Member Reviews

It was alright. Nothing spectacular and I still find The Silent Patient to be the author's best outing yet.

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The Fury is an interesting thriller because it's written as if the reader and writer are having a casual conversation. I loved the silent patient so was sure i would feel the same about this, but it wasn't my favorite. Thank you netgalley and the publlsher for the arc in exchange for a review.

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I could not get into this book at all. I ended up getting a physical copy from BOTM and I gave it away.

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Elliot Chase has a story to tell, and he invites you the reader to hear it. The first few chapters were full of potential. I absolutely love the prospect of murder on an island, with a limited number of suspects and all that remote isolation to give it ominous vibes

At first, it didn’t do anything for me I mean, the story didn’t grip me but I finally reached the point when things started to happen. It hit me with one reveal after another, crafted amazingly to entertain the reader with amazement and delight. And I was definitely thankful for it.

So this is my first book by the author bit I had several books of his in my TBR. It’s time dust off the pile and look out for Alex Michealides’s books.

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★ ★ ★.75/5

💭I truly don’t know how I feel about this book! I don’t want to compare it to The Silent patient (one of my favorite books ever) because it’s a different kind of book, but the author hits you with the same bang of twists which makes it juicy and almost fun to read? Like the dialect and the way it’s written makes murder fun? Does saying this make me give off serial killer vibes?! Anyways my point was that at some parts it fell a little flat for me BUT I still enjoyed the read!

It was twisty, sometimes a little predictable. I actually liked that the MMC was dramatic and told the tale as a type of play write. It was like modern day bougie Shakespearean with a touch of Greek mythology and so much deceit. MMC was also the most unreliable narrator and it made me actually LOL sometimes.

There were like 5 different endings & it was chaotic but probably the best part of the book. The REAL ending reference killed me and I loved it: IYKYK.

PS: if you haven’t read The Silent Patient but want to; read it first! This book has lowkey spoilers for it even if they don’t relate at all!

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. I was granted this after the pub date, but nonetheless still read it to review.

Unfortunately, this story of murder did not quite grasp me as I had hoped. The premise was good and when I started reading it I was interested from the get go. However, it just took too long to get to the good stuff.

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I was a huge fan of "The Silent Patient" and "The Maidens," so I couldn't wait to get my hands on Alex Michaelides new novel, "The Fury." Unfortunately, this book didn't blow me away like the others. The setting of the story is a private Green island where a retired movie star invites a small group of friends to spend Easter. What seems like a perfect getaway is upended by a murder. Although I was excited about the story taking place on a remote Greek island, the plot was dull and the narrator wasn't my favorite. Sadly, this one didn't capture my interest like the others.

Thank you to Alex Michaelides, Celadon Books and #NetGalley for the ARC and opportunity to read and review #TheFury.

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The best thing I have to say about this novel is that I loved the location and set up- a private Greek island owned by a reclusive movie star who invites all of her friends for a week of R&R, when a murder occurs!

This book is narrated by Elliot Chase, and breaks the fourth wall in a way that fans of Benjamin Stevensons novels may enjoy. Unfortunately, I found Chase frequently patronizing, and he lacked the heart and wit of Stevensons own narrator, Ernest Cunningham. I just never felt connected enough to the characters or story to get hooked.

Michaelides is a fantastic writer, but I think he’s just not a great fit for me as a reader. I also struggled to get through The Silent Patient, even with the ending being such a satisfyingly twisty payoff. The last 100 pages or so are pretty good, but with a 5 mile long TBR list, life is too short to push through the first 200 pages or so of books we don’t connect with!

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I really loved The Silent Patient but wasn’t blown away by The Maidens, so I went into this book with a healthy dose of skepticism, but I was very pleasantly surprised. It seems like this book wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but to be honest, I don’t really understand why. I was immediately absorbed in the story and couldn’t put it down. It was kind of disorganized and the timelines were a little bit confusing, but that’s kind of the whole point. It’s presented as someone telling you this story and admitting that they’re a biased and unreliable narrator. It’s part of the fun:

“But my hand isn’t firm. It’s weak and wildly erratic; like me. Disorganized and sentimental. You couldn’t imagine worse traits for a mystery writer. Thankfully I’m just an amateur — I’d never make a living at this.”

I thought it was gripping and unique and I loved living in their world for a little while. It reads like a cozy mystery and felt like a game of Clue. The ending didn’t overly wow me but beyond that, I really liked it!

Thank you to Celadon Books and NetGalley for the copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!!

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Alex Michaelides became an immediate must-read author of mine after I finished The Silent Patient and The Maidens. When I caught wind of his new book on NetGalley, I had to apply, so shout out to them for the ARC.

