Member Reviews

I found this book difficult to start. It jumped around too much in my opinion. Also, if you’ve read anything by this author before - it’s pretty easy to guess the ending. The main character isn’t very likable. Overall, I wasn’t too impressed with this book - but it’s not the worst that I’ve read.

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I will admit… even though I enjoyed The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides, it wasn’t my absolute favourite thriller as it was for many others. I’m not quite sure what the reason for this was, but I just found it a bit lacking.
However. The Fury is a whole different ball game. Perhaps it was the theatre connections that interested me given my time acting on stage. Maybe it was the variety of characters and story jumping that peaked my interest. But truthfully, I think it was the plot twists.
If you’re someone who feels like you’re never shocked by stories OR absolutely love realizing you have no idea what’s going on, this book is for you.
Is the concept a bit basic? Of course. Picture a cross between Agatha Christie (as acknowledged in the novel), Glass Onion, and Hemlock Island by Kelley Armstrong, and you pretty much have the premise for this book. And yet…
5 stars. Easily.

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I loved this one!!!!!! I couldn’t figure out who the killer is, what was going on, who I could trust! Ah! SOOO SOOOO goood 10/10. I read Silent Patient last year and loveddddd it so knew I had to read this one and am so thankful I got to. Literally couldn’t put it down!

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Wow! This book is incredible and so entertaining! I loved it!

The story is told in 5 different acts.
Lana Farrar is an ex- movie star. She invites her closet friends to her private Greek island. She invited Elliot, Her son Leo, Her husband Jason, Her best friend Kate, her assistant Agathi and the island caregiver Nicola.

Elliot is the narrator of the story. He invites the reader to pull up a barstool, pour yourself a drink, and settle in. Elliot used to be so idealistic when he was young, romantic even. He used to believe that love lasted forever. Now, he doesn't He knows this for sure, the first half of life is pure selfishness; the second half, all grief.
Elliot continues to tell his story. In the end, it is a tale of beautiful, well-intentioned failure- ending in death.

Before act 5, the truth is, none of it played out the way Elliot just described. Once the police arrived, the identity of the murderer was well known. By then, there was chaos. Refill your glass and Elliot will tell you. The truth, as they say, is often stranger than fiction.

Addictive, Amazing Twist, and Secrets! 5 stars and a top book for 2024!

Thanks so much to NetGalley for the advanced copy! This wonderful book is set to release 1/16/24

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Lana Farrar is an ex–movie star and one of the most famous women in the world. Every year, she invites her closest friends to escape their lives and spend time on her private Greek island. This trip however, ends in MURDER.
The Fury is a thriller that twists on itself to the point of boredom and confusion. The main characters are all unlikeable except maybe Lana. The story doesn’t exactly make complete sense and I was disappointed in the end. Thank you NetGalley and Celadon Books for giving me an ARC copy in return for an honest review.

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Murder? Mystery? Lots of twists? Yes Please! This book was great and had an Agatha Christie type of style. Just when I thought the mystery was over, surprise, that is not how it ends! I definitely would recommend this book. #TheFury #NetGalley

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I was so excited for this book because of all the hype. I wanted to love it but unfortunately it wasn’t for me. I felt like the storyline was all over the place-there was TOO MUCH background that it was just overkill. The audio did not hold my attention and made it hard for me to enjoy.

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Alex Michaelides always has such good ideas for novels, but for me they never seem to really land. I've now read all 3 of his books and while the premise intrigues me and keeps me reading until the end, I'm never really satisfied. Obviously he is massively popular so what do I know!

Thank you to net galley for the arc.

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Alex Michaelides is a must read writer if you want a twisty, unique thriller, and The Fury delivers! I had no idea where it was going in the best way possible. This book also wasted no time of getting your attention by getting right into the action and then taking time to set up how we got there. In short, I loved this one!

Thank you NetGalley, Alex Michaelides, and Celadon Books for an advanced copy in exchange for my unbiased review.

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I am a big fan of Alex Michaelides’ novels and The Fury did not disappoint! The Fury is a fast-paced, suspenseful thriller that I read in one sitting. I highly recommend this book if you love a murder mystery on an isolated island, aspects of Greek drama and tragedy woven through the storyline and inspiration from Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None 🧿

Lana is a famous movie star who retires from her glamorous life and moves to rainy, gloomy London. In search of sunshine, Lana invites her closest friends, Elliot and Kate, to join her family and loyal staff on her private Greek island in the sparkling Aegean Sea. In this region, the Aegean wind is called “to menos” which means “the fury” and her island is rumored to be haunted. The wind rages and the group is unable to leave the island. A murder occurs and they must figure out who is the murderer before they strike again. Their relationships are tested and true motives revealed as they try to outsmart one another. As the winds rage on, the fury among the group erupts and their lives will never be the same.

Thank you NetGalley and Celadon books for the ARC copy of The Fury - Available January 16th, 2024 🧿

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The Fury, is the latest novel by Alex Michaelides, author of The Silent Patient. Narrated by Elliot Chase, a playwright and friend to retired movie star, Lana Farrar, Elliot tells the reader of a murder on an isolated Greek island where only seven people are present.

