Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley, Celadon Books, and Alex Michaelides for the opportunity to read an ARC of this title!

Anyone expecting a great follow-up to “The Silent Patient” may find themselves sorely disappointed.

I was left feeling a bit underwhelmed with “The Fury”. I found the first half a bit dull, to be honest, but I was intrigued enough to keep going. I liked the spirit of the “whodunit” and the twist in the middle that piqued my curiosity. I’m not a fan of the ending.

I didn’t hate it, but not sure that I would read it again.

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This was a very slow thriller. I loved this author’s previous book, The Silent Patient, so I was very excited to read this new book.
However, I found the style of writing a bit bizarre.
As we begin, we find a narrator “ talking” directly to us, the reader. He tells us that someone will die, but then delves into several side stories, before returning to the murder plot. I was a bit bored until the halfway point of the book, almost giving up, until I remembered Mr. Michaelides’ previous, wonderful novels.
At the halfway point, we finally read a plot developing, however it was very confusing, still switching plots a few times.
I’m sorry I can only give this book 3 stars, and I was very disappointed.
Thank you to NetGalley and Celadon publishing for the ARC and the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I found the writing style of this book interesting at first, but then it became cumbersome to read. The narrator addressed the reader as if he were talking to the reader one-on-one in a bar, so it was different at first but then got tiring. The first half of the plot was somewhat tedious and slow, but then it picked up very quickly in the second half. Great twists that I didn't see coming so the second half was a quick read.

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Completely captivating.
Masterfully plotted.
Entirely different reading experience vs the listening to the author's others tho so enjoyed.
Atmospheric & moody.
Short choppy chapters heightened the tension and relentless pace.
Evil eye cover added meaning & richness.
Not a fan of the ending.

With great thanks to NetGalley & Celadon Books for this e-ARC!

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Thank you to Celadon Books and Netgalley for the Advanced copy of the Fury!

I have read Alex Michaeilides's other books and I loved them. The Fury is an amazing thriller and I love the fact that is set on a Greek island. It keeps you captivated and especially the 2nd half of the book flew by!
I would definitely buy a copy of this book to have it in my collection.

Thank you again Celadon Books and Netgalley!

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Lana Farrar is a beloved retired movie star. She happily lives out of the spotlight with her husband and son. Annually she invites her closest friends for a beautiful getaway at her private island in Greece.
This year things take a deadly turn. When the wild winds of the Aegean Sea leave them stranded on the island, long kept secrets will be exposed, love will be tested and shots will be fired.
And not everyone will leave the island alive.
If you think you know this story, you don’t.
This book is filled with twists and turns and left me completely floored.

There are certain elements in this book that have similarities to The Silent Patient but it didn’t take away from the story as a whole.
What I think Alex Michaelides does very well is telling cautionary tales. Because at the heart of this story, that’s what it is. He pulls back the layers of the characters and explores what can happen to the human psyche when you don’t heal from your past trauma.
I will be posting my review on my Instagram page closer to release date.
Thank you so much NetGalley for giving me this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This story is told as a five act play. It’s interesting that the author chose 5 acts, since Greek tragedies are normally 3 acts. Perhaps that’s what makes it so clever. The narrator, Elliott, is unlike any I’ve ever encountered. He is unreliable as all get out.

This author is an expert at plot twists and themes of revenge and obsession. None of the characters in this book have any redeeming qualities and yet we, the readers, are sucked in, wanting more and more and more.

A movie star invites a few friends to join her and her husband and son for a weekend on an island in Greece. It should be a relaxing weekend of fun and partying. Instead, everyone has sinister ulterior motives.

For all the plotting in this story, at its heart, this is really a character and psychological study and it did not disappoint. It can take a bit to get into however, so stick with it. I promise you the ending will be with it.

Also, I loved the mention of Nova Scotia and the nod to the Silent Patient, which started it all.

Thank you to NetGalley and Celadon Books for the ARC of one of my most anticipated reads of 2024, in exchange for an honest review.

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Please see my review of the audio foremat. I initially received that then was informed an updated version would be available to me . The audio was archived but I preferred to listen to that version because of an eye process I had the inability to engage in the updated foremat.

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Still hoping for another great book like the silent patient. This was much better than his last book and I really enjoyed the pacing of the book. It was a fun quick read.

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I was so excited to get an arc of this book! I absolutely loved the silent patient and knew this book wouldn’t disappoint. I really liked the unique way this story played out. It was a slow introduction to characters so you could really get the feel for them and who they were. Every time you thought you knew what was going to happen and why, you’d be taken back in time to see if from a fresh prospective and learn that you actually have no idea what’s going on. The slow build up made the ending totally shocking. An amazing, unique, and twisty ride. Thank you to NetGalley and Celadon Books for my advanced copy.

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I received an ARC of this third novel by this author through NetGalley. The book is due out next month (January,2024).

This is a murder mystery told to the reader by a narrator named Elliot Chase. Elliot is clever, diabolical and unreliable as a narrator. The tone of this book is largely conversational, as if the narrator is telling us a story by the fireplace. I am often frustrated by unreliable narrators but, in this case, I think the author's ploy works.

The story is about 7 people going to a deserted Greek Island and one of them is going to be murdered. Who will the victim be? Who will be the murderer? The organizer of the trip is a famous female movie star who eventually became a friend of Elliott's.

The pace of this book is relentless, making this a hard book to put down. So it didn't take me much more than a day to devour this.

