to the end of a scene, I was left feeling let down, like I was being lied to!
It was a pretty quick read with short chapters which I like! but mainly because I just wanted it to be over! there was no major twist just lots of little ones throughout the book.

Would I recommend this book? Probably not as a first choice! 3* read for me!

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Much like The Silent Patient, this book starts out slow and gets more and more interesting as the story goes on! I liked that it was told from someone who was on the trip and enjoyed his commentary on being as accurate as possible.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Alex Michaelides, and Celadon books for this ARC!

Let me just start off by saying.. I LOVED The Silent Patient. Hence, why I gave this book a read. The twisty turns and unreliable narrator of Elliot made this a good read, but DANG did it take forever to get into. Give me a twist or turn if you’re going to world build for so long! I get it was important but sheesh it took me until almost 50% to convince myself to not DNF this book.

With that all said, I loved the twists and turns and the unreliable narrator of the main character, which made this book a saving grace of 3 stars! I also loved that she tied in some characters at the end from The Silent Patient! I’m sure I could deep dive more and find more Easter eggs and things I didn’t notice, but I hated how slow the beginning was!

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Alex Michaelides is known for his slow burn thrillers that will have you surprised at the end, and this one did exactly that.

This twisty and suspenseful slow burn thriller takes place on a remote greek island following a group of friends and.. murder.

I personally loved the way the story was written, especially how the narrator was narrating the story, even as unreliable as he was.

This was a great read & a must read if you love The Silent Patient by Michaelides.

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The Fury is an atmospheric slow burn. I loved how the story slowly divulges information that altered your perception of what happened ever so slightly until the ultimate twist at the end. Every turn was a surprise. It all played out so creatively. It was so artfully descriptive that I could picture it happening like I was watching a play on a stage.

I have posted this review on Goodreads


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Wow, what a fantastic read!
This is my second book I’ve read by Michaelides and it did not disappoint.

The setting was amazing, a secluded Greek island with twist and turns. The middle got a little slow for me but I was still intrigued. The ending I did not see coming!
Bravo! What a great read.

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I want to first off say a big Thank you to Netgalley, Celadon Publishing, and Alex Michaelides for an eARC of The Fury. While at times I really enjoyed this book, there were several times it was a bit confusing and hard to follow. Overall a good read and left me guessing until the end. Definitely 3.5 stars rounded up to 4. Looking forward to checking out more from this author.

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Great story. Took awhile to get into it but when I did there was no stopping.. fast paced, good characters, never dissapoints

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I really enjoyed Michaelides’ The Silent Patient and The Maidens, so I was excited for The Fury. The thrill to get to the end was definitely there, but the Greek tragedy narrative made it feel like the brake pedal was being held down through most of the ride; at least until there seemed to be a 3rd person narrator involved. So much of what Elliot Chase said seemed suspect and then there were so many back and forth time jumps that I felt like I had already been around the block and was back again. If I hadn’t read his earlier works, I might have bailed early on this one, but I’m glad I didn’t. I’d give it 3.5 if that were an option.

Thanks to NetGalley and Celadon books for an ARC of this book.

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I became a big Alex Michaelides fan, like most people, after reading ‘The Silent Patient.’ So to say I was excited to read this book, would be an understatement.
The thing I like most about his writing is he dumps you right into to fast paced, well, deception! I also am the type of reader who enjoys having an unreliable narrator. It keeps things interesting, don’t you think?
Anyway, ‘The Fury’ was a tremendously enjoyable read. I didn’t mind the slower parts as the chapters always ended with a bit of a twist. And the last third of the book makes up for all the parts you might think are potentially dragging. Isn’t it delicious to watch the character figure out exactly when things started to go wrong?
If you want a book you can read in a day and that will keep you entertained the whole way through, then ‘The Fury’ is for you!

Thank you to NetGalley and Celadon Books for the digital Arc in exchange for my honest review!

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Meh. This book was fine.
It certainly wasn't "a masterfully paced thriller" as the blurb indicates - I found the pacing to be inconsistent and distracting.
The story had a few surprising elements that were fun to uncover. I didn't care about any of the characters - which isn't a requirement in my reading - but as in I just didn't care about them. Just meh.
I remember really liking The Silent Patient, so I think I had higher hopes for this book, but this one didn't really do it for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Celadon Books for the ARC.

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Thank you #NETGALLEY #CeladonPublishing

Poetic writing that is also original and unique

I don't know how fo start. If you've read this author's work and didn't like it, I'd say you may love this book. I love how it caught me up and didn't let go. I was speechless. Don't do like me and cheat halfway through. I can't stand waiting . But it doesn't so any good. You'll just be confused. There's like three ways it could turn out. It was intense. Alex has used a narrator character who is in love with Lana. His name is Elliott. I can't help but like him some because of childhood but he needs to do better. This was so unputdownable. I could read this author's grocery list. Surely this us going to be a hit on the big charts. The writing is so good and put together well. This author creates a unique and original story that flows so poetically. Wish he'd narrate the book.

