Member Reviews

*I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley*
There were aspects of this book that I really enjoyed! I loved the adventure of it all + the silliness of the circumstances. I also loved the diversity of characters and the great queer representation. It also handled a teenager grappling with identity really well. However, there were other aspects that I just could not get behind. Primarily, the concept of falling in love in a day. I truly could not take it seriously, especially as no other characters seemed to be questioning it. I was really hoping for the story to culminate in “no one falls in love in a day, but a great love can start with a day.” This would have been such a great contrast to the novel that Abby is obsessed with and the similar concept explored in that. Alas, that was wishful thinking. It took the concept and ran with it, offering no criticism of the idea and no realism. I was also really irritated with the unrealistic phone batteries. They were using their phones all day, facetiming multiple people, and mapping directions, and they somehow didn’t die? Even after claiming to have phones with crappy batteries? It was a small detail, but irritating nonetheless. I also was really interested in hearing about the reaction of Leo’s family, which we never got to see.

Overall, I can appreciate this book as a fun YA story about a trip through NYC, but have to be critical enough to recognize some parts that are lacking.

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Thanks to Wednesday Books for the eARC.
This was absolutely adorable. Abby and Leo were such fun teens to spend a day lost in NYC with. Both are there for their marching band's participation in the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and end up together when they accidentally get on the wrong train. This YA is full of self exploration, making friends, city navigating, and lots of mixed feelings. I have read both of Underhill's books now, and I just think they are such good reads for teens that are wanting to see themselves in fiction. Young Adulthood can be a really hard time and its books like this that are so important to get into the hands of teens that need to see themselves in stories. I also liked the book subplot and how this played into the characters learning and growing. It was a book I'm glad I took the time to read.

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This was such a cute story! I enjoyed this author’s previous book and this book did not disappoint. I liked both characters and the little adventure they have in the city. It felt believable and I wasn’t sure where they would head next but following along was fun. The story kept me wanting more so I was a little thrown off the way it all ended. Still, it was a sweet story that I would definitely recommend others read as a sweet little romance.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc.

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God I love queer young adult novels. I think that this one is a prime example of just good writing in a queer space with lovely characters and brilliant plot lines

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I had some problems with Underhill's last book, but there were enough aspects that really appealed to me that I thought I'd give this one a try. And I'm glad I did!

Once again, yay for trans representation and queer kids trying to figure out who they are and how they fit in the world, and how they can matter. Again, with music as the keelson of the story as a school marching band goes to New York City for an exciting twenty-four hours to participate in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

The music really gave the book both passion and focus; these kids are serious about their music, and the authors knows the subject. It just shines through. Lovely, lovely story.

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The magic of New York City is ALIVE in This Day Changes Everything.

I was sold on this book ever since I saw it was a rom-com with Dash & Lily energy. The book is fast paced, an exciting adventure, and a sweet love story that will make you want to get lost on the subway and meet someone cute.

Not only is this book about young love, but the internal struggles of being a queer teen from a small town. Abby can't figure out how to come out to her best friend that she's fallen in love with and Leo's family is supportive, but nervous about this big change in their lives. The two of them end up getting lost on the subway together and grow in ways that they can't even begin to imagine.

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In “This Day Changes Everything “ by Edward Underhill, Abby and Leo are teens in 2 different marching bands that travel to New York City to perform in the Thanksgiving parade. Abby googles “how to tell if you’re gay” because she’s developed a crush on her best friend and wants to express her love at the exact right moment during the trip. Leo is a trans boy who is worried that he’s going to be “outed to their entire extended family during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on national live TV.” They end up separated from their friends by getting on the wrong subway train. They got lost but found each other was my only note to myself about this book. I liked the LGBTQIA representation as well as the love without labels message. Thanks to Wednesday Books and NetGalley for the ARC. I received an advance review copy for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This was so cute and fun! I loved the dual POV and it felt like so much happened, all within a little over 24 hours. The personal turmoil both Abby and Leo were going through felt tangible to the point where my heart was hurting for them. The joy I felt during both of their ah-ha moments had me smiling so big and kicking my feet.
Growing up in New Jersey, I'm very familiar with trips to NYC so it was fun to feel like I was going along on their journey throughout the city!
This was a little slice of queer and trans joy and I need more!!!