This was a moderately fast-paced thriller that had me hooked from the start. Hatred. Jealousy. Possession. Murder. Justice. TWISTS!!

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing an advance copy in exchange for honest feedback

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Unfortunately this was not as great as I was expecting from this author. This one just wasn’t for me.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an advanced reading copy.

I was instantly interested in The Fury after loving The Silent Patient. Unfortunately, this wasn’t as good.

This novel started off slower, but then I got invested in the story. It ended up being a quick read. I liked it because it was different from anything I’ve read before—where the main character is speaking to the reader. In the end though, there were too many twists.

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Should you read this book?
Yes, if… you want an absolutely wild classic mystery with many twists and turns. Bonus points if you love cheesy dramatic flair.
No, if… a story being completely unbelievable is not your vibe or if you can’t handle pretentious narrators.
All in all - not my FAVORITE Michaelides book but still fully engrossing and entertaining!
Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for honest review!

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I DNF’d this around page 40. I don’t love Elliot’s narration style and I thought the plot was going to be a bit more fast paced than it was. I just really couldn’t get into this one. I loved The Silent Patient, but don’t intend to finish The Fury.

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Really did not care for this. Could not feel affectionately toward the narrator. No, I couldn’t predict the plot twists, but I also did not have the buy-in to want to think ahead in the first place.

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Thanks for the ARC Netgalley! I tried reading this one on my app but kept losing interest, so I switched to audio via Spotify. The narration was awesome and I became much more enthralled. I’m not as obsessed with Michaelides “The Silent Patient” as most - I found it to be a solid thriller but not out of this world. I feel the same about his latest.

Elliot Chase, our narrator, becomes entangled with the Hollywood crowd surrounding movie star Lana Farrar. He’s invited to her private Greek island along with a small group of A listers. But this vacation devolves to murder and nothing’s quite what it seems.

I love an unreliable narrator and Elliot certainly fits the bill. The characters are all unlikeable and rich, which is always a fun ingredient for a thriller. Michaelides writing is very atmospheric - and unique, as I feel like most locked room thrillers are set in wintery climates. I can see this being an amazing tv show (please cast Richard E. Grant as Elliot, I beg of you! It’s all I pictured while reading it) due to dual timelines. I recommend this on audio, a solid but forgettable thriller.

✨Trigger Warnings: Murder, Infidelity, Toxic Friendship, Suicidal Thoughts, Child Abuse, Animal Death

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3.5 stars

Liked! Didn't love. This book has all the makings of a great mystery but it just didn't hit quite as hard for me as the authors other book, The Silent Patient. Few of the twists and turns were all that surprising, but I still have a good time moving through them. The writing itself was compelling and well done even if some of the plot and pacing was a touch off. Overall enjoyed.

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I loved the narrator in this story. The way they tell the story is really captivating. I didn’t want to put it down. I kept reading one more chapter, which is super easy considering most of the chapters are under 2 pages (my favourite kind of chapters)

I did enjoyed the plot, there are many turns in here but none of them shocking me, I think I may have went into this one with bigger expectations because of how much I loved the silent patient. I think this one made me realize I’m not a huge “unreliable narrator” lover. it was an interesting read but definitely not what I thought it was going to be! There was no part that made me stop and gasp and that’s what I went into it looking forward to, the thrill but nonetheless I still enjoyed it!

I do recommend you make your own opinions, it, but I did enjoy all the characters, the narrator was a little messy and the storyline as well. but I wouldn’t necessarily call this a thriller, I just didn’t vibe as much as I wanted to

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O, this book. I really wanted to love this book but it didn't do it for me.

I enjoyed The Silent Patient by the same author and have The Maidens on my shelf to read so when the opportunity presented itself to read Alex Michaelides new book, I jumped at the chance.

I'm struggling a bit to put into words why this one was a miss for me. It had all the makings of a 5 star read, twists and turns, surprises, unreliable narrator, but I struggled to get through it and at times felt bored.

What I did enjoy, the different Acts, and how we learned the narrators back story. I appreciated getting the history of the narrator with Lana and how we got to where we were. I also enjoyed that at the end of each act there was a surprise or a twist that pulled you in for the next part.

I struggled with the narrator point of view though, how they were able to share details that didn't take place with them present. For example Lana and Kate's conversation when Lana learned information about Elliot. It felt misleading that the narrator knew what they were talking about. The story seems to go back and forth from third person to first person on a whim. I would also have liked more details around Lana and Jason's relationship and how she confronted him. What happened to everyone at the end? The ending didn't really close the loop for me.

I appreciate the opportunity to read and review this book. Thank you Netgalley.

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