Member Reviews

2.5/5 I was really looking forward to this one and it just fell flat for me. This book spends most of it's time setting up something that's coming, but by the time it comes, it just feels weird and convoluted. Then there's a twist at the end and my reaction was oh, okay then.

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I was excited for this book because I loved The Silent Patient so much. However, The Fury fell very flat. I found the narrator very annoying in his storytelling. It pissed me off when he’d explain something that happened and then be like “Nope, I made that up. That didn’t happen.” The book seemed juvenile overall. Very much a let down for me.

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Thank you to @netgalley and @CeladonBooks for this ARC. From the author of The Silent Patient, this book was completely different but loved the way it was written! It is written as a story told from a narrator. He rehashes a major event in his life. He tells it as someone sitting next to you having a cup of coffee, watching for your reactions as he tells it. I devoured this book. The main character takes you on many twists and turns of your emotions and a shocking ending. Read it to see what happens to Kate, Lana, Eliot, Leo and Jason. #TheFury #AlexMichaelides #Jan2024 #CeladonBooks

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I’ve been eagerly awaiting a novel by this author and I’m so glad that I got the chance to read this one early. I definitely will be recommending it to lots of people! Very well done!

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I enjoyed the twist and turns of this story. The unreliable narrator and the division of the entire book into a five act play elevated this read for me. I will note act 4 is a bit too long, but I couldn’t put it down.

I received an ARC from the publisher and Netgalley.

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Alex Michaelides does it again. I’ve only read The Silent Patient by this author and while I predicted the twist I thought it was a good ride and well written. This book though, I had no idea what was going to happen next. It had me flipping to the next page so fast.

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ARC audiobook provided in exchange for an honest review.

Alex Jennings did a great job with the narration but I was initially put off guard a bit. His voice took me some getting used to for all the characters but once I listened more, it became more clear and easy to listen to. This book was very fast paced, at some points, blink and you miss it! I really liked how the story and characters were all established and the premise had my attention from the first chapter! Fair warning, much of the book has an unreliable narrator, so if that’s not your thing, you might want to think twice about this book. I would definitely recommend it though!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me this arc in exchange for a honest review. I am a big fan of Alex Michaelides after reading his previous books. The Silent Patient is one of my favorites. I though this book was more of a suspense than a thriller. Every time you think you know what is going to happen this book takes a turn. Once I started I did not put it down, I just wanted to know what was going to happen next. This book did not disappoint.

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“The Fury" is a psychological thriller that blends mystery, romance and murder into an entertaining and suspenseful tale. I found the middle of the book to be a bit slow but the character development, plot twists, and unreliable narrator created a great unexpected ending. Thank you NetGalley and Celadon Books for sending this ARC for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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I quite enjoyed this book. I especially loved the narrator and all of his quirks and backtracking. It made the plot development much more interesting than it would have been if it were told linearly. The whole book reads like a performance with producer commentary, and that’s what gave it all the personality for me.

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I really loved this! I was a huge fan of The Silent Patient so I jumped on the opportunity to read this book and it did not disappoint! It was so twisty and it was such an interesting take on a whodunnit. It also had more depth than just a run of the mill thriller with some more serious emotional themes that I felt added extra impact to the story and character development. I have a REALLY hard time with an unreliable narrator so I got just a little frustrated at times through this book but overall it was a total winner. I also LOVED the little tie in to The Silent Patient at the very end! Thank you SO much to Netgalley and Celadon Books for this Advanced copy!!

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC.
Boy, this one kept me guessing! Just when I thought I’d figured it out, another twist was waiting. I enjoyed the theme of plays and actors and the writing style. Rounded up to 4 stars.

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Alex Michaelides has done it again! I absolutely loved The Silent Patient and The Maidens, so this was a highly anticipated read for me and it did not disappoint. If you enjoyed his previous works, I think you will enjoy this one as well. I recommend going into the book as blind as possible for maximum impact so I won’t mention much regarding the plot. I will say, per usual, Michalides takes you on a journey with twist after twist. Just when you think you may have things figured out, you’re hit with a shocking twist. I also loved the writing style of this book, it really reads as if you’re being told a story. The timeline jumps around a bit, but never in a confusing way. You’re told information as the narrator sees fit, which allows the story to build and the pieces to slowly fall into place. I also love how all of his books exist within the same universe and there’s always some subtle reference to characters/the story from another book, which is a fun addition. Overall, I absolutely loved this book and will continue to read anything Michaelides puts out.

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Entertaining, quick read from the author of The Silent Patient and The Maidens. Twisty, turny suspense and drama as readers learn about a much-publicized death of a famous actress through the eyes of one of her friends. The story has several plot twists and characters one can never be sure of...friend or foe, lying or telling the truth. As the narrator of the story tells us, it’s more of a “whydunit” than whodunit, but getting to that solution is a dramatic trip.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advance copy to review.

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I knew going into this book just based off who the author was and his past books not to trust the narrator. Throughout the entire book I went back and fourth on that thought and changed my mind on the twist the entire time. Another great twist from this author. I loved the how he chose to write this story. Kept me reading til the end!

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"At its heart, it's a love story, isn't it?"

While potentially a love story, The Fury takes a twisted, confusing, and ultimately dangerous stab at a romance gone wrong.

Throughout this story, it focuses primarily on character exposure and development as mode of revealing the psyche and motivation behind the hazardous circumstances. While Elliot Chase is an unreliable, frequently unlikable narrator, he is the star of the story and he makes it shine. Without Elliots interruptions and second-guessing, this novel would not be half as addicting as it is.

Michealides writes in an entertaining, light way that pulls readers in and keeps lots of intrigue without coming across as ostentatious, as murder mysteries sometimes can. This causal style was an asset that I found very compelling throughout the story. While I ultimately did not like any of the characters, that is what keep me captivated, as I quickly became invested in the dirty secrets that the characters harbored.

Overall, it was a highly enjoyable mystery/thriller, as it was completely different from anything I have ever read in this genre. If you're able to get around an unlikable narrator, it is well worth the read.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for granting me access to read this ARC.

4/5 stars!

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Not my cup of tea, I'm afraid. None of the characters felt alive- all stilted and surface and what was obviously meant as intellectual mind games left me cold. I plowed through until the end but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're a die-hard fan. My thanks to Celadon Books and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest evaluation.

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This was a solid 3 stars for me. I couldn’t quite lose myself in the story because the narration was so jarring to me. It wasn’t quite believable as omnipotent. However the twists that happened I didn’t see coming and I enjoyed that. I wish this had a little more oomph to it, it just kinda fell flat to me.

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Wow! What a ride! This was such a unique concept and I absolutely loved it! I read it in two sittings and I thought it was impossible to put down!

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thank you to netgalley for providing me an e-arc. i was looking forward to reading this considering i loved "the silent patient" from this author. i'm sure it'll get better as time goes on, but i just cant get past the page of how descriptive one page is about a character taking a xanax. like shut up and take your meds already, this was not the only problem i had with the book, it got so descriptive about tragedies so i got bored at 2 or 3% of this book technically

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