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I really liked Underhill's last book despite not being a huge YA reader anymore, and this one was also super charming! I loved the short whirlwind romance, and the fun adventure of exploring a new city together. I really loved Abby and Leo, and I loved getting to explore New York City through their eyes. What fun!

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This book was not for me, the characters were not as interesting as I hoped they would be although their conversations were realistic.

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okay wow i actually really liked this

i was weary going in when i realized this was insta-love and set over only a day, but i fell deeply in love with these characters and their relationships to each other

not only are the friendships healthy and solid (i’m looking at you evan), but the relationship between leo and abby felt genuine and developed in a way that felt natural. seeing them fumbling and being awkward teens was so refreshing in a sea of ya novels that feel a little too grown up

this book is also dripping in representation and is the kind of book i would have loved when i was still a teen finding myself. the way these characters navigated who they were really tugged on my heart strings. and it showed that it’s not a simple yes or no answer, especially at the beginning of one’s journey

also, as a former band kid, i loved the marching band aspect. it made me miss the days of suiting up and performing.

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Thank you to Edward Underhill, Wednesday Books, and NetGalley for an ARC of This Day Changes Everything.

This Day Changes Everything is a coming-of-age love story between two queer teens as they meet and experience a whirlwind day in New York City before performing in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

I thought this book was cute, but there were a lot of parts that I felt would be more suited to the MCs being older, or taking place over a longer time. The "romance" was a bit abrupt - these teens went from two strangers who found each other kind of annoying to declaring their love within 24 hours. There wasn't a whole lot demonstrating why or how they would suddenly change their mind, though I guess that is accurate to the ever changing mind of teenagers? To me, it's easier to believe in the success of falling in love in 24 hours between two adults who are more mature. I felt confident that while this book ended on an HEA, that these two characters would never make it in a relationship once they went back to their respective hometowns.

Some of the existing character development also felt abrupt. Instead of a more natural progression of discovery or understanding identity, it felt like the plot would come to a stop while the character monologued about things or say something that seemed far more mature than the rest of their thoughts/comments. This felt kind of like the book was breaking the fourth wall and preaching rather than dynamically delivering a message about identity, which was disappointed. I really would have enjoyed a more subtly-woven exploration of these ideas!

I really enjoyed the queer representation and the exploration of New York City, but think it would have felt a bit more real if the timeline was longer and some of the key points were presented in a different manner.

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I’m actually very surprised by how much I liked this book!

Two years ago, I got an ARC of Always The Almost, Edward Underhill’s debut novel, and I… didn’t really like it. I understood the concept in theory and thought it was generally okay, but my hatred for the main character and his tendency to turn himself into a victim drove me to rate the book two stars.

But I thought Edward Underhill deserved a second chance, and so when I saw ARCs available for This Day Changes Everything, I decided I needed to try it out.

The beginning of this book actually wasn’t going well for me. It was bringing up a lot of the same concepts I find in other trans YA books and hate, such as a teen with no support whose entire life sucks and there’s no way to cheer them on. I don’t know what’s with the trend of ONLY trans YA books being so depressing, but I know I’ve talked time and time again about my frustration for not getting any wholesome trans YA stories like I can in adult books.

But then I got 50% of the way through this book and things really turned around!

A lot of that is due to the fact that Leo and Abby, our two main characters, find themselves and their community around the 50% mark. For these two teens growing up in communities where there aren’t really any other people like them and they have no one to talk to about the struggles they’re facing, finding a community was really important! I think this really helped turned this book around from the depressing outlook both Leo and Abby had on life and helped them find joy and magic in the mundane.

If you want a YA book about queerness, finding a community, and the awkwardness of teen feelings and falling in love, I actually really recommend This Day Changes Everything!

