Member Reviews

This is a story of a famous movie star Lana Farrar and her friends and all of them visiting Lana’s private Greek Island for a spontaneous get away. But – don’t think you know what is going to happen – I was totally surprised at the outcome of this story – and I am sure you will also be surprised Very good story, intrigue – I have read Mr, Michaelides two other books and each one is so good, I can’t say which one is better, they are all excellent reads – they will hold your interest and you will be wondering what is going on? What is happening? You are in for a very good read.

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Every now and then, I'm really in the mood for a mind-bendy, completely would-never- happen thriller. Alex Michaelides is pretty good at those, and I've enjoyed both of his previous books. I was very excited to read an ARC of his upcoming novel, The Fury, which takes a plot reminiscent of Lucy Foley's The Guest List and adds drama kids to it. The theater and acting roles played a huge part in this novel, and I think if Michaelides had played this seriously, I would have hated this book. Fortunately for readers, the whole concept of the story is treated as slightly ridiculous and something only the incredibly wealthy/ incredibly bored/ incredibly pretentious would ever undertake. Taking the novel in that light, I thoroughly enjoyed the hijinks played by Elliott, Lana, and the entire cast of equally unsavory characters trapped on a Greek island. Elliott actually had some very interesting musings on childhood trauma and the "inner child" that hit me hard. I think it was an interesting tangent to take, and it made me feel way more than a pulp thriller is expected to. I'm not sure of Michaelides will ever become a favorite author for me, but I'll certainly keep coming back to his novels for some quick, gossipy reads. There's a nod to The Silent Patient here, so if you haven't read that, please do before reading this one.
Thank you to Netgalley and Celadon Books for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC!

I’m trying to gather my thoughts on this one at the moment! I love a good michaelides thriller/mystery at this point and he is an autobuy author. I think I’m having a hard time deciding if I liked this or not.

Pros: I love an unreliable narrator. The structure of this book is well established. Very atmospheric. Some good twists and reveals.

Cons: I knew where it was headed. I couldn’t sympathize with any of the characters which made it hard to dive in and care about their outcome. Some things needed to be flushed out more I think for it to pack a punch.

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Do yourself a favor and have plenty of time when you sit down with this book. It is so full of twists and what-ifs that if you try to read it in smaller bites you will just confuse yourself!
I was a huge fan of Alex Michaelides' first book, The Silent Patient, and with The Fury he is back in form. Theo from that book even makes a cameo.
The Fury reads like a greek play, about a group of friends arriving on a private island, and everything going downhill from there. I won't put in any spoilers, but this is a highly entertaining and clever story, that you should get your hands on as soon as possible.

Thank you NetGalley for the chance to read and review this ARC.

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"This is a tale of murder. At its heart, it’s a love story, isn’t it?”

If you know anything about me, you know mysteries and thrillers aren’t my usual go-to reading genre. But when it comes to @alex.michaelides, I make an exception! I really enjoyed The Silent Patient and was thoroughly excited to be granted access to his newest novel The Fury via @NetGalley.

Set on retired actress Lana Farrar’s private Greek island, The Fury unfolds a gripping murder plot. The unpredictable twists and turns kept me captivated from the start. I also really enjoyed the novel's short chapters (which, personally always help keep me engaged,) character comparisons/contrasts, unique narrator view, and constant guessing games. Despite being a slow reader, I finished this novel in four days, eagerly anticipating each new element.

I wholeheartedly recommend it for thriller and mystery enthusiasts, even those new to the genre like me!

Thank you to @NetGalley, @celadonbooks, and @alex.michaelides for entrusting me with these unconventional characters!

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The first thing I noticed about this book is the narrator/ reader relationship. It felt like the narrator was talking right to me. Like we were old friends and he was telling me a story. I loved that about this book. It feels more personal. I also liked that The Fury had short chapters which makes the book feel like it’s a fast read. The story slowly unraveled. And it felt like we got new information every other chapter. I also liked the format of the book. It was split up into 5 acts.

Thanks to NetGalley and Celadon Books for this advanced copy in return for my honest review

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This novel by Alex Michaelides reads like a Greek tragedy, but with a modern twist. Elliot Chase is the omniscient narrator whose self-serving narrative introduces us to Lana, a gorgeous British actress who is the focus of his attention and desires. Lana is married to Jason, and mother to Leo, friend ro Kate. How these characters interact on a Grecian island becomes part of the plot twists and turns.

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I am a huge fan of this author's previous books, especially The Silent Patient. Like many other readers, I eagerly anticipated Alex Michaelides' newest book, The Fury. It was absolutely worth the wait.

