Member Reviews

A wonderful book. Highly recommended. You will enjoy reading it. Written in a very engaging prose. Nowhere would you feel being stuck or bored. Pick it up if you get a chance. A wonderful art book. Thanks to the author for a review copy.

This is a beautifully illustrated book for those who want to do art journaling. I appreciated the inclusion of examples from lots of different artists. It is bit more of a philosophical self help book and less an instruction manual.

Creative Wanderlust is a gorgeous example of what an instructional guide should be. I have perused many other art journaling books before and this one is particularly aesthetically pleasing and also goes more in depth as to how the personal practice of creating can support you. I will be buying a hard copy of this to continue exploring!
Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Quarry, Quarry Books for allowing me to view an e-arc!

I wanted to get back into journaling for a while now and this book is the perfect inspiration to do so. This book is very well structured, gives coherent ideas and explanations and combines them with beautiful photography and examples. It definitely helped me to experiment with new ways of being creative.

A beautiful instructional book about creating a mixed media journal. I loved the gorgeous photography and found it to be very inspiring.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing this ARC. All thoughts are my own.

I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalleyand the publishers.
Creative Wanderlust is a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, non-fiction book all about how to create an art journal using mixed media. Each page has great information, pictures of materials, projects, how-to guides, etc, and has some ideas I'd never even thought of. I've recently started an art journal, and this has given me so much inspiration and ideas of things to try. Some of the pages in the authors own art journal are amazing and I love her creativity! This is an easy to follow book with lots of creative thought and inspiration for the reader to take away with them.

I'm not much of a paper-based artist--unless we're talking writing, then I'm all in. But this was a whole creative exploration in one book. Even without being experienced in this artistic style, I loved reading about the history, processes, and meaning behind making an artists journal. I loved how this could be applied to novel writing and the idea generation stage of story crafting. I'd love to give this a go as a hardcopy style of mood boarding out a story. Definitely gave me something to think about, and an interesting read in itself. Worth considering if you are a creative soul.
This was a NetGalley review.

Creative Wanderlust is a beautiful guide to art journaling. Kasia shows lots of creative techniques and ideas. The book is encouraging and inspired me to pick up my brushes.

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read the ARC for this book. This was perfect for inspiring creativity while not getting bogged down in perfectionism. It had wonderful ideas for how to document thoughts, emotions, and aspects of life in a very personal way. The projects were a great place for the reader to start.

Beautiful photography and inspiring projects. Makes me want to pull out all of my supplies and just cover a page in color. There are projects covering a bunch of different mediums, so you can explore, but you are unlikely to do everything, unless you really want to get a *bunch* of new supplies. Great for someone who is looking for permission to be free and messy in their sketchbooks.

This is a very detailed book all about creative art journaling. It is a very thought-provoking book as it covers not only getting started in art journaling, but also how to overcome common problems we all face such as mindset issues, as well as engaging in self reflection. I liked the fact that there is no emphasis on ‘doing it right’; rather that we can create in whatever way feels right to us. I felt very inspired after reading this book to have a go at art journaling myself, and would recommend it to anyone who is a beginner or even more experienced as it is full of hints, tips and advice that will enhance any existing practice.
With thanks to Netgalley and Quarry books for this advanced reader copy. All opinions are my own.

Beautiful book, made with so much love. Beautiful pictures, great step by step instruction and perfect for both a blossoming beginner, and someone who is comfortable using mixed media.
“Let’s use our art journals as our best friends, a place to unload and share”
Thank you to Netgalley for this beautiful book.

I think this book is perfect either for someone looking into starting art journaling or to help those looking to keep up their journaling. It’s beautifully presented, with lovely photography and a great mix of exercises to try, some of the author’s own experience and input and quotes from other artists. My favourite sections are the identifying your feelings exercise - well explained. I also like the image transfer tips, a guide to making your own art journal and the inclusion of a list of further suggested reading. I love how the author encourages the reader to take time to journal with ideas as to how you might be able to build the habit. As someone who loves to create collages but doesn’t always find the time, this book has given me some new ideas to try and suggestions for how to carve out more time. A beautiful and comforting book.

