Member Reviews

The Fury is filled with mystery and twists that keep you second guessing everything you think you know until the very end.
In true Michaelides fashion, this book did not disappoint. I wasn't sure what to expect going into it, since the whodunit trope has been overdone so many times but WOW. What a unique way to tell a story. I was completely hooked from page 1.

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Thank you for sending me an early of The Fury by Alex Michaelides Netgalley and Celadon. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and found the characters reminiscent of a telenovela. The whodunit plot was well crafted and had a surprising twist, making it one of the best books I've read since The Silent Patient. I highly recommend getting this book released in January.

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I loved it! I stayed up late reading and couldn’t put it down. I need to reread all of them now. There’s so much to his characters and when there’s a secret, it’s never what you think it may be. I was so thrilled to receive the ARC and can’t wait for it to be published!

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I enjoyed this much more than The Maidens but not as much as The Silent Patient. It was a little slow and drug at times and then resolved very quickly and confusingly at the end.

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arc review - They Fury

In The Fury our unreliable narrator tells us role story piece by piece slowly unveiling more and more as the story progresses peeling it back like an onion.

We are all the unreliable narrators of our own lives.

I was so excited to receive this ARC copy of the Fury by Alex Michaelides as he is one of my favorite authors. Immediately I found this book to have much better pacing than the The Silent Patient and The Maidens and rhetorical the Characters were much more impressionable. But he continues to do an amazing job of including classic tragedy in the story.

Which comes first—character or fate? This is the central question in any tragedy. What takes precedence—free will or destiny?

But it’s only fiction, I’m afraid. Real life turned out somewhat differently.

The ending of the story was so captivating I could barely tear my eyes from the pages. With such an unreliable narrator, not a single line could be trusted to be true. But that was the interesting part about what kept you hanging on till the last line and even then wondering if you were getting the truth. And of course I loved the nod to The Silent Patient.

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A fun, suspenseful read! I was hooked throughout. Though the ending didn’t quite stick the landing for me, I can’t say I regret reading it. Loved the subtle nod to The Silent Patient in the epilogue. Overall in the Alex Michaelides universe this sits between the Silent Patient (great) and The Maidens (not so great) for me.

Thanks for the ARC, NetGalley!

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Alex Michaelides Is an automatic buy for me. This one was a very slow, winding start, but once it hit the half way mark, it got going and boy was it good. He’s so good at writing twists. I loooved the connection to the silent patient. I’ll continue to buy anything from Alex.

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thank you netgalley for this arc copy of the fury! in classic alex michaelides fashion, we’re met with intrigue, plot twists and stellar storytelling. the greeks famously mix together love and tragedy in epic stories and the fury is no different. i love how michaelides shares the story from a first person perspective and brings the reader in. it’s like a one on one conversation with elliot that makes you want to turn the page. we’re told the same story a few times with each telling revealing more about the characters and the facts of the murder. i am always amazed at how masterfully storylines can be woven and this was an incredibly fun read. i can’t wait to buy this in january when it comes out!

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I hate to say this as I loved the silent patient, but this was a DNF at nearly 50%. It was incredibly boring, the characters at times insufferable and very slow paced. I couldn't keep going.

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Alex Michaelides has been a must read author for me ever since I read The Silent Patient, so I was thrilled when I was approved by an ARC of The Fury by NetGalley and the publisher. I have read a few versions of the “stuck on an island” murder thriller over the past couple of years, enough that I am unfortunately starting to get tired of it. However, this was the twistiest version of the premise that I’ve read. Elliot Chase may be the most unreliable narrator that I’ve ever read, and the story took so many turns that I never could have guessed the ending. I didn’t like it quite as much as Michaelides’ previous work, but it was still a solid, enjoyable thriller.

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This is a twisty tale full of lies and deceit. You need to pay attention and follow the various timeframes. Don't let that scare you though - this was a great story. I was anxious to see how it all played out and wrapped up and I was not disappointed.

Thank you to NetGalley and Celadon Books for providing me with an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Available January 16, 2024.

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The Fury by Alex Michaelides
⭐️⭐️⭐️ / Pages: 320 / Genre: Murder Mystery

A reclusive ex-movie star invites her closest friends to her Greek island for a getaway. The trip ends in murder. How delicious!

I’m a big fan of this author. I loved The Silent Patient and The Maidens, but this one really didn’t do it for me. The twists and surprises were great, it’s the main character Elliot Chase that I just couldn’t stand. And you’re supposed to not like him, he’s very unlikeable. But I hate whiny characters who go off on their inner monologues and this is one of those. Oh well, I’m still a Michaelides fan and am looking forward to his next book.

Thank you @NetGalley and @CeladonBooks for the advanced copy.

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“A masterfully paced thriller about a reclusive ex–movie star and her famous friends whose spontaneous trip to a private Greek island is upended by a murder”

This is my first book by Alexis Michaelides and it won’t be my last. I absolutely loved this one and how it made me think. The best way to summarize this book is that nothing is as it seems and yet everything is exactly as it seems.

When I was approved for this on NetGalley, I literally screamed from excitement! This was one of my most anticipated reads for 2024!

The chapters are short (which I love) and it just makes you want to keep reading. The narrator is unreliable which kept you guessing the whole time. I loved the pace of the book and the authors way of storytelling. I enjoyed the acts and how each act brought more and more to the story. It was like I was reading a Greek tragedy.