Narrated by Elliot Chase, a sometimes irreverent and self-proclaimed unreliable narrator, the story is told in five acts. As Elliot tells the reader, this murder mystery, which takes place on a Greek island, is more of a "whydunit" than a whodunit. With an intricately plotted and well-paced narrative and a shocking surprise twist at the end, this page turner is not to be missed.

Thank you to Celadon Books and NetGalley for providing an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I found The Fury to be significantly slower than The Silent Patient and The Maidens. The story starts off with fervor and slows down as the characters develop. There is a lot of setup to get through and after about 150 pages I experienced anticipation fatigue. When I reached the point when things start happening — and they really happen — I was engrossed in the story. One reveal after another kept me thoroughly entertained and surprised. After the buildup I couldn’t put it down.

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The Silent Patient is one of my favorite thrillers so I was beyond excited to score an advanced copy of the latest Michaelides novel.

The Fury mostly takes place on a remote Greek Isle…the setting is fantastic; definitely immersive, foreboding, and eerie—I’m starting with the setting because it is my favorite part of the novel... then we come to the characters…

This thriller is narrated by Elliot Chase, perhaps the most unlikeable narrator I have yet to encounter. The goings on of the island are told and then retold in a different light multiple times. There are so many different plot twists and outlandish schemes, it’s almost to the point of absurd.

I have seen a lot of early love for this one so I may be in the minority with this review, but it just was not for me. I did not like any of the characters and I found the narrator particularly grating. The story kept me turning pages and I was eager to find out what was actually going on, but I did find it rather difficult to care about all of the awful people. There you have it!

I will be looking forward to seeing more reviews come in for this one soon. The Fury releases on January 16, 2024.

Thanks to @celadonbooks and @netgalley for the advanced copies.

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Wow was this book an absolute mindf*ck 🤯 as soon as I thought I had it figured out, it took another turn. I knocked off two stars because the ending felt extremely anti-climatic & I didn’t really feel a connection to any of the characters. I was skeptical at first of the writing style but it came full circle at the end. A truly uniquely written novel that should be added to everyone’s list!

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Wow, I loved this book, really loved it until the end. I still rate it 4 stars but the end just wasn't what I expected. I did love the way the whole book was written and the short chapters. The story just got a little carried away, for me toward the end. Still glad I read it and would recommend...

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I was so excited to get this ARC! Thank you to Celadon Books and NetGalley- Alex Michaelides is one of my favorites, and The Fury does not disappoint!
From the author of The Silent Patient and The Maidens comes a new drama/mystery about a murder on a private Greek island. Or was there a murder? The story will have you questioning the motives of each character. But pay close attention!
Elliot was a fantastic narrator- witty and dramatic. One of my favorite part of Michaelides novels are Easter eggs from his previous novels. Keep a look out for that towards the end of the story. Overall, 5/5 stars.

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This was my most anticipated new book release of 2024, it was absolute chefs kiss. Michaelides is one of my favourite thriller authors and this did not disappoint.

I loved how the story was told by the narrator, and split into five different acts. Each act was almost done as a “retelling” with a different twist of what really occurred, and each character seems guilty of something. It was fun piecing together what was true and what was not.

Bonus points, it has a small shout out of Nova Scotia in it.

Michaelides is a mastermind when it comes to tying all his books ever so subtly together.

Thank you so much netgalley & celadon books for the digital arc in exchange for my honest review

I cannot wait for more by this author, he is an auto read for me.

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This is a tale of murder.

Or maybe that’s not quite true. At its heart, it’s a love story, isn’t it?

We have a reclusive former Hollywood star, her newest husband, friends and servants, all on holiday at her exclusive, private Greek island. What follows is a very twisted tale of love, jealousy and of course murder. This story had me hooked from the very first chapter and never let me go. I loved the idyllic island setting and how the howling winds or "The Fury" kept them all trapped there to untangle the aftermath of the brutal crime. The story is told from the point of view of Elliott, a long time friend of the famous Lana. Elliott is an absolutely unreliable narrator and you're never quite sure who or what to believe. I also love the way the author chose to allow Elliott to speak directly to you the reader from time to time. I flew through this one in about 24 hours, totally engrossed in this tangled web of lies and deceit. The final twist comes in the Epilogue, and it is one that I cannot stop thinking about. It makes you second guess everything that you just read. This is one that would be perfect for bookclubs, there is so much to unpack. I will be thinking about this one for a long time to come.

Thank you to @netgalley and @celadonbooks for this advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review.