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3.5 rounded to 4

This Day Changes Everything by Edward Underhill is a Queer YA contemporary romance. Two band geeks from different states both get lost on the subway during a school trip to New York to perform at the Macy's day parade. This grumpy/ sunshine pairing romance is filled with bond geekness, friendships, queer acceptance, sightseeing, impromptu scavenger hunts, and a happy ending.

What I loved : The Queer rep! A transmale lead , Leo, and a Queer questioning female lead, Abby. Bonus, we get both their point of views! The pages are just over flowing with queerness. Leo is out to his friends, who are beyond accepting of him for who he is. His family not as much and he struggles with coming out to his extended family. Abby thinks she's in love with her best friend Kat, so she dives into what it means to be queer. Queer side characters and an accepting New York environment give them a chance to embrace who they are. I also really freaking loved Leo's best friends, Evan and Gina were the BEST !

What I didn't love as much : I guess I'm going to say the setting of New York lol which is like the main plot . Sorry, but I honestly was so bored with the descriptions of each location that I ended up skimming until our MCs were interacting with each other. Also, the super insta love. Ya'll could have just claimed you really liked each other and wanted to keep in touch without dropping so many L bombs .

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This was such a cute and fun read. I really loved all of the characters, the banter dynamic between Abby and Leo while they are touring NYC was so fun. I really loved that they were able to talk to each other about their issues, and I also loved the friends just as much, Kat and Evan. I really enjoy a good book that has queer elements, and I love that Leo is a trans character I love to see this more in books today, it seems more and more authors are including all walks of people from the community and I love it! I plan to read so many queer authors and books this year, they end up being some of my favorite books so thank you Edward Underhill for gracing us with this beautiful Novel.

I will definitely be getting a hard copy for my shelves, the cover on this one is so beautiful! The way he describes NYC also made me feel like I was back there. All the sites and descriptions were great. Look forward to reading more from Underhill!

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In support of the SMP boycott, I will be withholding my review of this title until SMP speaks out. If the boycott is resolved, I will update with a full review.

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This Day Changes Everything by Edward Underhill, 288 pages. Wednesday Books (St. Martin’s Press), 2024. $20. Lgbtqia, centering me
Language: R (83 swears, 31 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: G
Both on their way to New York City to play in their respective marching bands for the Thanksgiving Macy’s parade, Abby (16yo) and Leo (16yo) have vastly different feelings. Abby is sure the Universe is on her side, giving her the perfect opportunity to confess to her crush. However, Leo is sure the Universe is conspiring against him and that this trip is the beginning of the end.
Their story is packaged as a cute romance, which it is, but the romance falls to the side of what Abby and Leo both really want. At the heart of it, this book is about discovery and acceptance. They want to know who they are, they want to love who they are, and they want others to accept who they are.
Abby is White, Leo is White, Kat is Asian, and Gina is not White but is not otherwise defined. The mature content rating is for mentions of alcohol.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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Y’all, I stayed up way past my bedtime to finish reading THIS DAY CHANGES EVERYTHING by Edward Underhill. This sweet and hopeful dual POV romcom follows two high school students who’ve traveled across the country with their marching bands to perform at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Things take a turn for the worst (or is it the best?), when Abby and Leo (our queer girl/trans guy MCs) get on the wrong subway train. Let’s just say adventure ensues.

This book is for you if:
- you’ve ever experienced the buzzing excitement of visiting a new city with great friends.
- you’ve ever wished for a sign that “The Universe” was on your side.
- you’ve ever needed to feel seen by folks who don’t view your identity as a “Logistical Headache.”
- and of course, if you’ve ever been personally victimized by the MTA.

It warms my heart to read a book that reflects both the heartaches and immense joys I myself have experienced in my own queer&trans journey of becoming. I am so glad that queer youth will have the opportunity to read this book and see themselves in Abby & Leo’s story.

THIS DAY CHANGES EVERYTHING is out this Tuesday, 2/13/24!

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I will not be providing feedback nor publishing it on social for this title until SMP meets the demands of the SMP Reviewer Boycott.

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St Martins Press is currently under boycott so I will not be sharing my review for this book unless it ends.

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