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Book Review: The Fury by Alex Michaelides

Rating: 🌪️🌪️
Genre: Thriller
Publishing Date: 1/16/24

Review: Let me start off by saying, thank you to @celadonbooks for my advanced copy of this book. I was really looking forward to it because of how much I loved The Silent Patient. But this book was a miss for me. It read more like a tainted love story gone wrong than a thriller book. I absolutely HATED Elliott, which I think was the point. But it made the book hard to read. All the characters were unlikeable and I didn’t really care for anyone and didn’t care how the book ended. I continued reading it though hoping it would get better. The only part of the book I liked was Act IV. So unfortunately this book wasn’t for me, but I will continue reading Michaelides’s books for sure!

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As always Michaelides writing is excellent, 5 stars.
I will read everything he writes.

I read this in two nights on my kindle. I will give the plot and creativity and writing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5 Stars, 5 hearts.

His books are a wild ride.
Thr narrator, Elliot, breaks the fourth wall and narrates this novel as a play with 5 acts. Each act the main story unfolds and we learn a bit more about Elliot.
The characters are not likable nor relatable but they are intriguing.

There’s little I can say about the actual story, however, I can say that it was fairly well paced ❤️❤️❤️.1/2❤️

There were times I became irritated with the narration, the interjection and need to speak to the audience do throughly but it is fitting.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity read the wonderful Michaelides. Such a treat to read one of your favorite authors.

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Alex Michaelides' The Fury plunges readers into a world where truth is as elusive as the shifting sands of a private Greek island. With an unreliable narrator at the wheel, this novel questions our perception of reality, leaving us wondering if we can ever fully know what hides in the hearts and minds of those closest to us.

The story begins with a group of friends traveling to a quiet paradise in Greece. Among them is Lana, a former actress who is worried about her failing marriage. However, when Lana is the victim of a mysterious murder, the lines between fact and fantasy blur. Is she truly dead, or is there more to the story than meets the eye?

The Fury explores the theme of unreliable narration to its fullest extent. This storytelling device adds levels of suspense and complexity, making it an exciting read for anyone who likes dubious narrators. However, while the concept is intriguing, the execution leaves something to be desired. The first half of the book wanders, leaving readers disoriented as they work to unravel the mystery. It isn't until the second half that the story fully takes off, providing a more compelling narrative.

Then there are the twists—oh, the twists! While I love a good plot twist, The Fury may have gone a little too far. The number of unexpected turns can make you feel like you're trapped in a never-ending maze of lies. But if you enjoy the Knives Out movie franchise, The Fury is right up your alley. It uses a similar storytelling style, with an ensemble cast of individuals hiding secrets and motives that keep you guessing until the very end.

While The Fury was not my favorite book, it does offer an intriguing and twisty story. Alex Michaelides showcases his skill for crafting intricate narratives, and while this book had its ups and downs, I'm excited to read more of his work in the future.

Despite the fact that I only gave The Fury a rating of 3 out of 5 stars, it is an exciting rollercoaster of a read that you should check out for yourself. I would not be surprised to see it on the big screen someday.

Thank you to NetGalley and Celadon Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Fury is a story of murder, glamour, and psychological suspense that will immerse you and keep you hooked until the very end. I was so engrossed in this trying to figure out what was going to happen. Just when I thought I had it BOOM another twist! I love a book that can surprise me and Alex Michaelides excels at this. I had a lot of fun with the narration and the tie-ends to his two previous books. 5 stars all the way. Y’all have to check this one out. 🧿🧿🧿🧿🧿/5

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I'm such a fan for writing like this. I know its a certain audience that enjoys it, but thats me!

I loved it. Not only for the shocking twists, but for the fact I had no clue how or what this was going to turn into.

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I wasn’t a very big fan of this book. I wouldn’t really recommend it to anyone. 😅 None of the characters were likable, at all. Then I was so annoyed at the end when none of what happened was real.

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This is not this authors best work but also it’s not his worst work. I was entertained but expecting a lot more. The beginning was a little slow and it took me awhile to get the gist of what was happening. Once we got there it was good but missing that wow factor to keep me invested. If you like this author you will find this book enjoyable, just go in with lower expectations.

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Thank you so much to @netgalley @celadonbooks for the ARC/ALC of The Fury! Big thanks to Celadon for the gifted book and amazing promo book!

🧿 𝙈𝙮 𝙏𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨 🧿
I switched off reading and listening to the audiobook of The Fury! I don’t read a lot of books with unreliable narrators, so it’s hard to know what to think of them. They are simultaneously interesting and annoying. They are taking you through the story through their eyes, even when they are describing someone else’s point of view.

Our narrator is Elliott, and he seemed somewhat shady from the beginning but I was never sure how shady he could be. Suspicion is thrown nearly on every character in this book at some point. Rightfully so, because there was a murder to solve!

This cast of characters is alone on a private Greek island, where a murder takes place. There’s a famous movie star, Lana, her family, friends and the staff. Timelines are all over the place. Just be prepared to whip your head back and forth on this one a bit! It definitely takes you on a wild ride!

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