This story is not told linearly. The murder happens within the prologue with the backstory then told in a rather circular fashion throughout. Readers who enjoy character-driven novels will enjoy this one. And readers who expect a twist will also enjoy this novel. This author is known for unexpected plots and certainly does not disappoint with The Fury. Any fan of the author’s previous novels will enjoy his latest.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and Celadon Books for the opportunity to read this digital ARC.

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I was blown away by Alex Michaelides’ The Fury. I’ve read his other works, so I ventured into these pages like someone entering a minefield, expecting twists. The description promises a story unlike any you’ve ever heard, and this absolutely delivers.
Former movie star Lana Farrar retreats from her city life to her private island off the coast of Greece. With her are only a few friends, family members, and trusted employees. On Aura, a paradise only broken by violent winds, there will be no interruptions. On her island, the hole in Lana’s picture-perfect life can be filled. But the retreat ends in murder and in each of them questioning those they thought they knew best.
As a reader of detective stories, I was fascinated by this variation of having no detective character at all. The path that Michaelides takes with this novel is one that I don’t think many authors could pull off. I’m most impressed by how carefully and how deeply Michaelides lead into the psyche of a character.
Five stars for this fresh and exciting novel. Thanks to NetGalley and Celadon for this advance read.

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The Fury was an engrossing read, and I could not put it down! I liked The Silent Patient, but this was a cut above in my estimation. The characters were fascinating, and, of course, the setting spectacular. One might expect a hackneyed version of couples trapped on an island when murder ensues, but Michaelides turns the premise on its head and keeps us guessing throughout. The style is almost literary in feel, richer than I expected.

An excellent example of the genre! Thanks to NetGalley and Celadon Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to the publisher, Celadon Books, and Netgalley for providing me with an early copy of this book in exchange for my unbiased review.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and read it in a single day. I generally don't like first person perspective, but I seem to often enjoy an omnipotent narrator, even in first person. I really liked the setting up of a situation and then having the narrator go "wait I lied, let's try again".

Very much would recommend for fans of Glass Onion.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for letting me preview The Fury by Alex Michaelides in return for my honest review. I've enjoyed his prior work (The Silent Patient much more than The Maidens), and I'd place this firmly in between. The framing of the story is unique; it's told from the point of view of a very unreliable playwright who happens to have a close friendship with the victim. There are twists and turns galore as our playwright withholds much of the story from us. He's very stingy with details until he feels they become necessary to move forward. I enjoyed this quite a bit; it kept me sucked in because it's a rare mystery where the audience knows less than the storyteller these days. I recommend for fans of thrillers and Michaelides' previous works.

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I enjoy but didn’t love the first book I read by Alex Michaelides. However, when I received the ARC of The Fury I was excited from the description. This book is full of so many twists that you think you have it figured out and then something else happens. I read this in one day and lost sleep that I don’t regret losing to find out what was happening next!

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Lots of twists and turns, unexpected but yet I knew it couldn’t be the end based on # of pages left!
Narrative storytelling divided into acts which resulted in short chapters, different POVs and an easy to read format.

I really did not know where the book was going other than some of the characters were actors and I knew there would be dramatic scenes.

Not what I expected at all, but in a good way!

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I am a huge fan of Alex Michaelides and was excited to start The Fury. A murder mystery set on a remote Greek island had all the makings to be a thrilling read.

It took me a bit to get into the book as the opening did not grip me. The narration style, while unique, was often scattered and sometimes confusing. However, I still found myself intrigued and curious about the narrator, and I did come around to it by the end of the book.

The pacing felt a bit off in the beginning but it found its rhythm around half way. From that point on I couldn’t put it down and was excited to see where the story went.

My main critiques with The Fury were moreso that I wanted more. More insight into the narrator, the characters, the past. I felt wanting for more at several points and while the back half gave some more of those pieces, it wasn’t enough to leave me feeling entirely satisfied. While the narration was unique and different, there were times where it felt confusing. Overall, the story was fun and full of twists and intrigue and I did find myself really enjoying it!

Thanks so much to Celadon and NetGalley for the ARC of The Fury! I enjoyed reading it and giving my honest review!

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There is something about AM's writing that I really like. I find his books to be enjoyable and I am in the minority of people who actually liked 'The Maidens'.

For The Fury I found the storytelling method to be interesting, we hear the story from Elliot's narration and it was told like a play divided up into acts. The book read more like a drama, then it did a thriller.

Elliot told the story like he had no where to be (which looking back was a perfect indication of where the story was going). I disliked him as a character right away, so I enjoyed how the ending didn't work in his favor.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC!

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Elliot Chase is a character/narrator who tells readers the story of murder on a private Greek island. I was hooked from the first few pages and this propulsive thriller kept revealing details until the very end.

I enjoyed the fast paced drama, but I felt the characters and their relationship developments were weak. All of the characters were unlikeable. I kept reading because I wanted to find out what happened, but the twist at the end was predictable.

Thank you NetGalley and Celadon Books for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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