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WOW! i absolutely loved and devoured this book. the narrative style was super unique. after also loving The Silent Patient, i can honestly say that Alex Michaelides is a master at subverting the narrative structure while still following a traditional structure. it is a very hard feat, but Michaelides executes this well. this novel follows the structure of a tragedy (five acts, ends in death, discussion of fate/free will). i absolutely loved this and geeked over this, as someone with a degree in literature. Michaelides also successfully turns the And-Then-There-Were-None-esque premise of this book on its head. i would be very interested in hearing more from the author about how he was able to weave such an intricate tale. i really appreciated the uniqueness of this book.

all characters in this book are unlikable, yet i was utterly mesmerized by them. he also executes the unreliable narrator well. this narrator breaks the fourth wall and adds comments about playwriting/fiction writing in an almost self-aware manner, while being oblivious to other things. he will contradict himself, portray himself or characters one way while showing them another way, etc. the paradoxes of the narrative structure and unreliable narrator are what help make this book a success.

i absolutely loved the setting(s) of this book--the contrast of the warm, windy Greek island with the rainy and grey backdrop of England. we have all the influences of a Shakespearean tragedy and a Greek tragedy.

this is not your typical isolated mystery/thriller. although it has short chapters and read very quickly, there is more of a focus on characters, atmosphere, and themes. it is also the type of book where you get the same scene, then get it again with more information, but it's not repetitive in my opinion. i would recommend this book if you like:
- Greek island settings
- unreliable narrator that breaks the fourth wall
- unlikable characters
- discussion of fate/free will and the impact of the past on the present
- cleverly, intricately plotted books

The Fury publishes on January 16, 2024. thank you to Celadon Books, Alex Michaelides, and Netgalley for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review!

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I liked this book, but didn’t love it. Surely I think that it was better than the Maidens, (I loved the maidens with exception of the ending) and I appreciated the tie in of characters from his other two books, but it didn’t quite reach my interest like The Silent Patient did.

I am a fan of Alex Michaelides work because at the core, his writing is so well thought out and psychologically complex. If there is anything to doubt about this one, it surely isn’t the psychological development of the characters, but more the pace.

The characters had so much planning going on, right when I thought I knew what was happening or who did it, I was proved wrong. I enjoyed this quick read, but I felt that overall, the background and time-jumping did a little bit too much past serving its purpose to the story. I was really interested in the happenings on the island and wished it had a bit more of that.

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This is a fun thriller set in London and a mysterious island off the coast of Greece. It follows several characters, Lana the retired Hollywood A lister, Kate the envious and messy actor, and Ethan the rags to riches friend.
I found the narration of this book to be light and interesting almost like a friend telling you a story they overheard. The plot is quick paced with lots of twists and points of engagement with short chapters to make it easy to say “one more chapter”. I really enjoyed this read, it is a perfect pallet cleanser between larger books. I would also recommend to people who are looking to get back into reading.

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Wow. Is the first word that comes to mind. I stayed up most of the night reading this. Alex Michaelides does not disappoint in his latest thriller/mystery.

I was fascinated at the unique approach he took in writing this. He tells the story as a conversation with you, the reader, as you are sitting in a bar having some drinks and listening to his tale.

This story brings a unique blend of Greek tragedy, writing tips, and Agatha Christie references to create a “whirlwind” (pun intended) of a whodunnit murder mystery on a beautiful Greek island where a group of friends, each with their own unique and complex stories - explore topics of love, betrayal, friendship, trauma, and soon learn there is a sociopath among them.

As a social worker - I also want to mention how trauma and healing our inner child is delicately woven in throughout this novel.

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I write this review as a reader of all Alex Michaelides's books. I thank him for his creativity and work ethic, as I say thank you to NetGalley and Celadon Books for the chance to read an early copy and offer my thoughts.

This was a wonderfully entertaining book in the same tradition as his previous two books; The Silent Patient, which I loved, so gasp-worthy and The Maidens, of the same ilk, but clearly its own story. The Fury, certainly on par with the other two is the story of a retired actress - Lana and her band of "hangers-on". Her money-hungry husband Jason, her son Leo and her "friends" Kate and Elliott. Elliott, who is the first-person narrator of the story, is a most duplicitous narrator I've read in some time. He states from the beginning that this is Lana's story, not his, but continues to insert himself and his thoughts throughout the book. The others, save Leo, have a trunk full of baggage, most of which they blame on their pasts and each other. This blame game is some of the impetus behind the book, but clearly there's a lot going on, especially when the location moves to a private Greek island for the Easter weekend. The plot thickens, thins and churns as do the winds - The Fury.

Alex Michaelides is a master plotter across the character lines. He kept me guessing throughout this and his other books. I particularly enjoy some of his descriptive passages, so much so that I highlighted many of them - something I almost never do in a piece of fiction. This is destined to be one of my favorite books of 2023. I hope it will be yours too.

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