A murder mystery can often convey a dark, scary atmosphere. I found the tone of The Fury to be light and almost whimsical, thanks to the aforementioned cleverness of the narrator (and author).

This promises to be a 2024 bestseller.

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Alex Michaelides does it again! I flew through this book because I had to know what would happen next. The atmosphere of the story is beautifully crafted making the entire plot more interesting and exciting. I loved reading about this cast of characters, and each reveal was perfectly paced to get me to keep flipping the page. I am a huge fan of this one, and I will definitely be recommending it to my friends.

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The Fury is a freakin’ masterclass in exposition and mystery.

This is a locked room mystery told by the friend of a reclusive movie star. Things go sideways when they go on a relaxing getaway to a private island in Greece. The setting is so atmospheric and there’s a fantastic array of characters. You never know who to trust, what’s real and what’s all an act.

It’s best going into this not knowing a lot, as the story is told in a very interesting, roundabout way. There’s plot upon plot and it’s really a joy to read and watch it all unravel!

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The Fury by Alex michaelides

Pub Jan 16/24

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5
I went into this with high hopes after giving 5 stars to both the maidens & the silent patient & for the most part it didn’t disappoint! The narration style was pretty interesting, and I love when thrillers have multiple twists to keep you guessing. & of course the Theo cameo snuck in there for nostalgia 😈 it didn’t quite hit as hard as his two first but was still super enjoyable.

Definitely recommend this if you liked his other books! Thanks @netgalley for the earc 😊

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Our narrator is Elliott, a friend of Lana Farrar a retired movie star who owns the island where this all went down. From the very beginning of his narration, Elliott annoyed me to no end. By the end of the book, I was a little more used to his tone and all over the place narration though.

The story is set on a secluded Greek island owned by Lana and her second husband, Jason. They are joined on their weekend trip by her son, Leo, Elliott, and their actress friend, Kate. They go away for Easter weekend to relax but by the end one of them is dead and another the murderer.

Alex Michaelides does a fantastic job as always with character development. He has a way to weave his words into characters you literally see before your eyes. However, he still hasn't captured the magic of The Silent Patient. Although The Fury is closer than The Maidens in that aspect. This is definitely a must read for 2024 and should be added to your TBR immediately. Just know going in, Elliott drones on at times and jumps around. If you can keep up with that then you will enjoy the last few twists before the end.

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This book was ok. Not my favorite but it was still enjoyable. I didn’t enjoy the narrator Elliot. He was very annoying and it was a bit confusing at time with him lying about the story.

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- short chapters
- first person narrative
- twists and twists
- suspense
- character driven plot

- theatrical
- private island
- hollywood actress and local theater friends
- love triangles

"The Fury" by New York Times bestselling author Alex Michaelides is written in the first-person narrative in a theatrical way, in which the main character, Elliot Chase, addresses the audience, aka the reader, with sections broken up into acts. It's a uniquely plotted, action-packed, and twisty thriller novel. The short chapters are inviting and make for a fast and enjoyable read. I highly recommend adding this to your 2024 reading list.

Thank you Celedon books for the physical ARC copy and thank you Netgalley for the eARC for review considerations. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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Oooo the drama!!! The Fury is a theatrical filled thriller with twists and turns, romance and murder, and the setting of a beautiful, private Greek island. We follow Elliot who is the narrator of our tale and who takes us on the journey of a trip to Greece with his best friend, and movie starlet, Lana alongside some of their closest friends. There is a murder, and we must figure out who, why, and how. Definitely different from his two other novels, but with the signature Michaelides twist!

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Thank you to Celadon Books and NetGalley for the ARC of this book. I didn't think I was going to get it since I requested it a few months ago and knew the publication was coming up. As soon as I saw I did I dropped everything I was doing and started reading!

This was the most unique thriller I've ever read. The storytelling is from Elliot's point of view and he is writing to you as if you two are sitting in a bar and you are listening to him tell it. There are times where he tells you something, and then at the end of the chapter he goes "JK that's not how it happened. Here's what really happened". You just have to endure the fake outs and the re-telling of what actually happened.

There were so many twists and turns that it was hard to keep up! However, I will say that the author does a good job of keeping you on track and not making things as convoluted as it could be.

The ending was GREAT and felt incredibly satisfying.

Now for the reasons its a 4 star instead of 5 from me:

There were parts of the story in the middle where I found I was waiting for things to pick up. The beginning was intriguing but it slowed a little in the middle.

The characters were all unlikeable, but I feel like in this story that is kind of the point.

And the writing...does this guy love his semi colons, commas, and dashes or what?? I listened to the audiobook of The Silent Patient so I'm not sure if that's how Michaelides usually writes but wow... sometimes it was a little distracting to me I'm not gonna lie.

So in conclusion: f you are looking for a standard whodunit with a list of characters and you're left to figure out who the killer is, this may not be for you. However, if you want a slow burn that feels rewarding in the end I suggest you pick this up.

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“But you can think what you like that's the fun of a murder mystery, isn't it?”

Pull up a barstool and have a drink as our character, Elliot chase, narrates this story and it’s one like you’ve never heard. This is a slow paced thriller has friendship, an isolated island, and all the twists and turns. I really enjoyed this one. I really love Alex’s writing style and how one of our characters is narrating the story. This one releases January 16th, I definitely recommend picking this one up if you liked the silent patient and the maidens!

Thank you netgalley and author Alex Michaelides for the early release copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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