I loved how Alex touched on the themes of greed, lust, love, vengeance, loneliness, and lastly, lying. The characters were all so well developed and I felt like you could see right into each character and really know them.

I definitely plan to read The Silent Patient and The Maidens in 2024!

Watch for this one on January 16th!

Thank you NetGalley and Celadon Books for the arc in exchange for a honest review.

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The Fury is highly readable, full of intrigue and a little bonkers. I enjoyed the narrative style the author used in this book to create the mood and even the ick for certain characters. The pace for the first 3/4 was great, but the final act left me wanting. Were these believable characters? I can’t tell. However, they were interesting. Thanks to Celadon for the ARC through NetGallery.

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Entertaining, yes, but the story never quite grabbed me. The set up was fantastic and I was ready to be completely sucked in--the ending didn't exactly match the tension and build up. I still enjoyed the twists and turns and ever changing plot, I just always wanted a bit more. I loved the setting and the fact that it had the whole And Then There Were None feel... I'd like to read his other books; from what I've heard, they have more of a psychological thriller vibe.

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*4.5 stars rounded up*

Welcome to Aura, the private island near Mykonos that’s rumored by the Greek locals to be haunted - & has wind so vicious that it’s been called “the fury.”

This is the setting of a story told in several different acts - we have a playwright relaying this information to us, & he’s filling in details & holding on to others as he sets the stage for a tale you’re going to want to clear your schedule & read straight through. It’s got love, it’s got murder, it’s got an unreliable narrator & so many switchbacks that I found my thoughts buffering like a bad internet connection.

Yet somehow, it was just the right amount of chaos & commentary & foreshadowing & skipping around, with short chapters that kept the pace perfectly. I loved the Agatha Christie references; & the fact that a character from The Maidens was included was so fun, plus the reference to another from The Silent Patient. I’ll read anything Michaelides writes.

Thank you very much to NetGalley & Celadon Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I was absolutely delighted when Celadon Books granted my request for an advanced copy in exchange for a truthful and prompt review.

I just finished reading The Fury and I'm still reeling! The story's structured like a play, which added an extra layer of intrigue for me. Initially, I was totally sucked in - the pacing was quick and the plot was dripping with drama. But then things took a turn and I felt like I was along for the ride on that stormy island! Elliot, the narrator, was a bit of an enigma, which kept me on my toes. Props to the author for keeping me guessing and pushing the boundaries. When I reflected on it, I realized how much the book made me think about the blurry lines of truth. Not always an easy read, but definitely a wild and memorable ride!

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The Fury by Alex Michaelides comes out on January 16th and I was so happy to get the ARC - thank you Celadon Books and NetGalley!

I read The Silent Patient and I loved it. I didn’t get a chance to read The Maidens by this author. The Fury is not as good as The Silent Patient, and that is the overwhelming response from everyone reading and reviewing this advanced reader copy. So, don’t go into this book thinking it’s like The Silent Patient.

To start with some things that I did like, is that once I hit the midpoint, I literally couldn’t put it down. It was extremely fast paced from the middle to the end. The chapters are also very short, so I think that contributed to me not being able to put my kindle down.

As for the things that I didn’t like… I called the ending. I’ll give it that if you’re not a big thriller reader, you might not see the ending coming, but I certainly did. I don’t want to give anything away, but there’s a few heavy-handed hints throughout the book that guide the reader just a little too much. The beginning of the book was also quite slow, and the narrator would explain something, but backpedal it, and say that didn’t happen. If I were listening to this through audio, I might’ve been a little confused about that.

Overall, if you’re into thriller novels, and you liked The Silent Patient, you will likely enjoy the experience of reading this. It’s not fantastic by any means, but it might be worth a read. A lot of people really loved this book!

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Thanks to Celadon Books for the copy of the ARC!

I loved The Silent Patient and The Maidens, and am always in for a unique POV in a thriller set on a Greek Island. However, this one was a let down for me. I was extremely bored.

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The Fury is the third book I’ve read by Alex Michaelides. I have to say each one is written so differently; they are each unique in style which is nice because you’re not sure where this story will take you.
Elliot Chase is an aspiring playwright who introduces us to this story of love, betrayal and murder. He imagines us as his audience and encourages us to pull up a stool, enjoy a drink and hear this retelling of a night gone wrong. The story is told in acts, but it doesn’t read like a finished play, rather it reads like a script with notes and annotations all over it. We are given the story and tons of tangents to explain the history.
It was said numerous times, this is not another Agatha Christie, And Then There Were None and that is true. The setting is a gorgeous secluded Greek Island with 7 characters who have love and hate intertwined in their relationships. The wind or Fury is referenced often to describe how the emotions heat up and get out of control. You know right off the bat that there has been a murder and one of the seven is responsible. The story is really finding out about why it all happened and who is responsible. Elliot reminds me of an overindulged man in a bar who likes to tell stories. He leaves you trying to figure out if it’s the truth, his version of it, or his fantasy. This is a mind twisting tale with a small amount of suspense that manages to captivate you because you’re unsure where you’re headed. Unfortunately, I can’t say this was a new favorite of mine, but I was intrigued, and I didn’t have any trouble finishing it. I appreciated how each chapter ended with an enticement to keep going. On a side note, I love how each book of Michaelides references characters in his previous books.
Thank you to NetGalley and Celadon Books for the opportunity to read this and offer my honest opinion.

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