Ammetto che mi aspettavo qualcosa di completamente diverso da questo libro.
Mi aspettavo molti più tutorial e foto di progetti da realizzare e invece mi sono ritrovata a leggere un libro che parla più di mindfulness e psicologia.
Infatti tutti i tutorial che si trovano nel libro sono molto basici e semplici e servono a rompere il ghiaccio o la pagina bianca. Il testo invece è ricco di consigli e racconti sull'esperienza dell'autrice, che spiega che creare un art journal è come una medicina per noi stessi, qualcosa che ci aiuta a liberare la nostra creatività, a buttare fuori i nostri pensieri e problemi, a esprimere quello che abbiamo dentro e che magari non sappiamo nemmeno che esiste.
L'ho trovato molto interessante e dopotutto se volevo dei tutorial, internet è pieno, stracolmo di video. Qui invece ci son tante cose da imparare su noi stessi!
Grazie Netgalley per avermi permesso di leggerlo in anteprima!
I admit that I was expecting something completely different from this book.
I expected many more tutorials and photos of projects to be carried out and instead I found myself reading a book that talks more about mindfulness and psychology.
In fact, all the tutorials found in the book are very basic and simple and serve to break the ice or the blank page. The text, on the other hand, is full of advice and stories about the author's experience, who explains that creating an art journal is like medicine for ourselves, something that helps us to unleash our creativity, to throw out our thoughts and problems, to express what we have inside and that we may not even know exists.
I found it very interesting and after all if I wanted tutorials, the internet is full and overflowing with videos.
Here, however, there are so many things to learn about ourselves!
Thanks Netgalley for letting me read the preview of the book!

Creative Wanderlust is a great introduction to art journaling. I appreciated the inclusion of multiple artists and loved the encouraging sentiments throughout. I liked the step-by-step demonstrations the best and did not connect with the more emotional journal writing or the prompts. Still, the beautiful artwork and excellent color choices were inspiring.

I *loved* this book for creatives which focusses on where and how to find inspiration for art journaling, presented here as the foundation of creative practice. There are lots of great prompts and tips on where to look for inspo, as well as guidance on what tools and resources you can use—mainly, those you have to hand. There are also loads of clear images to inspire and guide.
Thank you to NetGalley and to Quarry Books for yet another wonderful creative resource.

This records how to free your creativity and let it wander freely. It differentiates between mediums and provides additional ideas on how to incorporate new or different mediums. It's interesting and provides a guide to using new and different mediums.

If you’re interested in creating your own journal, this is the perfect book to start with. The author speaks to you in such a way that it seems she knows you and is encouraging every step of the way. This is what is unique and refreshing about the title. She uses paint a lot, I’m not much of a painter and probably wouldn’t use it in my own journals, but you could easily tailor the book to your favorite mediums. A great addition to any crafter’s bookshelf.

This is one of those books which I know I will be constantly referring to, picking up and getting inspired by.
Kasia Avery is a wonderful artist who shares her ideas and tips so beautifully, Creative Wanderlust has encouragement, artistic and life inspiration on every page.
This book walks the reader/artist through every aspect of art journaling and it is a valuable read for beginners and experienced art journal keepers alike.
The photographs are all lovely and each one has so much to explore. I really like how other artists are featured and their techniques and tips are shared.
Even when you think you are at the end of the book and it’s journey, Kasia has added extra prompts, ideas, playlists, reading lists and essential oil combinations to encourage and motivate you to work in your art journal.

I confess I have never unlocked my artistic potential with my mixed-media art journals, but working on my art journal pages is when I have felt the least self-conscious when it comes to artistic endeavors. This was a medium I explored every Friday night when I lived in Puerto Rico. Surrounded by friends and rosé we created a safe space to let ourselves go and create.
This book reminded me of how much I missed those times. While several of the projects in its pages are beyond my artistic ability, there are a handful I want to try and so I have pre-ordered Creative Wanderlust in the hopes that it will inspire me to once again carve out time to devote to art journaling.